The War of Resistance

Chapter 1497: The importance of taking sides (2)

Latest website: "Report to the Chief of Staff, it's not that Battalion Commander Shang got involved with the people of the 114th Division. The place where Commander Shang and the others are now was originally the guerrilla zone of the 114th Division.

When we got there, we happened to meet a fellow soldier from the 114th Division.

You also know that there are too many bandits in Shandong, so we just want our fellow villagers to help us. "The messenger quickly explained.

In fact, this messenger was a squad leader of the division's communications company. When they came back to deliver the order, they used a squad of men in plain clothes to ride on horseback.

There are so many bandits in various parts of Shandong. If you go hundreds of miles away to deliver orders, is it so easy to deliver them?

If there are too many people, it will mobilize troops. If there are too few people, it is not safe. Don’t think that no one will dare to touch you because you are a member of the Northeast Army. Do you know which bandit has joined the puppet army and plans to use the Northeast Army’s head as a pledge of surrender? There are many unsolved cases in the war years!

So it makes perfect sense for this messenger to meet a fellow soldier in the 114th Division and ask for help.

Liu Chengyi and Li Xiang breathed a sigh of relief when they heard it was not Shang Zhen's fault.

"Tell the division commander carefully about the specific situation after you met the battalion commander." Li Xiang ordered again.

The messenger naturally had one thing to say and another to say the other, and he learned everything about what happened after he saw Shang Zhen.

As he told the story, Liu Chengyi's anger began to slowly calm down.

After the messenger finished speaking, Liu Chengyi waved his hand and the soldier retreated. Only then did he exchange looks with Li Xiang.

"This kid still has some tricks up his sleeve, don't you think so? Master." Li Xiang asked Liu Chengyi.

"You little bastard!" Liu Chengyi cursed again, but his expression had already softened.

The division headquarters became quiet, and still no one spoke.

But everyone knew what happened.

Now the Northeast Army has fewer and fewer people. There used to be several armies, but now only the 51st Army and the 57th Army are relatively complete.

The 51st Army has jurisdiction over the 113th Division and the 114th Division, and the 57th Army has jurisdiction over the 111th Division and 112th Division. The highest commander-in-chief of the two armies is Yu Xiuzhong.

In terms of actual control over the army, there are one general commander, two corps commanders and four division commanders.

Liu Chengyi's 113th Division and the other 112th Division had the same philosophy as Yu Xiuzhong, the commander-in-chief of the Northeast Army. We only resist Japan and do not get involved in politics.

The 114th Division was facing the Central Army, and the 111th Division was facing the Eighth Route Army.

When the messenger sent by Liu Chengyi conveyed the order to Shang Zhen, people from the 114th Division were present. Shang Zhen's statement at the time was that the Lunan guerrillas and I were incompatible. If they were not destroyed, I would not go back at all!

At least from the perspective of the 114th division at that time, Shang Zhen's statement was very good! You see we are anti-communist!

Shang Zhen even showed the people of the 114th Division the Lunan guerrillas they had killed. There were twenty or thirty of them!

But is Shang Zhen really anti-communist? At least no one like Liu Chengyi believed it, but Shang Zhen just made such a gesture to show to the people of the 114th Division.

But just before the messenger came back, Shang Zhen secretly told him that those who died were actually bandits, and he had not touched any of the Lunan guerrillas!

The messenger told Shang Zhen's flirting operation. Although Liu Chengyi still looked a little angry, in fact, Shang Zhen actually gave Liu Chengyi a feeling that he won my heart.

As long as you stand in the right team, you can forgive everything else, but at least it's not a matter of principle!

That's what happened, but you can avoid the death penalty, but you can't escape the living penalty. At this time, Liu Chengyi's order sounded again: "Isn't that Mr. Wang the housekeeper? Call him here!"

Upon hearing what Liu Chengyi said, Wang Qingfeng's eyes lit up.

He immediately understood what his brother-in-law meant. The battalion commander Shang Zhen was not at home, so Wang Laomao, the deputy battalion commander, would have to take the responsibility on behalf of the battalion commander!

