The War of Resistance

Chapter 1515: Hit the "wall"

Latest website: Da Laobeng and Bian Xiaolong were the last to retreat from the open ground, and Da Laobeng also carried a wounded person on his back.

The wounded man's right arm was already hanging down. It was cut by the Japanese cavalry, and blood flowed not only on him but also on the old man.

Bian Xiaolong was also disappointed. Her injury was on his face. It was caused by his face hitting a dry grass root when he was thrown away by Big Boss.

However, Shang Zhen didn't notice this scene. He was looking at the situation ahead with a telescope.

Ahead, a Japanese war horse ran back to his master who was killed on the ground. A Japanese war horse was still wandering in the open field. Lying on the ground, besides the khaki shadow of the Japanese invaders, there were also There were soldiers from the Northeast Army wearing gray military uniforms, and then there was a tall horse from Japan who fell to the ground after being wounded by bullets but still trying to get up.

Now is naturally not the time to feel sad. Shang Zhen was surprised, why did he encounter the Japanese cavalry?

This is a mountainous area. Although the mountain is not high, it is not conducive to cavalry movement. So what will the Japanese army do if they send cavalry?

"Twenty went out, nine came back, killed and wounded thirty-eight Japanese cavalry, and let a dozen of them run away. Alas, this is a battle." Bian Xiaolong sighed on the top of the mountain.

After she finished speaking, she did not forget to pass the Japanese army's yellow woolen coat in her hand to the old man.

This yellow woolen coat was stripped off by him on the battlefield.

Because the wounded man was covered in blood when he was rescuing him, Bian Xiaolong could have imagined that it would get on him. It was already freezing at night, so what could he do if he was covered in blood?

But at this moment, Bian Xiaolong, who was talking too much, didn't notice that the soldiers around him were looking at her with strange or even admiring eyes.

It was rare for Bian Xiaolong to remember the previous battlefield situations in such detail.

Since the open space was quite large, Shang Zhen would not take anyone up there without ensuring that there were no enemies ahead.

Therefore, in this battle, Shang Zhen's rear team's assistance to them was ultimately limited.

Twenty Northeast Army infantrymen fought against fifty Japanese cavalrymen, and nine of them came back. This was enough to make the nine surviving soldiers proud for a lifetime!

But now Bian Xiaolong is still there sighing, there is no one who will not die in a war!

"How come your girl's face is still injured?" Qian Chuan'er spoke while the soldiers were surprised.

"I got knocked over by the big old fool and fell to the ground on my face." Bian Xiaolong replied with a frown. After she finished speaking, she reached into her pocket.

After a while, she magically pulled out a small round mirror the size of Yuan Datou.

Girls love beauty after all, and no one knew that Bian Xiaolong actually had this thing.

But when Bian Xiaolong took out the small mirror and looked at it again, cracks appeared on the mirror, and the mirror was broken!

Bian Xiaolong's face twitched.

"How come your face was broken by the old fool?" Qian Chuan'er asked with concern.

"He did it on purpose!" Bian Xiaolong said angrily.

After hanging out with Northeasterners for a long time, Bian Xiaolong also learned to speak Northeastern dialect.

"Oh, you old fool, how could you hit our girl's little face like this!" Qian Chuan'er scolded the old fool with a straight face.

"I-" The old man was speechless.

Of course he knew where the injury on Bian Xiaolong's face came from, but it didn't belong to Jing Yi'er!

But before Big Boss could explain, Qian Chuan'er turned to Xiaolong with a smile and said, "If the injury on your face doesn't heal, you will blackmail him for the rest of your life!"

"Yeah." Bian Xiaolong felt aggrieved. of

"Then if you can't get married, just marry him!" Who knew that what Qian Chuan'er said before was just a foreshadowing, and the next sentence was the key.

"I have no intention of getting married." Bian Xiaolong never expected that Qian Chuan'er would talk about this, and his face turned red at that time.

It's just that her face is red, saying that she is shy is a bit far, but she is no different from the girl next door, Sichun.

"I have no plans to marry a wife!" At this time, the old man said in a naive voice, and his face turned red.

