The War of Resistance

Chapter 1510: Aftermath of penalty stop

In the end, Hao Dali and his men managed to escape the pursuit of the Japanese army, but all of them were exhausted and panting!

When he sat down in the woods to catch his breath, he asked his soldiers who were also catching their breath: "Estimate how many little devils have we killed in total? You can't lie and show your shit." Yes!"

As soon as he said this, the soldiers sitting on the ground like him began to count how many Japanese soldiers they had killed.

One said that I should have defeated one, the other said that I should have defeated one, and the third said that I should have defeated three.

Others asked, they only knocked down one, why did you knock down three?

Then the third soldier said, are you so blind? I'm using a machine gun!

So the soldiers who doubted him were naturally speechless.

The machine gunners are all veterans, and most of them use short bursts to fire machine guns. The hit rate is of course higher than that of rifles.

It turned out that they all got into trouble while being chased by the Japanese army. People from the three companies were mixed together. The people from the first company did not recognize the machine gunner of the third company, so they expressed doubts that the machine gunner had knocked down three Japanese soldiers.

"Stop arguing, let's get on with it!" Hao Dali intervened.

So, the soldiers continued to count, and finally they estimated the result of this ambush battle. Let's just say that the Japanese soldiers they defeated, regardless of whether they were dead or injured, totaled more than fifty people.

"Okay! Defeated more than fifty Japanese, not bad!" Hao Dali concluded loudly, and then muttered, "But it's a waste of his **** legs!"

The soldiers all laughed.

Isn’t it a waste of your legs to fight guerrilla warfare?

If you take advantage and run away, the Japanese army will naturally pursue you desperately if they don't suffer the consequences.

In terms of physical strength, the Japanese army's physical strength was only stronger than that of the Northeastern soldiers. What they relied on was just the familiar terrain.

Large groups of Japanese troops are still marching into the hinterland of the guerrilla zone of the 51st Army, and battles like the Hao Dali Camp are also happening one after another.

In this way, not to mention how many Japanese troops were eliminated, but in the end the Japanese attack was still delayed.

Shang Zhen's battalion was located further inside the guerrilla zone, so it was naturally closer to the headquarters of the 113th Division.

As for why, even if it is unclear, everyone knows that the division commander Liu Chengyi still attaches great importance to the combat effectiveness of Shang Zhen's battalion.

Shang Zhen's camp is closer to the division headquarters, which is also a guarantee for the safety of the division headquarters.

Because of this, Shang Zhen didn't stay in his camp at all, but stayed directly in the division headquarters.

Although the Japanese army invaded on a large scale and the various units of the 113th Division were fighting guerrilla warfare, how could Liu Chengyi, as the division commander, know nothing about the fighting situation below.

And how did he know the situation of the battle below? Naturally, each regiment kept sending messengers on horseback to report the situation.

In this way, Shang Zhen gained a better understanding of the situation between the enemy and ourselves.

However, in the division headquarters, Shang Zhen was limited to just listening, and he did not participate in anything. However, when the division commander Liu Chengyi saw him, it was as if he had not seen him.

It's funny to say that Shang Zhen was forced to stand last time. After he was full and drunk and "taught" other officers a "leg-consuming" trick to beat the Japanese, he naturally still stood in the courtyard of the division headquarters.

Of course Liu Chengyi and Li Xiang came back, but they still turned a blind eye to him and he stood there until dark.

The people in the division really didn't seem to see him. This time it was everyone. People should eat and sleep. In the end, Shang Zhen also found a place to sleep on his own.

The next day, he continued to stand again. Compared with the first day, it was slightly different, but he brought his own dry food and water.

But the situation on the second day was exactly the same as the first day, and no one at the division headquarters paid attention to him.

What's wrong with standing like this all the time? Shang Zhen started to have "wrong thoughts".

On the third day, Chief of Staff Li Xiang finally didn't see Shang Zhen standing in the yard and asked Liu Chengyi, "Aren't you going to punish him for standing?"

Liu Chengyi said angrily, "That's what he wants to stand on. When did I give the order?"

Li Xiang was disappointed, thinking that Shang Zhen had finally left a grudge in Liu Chengyi's heart this time, but for a while he had no good solution.

But then, some soldiers came to report that they saw Shang Zhen standing in the punishment stand again.

This time, not only Li Xiang was surprised when he asked Liu Chengyi, but the soldier replied, "Captain Shang is standing at the door of the hut!"

At that time, even though Liu Chengyi was angry, he and Li Xiang both laughed. This boy knew how to pick a place. Knowing that he was an eyesore in the yard, he ran to the latrine and stood there. If he didn't mind the smell there, he would just stand there. Let's go!

But as things developed, they discovered that something was wrong!

Why? Just think, let’s not talk about ordinary soldiers, but division commanders and chiefs of staff. Are they human beings? If you are a human being, you have to eat whole grains. If you eat whole grains, you have to go to a latrine!

You can't just pee when you go to the latrine, right? Even if your large intestine is dry, you will have to squat back in the pit for two or three days!

But has anyone tried it? As a grown man, no matter whether you are shaking your belt or crouching with your stomach slumped, there is another experienced man with a cannon slung across his body. The veterans were watching eagerly from the side!

No! That kind of experience always feels weird!

When other officers in the division, such as staff officers, came back and whispered about this strange and unusual feeling, the division commander Liu Chengyi felt uncomfortable all over his body, as if he was also immersed in it!

And when he actually went to the latrine and unbuttoned his belt at that station, even though he was a division commander, he had never had someone with a gun guard stare at him from behind. What an experience!

Liu Chengyi suddenly felt that it was uncomfortable. He felt like there were a lot of lice crawling on his back!

In the end, Liu Chengyi was so angry that he cursed: "Get out of here!"

"Yes! Master!" Shang Zhen agreed loudly and ran away quickly.

Liu Chengyi cursed while urinating, and when he came out after removing his hands, he was still cursing. But when he saw the looks of the soldiers looking at him, he noticed that he was still holding up his pants with both hands!

After Liu Chengyi calmed down, he suddenly realized that the reason why that little **** Shang Zhen was standing in the hut was of course intentional, but they were just waiting for him to say "Get out of here!"

Of course Liu Chengyi knew that Shang Zhen was actually very nagging. If he didn't talk to him, he was holding back his anger, but when he spoke, his anger was released.

This kid still knows how to disgust me while standing in the hut, UU Reading You disgust me, don’t you? Liu Chengyi suddenly had an idea, and then he sent an order: "Let Shang Zhen stand in the hut of the division headquarters for a week. At meal time, give him dry food and water, and let him build there!"

And just when he thought he had a plan, Chief of Staff Li Xiang gave him another trick: "What kind of food are you going to give him? Let him bring all the dry food and water he needs to eat every day with him. Got it!"

Li Xiang's idea really made Liu Chengyi shout "high"!

So, Shang Zhen went to the division headquarters' hut every morning and stood there, by the way, carrying dry food and water on his back.

A week later, he was finally "released" after serving his sentence, and Liu Chengyi's anger also subsided.

For this reason, Shang Zhen was overwhelmed by Wang Qingfeng, who insisted on asking him what it was like to eat in the hut.

No one knew how Shang Zhen swallowed it at that time, but he still had something to say about Wang Qingfeng.

Shang Zhen said: "You have lived so long, who hasn't done anything embarrassing yet?"

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