The War of Resistance

Chapter 1516: Top cylinder

Latest website: "Holy shit! That's awesome!" Hao Dali said, slapping his thigh after listening to the soldier's report.

Who is Hao Dali praising? Of course he was praising Shang and shocking them.

Originally, Shang Zhen and the others would not have collided directly with the Japanese army. Just as Shang Zhen wondered, before they arrived in this area, Hao Daliying and another battalion were indeed blocking the Japanese army in front.

But a wise man will always make mistakes. Shang Zhen did not understand that those two battalions were in front of the Japanese army, but that was not necessarily a blockage, because now everyone was fighting guerrilla warfare!

It’s true that Shang Zhen was fighting guerrilla warfare, but did those two battalions have to fight positional warfare?

So when the two battalions were dealing with the Japanese army, they shot at the Japanese army from a distance and then ran away!

Of course, this trick can be regarded as taught by Shang Zhen.

As for how many Japanese soldiers were killed, Hao Dali actually didn't know.

They have never fought an extremely dangerous short assault battle like Shang Zhen's.

Besides, it was clear that there was a large group of Japanese troops in front of them, and even Shang Zhen would never dare to fight them if they encountered them.

When the enemy is strong and we are weak, the enemy is strong and we are weak. This is the most basic fact. If you get too involved in the drama, you will be tricked into it!

Because they were far away, Hao Dali didn't know how many Japanese soldiers their platoon gun could bring down.

Although he didn't know how many Japanese soldiers were brought down, everyone had an account in their mind. Hao Dali estimated that he would not be able to defeat many Japanese soldiers.

Anyway, it’s just guerrilla warfare, just tossing and tossing with the Japanese devils. When the Japanese devils get tired, they will just go back.

This is what Hao Dali really thinks.

But the problem is that he often torments the Japanese army like this, and the Japanese army is now on guard.

As soon as the gunshots fired at the Japanese army on their end, the Japanese army's reaction was faster than before.

And why did those Japanese cavalry come? Those were the ones who were tortured by Hao Dali and the others. They were afraid that they would run away after the cold shooting, so they were specially sent to chase them.

As a result, Hao Dali and others started to flee after firing a platoon gun, and the Japanese army began to pursue them. It was at this juncture that Shang Zhen and others came up.

It was not an illusion that the old man heard the gunfire at first, but the problem was that it was a bit far away and he couldn't confirm it.

As a result, what happened next was that Hao Dali and his battalion escaped, and the leading soldiers like Zhao Dongda Laobeng and others who arrived later collided with the Japanese troops.

Although Hao Dali led his troops to escape far away, he would always leave an observation post. He had to know where the Japanese army was and then come over to torment the Japanese army, right?

So by coincidence, the observation post he left behind happened to see the top soldiers of Shang Zhen camp fighting the Japanese army.

Can the observation post not go back and report to Hao Dali after reading it?

As Bian Xiaolong summarized, the leading soldiers of Shang Zhenying ran into more than 50 Japanese cavalry. In the end, 9 Northeastern troops returned, and nearly 40 of the more than 50 Japanese cavalry were killed.

What Hao Dali is sure of is that Shang Zhen and his group of top soldiers have killed more Japanese Japs than the little Japs killed by the platoon gun used by their battalion earlier. So do you think Hao Dali can not admire Shang Zhen?

"This time Battalion Commander Shang and the others didn't hold their backs straight. Actually, they were dodged by us." One of his company commanders told the truth.

They were the ones who were holding it in front. Shang Zhen and the others came up, but they suddenly withdrew. Didn't that just dodge the people who came up from behind?

"What the **** are you talking about?" Hao Dali was unhappy, "How did I know they were coming up from behind? He didn't tell me!"

His company commander's face turned red from being scolded and he did not dare to speak out.

To say that his subordinate, the company commander, is really good at fighting and not afraid of death, but his emotional intelligence is really flawed!

Hao Dali thought to himself, who is this who died in battle? How about I make you the company commander? I'm so blinded!

You said that if such words reached Shang Zhen's ears, who would I, Hao Dali, become?

But I couldn't say anything. No matter what I said, Hao Dali owed Shang Zhen a personal favor this time, and he felt unhappy about this.

"Send another platoon out as an observation post to keep an eye on these little Japs. Maybe we can really help Shang Zhen at the critical moment." At this time, Hao Dali gave the order.

At this time, Shang Zhen naturally didn't know how he ran into a large group of Japanese troops. He also didn't know that Hao Dali made a statement to help them at the critical moment. If he knew, he would definitely say, come on. , I need your help now!

Because Shang Zhen had ordered their battalion to retreat quickly, but then he found that he could not get rid of the Japanese army. The proof that he could not get rid of the Japanese army was that they saw the Japanese cavalry again!

It was during the retreat that Qiu Bo and his company on the left wing directly signaled that they had discovered Japanese cavalry on the left.

Shang Zhen, who had just caught up with the troops, looked to the left according to the soldier's instructions, and sure enough, the flags were still playing there.

Shang Zhen looked at the meaning of the flag and said that the Japanese army did not have many cavalry.

What's happening here? Shang Zhen thought for a moment and then looked to the right. It happened that there was a hill dozens of meters away on the right.

"Send someone up to see if there's anything going on on the right?" Shang Zhen ordered.

After a while, the soldiers who went up the mountain also started gesturing with small flags, and they discovered Japanese cavalry on the right.

The Japanese army did not have many cavalry, only a dozen in total.

Shang Zhen could no longer sit still on the "Chinese military account". He hurried up the mountain and looked around. Sure enough, he saw Japanese cavalry running past on horseback a few hundred meters away. Now It has exceeded the current position of their battalion.

At this point, can Shang Zhen still wonder what the Japanese army is doing?

They actually used a small amount of cavalry to outflank the two wings. They may not expect such a small number of cavalry to be able to stop their own battalion, but it is very difficult for their own battalion to quickly get rid of these highly maneuverable Japanese cavalry!

"Battal Commander, we found a small group of Japanese cavalry and infantry chasing after us!" At this time, a soldier from behind reported loudly.

Oh, this little devil is really fast!

The Japanese artillery stopped and the infantry began to attack. Shang Zhen ran back when he saw the Japanese infantry moving, but now the Japanese have caught up!

Is the Japanese army I encountered this time an elite unit of the Japanese army?

Shang Zhen was thinking about it, but he thought wrong again. Since entering the customs on September 18th, which of the Japanese troops he and his people fought were not elite? So why are these Japanese soldiers so difficult to deal with?

To be honest, Shang Zhen really didn't expect that he had a share of credit for this.

It was he who told other battalion commanders how to fight guerrilla warfare, UU Reading www. It’s like shooting and running away to take advantage and run away, but the commander of the muscle camp actually did that.

The Japanese army did not suffer any major losses, but they couldn't stand it. They fired volleys of rifles, killed and wounded a few of them and ran away. Then the group fired more than ten light machine guns and knocked down ten or eight more people. Ran away again.

Repeatedly, the guerrilla warfare of the 113th Division completely angered the Japanese army, and the Japanese army's vigilance also increased.

The advancing Japanese army has made various preparations and is full of energy, just waiting for the Chinese army to harass them to appear!

The result was good. Shang Zhen's battalion arrived at the right time, but they themselves knew nothing about the Japanese army's preparedness.

The outcome of this kind of encounter cannot be said to be predictable, but the reaction speed of the Japanese army became surprisingly fast after all. This means that the other battalions took advantage of the Japanese army after harassing them in front, and then Shang Zhen and the others came to top the tank. Here you go, you are here in a hurry!

(End of chapter)

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