The War of Resistance

Chapter 1518: Hongying

Latest website: The Japanese cavalry drove their horses very hastily, and while they were riding, they suddenly discovered the presence of Chinese soldiers in front of them.

For a galloping war horse, the distance of tens of meters is only a matter of seconds. It was already too late for the Japanese army to turn the horse's head back.

As a result, an infantry ambush on the cavalry occurred again in an instant. When the gunfire rang out, the Japanese soldiers fell off their horses one after another, or their horses were shot. The Japanese cavalry, who had been so arrogant just now, fell down in embarrassment. As the saying goes, they staggered as hard as they charged.

The one who responded fastest was the Japanese sergeant who led the team. Fortunately for him, the bullet did not hit him, and he rode through the small ambush circle of the Chinese army.

As a veteran, he subconsciously lowered his body lower on horseback when he suddenly saw someone coming from behind a ridge on the left front.

By this time, the Japanese sergeant was inevitable. He directly turned his horse towards the other side and rushed towards the black hole of the gun.

However, no matter how fast his horse was, it was not as fast as the opponent's bullets. In the whistling wind in his ears, the Japanese sergeant seemed to hear the sound of German Mauser guns firing continuously.

Then the war horse he sat on staggered forward. Not to mention that the box cannon couldn't kill the horse, the key was where to hit it, but all the bullets hit the horse's head.

The Japanese sergeant was naturally thrown out along with the fallen horse. This time luck no longer belonged to him. Due to the inertia, he turned somersault in the air and hit his head directly on a big rock when he fell.

It turns out there is no difference between hitting an egg against a stone and hitting your head against a stone. The stone is still a stone, but the Japanese sergeant's head is as rotten as a watermelon

It broke with a "pop" sound. For example, the Japanese army smashed the headless corpse on the ground, and the Chinese soldier who had just hit him with a box cannon knelt in front of him.

That was the female soldier Bian Xiaolong. So suspenseful! If the horse had been knocked down just a little bit later, it meant that the Japanese army would have collided with Bian Xiaolong!

After all, Bian Xiaolong ran slower than other soldiers, so when Shang Zhen ordered to hide, she could only hide in the farthest place from the Japanese cavalry.

Yes, because she was hidden farthest away and became the last barrier for Shang Zhen's ambush.

"Replenish your guns! Collect the living horses! The little man changes into the clothes of a little devil! Cao Delong quickly signals to the troops in front and tells them to turn quickly!" Shang Zhen's shouts were heard again in the sporadic gunshots. Come on, that gunshot was the soldiers firing Japanese rifles at the fallen horse.

It was Shang Zhen's sudden idea to let several of his soldiers pretend to be Japanese soldiers. He didn't know what specific effect this would have. Subconsciously, he hoped to mislead the Japanese troops who were pursuing him.

A small man dressed as a Japanese soldier, so who else did Bian Xiaolong think would be more suitable than himself? Seeing the Japanese sergeant who had just fallen to death in front of her, she gritted her teeth and started to take off his clothes.

When the old man running from the front came to her side, Bian Xiaolong was already knotting his leggings.

"Can you ride a horse?" the old man asked with concern.

"Of course I will." Hearing the stupid voice of the big man, Xiaolong didn't even raise his head, and then wrapped the leggings around his calves.

"Then be careful." The old fool expressed his concern again.

"Then if I'm late in coming back, why don't you think of finding me?" Bian Xiaolong said childishly.

"oh". War never lets women go away, and once a woman becomes a warrior, she is a warrior, regardless of gender.

But in Bian Xiaolong's heart, she certainly hopes that Big Boss can be with her. But how is that possible?

There were no clothes in the Japanese army that the big man could wear. Not to mention whether he was stupid or not, he was just too big!

Just a few minutes later, there were a few more Japanese cavalry pretending to be on the battlefield in this small ambush. There were five people in total. They were Qian Chuan'er, Hou Kanshan, Bian Xiaolong, Fan Jiwu, and Gu Qi.

Fan Jiwu and Gu Qi are also veterans, but they are smaller. Little Japs, little Japs, they look really small and tall. The Chinese soldiers simply can't wear their clothes, so they can't pretend to be them. There's nothing we can do about it.

Under the leadership of Qian Chuan'er, the five of them urged their horses to run horizontally. Shang Zhen and his team retreated in front, followed by a small group of Japanese cavalry on both sides, followed by a Japanese brigade in pursuit.

Naturally, Shang Zhen's style of play was also aimed at the deployment of the Japanese army. Qiu Bo was responsible for breaking up the rear, and arranged people on both wings to find ways to kill the Japanese cavalry. Otherwise, they would not be able to escape under the surveillance and intelligence of the Japanese cavalry.

