The War of Resistance

Chapter 1505: The culprit must be punished

Latest website: When Qian Chuaner arranged Shang Zhen, Shang Zhen naturally knew nothing about it. Even if he knew, he would just smile.

At this time, he, Leng Jianchen, Lao Chen and others were discussing things in the house.

"The situation of those bandits is like this." Lao Chen was introducing, "Li Ba and Li Tantou are somewhat distant relatives, so he surrendered to the Japanese under the banner of Li Tantou.

Even in normal times, other bandits wouldn't provoke him much for Li Tantou's sake.

Li Ba's group of bandits must have at most eight or nine hundred people.

But the good news this time is that in this ambush, Li Ba was killed by us.

As for whether his men were re-elected or annexed by other bandits, it's hard to say yet.

Wu Zhanling had five to six hundred people under his command. Before they became puppet troops, they went to our guerrilla zone to steal wheat. At that time, our people also went there, and the two sides opened fire. At that time, six of them died, and we sacrificed our lives. Three.

At that time, the old captain was still there, so he led people to negotiate with Wu Zhanling.

After the negotiation, there was no conflict between the two, but this was all what happened when they were bandits.

This time they became puppet troops again, so it was different.

Liu Jinbao also has about 400 people under his command. They usually bully the people very hard, and they have caused a lot of harm to the eldest aunt's daughter-in-law.

But they are soft, bully and fearful of others, and they have not had any conflicts with our guerrillas.

Then there is Wang Guitian's group, which also has hundreds of people, but this time we killed several small leaders. I heard that Wang Guitian was also shot in the shoulder.

This is probably the case with the puppet soldiers who are playing the role of the Japanese devils this time.

Oh, yes, and also, the little leaders of these groups of bandits must have killed and wounded more than ordinary bandits. "

After saying these words, Lao Chen looked at Shang Zhen and Mo Jianchen.

"Who do you think we should fight again?" Shang Zhen asked.

"I think everyone should be beaten!" said the second uncle.

The four groups of bandits mentioned above by Lao Chen just now are the puppet troops they ambush some time ago.

The bandits are bandits and the puppet soldiers are puppet soldiers, although they are still the same group of people. But the same group of people turned from bandits to puppet soldiers, and the relationship between the anti-Japanese guerrillas as an anti-Japanese force and them changed.

It turns out that the anti-Japanese guerrillas fought with bandits, which was called civil war. However, if the bandits become puppet troops and the anti-Japanese guerrillas fight against the Japanese and puppet troops, it will already fall into the category of national war.

At the same time, different countermeasures must be taken against different puppet armies, either to eliminate them, disintegrate them, or persuade them to change their ways.

However, at this time, the anti-Japanese force was still relatively weak, so Shang Zhen's idea was still to kill the culprit.

Shang Zhen wanted to lead his people back to his own territory, so before leaving, he hoped to do something to establish his power and create a better external environment for the Lunan guerrillas.

Shang Zhen had no prejudice against the Lunan guerrillas. Everyone was fighting Japanese enemies, not to mention Leng Xiaozhi's relationship. He was very happy to see the decrease in enemies around him the day Leng Xiaozhi returned to the Lunan guerrillas. .

When Leng Xiaozhi asked about this, he asked who did it? It doesn’t matter how the guerrillas responded. When the time comes, regardless of whether it’s Leng Xiaozhi or Shang Zhen, their faces will be bright!

"Actually, I think we don't need to say that we have to destroy all the puppet troops." Mo Jianchen said, "The puppet troops are not the same as the Japanese devils after all. Many people become bandits for the purpose of conspiracy." There is no way to survive. If you become a puppet army, you will just follow the crowd. We can punish the culprits and suppress the bandit leaders who committed the most heinous crimes, so that the remaining puppet soldiers will have to think carefully when they do bad things even if they do not resist Japan."

After Mo Jianchen finished speaking, he looked at Shang Zhen.

After all, the Lunan guerrillas are still too weak now. Even the last expedition against the Japanese and puppet troops was led by Shang Zhen's battalion, so he had to seek Shang Zhen's opinion.

"I think it works, let's do it like this!" Shang Zhen agreed, "Then which one do you think is best to kill?"

Shang Zhen actually knew the Eighth Route Army's policy of treating puppet troops differently. Besides, there were so many puppet troops that it was impossible to kill them all. It would be better to kill the leader of the puppet troops to get twice the result with half the effort.

"I think we should kill Wu Zhanling. After all, he has killed our people." The second uncle said.

"I think he should be killed too," Lao Chen also said.

"I have no objection, you make the decision." Shang Zhen didn't raise any objection. In fact, he really didn't care about killing any stubborn enemy and puppet element, as long as it could relieve some pressure on the Lunan guerrillas.

"Actually, I want to kill Liu Jinbao even more." said a guerrilla who also came to the meeting but had not spoken much.

"Why?" Mo Jianchen asked.

"He kidnapped my sister and caused disaster. She threw herself into a well and died. I want revenge." The guerrilla said in a low tone.

When he said this, everyone else was stunned and then fell silent.

In fact, every bandit leader has a reason to die. How can a person wander around the world without getting stabbed? Who is the leader of the bandits who has no life in his hands? What Shang Zhen and the others have to consider now is just which one to kill will shock the enemy the most.

That Wu Zhanling has the life of the Lunan guerrillas in his hands, or several lives. If he is killed, will it be a greater deterrent to the puppet army?

But since the guerrilla was talking about his sister, others couldn't speak.

"If that's the case, then let's get rid of this Liu Jinbao." Shang Zhen suddenly spoke, "If you say that Liu Jinbao has harmed many young girls and young wives, that means the public is extremely angry.

And although Wu Zhanling owes us his life, don't we also kill their people? Since you said that the old captain has settled down after negotiating with him, then you can leave him alone for the time being.

At the same time, I suggest that we collect examples of Liu Jinbao’s harm to the people. After we put him to death, we can write down his crimes, whether it is a piece of paper or on his wall.

Anyway, let the common people know that we, of course, it should be said that you, the Lunan guerrillas, have eliminated harm for the people, so that it will be easier for you to develop your strength in the future.

What do you think? "Shang Zhen looked at Mo Jianchen again.

"I agree." Mo Jianchen nodded.

Both of them said so, UU Reading www. That means the chief officials of both parties have agreed, and naturally the next step is to discuss **** Liu Jinbao.

Just as everyone was discussing, guerrillas came in from outside and reported: "Battlemaster Shang, there are people coming down the mountain looking for you. They say the man from your camp is called Mr. Wang."

"What?" Shang Zhen stood up immediately.

After a moment, Shang Zhen realized his gaffe and said, "I'm going to pick him up the mountain." Then he remembered and introduced to the guerrillas, "He is my deputy battalion commander who is looking after the house. I am a soldier." The old platoon leader at that time."

Shang Zhen came out of the house and went inside to greet him.

As soon as they heard that it was Shang Zhen's deputy battalion commander who was looking after his house or Shang Zhen's old platoon leader, Mo Jianchen and the others naturally followed him out.

And when Shang Zhen saw Mr. Wang, he saw that Mr. Wang had brought six or seven people, all of whom were in plain clothes.

"Did you find a wife, or did you become an intruder in the Eighth Route Army? Come back with me quickly!" This was the first thing Mr. Wang said when he saw Shang Zhen.

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