The War of Resistance

Chapter 1503: The method of breaking up

Latest website: "The Japanese and the Japanese didn't even react." Xiao Axe, who was lying behind a mound, said with regret.

"You still have to let people catch up?" Hammer who was with him asked him.

"Of course I hope they catch up, and I plan to set fire to them." Little Ax said.

The terrain here is like this.

The highway is in the north and Yishui River is in the south. Xiaohuzi and Hammer are now on the south bank of Yishui River.

The north bank of Yishui River is covered with reeds along the river. They had previously shot at the Japanese and puppet troops on the road parallel to the river in the reeds.

The Yellow River is still dry, and the Yishui River does not always have water in the entire river section, because it is now the dry season.

On their side, after shooting at the Japanese army, they hurriedly withdrew from the reeds in this place with no water and only mud.

The mud was originally only about twenty meters wide. Although it was a bit deep, they had put wooden planks on it, and when they retreated, they pulled the planks back.

In this way, if the Japanese and puppet troops under attack pursue them, it is unlikely that they will wade through the water. Then they will wade through this muddy area, which will undoubtedly delay the pursuit of the Japanese and puppet troops.

But what about their methods of delaying the Japanese pursuit?

Before the ambush, they hid flammable pine oil in the nearly dry reeds on the north bank of Yishui River.

Once the Japanese and puppet troops pursue them, they can burn the pine oil seeds. Once the pine oil seeds catch fire, the reeds will naturally catch fire.

In that case, although it would be impossible to burn down the company and camp by the Japanese and puppet troops, it would definitely be able to block the pursuers.

There were too many Japanese and puppet troops coming, and Shang Zhen actually just wanted to take advantage, so he naturally had to find a way out.

Shang Zhen, who was always cautious, really did his best to deal with the pursuit of the Japanese and puppet troops.

But who would have thought that this Japanese and puppet army's punitive team would be so arrogant. They had finished firing their guns at the Japanese and puppet troops, and the people had retreated to the muddy bank, but the Japanese and puppet troops did not catch up.

To be honest, the ambush designed by Shang Zhen was very beautiful. To be honest, it was a pity that these guerrillas were still unsatisfied.

Therefore, they did not run wherever they could. The few people left behind wanted to see the movements of the Japanese and puppet troops again.

"You two are hiding, maybe we will shoot later!" At this time, another voice came from behind them, that was their second uncle, an old guerrilla.

"Really?" Xiao Huzi and Hammer were surprised at the same time.

The second uncle then nodded to their right side.

There is a class of Northeastern Army soldiers on the right, and the leader among them is Qian Chuan'er.

Little Ax and Hammer have now gotten to know Qian Chuan'er. The reason is that Qian Chuan'er's small nose and eyes are easy to remember, and his personality is lively and easy-going. His name is also easier to remember!

When Little Ax and Hammer turned their heads and looked over, they saw Qian Chuan'er holding a telescope in his hand and observing the reeds ahead.

Now they were more than a hundred meters away from the reeds on the river bank.

It's a bit windy today, and the reeds are swaying in the wind. If any puppet troops get in, it's really hard for them to see clearly.

"They have so many weapons! I can see several of them through the telescope." Hammer said enviously.

"That person also robbed him." Xiao Axe maintained a fair attitude.

"What's there? Our weapons were all stolen." Hammer didn't want the Northeast Army to compete with them.

"But what we are using now was stolen by someone." Xiao Ax retorted.

"It's not right for them to help us rob, and they are not outsiders. Who said their battalion commander is our political commissar?" Hammer found an impeccable reason.

Little Axe remained silent, but he belonged to his mother's family, so he couldn't refute this reason!

But at this moment, gunshots suddenly rang out from the other side of the river.

The gunshots couldn't be said to be dense, but they were a bit messy. Some bullets hit the mound where they were hiding, making "chirp" and "chirp" sounds.

"Hey, we can go set a fire." Little Ax was not surprised but happy.

"Excuse me, why did you get there?" the second uncle said from behind.

"I can-" Little Ax was in trouble.

Yes, how to get there? Now he is still about a hundred meters away from Yishui.

Climb over? There is an open space in front of me.

Fly over? No wings again!

Yes, at this moment, they suddenly heard a "bang" sound coming from the left side, and at that "bang" sound, they subconsciously turned to look at the head girl.

This time they saw that at some point a grenade had been set up behind a mound on the left!

