The War of Resistance

Chapter 1504: stab

Latest website: A "crusade" against Japanese forces ended hastily in this way.

The Japanese and puppet troops naturally wanted to learn the lessons and begin to investigate the truth behind the ambush.

The melee team composed of the Shang Zhen Third Battalion and the Lunan Anti-Japanese Guerrillas was naturally smiling.

At Mo Jianchen's suggestion, the melee team summarized their tactics.

At the beginning, under the initiative of the Lunan guerrillas, the soldiers were very serious in their discussions.

But slowly the taste changed.

There is no other reason. Shang Zhen and the Northeastern Army are really not used to the way the Lunan guerrillas hold meetings and discuss.

Although the Lunan guerrillas are not the main force of the Eighth Route Army, they are also troops led by the Communist Party. The troops led by the Communist Party are called "party-led guns." To put it bluntly, they are armed forces led by faith.

But the Northeastern Army is not a direct descendant of the Central Military Army. It would be good if two or three out of a hundred people know the term "Three People's Principles". As for the content of these Three People's Principles, it is impossible to talk about it.

The belief of Shang Zhen and his team is actually very simple, which is to fight the Japanese and return to their hometown. If you ask them what else they believe in, it is not to bully the common people. In other words, it is okay to bully the common people, but don't go too far.

If we ask further, it becomes "rabbits don't eat the grass beside their nests".

As soon as Shang Zhen's people said that rabbits don't eat grass beside their nests, the guerrillas with high consciousness said, "What are you talking about?" Is this your beard style?

This guerrilla's words were a bit harsh. As soon as he said this, the person in charge of the guerrilla's meeting quickly smoothed things over.

In his opinion, at least the third battalion led by Shang Zhen is definitely an anti-Japanese armed force. Although its military discipline is not as good as that of the Eighth Route Army, it is much stronger than the general national army. How can you say that?

But who would have thought that someone in Shang Zhen's camp would laugh loudly at this time, and the person laughing was a hero, and that person was Ma Erhuzi.

"What's wrong with beards? Brothers drink and eat meat together. If they become the boss, how many wives can they please?" Ma Erhuzi said.

Ma Erhuzi said this, and the soldiers of the Northeast Army who were originally displeased by the guerrillas for having a beard were also happy.

"Mrs. Remand Village, are you asking for it or robbing it?" the guerrillas who had previously accused Shang Zhenying of having a beard asked unconvinced.

"That's just asking for a wife, we won't do things that harm the eldest daughter of a good family!

If we Northeastern Beards fell in love with someone’s eldest daughter, we would always go to their house in the middle of the night. "Ma Erhuzi replied.

"What are you going for? Isn't it robbing?" the guerrillas questioned.

"What are you robbing? We all arrive at someone's door in the middle of the night, put half a fan of pork at their door, and put a piece of red paper on top of the pork. This is the betrothal gift!" Ma Erhuzi continued to bluff.

"What if they don't agree?" the guerrilla asked.

"That family doesn't agree. That might be the eldest son of his family. Then I'll look for the second, third and fourth eldest brother!" Ma Erhuzi said matter-of-factly.

And he said amidst the laughter of the soldiers around him: "Then if all the girls in that family don't agree, I will change to another family."

"Pull it down, and then fold the belt of your pants again!" Hu Zhuzhu suddenly complained.

The soldiers of the Northeast Army burst into laughter, and the guerrillas were overwhelmed by the laughter. They had never encountered such soldiers.

At this point, this kind of exchange involving three views cannot continue. The guerrillas talked about doctrine and sentiment with Shang Zhen's soldiers, but Shang Zhen's soldiers acted rogue with them. How can they communicate like this?

In fact, this is also a ideological collision between the new army and the old army.

Just like there have been many peasant uprisings in Chinese history, but once those uprising peasants established a new dynasty, what did they pursue?

Maybe Xiao Bing's idea is to have a wife and children on the hot bed, but even if their leader becomes the emperor's man, he will definitely have three wives and six concubines.

Just like what was said in the Dazexiang uprising, princes and generals have their own kind.

From the perspective of the time, it undoubtedly represented the resistance of the weak.

But just imagine, what if the weak really become princes and generals through resistance? Aren't they three wives and six concubines? Aren't they the emperor taking turns to sit in my house now?

So you, the emperor, I am not born with a noble species. When I become the emperor, I will also change my species for the emperor!

It is precisely because of this history that the Chinese nation does not have the concept of aristocratic blood. King Zhang, Li and Zhao are everywhere. Whose ancestors have not been rich?

The old Li family said that your old Li family had Li Shimin, Emperor Taizong of the Tang Dynasty, and we are nobles. The old Zhao family also said that our ancestor was Zhao Kuangyin, the emperor of the Song Dynasty!

Someone said at that time that there were no nobles in the ancestors of your old Zhang family and old Wang.

Then the old Zhang family would say, do you know who Zhang Bangchang is? Whether it is salty or not, it is my family that makes acetic acid.