Now that Shang Zhen and his group have killed the Japanese cavalry, I don't know what happened to Cheng Peng's group.

So Shang Jun asked Qian Chuan'er and the others to go over and see if they could help. This was Shang Zhen's idea.

There are not many cavalry on both wings of the Japanese army, but the difficulty lies in annihilating them all, leaving no one left, otherwise they can still tip off the enemy.

Everyone felt relieved when they saw Bian Xiaolong get on the horse, shake the horse's reins, and pinch the horse with his legs to start trotting.

Shang Zhen couldn't help but wonder what Leng Xiaozhi has become now. Will she become a heroic female warrior like Bian Xiaolong?

However, Shang Zhen immediately got rid of this distracting thought in his mind. He waved his hand, and those who were ambushing the Japanese army chased in the direction of the large army.

And it was only six or seven minutes later that Qian Chuan'er and the others heard gunfire from diagonally ahead as they were riding forward.

Judging from the direction from which the gunfire sounded, it was on the other side of the direction in which their large force was originally traveling. It seemed that Cheng Peng had also taken action on the other side.

"Everyone, be careful. You have to fight the little devils, but don't let your own people get hurt by accident." At this time, Hou Kanshan also reminded.

The rest of the people hurriedly responded, and then they urged their horses to run towards the place where the gunshots were heard. But they didn't know that the moment they urged their horses to run, the Chinese soldier on their side had just raised his rifle and was pressed down by Qiu Bo.

"Don't do anything to anyone, that's one of our own. Didn't you see the red tassel on the gun?" Qiu Bo said.

It turned out that although Qian Chuaner, Hou Kanshan and the others dressed up as Japanese soldiers, Bian Xiaolong hid her box cannon inside the Japanese soldiers' clothes after dressing up as Japanese soldiers.

But I don’t know why she didn’t clean it up neatly. The red tassel was exposed under the box of cannons. When the horse started running faster, the red tassel naturally floated up when the wind blew it.

It was the red tassel that reminded Qiu Bo. Soldiers who are familiar with Bian Xiaolong all know that Bian Xiaolong has a red tassel tied under the handle of his box gun.

The so-called red tassel is a nice way of saying it, which means a lot of red threads. Bian Shilong always behaves like a tomboy, but she still reveals her girlish nature unintentionally. Otherwise, which soldier would put some red string under the gun handle?

However, Bian Xiao and Xiaolong forgot about this incident, and the red tassel revealed her identity. Who has ever seen the Japanese use a box cannon, and Hongying was pierced under the handle of the box cannon?

On the contrary, an accidental injury was avoided because of the red tassel on the gun handle. Bian Xiaolong and the others were undoubtedly lucky, as it was a mistake, but if he was discovered by the Japanese army again in the future, he might not be so lucky.

However, seeing Bian Xiaolong and the others running away on horseback, Qiu Bo couldn't do anything even if he wanted to remind them.

The horse's hooves were good, and just when Qian Chuan'er and the others reached the front of a hill, the gunshot was heard on the other side of the hill.

Just when Qian Chuan'er wanted to draw everyone's attention, suddenly Japanese cavalry came around from behind the mountain. There were three horses in total, and the Japanese soldiers on the horses were driving the horses very hastily.

The veterans who had known Shang Zhen's battle plan for a long time certainly understood that these were the Japanese cavalry on the other side. They were also ambushed by their own people, but they didn't know why three of them slipped through the net.

The three Japanese cavalrymen appeared suddenly, and they were only a few dozen meters away from Qian Chuan'er and the others.

When the horses on both sides are walking towards each other, they can clearly see each other's noses and eyes! The shouts of the Japanese troops on the opposite side came from the wind in my ears.

The Chinese soldiers could guess that it was the Japanese cavalry reminding them that these five

"Companions", they were ambushed by Chinese troops. But at this time, Hou Kanshan noticed that a Japanese soldier was already looking at Bian Xiaolong among them.

After the horses of both sides ran towards each other, Hou Kanshan had no time to care what the Japanese soldier was looking at. When the Japanese soldier shouted, Hou Kanshan had already pulled out the box cannon with his right hand.



"Pa", gunshots rang out in confusion. This time, there was no need for Qian Chuan'er or Hou Wangshan to call for action. The people on their end drew their guns and shot at the same time.

By the time Bian Xiaolong pulled out his box cannon, the three Japanese soldiers had been knocked off their horses.

It was at this time that everyone noticed the red tassel fluttering in the wind under the handle of Bian Xiaolong's box gun.

The red tassel is fluttering in the wind, this is the real wind!

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