The War of Resistance

Chapter 1511: The "dog skin plaster" applied on

Latest website: "Are you here again?" When Wang Qingfeng entered the division headquarters, he saw Shang Zhen standing in front of a table.

On the table, there are some pebbles, large pebbles and small pebbles, far or near.

Maybe Shang Zhen was too focused on placing the stones and didn't hear what Wang Qingfeng said, but the greater possibility is that he heard Wang Qingfeng's words, but was too lazy to talk to Wang Qingfeng, and didn't even raise his eyelids.

It's impossible to say that Shang Zhen doesn't hold grudges at all. He stood in the toilet eating for seven days in a row.

Even if the stinky tofu is really fragrant, people will get tired of it even if they eat stinky tofu every day!

What's more, forget it, I won't describe it.

Of course, it was impossible for Shang Zhen to hate his teacher, but when Wang Qingfeng asked him if he enjoyed eating in the toilet, it was just adding insult to injury.

"Bonsai?" I don't know why Wang Qingfeng suddenly thought of this word.

"Do you understand the sand table?" Shang Zhen glanced at Liu Chengyi and saw Liu Chengyi starting to frown, so he finally answered.

He said that Wang Qingfeng also had no eyesight. Didn't he think about why Shang Zhen answered when he couldn't even tell the difference between a bonsai and a sand table?

As long as an officer has some military knowledge, he will not even know what a sand table is.

"Is this called a chicken-feather sand table?" Wang Qingfeng was still showing his ignorance. He muttered something quietly, but then he saw that his brother-in-law was frowning. He was too busy saying weird things, but was serious about the matter. asked: "Where is the little devil?"

Shang Zhen remained silent again, just staring at the big and small pebbles in front of him.

A serious sand table, not to mention what material it is made of, you can always put a small red flag or a small blue flag on it to show that you are better than me.

But Shang Zhen simply placed some stones, how could Wang Qingfeng understand?

What's more, this time the 113th Division was fighting guerrilla warfare, and all its three regiments and nine battalions were on the run.

Shang Zhen was not in the mood to tell Wang Qingfeng in detail, so he replied seemingly casually: "Looking at the direction of the kid's attack, they are heading towards our division headquarters."

"Ah?" When he heard that the Japanese troops were coming to the division headquarters, Wang Qingfeng was shocked and said subconsciously, "Then you people are still doing it here, why don't you stop them quickly?"

Wang Qingfeng's words left Shang Zhen unable to answer.

You must know that what they are fighting now is guerrilla warfare. Regardless of whether it is a regiment or a battalion, the division commander Liu Chengyi has delegated command authority.

How could it be possible to mobilize troops back to defend at this moment?

What's more, if they call back all the regiments and camps below, will they still fight guerrilla warfare? Wouldn't it become a positional war again?

As the current actual helmsman of the Northeastern Army, Yu Xiuzhong also saw that the Northeastern Army only had a few people left to fight. If they went to the front line to fight with the Japanese army, it would only take one big battle to defeat the Northeastern Army. All the blood of the army has been wiped out.

Therefore, it was Yu Xiuzhong who proposed that the Northeast Army go to Shandong to fight guerrilla warfare.

Therefore, this kind of defensive warfare as Wang Qingfeng said is contrary to the principle of guerrilla warfare.

So, how do you ask Shang Zhen to answer this situation? Fortunately, the division commander Liu Chengyi suddenly spoke, and Shang Zhen's little thought was achieved.

Seeing the serious enemy situation, Liu Chengyi was not in a good mood, not to mention that his annoying brother-in-law came up to him again, and his words were so unsubstantiated that he didn't look like a high-ranking officer at all.

So Liu Chengyi directly scolded: "Get out of here! Go wherever you want!"

Shang Zhen was snickering in his heart, but Liu Chengyi, who was still angry, walked to the table where he was, stretched out his hand and shook Shang Zhen's "sand table" and said angrily: "Get out of here too, I will take you with me." The people are going out to fight guerrillas, and I still have a spy camp here! I will also have to fight guerrillas by then!"

The teacher got angry and spoke.

And under his shock, all the big and small stones on the table rolled to the ground, just like rolling away.

Then, Shang Zhen and Wang Qingfeng also left.

