The War of Resistance

Chapter 1506: Good things are yet to come, and more work is needed

There was a carriage running on the road between mountains and fields. There were several guerrillas on the carriage, and the one sitting at the front of the carriage was a woman.

She has a thin face, wearing slightly bulky clothes that are not consistent with her figure, curved thin eyebrows, and thin lips, but her eyes are shining more and more, and she also has a twenty-ring gun slung on her body. Zygote Cannon.

This is the image of a typical female guerrilla of the Eighth Route Army, and she is Leng Xiaozhi.

Leng Xiaozhi finally came back.

But so what, Shang Zhen had already left, the night before she arrived at Baiyun Temple.

In response, all the guerrillas asked her to chase them.

Shang Zhen came all the way to see his wife. Not only did he lead his men to beat up the bandits and the Japanese, but he also gave them so many trophies. If he didn't have such a relationship with you, Political Commissar Leng, how could he have done it? Come?

What's more, they only walked a night's journey, which is only a few dozen miles, so of course you should chase them.

Leng Xiaozhi was not pretentious about this sudden surprise, so he chased him out in a carriage.

The guerrilla driving the carriage glanced at Leng Xiaozhi, and seeing the anxious expression on Leng Xiaozhi's face, he drove the carriage very quickly, and the carriage became more and more bumpy, as if the people on the carriage were about to be thrown away. generally!

It's just that no matter how flying you are, it's still the people sitting on the carriage, not the horse.

The carriage had traveled more than 20 miles on this road, and everyone felt that their bones were about to be shattered, but they still found no trace of Shang Zhen and the others.

By this time, Leng Xiaozhi finally calmed down.

Shang Zhen and the two companies certainly did not march during the day and hid in the mountains on both sides of the road.

But the mountains and fields were vast, so where could she find Shang Zhen?

Thinking of this, Leng Xiaozhi suddenly shouted: "Stop!"

Leng Xiaozhi screamed so urgently that the guerrilla driving the carriage quickly shouted "U-"

"Go back and stop chasing them." Leng Xiaozhi said decisively.

"Ah?" The guerrilla couldn't help but be stunned for a moment, "Finally, we have news—"

"Yes!" The guerrillas in the same car echoed.

Although these guerrillas were just ordinary people, they could imagine that the couple had been separated for seven or eight years.

Now that we finally got the information about the other party, the man, Commander Shang, came with his troops and helped our guerrillas fight several battles and won them all!

But the woman was not there. When the woman came back, the man left again.

Oops, what should I say about this? What a disaster!

Does this mean that if you don’t chase, you won’t chase? This is what we should do if we chase him to the Northeastern Army’s camp!

"Go back!" Leng Xiaozhi said again. Obviously Leng Xiaozhi didn't think like him.

If Leng Xiaozhi said it the first time, the guerrillas didn't understand it, but the political commissar said it a second time, that was an order, so he could only yell at the horse to turn around.

The carriage turned back, and Leng Xiaozhi turned back and glanced south.

The mountain road was still long, but she seemed to see the once thin boy smiling at her.

In terms of figure, he was not heroic, but in terms of appearance, he was very ordinary, with dark skin, but how could such a person's appearance make her feel so happy?

So much so that in the years since I left, I have often been obsessed with it.

I didn't see him when I should have, and I don't know when I will see him again. Alas, Leng Xiaozhi couldn't help but sigh silently.

But Leng Xiaozhi didn't know that Shang Zhen, who was resting in the mountains with the soldiers at this time, was not asleep, and actually sighed.

However, Shang Zhen's sigh at this time represented his more complicated emotions.

The content of his sigh was much richer than Leng Xiaozhi's, with mixed emotions, although the content could not be expressed in a sigh.

The latest news brought by Wang Laomao is that the Japanese army has begun to attack. It is not called an attack to be precise, because according to the Japanese army, it is called "Suzheng".

After all, this place now belongs to the Japanese-occupied area behind enemy lines.