Then the old Wang family would say, do you know the surname of Qin Hui's daughter-in-law Wang?

Yes, even if our lord does not have an emperor, we can become traitors. Be careful, we will kill you in the future!

At this point, the exchange of ideas and beliefs can no longer proceed.

The guerrillas were embarrassed by the talkative Northeastern soldiers, but they didn't know that this was the result of the bad words of the Northeastern Army veterans. If Shang Zhen's veterans used their tactics to deal with Chu Tianhe and Chen Hanwen, That rogue attitude can easily scare them!

The sense of humor of Northeastern people is something that has been inherited.

Is it an accident that Northeastern dialect became popular in later generations and Northeastern sketches became popular across the country? Actually no, because this is how Northeastern people usually talk. If someone comes up and thinks about how to talk, he becomes a sketch actor.

Seeing that the guerrillas were being beaten by these Northeastern soldiers, they didn't know what to say. In order to harmonize the atmosphere between the two families, Qian Chuan'er was a human spirit, so he said: "Is it interesting to just say some hurtful words?" ? You will definitely be happy to hear what I have to say!"

"What are you talking about? Don't talk nonsense." Qiu Bo reminded.

"I'm talking nonsense. Even though I talk a lot, Qian Chuan'er doesn't say anything superfluous." Qian Chuan'er said with a smile.

Since Qian Chuan'er said so, everyone should just listen to it.

But who would have thought that Qian Chuan'er could arouse everyone's interest with just one sentence. Qian Chuan'er said, "Do any of you know how our battalion commander got involved with your political commissar?"

As soon as Qian Kuai'er said this, the Northeastern soldiers "coaxed" them to laugh. Some of the members of the Lunan guerrillas knew what 剌多 means, and some didn't know, so they asked: "What does 剌多 mean?" ?”

"That doesn't sound like a good thing, does it?" Someone else asked doubtfully.

"Assassination means that a young man and a big girl are friendly." Qian Chuan'er said seriously, "When you political commissar Leng comes back, you can tell Qian Chuan'er how our commercial commander had an affair with her. Put them together.”

The reason why these Northeastern veterans under Shang Zhen laugh is because in the Northeastern dialect, "sting" is a derogatory word.

In fact, in the Northeastern dialect, the word "lafang" does not mean that a young man is having **** with an older girl. Extramarital affairs are called "lafang". Anyone who finds a widow as a betrothed can also be called "lafang". Anyway, it is not said that the person who is a virgin to a man and a woman is called "lafang". of.

The reason why Qian Chuan said this to Shang Zhen and Leng Xiaozhi was actually just to prank people in Shandong and bully them for not knowing Northeastern dialect.

But Qian Chuan'er pretended to be so serious that the doubtful guerrillas believed him.

The veterans of the Northeast Army are happy to watch the fun. If one day, it is not them who suffer when Leng Xiaozhi and Qian Chuan'er confront each other, they don't care, so Qian Chuan'er can bluff as much as he likes. fool!

"Tell me, tell me how the two of them got together!" Who is not interested in this matter? It cannot be said that everyone on earth wants to know, at least everyone in the Lunan guerrillas wants to know.

Just imagine that even the bandits in Lunan know that there is Baiyun Temple on Baiyun Mountain, and there is a flower on Baiyun Temple.

Who does the flower on the White Cloud Temple refer to? Of course it’s Leng Xiaozhi!

This shows the influence of Leng Xiaozhi, political commissar of the Lunan guerrillas, in this area.

To say that when the Lunan guerrillas first met Shang Zhen, they thought that Shang Zhen was not a very good-looking person. They really blinded their political commissar in vain.

But after getting in touch with him during this period, they found that Shang Zhen was indeed a good person!

He is good at fighting Japanese soldiers, knows how to command, and is extremely accurate with his marksmanship. He is indeed both civil and military.

Moreover, they don't have the bad habits of the national army officers, and they treat the common people well.

Communists emphasize the anti-Japanese united front. In fact, if you ask those old Eighth Route Army soldiers to talk about united front with the National Army, they will still be resistant in their hearts. UU reading www.uukanshhu. com And when they saw Shang Zhen, they thought, oh, this is the real target of the united front!

And now we are going to tell the story of Shang Zhen and Leng Xiaozhi. Who do you think is not interested?

As a result, everyone stopped discussing socialist sentiments and began to listen to Qian Chuan'er's talk about how Shang Zhen and Leng Xiaozhi "provoked" each other.

Some people are funny when they talk, that's because they are talented.

Some people will make you laugh when you say a certain paragraph, and the same paragraph will be boring to others when you say it, and Qian Chuan'er is undoubtedly the former.

However, the veterans under Shang Zhen felt something was wrong. They looked at each other with doubts on their faces.

When did Leng Xiaozhi tell Shang Zhen the story of Journey to the West? Journey to the West is a very thick book that can be finished in a short time. Why haven't they heard about it?

How could they know? Qian Chuan'er was just bluffing, but he actually told the story of his pursuit of Li Yajuan and letting her tell him Journey to the West!

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