Of course Shang Zhen knew Liu Chengyi very well. If he didn't understand Liu Chengyi's temper, how could he still stand guard while the teacher was peeing?

Since Liu Chengyi asked you to go out to fight guerrillas by yourself, you must go out by yourself.

But what about the protection of the division? As Liu Chengyi said, he still has a spy camp.

The special agent battalion is newly built and shares the responsibility of protecting the division headquarters with the original guard company.

The secret service camp is newly built, so the quality of the people there is naturally not as good as that of the veterans.

Therefore, in a casual conversation, Chief of Staff Li Xiang mentioned the issue of division headquarters security intentionally or unintentionally.

Do you need the chief of staff to say this clearly? Shang Zhen moved his camp's residence closer to the division headquarters.

But now that Liu Chengyi has asked him to go out, he must go out. If he dares to stay, Liu Chengyi can directly **** him as the battalion commander!

So what if too many Japanese troops come and the division headquarters is really in danger?

Shang Zhen knew that in this situation, he could only reduce the pressure on the division by attracting more Japanese troops, while also being able to explain to Chief of Staff Li Xiang.

After leaving the gate of the division headquarters, his messenger Cao Delong brought two horses over.

After all, there was a distance between Shang Zhen's camp and the division headquarters, so he could run faster by riding a horse.

But just when Shang Zhen positioned his pedals and climbed onto his horse, he caught a glimpse of Wang Qingfeng following him.

"Are you following me?" Shang Zhen asked angrily.

Shang Zhen was angry because Wang Qingfeng had insulted him last time when he was standing guard in the toilet. However, this time he stopped calling him "Sir Wang".

"I, what am I—" Wang Qingfeng muttered without saying anything.

"Let's go!" Shang Zhen ignored Wang Qingfeng. He waved his whip and rode towards his camp. Cao Delong naturally followed closely.

But who would have thought that Shang Zhen had just run on his horse for a while when he heard Cao Delong shout: "Batalion Commander, that **** fat guy is following again!"

Shang Zhen turned around, didn't he? He caught up with three more riders behind him, but it was Wang Qingfeng who was leading his two "accompaniments". They had one person and one horse, so they were running at a very fast speed.

Shang Zhen was helpless, "Hey-" He reined in the horse and could only wait for Wang Qingfeng to come up.

In fact, why did Wang Jinfeng come with them? Could Shang Zhen not know?

Wang Qingfeng had already said that when he was fighting guerrillas, he followed Shang Zhen.

Of course Shang Zhen understands Wang Qingfeng's mentality.

Now the entire 113th Division is fighting guerrillas, and the division headquarters has begun fighting guerrillas. As Wang Qingfeng, who is so afraid of death, of course he must hang out with the most capable people, so that his life can be guaranteed.

But Shang Zhen couldn't understand why Wang Qingfeng had such a **** logic? Do people with great abilities necessarily live longer? But obviously, now is not the time to convince Wang Xingfeng.

And you see, Wang Bie Qingfeng is very messy about everything, but when it comes to matters of life and death, he is just a mess.

I just want to live! I just don't want to die! I also want to marry a wife and give birth to some great nephews for our teacher!

"I-" Wang Qingfeng urged him to come over and saw Shang Zhen stop and wait. He was overjoyed and began to squeak again.

"Okay, you can follow us to fight guerrillas, but I have conditions." Shang Zhen didn't have time to get to the point directly with him.

"Okay! Regardless of the conditions, I agree!" Wang Qingfeng was happy when she heard what Shang Zhen said.

" You don't have to participate in the battle when you follow us. You have to do whatever is asked of you. For example, we can't ride a horse when we escape, so you can't ride a horse either." Shang Zhen proposed the first condition.

"Of course, of course." Wang Qingfeng agreed.

He felt that Shang Zhen was completely thinking about himself!

If your entire battalion is escaping, and you are the only one riding a war horse, it would be strange if the Japanese don't kill you with a "Bagou" shot from behind!

"The second one, I haven't thought about it yet. I'll let you know when I think about it." Shang Zhen set out the second condition.

But this is an extremely harsh condition with variables.

"This is no longer a problem. I'm very obedient." Wang Qingfeng, who wanted to save his life, actually didn't care at all about the conditions Shang Zhen put forward.

Just let him follow Shang Zhen and the rest of the veterans to survive. Why should he care so much?

(End of chapter)

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