The War of Resistance

Chapter 1509: It’s really a waste of legs!

The Japanese army really came, marching on the road between mountains and fields. Since the observer's line of sight was relatively far away, the Japanese army formed a swarm like locusts, giving people a numbing feeling.

"It's a bit far away. Company commander, do you think this kid can hit them with his 38 big guns?" asked the Northeastern Army soldier who was ambushing on the hill.

“It’s definitely possible to hit the 38-meter block, but it’s not easy to hit it accurately.

As for our Hanyang-made thing, forget it, just shoot it and listen to the sound.

Come on, follow my orders. "The company commander said.

So their entire company of soldiers aimed their rifles at the Japanese soldiers in the distance.

"Put the muzzle of the gun higher, one centimeter higher than the normal standard." At this time, the company commander ordered again.

The company commander said this very relaxedly because they were really far away from the Japanese army, a full seven or eight hundred meters away.

The Type 38 rifle has a relatively long gun. The bullets are relatively thin and have a stable ballistic trajectory. If the bullet reaches 700 to 800 meters, it will not be a problem.

However, just because the bullet can hit the target does not mean that it can hit the target with one shot. Veterans like this company commander who have more than ten years of military service have never heard of it.

If there was such a thing, then he would rather believe that the bullet that hit the target was a stray bullet on the battlefield. In other words, the blind cat bumped into a dead mouse!

As for hitting targets in the distance, the muzzle of the gun should be slightly raised. That was due to his combat experience. As for how much, he didn't know. Anyway, they were using a company of troops to attack the Japanese platoon marching on the road in the distance. gun,

There were more than a hundred people in a company, and they were fighting cluster targets. Regardless of whether they were killed or wounded, even if the bullets touched them, he would be satisfied as long as he hit about twenty Japanese soldiers!

Since their method of fighting was purely to create trouble for the Japanese army, even when they ambush here, the company commander asked his soldiers to remember whether their first shot had knocked down the Japanese army.

Although it is not easy to see someone fall from seven to eight hundred meters away.

But so what? Who told us that we are fighting guerrilla warfare this time?

"Ready-release!" the company commander shouted.

So the sound of platoon guns between heaven and earth directly suppressed the footsteps of the Japanese troops marching in the distance.

This situation is a bit like the wars between European countries in the middle of the last century.

The guns at that time were not bolt-action rifles, but all matchlock guns.

After lighting the fire and firing, some of the soldiers who lined up from the opposite side were shot and fell.

But after all, only a few people fell down after being shot, and the rest of them still moved forward amidst the beating of the drum.

But times have finally changed. Even though the rifles used by the Chinese army are inferior to those of the Japanese army, they are still bolt-action rifles.

The sudden sound of gunfire was like an order, causing the Japanese troops on the road to lie down.

And this is even more obvious from the perspective of the Northeastern officers and soldiers who had just fired the first shot.

There were many Japanese troops marching on the road and the queue was very long. At least in the eyes of these Northeastern officers and soldiers, there were already thousands of Japanese troops.

Just think about the human waves that the audience played when watching football in later generations, and you can also imagine what it was like when thousands of invaders in khaki military uniforms fell to the ground in unison at the moment of the gunfire.

"Retreat after one more shot!" the Northeast Army company commander shouted while pulling the bolt of his gun.

So on the hill where they were hiding, gunshots rang out again and again.

After firing, the soldier turned off the safety of his gun and began to retreat down the mountain.

Among the hundreds of soldiers, there are always those who move faster and those who move slower. When the slowest soldier puts away his gun and runs down under the cover of the mountain, the bullets of the Japanese counterattack arrive, and there are bullets "swishing" from behind. Bullets flew over their heads, and bullets chirped into the soil on the top of the mountain.

At a distance of seven to eight hundred meters, no matter how accurate the Japanese army's marksmanship was, they would not be able to hit anyone, because the Northeastern Army's people had already run away.

What does this situation look like?