Then when my brother-in-law was training Mr. Wang, it felt very good to be beside him and beat the drum! Who told me to have "enmity" with Mr. Wang?

When people are not arrogant or involved, they are very calm, but once they are involved, how many people are not confused?

The 113th Division headquarters is quite far from Shang Zhen's battalion headquarters.

However, after learning that Shang Zhen was in trouble, Wang Laomao had been summoned by Liu Chengyi's order.

Mr. Wang is an old fox. He could be the deputy battalion commander because Shang Zhen strongly recommended him in front of Liu Chengyi. Otherwise, he knows the division commander but not him.

Now that the division commander suddenly called him, the deputy battalion commander, how could he not inquire about the reason?

Cats have cat lanes, rats have rat lanes.

While listening to the announcement outside, he also heard that Shang Zhen and his two companies first killed a group of bandits and then fought with the Lunan guerrillas.

No one knows what Mr. Wang was thinking after hearing the news, but there is one thing he will definitely be thinking about, and that is how to deal with the next situation.

When Mr. Wang entered the division headquarters, he first glanced at the atmosphere in the room and saw that the division commander Liu Chengyi seemed to be no different from usual.

Little did he know that Liu Chengyi's anger had dissipated now.

However, Liu Chengyi's anger subsided, but one person's anger rose.

"Okay, Mr. Wang, our teacher asked you to come to Shandong to fight the Japs, not the bandits!" Before Liu Chengyi could say anything, Wang Qingfeng suddenly got angry when he saw Mr. Wang.

Wang Qingfeng has been thinking about how to deal with Old Wang's hat for a while.

So as soon as Mr. Wang entered the house, he would never mention the conflict between Shang Zhen and the Lunan guerrillas, and he would never get involved in political matters!

But he gave Mr. Wang a heads-up and said, "I don't care about you, but I will use the name of my brother-in-law and teacher to kill you first!"

Don't mention it, Wang Qingfeng's aggressive style of play really made Mr. Wang stunned for a moment.

But Mr. Wang glanced at Liu Chengyi's face again and saw that Wang Qingfeng was training him and Liu Chengyi didn't say anything. At least he guessed that Wang Qingfeng was using the tiger's skin as a banner.

Besides, I, Mr. Wang, have been engaged in military law by the division commander, so it’s not your turn to bluff here, you fat guy!

So Mr. Wang curled his lips and said to Wang Qingfeng: "Get rid of those useless ones!

You go up into the mountains with a shotgun and hunt rabbits.

The rabbit hasn't been swatted yet, but the mosquito bites you several times on the face. I don't believe you don't swat the mosquitoes! "

Ouch, this metaphor from Mr. Wang is so apt! It directly made everyone in the room shine. These words really put ink on the back of the **** - it has a certain level!

"Stop talking nonsense to me!" Wang Qingfeng's face suddenly turned red after losing face.

Although the word "king" cannot be written twice in one stroke, the two of them have a "long-standing grudge". The metaphor of "Old Hat" made Wang Qingfeng immediately uneasy.

"Do you know? That little **** Shang Zhen led your people to kill the Lunan guerrillas!" Wang Qingfeng immediately threw the biggest bomb, and he also forgot that he shouldn't do it in front of his brother-in-law. If the pot is not opened, which pot will be picked up?

"What?" This news really stunned Mr. Wang, and then he blurted out ~ ~ How is that possible? I don’t believe it. That little **** is more nagging than me. How can he do such stupid things? "

Mr. Wang really blurted out his words, and his words really came from his heart!

And when he looked at the expressions of the division commander Liu Chengyi and the chief of staff Li Xiang, why did he feel that there was a change in the way the division commander and the chief of staff looked at him?

That's - that's - that seems to be appreciation, right?

In fact, Mr. Wang was not sure, but Liu Chengyi's subsequent statement confirmed his judgment.

Just because Liu Chengyi started to train people, what Liu Chengyi said was: "You, a person in charge of logistics, have no role to speak, so get out of here!"

Who is in charge of logistics? Do you still need to ask?

have to! Wang Qingfeng was punished first!

(End of chapter)

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