Of course they couldn't see the trajectory of the grenade flying in the air in broad daylight, so they quickly turned their heads back to look ahead.

After a while, they saw a flash of white light in the reeds ahead, and then there was a "boom" and the place burned. This time, they saw red fire and green smoke.

It turned out that this time Qiao Xiong used a grenade to fire an incendiary bomb!

Whoever is in the reeds is afraid. When the wind blows, the fire will become a piece.

At this time, Xiao Axe and the others saw a reed shaking violently. It should be that the puppet soldiers hiding in the reeds had noticed that something was wrong.

Small Ax and Hammer instinctively poked their rifles out of the dirt bag in front of them.

But then the second uncle's voice sounded behind them again: "Save some bullets, you two can save both of us with your shooting skills.

Okay, I've seen the excitement, retreat quickly, everyone from the Northeast Army has left. "

Upon hearing what their second uncle said, the two of them turned around to look. Sure enough, the Northeast Army had begun to retreat under the cover of the terrain.

"Alas." Xiaohuzi and Hammer sighed at the same time, and they could only put away their guns and crawl back.

But this time they really didn't need to cut off the rear. It was impossible for the puppet soldiers to rush through the sea of ​​fire.

And what about that end?

At this time, they were also cutting off another commercial earthquake on the highway.

Shang Zhen carefully inspected the ambush locations.

The people he led withdrew from the mountain pass behind the Shanshuipu shop.

Precisely because of this mountain pass, they did not have to climb the mountains behind them. In this way, they would not appear in the sight of the Japanese and puppet troops on the highway. So how could there be any casualties?

After passing this mountain range, there is a valley. Now Shang Zhen has reached the hill outside the valley and aims his rifle at the puppet troops coming out of the mountain pass.

In fact, the situation on Shang Zhen's side was similar to that on the other side of the river.

The Japanese and puppet troops responded so slowly that their intervention was originally dispensable.

If he sincerely asked the combatants on his side to withdraw from the battle, the puppet troops who were chasing them out now would not be able to see them at all.

But Shang Zhen knew that he could not always lead his own people to fight jointly with the guerrillas here.

He had already resisted his fate once. Even if he went back this time, the division commander Liu Chengyi might not be able to deal with him.

Therefore, Shang Zhen just wanted to let the guerrillas see more of his style of play before withdrawing with his own people, and also let his own people see how difficult it was for the guerrillas, which could play a role in promoting each other.

Their current location was more than a mile away from the mountain pass where the puppet troops came out. Seeing that there were not many puppet troops coming out, only twenty or thirty people in total, Shang Zhen was not in a hurry to shoot.

It was only after the puppet soldiers had moved forward for more than a hundred meters that Shang Zhen pulled the trigger.

The puppet soldier who was walking at the front fell to the ground in response to the sound of gunfire. The other soldiers were so frightened that they fell to the ground and started shooting randomly.

The reason why they said they were shooting randomly was because they didn't even notice where Shang Zhen and the others were hiding.

The bullets flying randomly were not so much a counterattack against Shang Zhen as the puppet soldiers were firing to embolden them.

"Captain Mo, how did you fight the ambush?" Qiu Bo, who was also on the top of the mountain, asked Mo Jianchen curiously.

No one except Shang Zhen fired. That was because Shang Zhen said that in many cases, a sharpshooter was more effective in intimidating the enemy than numerous chaotic gunshots.

"The fighting style is similar to yours. I also run away after the fight, but I don't have as much stamina as you. UU Kanshu is not as accurate as your marksmanship, and I don't have as many bullets as you." Mo Jianchen replied.

At this moment, Shang Zhen's second gunshot came.

But at this time, the puppet soldiers were already lying on the ground. No one knew whether Shang Zhen hit the puppet soldiers.

After taking two shots, Shang Zhen put away the gun and moved it to another place.

Seeing Mo Jianchen's surprised expression, Qiu Bo smiled helplessly and said: "I'm used to beating the little devil. I have to change places after two shots. The little devil's shooting skills are also accurate."

At this time, Shang Zhen's third gunshot came again.

And just after the third gunshot, the puppet soldiers came to follow and got up from where they were, turned around and ran towards the mountain pass.

But as soon as these puppet soldiers ran away, the guerrillas on the mountain saw clearly. Weren't there three puppet soldiers lying on the ground in front of the mountain pass?

And Shang Zhen only fired three shots in total. Shang Zhen's shooting skills were indeed accurate!

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