Another example is when someone was riding a long-distance bus, and as a prank, he opened the window and threw the remaining tomatoes out of the car. The half-squeaked tomatoes hit a cyclist who was being overtaken in the face!

It would have been fine if he had thrown it accidentally, but he still threw it on the person's face on purpose, and when the rider subconsciously raised his face to look, what he saw was a flash of an arrogant smiling face. .

Don't you think this is provocation?

Then the cyclist will chase, of course he will! What's more, the ones being provoked this time are the dignified "Imperial Japanese Army" who came to solemnize!

As the company commander of the Northeast Army in charge said, no matter how inaccurate the marksmanship is with a platoon of more than a hundred people, even if they are blind, they can always fool a few Japanese soldiers.

It must be admitted that the Japanese invaders were well-trained after all. When they all lay down on the road and started to fight back on the top of the mountain, they keenly discovered that there were no more bullets coming from the top of the mountain. This shows that What?

It shows that they are just here to provoke you, just to take advantage and run away, just to disgust you, the Imperial Japanese Army!

There were shouts among the Japanese troops, so a group of Japanese troops got up and ran towards the mountain with rifles in hand.

Thus began a pursuit battle due to "provocation".

"Run quickly! I won't wait if you fall behind!" The company commander yelled, scratching his neck while running.

But that was only when he shouted at the beginning. When he was running out of breath, could he still shout? That is impossible.

This harassing battle has been going on so far. It can be said that the officers and soldiers of the Northeast Army were very relaxed when shooting at the Japanese army, but after they finished shooting, it was not easy to run again.

For the convenience of running, none of them carried grenades or even many bullets.

Why, of course it is to run faster.

Behind this hill, there is an open land, always four to five hundred meters wide.

But when a person runs with all his strength, as his physical strength declines, the rifle weighing several kilograms in his hand becomes a burden.

With a clutter of footsteps and a cow-like panting, the soldiers of this company finally rushed behind the mountain ridge in front.

When they got here, they were able to slow down a little, but at this moment gunfire came from behind them. That was when the Japanese saw them. The Japanese moved so fast!

"Li Zheng, hurry up and run forward, I'm counting on you to cross cover!" Someone shouted from the top of the mountain, and it was Battalion Commander Hao Dali.

Li Zhengzheng was the company commander who was more provocative than ambushed the Japanese army.

At this time, Li Zheng was running so hard that he no longer had the energy to shout, but the battalion commander's order must not be violated, because according to the cross-cover play method, if one step is missing, their camp will be in trouble, and it is possible to steal The chicken failed but a handful of rice was thrown away, no! A big bowl of rice, a basin of rice, could probably throw their entire camp into it!

Hao Dali, who was on the top of the mountain, shouted to Li Zheng and then began to pay attention to the Japanese troops pursuing him from the front.

"Damn it, this little devil is really hard to fight, and there are no cavalry here!" Hao Dali muttered, and you shouted again: "Fight!"

As he yelled, the gunshots on the mountain ridge rang out intensively.

This time there were not only rifles, UU Reading even light machine guns. Bullets flew forward like rain, hitting dozens of Japanese soldiers who were coming around the hill in front of the mountain.

As for the Japanese troops who were chasing behind the hill, Hao Dali had decided not to wait any longer.

At first, the Japanese soldiers only thought it was harassment by a small group of Chinese troops, but they did not expect that they had fallen into another series of traps. Half of the dozens of Japanese soldiers who rushed at the front fell down from the bullets, and the rest The Japanese army quickly retreated behind the mountain.

Hao Dali turned around and saw Li Zheng and his company shouting loudly before they reached the predetermined position: "Keep fighting!"

Another minute passed, and the light machine gunfire from the Japanese army on the opposite side finally rang out. At this time, Hao Dali pointed at a soldier and said, "You guys are quick on your feet. Cover us here. You can withdraw when we get behind!"

"Retreat!" Hao Dali shouted again.

And when Hao Dali was out of breath and retreated to the hiding place behind, he saw the soldiers from the squad in front also running back.

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