The War of Resistance

Chapter 1512: Bringing trouble from outside?

Latest URL: "Who got this stuff?"

"How did you get this kid here?"

The people who came to the battalion headquarters for a meeting were crowded, and they all said these words as soon as they entered the room.

Whether it's goods or arrests, all Northeastern people use curse words, and they are undoubtedly referring to Wang Qingfeng.

When they entered the yard, they saw Wang Qingfeng gathering dried sweet potatoes with Lao Moutou from the cooking class.

Who would be willing to let this dog-skin plaster be applied to them? When the veterans saw Wang Qingfeng, it was like seeing a fly falling on the table while eating. They really burped as much as they wanted.

In particular, Wang Qingfeng's natural enemy Wang Lao Mao is now asking Shang Zhen with big eyes.

"You have the ability to go out and kill him, right? Why don't you stab him and make some meat soup to drink like Uncle Wang said?" Shang Zhen said angrily.

When Shang Zhen said this, everyone became silent, including Mr. Wang.

Many people came to the meeting, which was also a characteristic of Shang Zhen since he became the battalion commander.

Not only did the deputy battalion commander, company commander and platoon commander come, but also the veterans who had worked under 7 Shang Zhen.

Of course, many of those veterans were already squad leaders. There were dozens of people in total, and the room was packed to the brim in an instant.

Fortunately, this is the army, and everyone is still a veteran, but they also know how to abide by the rules and can't talk all over the place like before.

"He comes as soon as he comes, and we can't do anything about it, but I am announcing a rule: no one should pay attention to him. If he talks to us, we should not pay attention to him. We can treat him like shit!

Okay, now let’s get down to business! "Shang Zhen showed his authority as a battalion commander.

When Shang Zhen said this, the others had no objections. Wang Qingfeng was the teacher's brother-in-law, and he was so shameless in posting it, so what else could they do?

But Shang Zhen's move is not bad. Quan treats him like **** and leaves him alone and boring.

Shang Zhen placed the stones he had just picked up on the table again and began to tell his men about the current battle situation.

After he finished talking about the progress of the Japanese army, he put his hands on the table and looked at his group: "The division commander is now asking us to go out to fight guerrillas. It's not okay if we don't go out.

If we go out, not only will we be more ruthless, but we will always attract as many Japanese troops as possible.

In that case, even if the Japanese army poses any threat to the division in the future, we will do our best. "When he said this just now, Shang Zhen's voice had already lowered.

He could only say that if something happened to the teacher, we would have no responsibility.

"If we start from here and go forward, it will be the territory we operated in some time ago, which is the area between Liuzhuang and Baodugu." Shang Zhen continued, pointing to the stones on the table.

At this time, Cheng Peng interrupted: "Wouldn't it be better if this were the case? We know the territory there, and we can fight the Japanese there."

Shang Zhen looked at the others, and the others nodded, obviously meaning the same thing.

"I think we should go a little further and try to lure the Japs away from there." Shang Zhen's statement again surprised everyone.

"Because we run the business there and we are very familiar with the people there, so do you think we can make the people there suffer losses?" Shang Zhen explained.

"But if we go to other places, won't the people in other places suffer losses?" At this time, Chen Hanwen added without knowing the current affairs.

Chen Hanwen is already a veteran and is good at fighting, so now he has been appointed as the deputy platoon leader by Shang Zhen. The chief platoon leader of that platoon is Chu Tian, ​​so they can be regarded as two talented people working together.

Shang Zhen's use of troops was different from that of other countries' armies.

Other national armies talk about generals valuing wisdom and soldiers valuing fools.

That is, the smarter the officers and generals are, the better, the better they are at fighting, and the more obedient the soldiers are, the better.

As for the soldiers who really died in battle, then they are dead. Although I feel distressed, it’s good that I still have something useful in my hand. How else can I say that one general’s achievements have led to tens of thousands of bones being withered?

But Shang Zhen's use of troops was not like this. This had a lot to do with the fact that his own group had been together since they came out of the three eastern provinces on September 18.

Sometimes Shang Zhen is just like Zhuge Liang, he will also use strategies to direct battles, but more often he will discuss battle plans with everyone. As for other people saying a few words that hurt his lungs, he will never Don't care, like Chen Hanwen now.

In fact, Chen Hanwen shouldn't say anything at this time. If he speaks, he will definitely be punished.

"The losses in other places have nothing to do with you!" Mr. Wang scolded angrily.

Chen Hanwen was speechless, but his expression clearly showed dissatisfaction.

"That's what I think about this matter." Shang Zhen would not train people directly like Mr. Wang, but he still explained to Chen Hanwen, "Rather than carrying out a fatal mission, there are two choices. One is that I don't One of the people I know is you, who do you think I will send?"

"Send him!" someone answered, it was Ma Erhuzi, who is now the squad leader.

The person Ma Erhuzi was talking about was of course Chen Hanwen.

"Brother Huzi, don't talk nonsense." Of course Shang Zhen knew Ma Erhuzi, and Ma Erhuzi's words were undoubtedly angry, so he could only stop him while calling Brother Huzi.

"Of course I will send someone I don't know, because I will be sad if you die in battle, right?" Shang Zhen stared at Chen Hanwen and said.

As soon as Shang Zhen said this, Chen Hanwen nodded. He was moved by Shang Zhen's words.

"The same is true for ordinary people. We can't control so much, so we can only take care of those in front of us." Shang Zhen explained again.

Chen Hanwen nodded and said nothing more.

Shang Zhen and his camp have been living in the same place for more than a month.

Although it is said that Shang Zhen used a cruel trick to build a good relationship with the local people, but as the saying goes, a distance can tell a horse's power, and time can tell a person's heart. Those people in their camp have been with the people for a long time, and the people have discovered that Shang Zhen's camp The officers and soldiers are really not bad.

Not only do they not bully them, they sometimes even take the initiative to help them with farm work, fetching water, etc. ~ ~ Of course the common people are familiar with Shang Zhen’s style. Isn’t this just another version of the Lunan guerrillas? !

But when some common people said this, the soldiers who had been instructed by Shang Zhen quickly denied it. Instead, they learned the old monk's trick and said, "Amitabha, all living beings are suffering, all living beings are suffering, everyone is suffering." It’s not easy.” But he put that aside.

But Chen Hanwen didn't know that Shang Zhen's mood was quite complicated at this time. He really had no way to deal with Chen Hanwen. In fact, Shang Zhen didn't know that Chen Hanwen was right.

But so what? There are too few of them.

Even if our own battalion can try every means to fight for the people, let's not talk about other Chinese armies. Does that mean that the rest of the Northeast Army alone will not harm the people?

Maybe only that army can do this, but Shang Zhen must never say this, unless he doesn't want to get involved in the National Army series.

(End of chapter)

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