The War of Resistance

Chapter 1508: Leg-wasting style of play

Some people looked at the wind, others went to get military kettles, and some people were eating a piece of dog meat.

Those in the front serve others, and those in the back serve others.

Of course the one in the front is serving Shang Zhen, and the one in the back eating dog meat is naturally Shang Zhen.

Northeastern people are not pretentious. When Shang Zhen is hungry, he is hungry. And among the battalion commanders and deputy commanders, one of the battalion commanders and deputy commanders rummaged through the food they had brought and brought out dog meat.

As for Shang Zhen, who asked where the dog meat came from, he didn't even ask.

If he can control the people in his own battalion and not rob the common people, it will be a big deal. As for the officers at the same level, how can they get food and support for him?

"Oh, my little ancestor, hurry up and make it. Everyone is eagerly waiting for you!" Hao Dali urged Shang Zhen to eat quickly.

In fact, Shang Zhen was already devouring it.

But officers like them came to Shang Zhen to seize the opportunity.

They saw division commander Liu Chengyi and chief of staff Li Xiang leaving with their own eyes. Otherwise, how would they dare to come here? Otherwise, why would they send someone to look after Shang Zhen while they were eating and drinking?

When it came to the matter of guarding, they all confused the people in the guard company of the division.

Whether it’s a battalion commander or a regiment commander, who doesn’t come out with two soldiers? , then even if their level is low, they still have to bring a signal soldier or something, right?

Seeing one's own superiors flirting with Shang Zhen, the "imperial prisoner", in the courtyard of the division headquarters, which of their respective soldiers has no discernment?

The division commander is punishing Shang Zhen at the battalion commander's station, but his commander wants to talk to battalion commander Shang. How can he ask the division commander and chief of staff to come back and catch him?

Moreover, can they still expect the sentry in front of the division department to report to their chief officer?

No way!

So among the six or seven deputy regimental commanders and battalion commanders, there were one or two people standing outside the division headquarters with the division headquarters sentry.

Otherwise, how could the company commander of the division's security company look confused? Naturally, their security company was in charge of the division's security. When he came over and saw those soldiers, only two of them were his!

If something goes wrong, there must be a monster. How can he not be confused?

"What's going on inside our division headquarters?" the company commander of the division's security company also asked.

"No." His soldier on guard duty at the door replied.

"Why are there so many unfamiliar sentries in front of a division?" the company commander continued to ask.

When a sentry saw the company commander asking, he hurriedly went to the company commander's side.

"You just say what you say, why bother?" The company commander was not happy.

"Report to the company commander, several battalion commanders from our division are with Battalion Commander Shang. Our old battalion commander is also there. We are afraid that the division commander will be blocked." The sentry hurriedly whispered to him.

"Battle Commander Zhang? Which Battalion Commander Zhang?" The company commander didn't hear clearly.

"Oh, company commander, it's not Battalion Commander Zhang, but Battalion Commander Shang, the same Battalion Commander Shang who was in your corner." The soldier explained hurriedly.

"Fuck, Commander Shang is just Commander Shang. How can you be such a big talker? Okay, I get it." As soon as the company commander heard that he was talking about Shang Zhen, he knew what was going on.

Shang Zhen no longer serves as the guard company commander of this division, and the division commander transferred his company to be the guard company. How could he not know about Shang Zhen?

Moreover, Shang Zhen was standing in the courtyard of the division headquarters. If he, the guard company commander, did not know, he would be derelict in his duties.

But this is what he knows, but what he doesn't know is that he also thought that it was his teacher Liu Chengyi who punished Shang Zhen to stand at attention, but he didn't know that this was actually Shang Zhen's own initiative.

Now that he has asked about the situation, he knows that nothing is wrong, but he also has a headache.

The division commander asked the battalion commander Shang to stand, but his old battalion commander and the others gave him food and drinks, so he couldn't afford to offend anyone!

"Where did the division commander go?" the guard company commander asked in a low voice.

"That end." The soldier under his command pointed.

The company commander frowned and walked in the direction of the soldiers, followed by his signal soldiers.

What was he doing? Of course he was on sentry duty for Shang Zhen and the others. He couldn't afford to offend anyone, so wouldn't he have to work **** himself?