Da Laobeng was born as a young monk. Anyway, everyone knows that Chinese monks are not Japanese monks. Chinese monks do not marry wives. As for whether Da Laoben, who has long since returned to secular life, will marry a wife in the future, who knows?

"What you say doesn't count!" Bian Xiaolong, who felt bitter in his heart, said angrily when he saw the old fool talking again.

"He doesn't have the final say, so who has the final say?" Qian Chuan'er answered quickly.

"I have the final say!" Bian Xiaolong said matter-of-factly.

"Oh -" Qian Chuan'er nodded solemnly, and this "oh" seemed to have a special meaning.

Only then did Bian Xiaolong realize that if the old man said he didn't want to marry her and she didn't agree, it had to be his own decision. Could it be that he hated marrying? He was actually tricked into it by money.

Just when she was about to say something more, suddenly there was a "boom" in the distance, and then a cannonball exploded on the top of the mountain.

"The little devil is testing fire, get out quickly!" Shang Zhen shouted.

Most of the things are already done by veterans. Even if they are not veterans, the new recruits have also heard veterans talk about how to avoid cannon fire.

So hundreds of Northeastern Army soldiers on the top of the "Hulala" mountain retreated down the mountain.

Sure enough, it only took a moment before the "boom" and "boom" sounds of cannons rang out in the distance, and mortar shells landed on the top of the mountain one after another, blowing up clouds of dust.

"Batalion Commander, withdraw!" Cao Delong called to Shang Zhen.

"Leave me alone, get down first!" Shang Zhen ordered, and then he ran to the right side of the mountain during the gap between the explosions.

"Such a battalion commander is really careless!" Cao Delong muttered in a low voice, and then followed Shang Zhen with his waist bent.

The target of the Japanese bombardment was on the top of the mountain, and Shang Zhen's camp was originally on the top of the mountain.

Shang Zhen took Cao Delong and ran to the right. He quickly ran down the top of the mountain and then lay down just before reaching the top of the mountain.

Sure enough, the top of the mountain was bombed by the Japanese army, but the place was safe and sound.

Shang Zhen picked up the telescope and started observing again. The target was the mountain where the Japanese cavalry appeared earlier.

Based on Shang Zhen's understanding of the Japanese army, now that mortars (yes, mortars, not grenades) have appeared, there should be at least a squadron of the Japanese army on the opposite side.

The grenade tube is so thick, the grenade fired is like a small firecracker, but the mortar is an authentic 90 mm caliber, which is 30 more hairs than the 60mm gun used by the Chinese army! Just those 90mm caliber artillery shells can completely crush the Northeastern Army engaged in positional defense!

And if the opposite side is a squadron of the Japanese army, it would not be surprising if one or two Type 92 infantry cannons appeared.

Now that the Japanese army on the opposite side is at least one squadron, there must be two anyway, because judging from the current sound of artillery, it is obvious that there must be more than four mortars on the opposite side!

So the opposite side is probably a Japanese brigade.

If we want to defeat a large group of Japanese troops, how many troops will the Chinese army need? The answer is that the last two ace masters may not be able to win.

How many people do you have in your camp now? General Baba has 400 Chinese army has a maximum configuration of 800 people in a battalion and 2,000 people in a regiment. Can this kind of battle still be fought?

We can fight, but there are only three words: guerrilla warfare!

If you can't beat me, why don't you run away? While Shang Zhen was deep in thought, the Japanese artillery fire on the opposite side had stopped, and then he saw Japanese infantry appearing.

There were not many Japanese infantrymen coming over, just a few dozen, but Shang Zhen knew that if he dared to attack these dozens of people, he would probably be entangled by the Japanese army. If he was entangled, it would be difficult to escape. God knows if there are any Japanese cavalry behind!


"Tell our people to retreat quickly!" Shang Zhen and Cao Delong shouted, and they turned around and ran back.

But at the same time, he was wondering. From the battle reports he had received earlier, he knew that there were Hao Dali, his battalion and another battalion blocking the front of his battalion. How could he directly collide with the Japanese brigade?

(End of chapter)

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