The War of Resistance

Chapter 1496: The importance of taking sides (1)

The latest website: "What a fool! I think this little **** is rebelling against heaven!" In the headquarters of the 113th Division, division commander Liu Chengyi was already anxious.

When the high-ranking people looked anxious, the people below were naturally silent, especially the person who sent him the urgent news to the division commander - a messenger who stood at attention in front of Liu Chengyi so obediently, that was I'm afraid that the city gate will catch fire and damage the fish in the pond.

There is a term in the Chinese dictionary called "displacing anger", which means that when you are angry and cannot find the rightful owner, you will take your anger out on others.

Shang Zhen led his men to run hundreds of miles to eliminate a group of bandits, and then fought with the Lunan guerrillas of the Eighth Route Army. The news finally reached Liu Chengyi's ears.

Liu Chengyi's first reaction was to quickly send his messenger to issue an order hundreds of miles away to call Shang Zhen back.

Liu Chengyi's order was very urgent. It is estimated that the ancient saying of sending a message eight hundred miles and ten thousand urgently meant this.

But what Liu Chengyi didn't expect was that his messengers were extremely anxious when they ran out, and they were equally anxious when they came back.

His messenger did not give him the results he wanted when he came back. Shang Zhen did not lead his troops to withdraw, but asked the messenger to come back with a message. .

I won’t go into that high-sounding message. According to Liu Chengyi’s summary, all you need to do is save face and save face. In fact, it’s just a sentence called “General military orders from abroad will not be tolerated”!

Then you think this little **** is going to rebel?

In order to adapt to the new tactics of guerrilla warfare, Liu Chengyi ordered his troops to set up guerrilla zones in battalion units.

His original intention was definitely good.

What is guerrilla warfare? According to Liu Chengyi's understanding, guerrilla warfare means not fighting positional warfare! If we don't engage in positional warfare, we naturally don't need large corps to fight in groups.

Using battalions as units to harass and attack the Japanese and puppet troops, they could not gain any advantage and run away after taking advantage. Isn't this guerrilla warfare?

Moreover, Liu Chengyi believed that Xiang Shang Zhen and the others had advantages in fighting guerrilla warfare. Why didn't he know that Shang Zhen and the others were used to being wild outside?

There were no superiors above to give them orders, but they were allowed to fight against the Japanese and puppet troops based on the actual situation. Isn't this exactly what they wanted?

But who would have thought that now we would get news that Shang Zhen was fighting with the Eighth Route Army a hundred miles away because of his unmarried daughter-in-law. How great would this be?

No one knows whether Liu Cheng has political leanings, but he will never show his political leanings to the outside world.

He followed the golden mean, and because of this he was recognized by Yu Xiuzhong, the current supreme commander-in-chief of the Northeast Army. Yu Xiuzhong promoted him from regiment commander to brigade commander to division commander without such considerations.

However, although Liu Chengyi kept a distance from the Eighth Route Army and the New Fourth Army, it did not mean that he allowed his subordinates to fight with the Eighth Route Army.

This is the benefit of the golden mean, he can always explain it.

You can say that there is no big platform on the Sanqiang Tubal Road, but you can't say that people are wandering without attacking.

If you insist that they are wandering and not attacking, that's fine, but you also have to admit that the existence of the Eighth Route Army and the New Fourth Army also restrained a large number of Japanese troops.

Then we people in the Northeast are fighting against the Japanese and want to go back to our hometowns. The Eighth Route Army is also fighting against the Japanese. So what reason do I have for letting my subordinates fight against the Eighth Route Army?

Liu Chengyi is actually a very generous person, otherwise how could he have allowed Shang Zhen and the others to break away from the large army again and again to fight the Japanese army.

This time the news is that Shang Zhen directly fought with the Lunan guerrillas of the Eighth Route Army. He was risking the disapproval of the world and refused to obey orders. This was the first time at least for Liu Chengyi!

"It's not bad. I just became a battalion commander. If I become a regiment commander in the future, wouldn't I be Bima Wen?" Liu Chengyi at the division headquarters continued to get annoyed, while the officers at the division headquarters remained silent.

There was one officer among those officers standing nearby, his eyes rolling in his eye sockets but he would not persuade him. That person was Wang Qingfeng.

This time Wang Qingfeng witnessed his brother-in-law Liu Chengyi's anger from beginning to end. The higher Liu Chengyi's voice became, the more silent he became!

If it had been the original situation, Wang Qingfeng would definitely have spoken, either to persuade his brother-in-law to deal with Shang Zhen, or to persuade him not to deal with Shang Zhen.

As for whether to clean up or not to clean up? It mainly depends on Wang Qingfeng's mood, and whether the veterans under Shang Zhen made Fatty Wang angry again or made him happy.

But that was really the case, now Wang Qingfeng is also a thief!

That's the saying goes: "You know your brother-in-law better than your brother-in-law. How come Wang Qingfeng doesn't understand the character of his brother-in-law?" How could he not understand that his brother-in-law was very fond of Shang Zhen.

To say that his brother-in-law was furious when he first caught Xin'er, he believed it.

But now that his brother-in-law is still so angry, it is a bit fake. My senior brother-in-law has no intention of showing it to the people below.

If you don't move your troops back even if the division commander gives orders, then where is the dignity of the division commander? Will anyone still listen to the division commander's orders in the future?

So, if you want to get angry, just do it. I won’t advise you, so as not to give you a step down the road!

If Liu Chengyi knew that his **** brother-in-law would think so now, he would definitely slap him in the face.

But as the saying goes, one thing brings down another, Liu Chengyi really has no choice with his brother-in-law!

Sometimes when Liu Chengyi trains Wang Qingfeng very hard, Wang Qingfeng will burst into tears and scream, "Brother-in-law and my sister have said it, I will depend on you when I go out in this life!"

So Liu Chengyi ran out of tricks.

But at this moment, Wang Qingfeng refused to dissuade someone who always wanted to dissuade him. Seeing that Liu Changyi's anger had almost been vented, someone finally spoke: "Teacher, calm down the anger, calm down the anger."

Who dares to persuade others when the teacher is angry? That's two people.

Wang Qingfeng didn't want to persuade or give his brother-in-law this step, so the second person had to speak out, and that was Chief of Staff Li Xiang.

At this time, Li Xiang also saw that he had to find a way for the teacher to get off. UU reading www.

Li also had a clever trick when trying to persuade people. He didn't immediately criticize Shang Zhen's behavior. Now that he's mentioning Shang Zhen, isn't it true that he doesn't raise the pot?

So after advising Liu Chengyi seemingly casually, he turned around and asked the messenger who came back to report the news: "Did you see Shang Zhen himself at that time? Who was there?"

"Report to the Chief of Staff. In addition to Battalion Commander Shang, there are also people from the 114th Division." The messenger replied.

"Why are there still people from the 114th Division? Which brigade is the 114th Division from? When did he get involved with the 114th Division again?" Li Xiang was stunned, and when he looked at Liu Chengyi again, Liu Chengyi also frowned.

Although the 113th Division and the 114th Division belong to the same army, in fact, they are each living their own lives. If there were no orders from above, Liu Chengyi would rather stay away from the 114th Division until death.

But now Shang Zhen is involved with the people of the 114th Division, so the matter is even more complicated!

(End of chapter)

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