"Oh, little ancestor, have you finished eating? The division commander and chief of staff will be back soon." At this time, Hao Dali was still urging Shang Zhen to eat quickly in the yard.

When he said this, Shang Zhen happened to be stuffing the remaining meat into his mouth.

To say it's a little bit, it's just a meal.

But in fact, this piece of meat is not small. I don't know if it is as big as a fist. Anyway, it can just fill Shang Zhen's mouth.

And when Hao Dali said these words, everyone saw Shang Zhen let out a "hey!" and rolled his eyes while holding the piece of meat with his mouth open!

"Fuck, I'm choking!" Hao Dali shouted.

When everyone was shocked, they saw Shang Zhen spit out the piece of meat again, and then a smile appeared on his face.

"You little bastard, I'm just going to tell you that you are wilted and bad!" Hao Dali laughed and scolded.

It turns out that Shang Zhen was faking it!

Shang Zhen was not pretending. He saw these battalion commanders who were not familiar with him coming to ask him for advice on fighting Japanese soldiers. How could he dare to treat himself as a teacher? Toda.

So while eating dog meat, he had already thought of what to say.

Seeing that everyone was getting anxious, he stopped eating the remaining dog meat, spat it out, held it in his hands, and then whispered: "We are all our own people. Don't you guys just want to know how you can fight the Japanese and still keep your own?" Life?"

As soon as Shang Zhen said these words, the eyes of the battalion commanders and deputy commanders who had been surrounding him all lit up, and Hao Dali even gave Shang Zhen a thumbs up!

"Brother—" Deputy Captain Ye Longzhi took a step forward and reached out to pat Shang Zhen on the shoulder.

That one blow was really like Patriarch Bodhi knocking the imprisoned stone monkey on the head three times. What is Zen? This is Zen, everything is unspoken!

"Aren't the little devils going to do something serious? This time we don't have to defend our position. Let's just run away when they come!" Shang Zhen said.

"Who doesn't know how to run? How can we fight the Japanese just by running?" Hao Dali said.

"When the Japs come, let's shoot from a distance!" Shang Zhen said disapprovingly, "Shooting a few shots is just a metaphor. Let's choose a good terrain and give him rifles, light machine guns, heavy machine guns, and mortars." Come on.

Even if we fight for one minute, our battalion can kill dozens of little Japs, right?

It's over, let's fight for a minute, then turn around and run away! Wouldn’t we make a profit from this?

Then you have to say that there are no sharp soldiers in front of the little devil?

Then wouldn't it be different if we just kill the vanguard and run away? Can one battalion still not win against a dozen or twenty-some little Japs?

This is how we defend Baiyun Mountain this time.

Of course, you have to be on guard against the little devil's cavalry carts and the like, so they don't catch up.

But didn’t we look at the terrain beforehand? Then we have to ask ourselves where the battle will take place and where the terrain is. I don’t know how to fight the battle?

Of course, if there is no chance at the beginning, then the little devils will always chase us, right?

This time, the division commander said that we were fighting guerrillas in battalion units, so we just led the little devils and ran all over the mountains and fields.

It's like herding a cow. Let's walk it a few times. Some of the little devils will run fast and some will run slowly. Once the little devils divide their forces, chances will naturally come to us.

Is it difficult to throw? Not to mention that some brothers don’t know, UU reads www. You just don’t want to use "

After saying this, Shang Zhen looked at the people in front of him.

These few people looked at each other, and after a while, Hao Dali sighed in a low voice: "Everyone can think of this move, it's just too special, too special - it's a waste of legs!"

Several officers grinned, but this time even the smile was faint, and then they became thoughtful.

We are all smart people. In fact, there is one sentence that Shang Zhen did not say, and neither did anyone else.

That is, how can anything be perfect in this world?

The firepower of the troops is not as strong as that of the Japanese army. You still don’t want to surrender, you still want to fight the Japanese, and you still don’t want to run away. How can you take all the good things in this world by yourself?

This kind of thing is like looking for a woman. You want to find a woman who looks like Concubine Yang when you sit in the hall, weighs a big spoon in the kitchen like the cook in the imperial kitchen, and looks like King Zhou when she's in bed. The woman looks like Daji, how is this possible?

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