In fact, Li Tantou's puppet army also hit the enemy by mistake that time, but after a fight, they realized that they were encountering the regular army of the national army, that is, the 51st Army of the Northeast Army.

In that battle, neither the enemy nor we took advantage, but the 51st Army's attempt to enter Shandong to carry out guerrilla warfare behind enemy lines was exposed.

In this regard, the Japanese army naturally wanted to intercept.

The 114th Division of the 51st Army that subsequently entered Shandong had many battles with the Japanese army.

Now the Japanese army has mobilized more than 10,000 troops to launch the so-called "Suzheng" operation, which is to take advantage of the 51st Army's unstable foothold in Shandong. Just wipe out this Chinese army.

Although the Japanese army has not yet arrived, Shang Zhen must go back no matter what.

Shang Zhen was able to lead his troops out because there was nothing serious in their guerrilla zone, but this time the enemy's troops were pressing down on the territory, how could he still be called a division commander? I have to rush back!

At the same time, Mr. Wang also brought other news, saying that the 114th Division had contact with our 113th Division.

In the words of their teacher Liu Chengyi, isn't your territory enough for you to toss around? What are you going to do when you go to someone else's territory?

Although it was just this sentence, both Mr. Wang, who heard this sentence first, and Shang Zhen, who heard it after Mr. Wang relayed it, understood the subtext of the teacher Liu Chengyi's words.

This is the guerrilla zone of the 114th Division. Your 113th Division came here and made a great success, killing many puppet troops and killing dozens of Japanese Japs.

Although this incident makes the 113th Division very glorious, what do you think of our 114th Division? Our 114th Division would lose face!

And this is only one aspect of it. You can just get angry for your unmarried daughter-in-law, but your daughter-in-law is a member of the Eighth Route Army after all, so the impact will be even worse!

The relationship between various departments of the Northeastern Army and the Eighth Route Army has always been in turmoil.

The Northeastern Army, which is interested in the Eighth Route Army, will naturally donate weapons that it does not need, and will even speak for the Communist Eighth Route Army in public, which will arouse someone's suspicion.

But you, Shang Zhen, are lucky enough to directly lead people to fight for the Eighth Route Army. How can this be done?

Because of all the above, Shang Zhen could no longer eliminate traitors for the Eighth Route Army. Those bandits could only be dealt with by the Lunan guerrillas themselves, and he was still scurrying back with the soldiers. Run.

But of course Shang Zhen sighed more than that. Of course, it was because although he found Leng Xiaozhi's "turf", he didn't meet Leng Xiaozhi, let alone make out, but he didn't even meet anyone. On!

Do you think Shang Zhen is angry?

How did you say something derogatory? Let's remove the derogatory meaning and that's what it means.

That sentence is called "You didn't hit the fox, but you still made yourself smelly."

In Shang Zhen's understanding, the key point of this sentence is not that it makes you feel embarrassed, but that you don't hit the fox! This is the crux of the problem!

Shang Zhen, who was always cautious, still chose to march at night when he walked back.

He led most of his battalion across hundreds of miles, fighting not only bandits but also the Japanese. UU Reading still made trouble on the territory of the 114th Division. It can be said that he raised enemies on all sides. .

So how could he be careless?

So he obviously wanted to take his troops out at night, but he let Mo Jianchen and the others spread the word that he would leave during the day the day after tomorrow!

In this way, even if some people wanted to cause trouble for them, it was too late.

What's the stumbling block?

For example, some people who knew that they were going back secretly told the Japanese and puppet troops their marching time and route. If the puppet troops came to ambush them that day, how could the two companies of them be able to stand up to the enemy? Are they so noisy?

In peacetime, a love-hate relationship between a man and a woman may not lead to a successful marriage. The reason is naturally the involvement of both parties' families and other aspects.

But now it is a time of war. What is the biggest thing in life? Life and death are just two words. For life and death, everything has to be compromised. How do you think this is possible without making Shang Zhen sigh?

Good things have not yet come, but it will take a lot of hard work!

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