The War of Resistance

Chapter 1513: bump into enemy

Latest website: "Big old fool, what are you doing?" Bian Xiaolong asked as he was walking in the mountains and fields.

Following Bian Xiaolong's questioning, the people in their team saw that the old man had stopped.

"I thought I heard gunshots." The old man listened attentively.

"Is there gunfire?" The other soldiers expressed doubts and began to confirm each other, but everyone shook their heads.

"It's your lack of attention, I didn't hear it either." Bian Xiaolong said.

But at this time, everyone fell silent and listened together, but then they only heard the sound of the wind blowing dry leaves in the mountains, oh, by the way, there was also the sound of birds chirping, and then there was nothing.

"Maybe I heard it wrong." The old man also expressed doubts about himself.

"Of course we, the vanguard, have to be careful, but for fear of overreacting, let's go!" said a platoon leader named Zhao Dong, his voice sounded a bit old-fashioned.

Just because he is also a veteran, the oldest soldier in the Northeast Army.

After the Japanese army launched the September 18th Incident, due to the non-resistance policy from above, more than 100,000 Northeastern officers and soldiers who were still in the Northeast at that time entered the customs on several trains, and naturally they did not go back after entering the customs.

And Zhao Dong is one of those soldiers.

Zhao Dong was not a soldier of the original guard company. He was expanded from the original battalion after Shang Zhen became the battalion commander. He is now the captain of their vanguard team.

Because of this, the soldiers in the former guard company all said that Shang Zhen and his gang were miraculous, which made him feel a little uncomfortable.

There were twenty people in their group, and they served as the vanguard for the Shang Zhen camp behind them, and they belonged to the third company.

At that time, their company stayed behind and did not fight in Zhumapo or Shanshuipu ambush, so they did not see Shang Zhen and his companions fighting the Japanese in person.

Originally, their team was divided into two groups, front and rear, crossing each other. Zhao Dong and others were in front, and Da Laobeng and others were behind.

But as soon as Big Laoban and the others came over, they said they heard gunshots, which made Zhao Dong feel very uncomfortable.

You must know that they were in front and they didn't hear anything. How come the big guy coming behind you heard it?

Since Zhao Dong gave the order, the people in Da Laobeng's class moved forward, but then Zhao Dong followed.

When their group of soldiers saw their captains following them, they also walked up, so the invisible cross-cover advance no longer existed.

Now they were marching in an open field. A few hundred meters in front was a line of mountain shadows, and more than 400 meters behind was Shang Zhen's entire camp.

If the so-called cross advance is really carried out, then the rear team will indeed have nowhere to hide.

After walking forward for a while, Bian Xiaolong noticed that the old man did not observe the situation in front, but listened from time to time.

"What happened to you today?" Bian Xiaolong asked.

"I always feel something is wrong." The old fool replied.

"Don't be suspicious and let others look down upon you." Bian Xiaolong wanted to look back but he held it back. She was not an old fool, so naturally she could see that Zhao Dong looked down on him.

The old man said "Oh" habitually and moved forward.

Bian Xiaolong is a very strong person. Even though she is a female soldier, she is sure of Big Lao Cong and always stays with him.

Wang Lao Mao asked her to take care of his little daughter-in-law so she wouldn't have to fight, but she said she wouldn't go. She used the words of Wang Lao Mao and other veterans behind her back to call Wang Lao Mao a dick.

And in order to prove herself, she followed Big Boss every step of the way.

This old fool has come to be the vanguard, and she can't even chase him away!

Because she and Big Boss are close, she gets angry when others look down on Big Boss, and she gets angry when others bully Big Boss because of their cleverness. She is both angry at those who bully Big Boss and angry at Big Boss.

For this reason, she even said something to Big Old Stupid in private, but Big Old Stupid smiled honestly and told her that you have to focus on fighting.

she said

Then you can't let others bully you.

Da Laobeng said that others did not bully me.

Bian Xiaolong couldn't explain it to Big Laoban and would get angry himself.

But now she was angry again when she saw the old man still moving forward seriously, and even felt that the old man was not as popular with her as she was when she first looked at him.

But just as they walked forward for a while, when they were less than 400 meters away from the mountain ridge in front, the old man walking in front suddenly stopped and knelt down on one knee. , and this time he subconsciously put the box cannon in his hand on his shoulder and pointed it forward!

It was as if he had given a silent order. He was walking at the front. As soon as he made a move, the people behind him picked up their guns with a "swipe".

You know, Zhao Dongda Laobeng and his group can be said to be the top soldiers of Shang Zhen camp, but Da Laobeng is the leader among the vanguard soldiers!

Now that they pointed their guns like this, the atmosphere instantly became tense.

As a leading soldier, vigilance is a must. As the captain of their team, Zhao Dong also became nervous.

He carefully observed the mountains ahead, but he didn't find anything except a patch of still green pine trees on the hillside ahead.

Zhao Dong was still afraid that he might be mistaken, so he opened his eyes and looked ahead carefully. After all, the soldiers said that the eyes and ears of the old man were the best.

But after watching for a while, he still found nothing.

"Don't always be surprised!" Zhao Dong directly expressed his dissatisfaction this time.

But at this time, Big Boss only said one word, and that word shocked the soldiers who had just relaxed, because Big Boss said: "Retreat!"

"What?" Zhao Dong didn't believe his ears!

You retreat as soon as you say, what do you think of me as your leader?

But just when Zhao Dong wanted to once again show his veteran qualifications and the authority of the squad leader, the old fool shouted again: "Quickly retreat! There are cavalry!"

Are there any cavalry? Why didn't I hear the sound of horse hooves? Zhao Dong thought, he didn't think his hearing was any worse than Big Old Stupid, why didn't he hear anything?

But at this moment, the two squads of soldiers who were acting as vanguards saw cavalry suddenly rushing out from behind the foot of the mountain in front of them.

Or to be precise, it's called flashing out.

The cavalry came out too fast, as if they appeared out of thin air! Only then did they all hear the sound of horse hooves.

It turned out that the enemy's war horses did not come from a distance, but were ambushed at the foot of the mountain.

The horse lurking at the foot of the mountain didn't start running. Where could the sound of hooves come from?

But now when the horse moved they heard the sound of hoofbeats! The sound of horse hooves did not catch up with the thunder or the sound of, but it was not quiet, because this time they saw a shadow of horses!

There were too many horses to mention, but at least what they saw now was more than the number of their top soldiers!

"Bah, bang, bang," the box cannon in Big Old Man's hand rang first.

Zhao Donggang wanted to say, can your box of artillery hit the Japanese devils now?

This is of course because the Japanese cavalry is still three to four hundred meters away from them. What is the effective range of the box cannon even if it is a seedling box?

But Zhao Dong soon realized that Big Boss was not planning to kill a few Japanese cavalry, but was firing a warning shot at the large troops behind him!

"Retreat quickly!" a soldier shouted.

But Zhao Dong also shouted: "It's too late!"

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