The War of Resistance

Chapter 1498: 1 Family relatives!

Latest website: Reality is like a spider web. Whenever a small insect is stuck in the spider web, the entire web will tremble.

The fight between Shang Zhen's third battalion and the Lunan guerrillas was the little bug that hit the net.

But is this really the case?

Just when Liu Chengyi was training Mr. Wang to be obedient, Shang Zhen was leading a company on the Baiyun Mountain with the Lunan guerrillas, and his veterans were with the Lunan guerrillas.

It is said that the Lunan guerrillas will not be a human being until they are destroyed, but that is not seen at all. If the Northeastern Army members were not all wearing military uniforms and the guerrillas were all wearing casual clothes, then they would obviously be a happy family!

In a circle formed by guerrillas, a machine gunner from the third battalion was demonstrating the disassembly and maintenance of a Czech light machine gun to the guerrillas.

This light machine gun was seized by Shang Zhen and others from the bandit Haoli when they attacked Baimagu.

Here the guerrillas can be understood as soldiers who became monks on the way, and the soldiers led by Shang Zhen can be understood as professional soldiers.

It was a rare opportunity to learn from professional soldiers, so the guerrillas watched with wide eyes.

They looked at the machine gunner with a hammer in his right hand and a blunderbuss in his left hand. In less than a minute, they dismantled the complete Czech light machine gun into eight pieces.

“If you want your machine gun to be usable at critical moments, you have to pay attention to its maintenance, oil it when it needs to be oiled, and take care of it when it needs to be maintained.

When combat barrels get hot, they need to be replaced. I know you don’t have many barrels, so we have a few left for you two. "The machine gunner disassembled the machine gun quickly, but explained it very slowly and patiently.

The guerrillas all learn war in the war. Even when it comes to the use of weapons, they sometimes learn it by fumbling. When did they receive such careful guidance?

Upon hearing what the machine gunner said, the guerrillas showed gratitude in their eyes.

"This Czech-style light machine gun is very easy to use. You can see how easy it is to dismantle and assemble it. It's not like the crooked gun used by the Japanese, which is complicated and unreliable." The machine gunner continued to explain.

And seeing him explain seriously, they and other soldiers had smiles on their faces.

However, in order to maintain the image of the shooter, they did not say anything in front of the guerrillas. Only one veteran said softly: "It's very exciting for a eldest son to be a teacher."

Da Shengzi is the machine gunner.

No wonder Da Shengzi was so dedicated. Originally, he was just an assistant shooter. In other words, he was carrying bullet boxes and delivering magazines to the machine gunner.

Now that he has been promoted from assistant shooter to machine gunner, it is like he has finally become a kitchen chef from an apprentice worker. Doesn't that give him a sense of accomplishment as a new teacher?

To say that the Czech light machine gun is really like this.

Facts have proved that complex weapons are not necessarily easy to use. They are simple in structure and easy to operate, even if they are less accurate, but durable weapons are truly good weapons.

This is like the ak-47 and prg rocket launchers that have been used in later generations.

Advanced? Of course, it is not advanced in the era of high-precision weapons in later generations, but it still has tenacious vitality.

At this time, in another group of people, someone else was discussing the use of box cannons with the guerrillas, but it was Bian Xiaolong.

Bian Xiaolong, who had short hair, put the twenty-ring box bag with a wooden box on his shoulder and aimed towards the distance.

The shooting expert next to Xiaolong raised his thumbs when he saw it, showing his heroic appearance.

And this made the guerrillas feel more friendly. Originally, they thought that only the guerrillas had female soldiers, but they never expected that there were also female soldiers in the Northeast Army, and they were still girls.

However, Shang Zhen was not with the soldiers at this time. Instead, he and Qian Chuan'er were watching the soldiers and talking not far away.

"Boss, is there really no news about my sister-in-law?" Qian Chuan'er asked.

"No, I know as much as you know.

They only know that your sister-in-law has been transferred by her superiors to perform a new mission, but they don't know what the mission is. "Shang Zhen replied helplessly. Of course, they here refer to the guerrillas.

Shang Zhen didn't take advantage of Mo Jianchen either. He was really tricked by Mo Jianchen.

It was true that Leng Xiaozhi served as a political commissar in the Lunan guerrillas, but she was transferred to perform a new mission.

First, Mo Jianchen doesn't know, and second, even if others know, they can't tell.

"I bet we were tricked here. I'd say this pretty boy is no good!" Qian Chuan'er said angrily.

Shang Zhen smiled bitterly and said nothing.

To be honest, he came to Leng Xiaozhi with great joy. He even thought that Leng Xiaozhi might be in some danger.

After Mo Jianchen met him and told him, he realized that Leng Xiaozhi was fine but not on the mountain. He was filled with the fire of manly desire - well, I won't mention it, it's sad!

But as he said to Qian Chuan'er, things were like this, what else could he do?

What problem could he solve if he just scolded Mo Jianchen? He could never take action against Mo Jianchen.

If he beat up Mo Jianchen, or really started a fight with the Lunan guerrillas, would he still want a wife?

The daughter-in-law belongs to the Eighth Route Army, and the Eighth Route Army is the daughter-in-law’s natal family.

You see, when a man marries a wife, who doesn’t hand over his mother’s family first? My daughter-in-law hasn’t even met yet, but she beat her parents’ family up all over. Northeastern people don’t do things like this!

He mobilized troops to attack Baiyun Mountain just to create an illusion, in order to make this illusion look so similar that others could not distinguish it.

So of course he had to send troops to guard around the so-called battlefield.

He had to let the bandit spies know only what they should know, such as the lively fight between the Northeastern Army and Lunan guerrillas.

As for those things that should not be known to outsiders, they must not be known, so the bandit spy Brother Li was shot to death by Qiu Bo.

Shang Zhen sent people around the entire battlefield, especially the position where Qiu Bo and the others were, which was the top priority.

The reason is of course because the terrain there is open, making it easier for the bandit spies to spy on the battlefield.

As for other places where the hills are densely packed, and his people are all on the commanding heights, the spies can't rely on them even if they want to.

Shang Zhen used one company to pretend to attack Baiyun Mountain, but he used the rest of the company as guard posts!

And the same is true He is currently leading a company to communicate with the guerrillas in the mountains. Except for the platoon guarding Baima Gu, the other two platoons of the other company are still in Baiyun. There is a warning around the mountain!

But why did Shang Zhen go through so much trouble?

"Alas." Shang Zhen couldn't help but sigh, and then murmured to himself, "I don't know if there is any letter on the other end. We can't delay it any longer. We can't delay it any longer."

Of course Qian Chuan'er understood what Shang Zhen meant. They had been out for several days, and they were planning something now.

But after thinking of all the options, if there is no result, they really have no choice but to withdraw.

But at this moment, they who were standing on the top of the mountain saw someone coming from the bottom of the mountain. They were two people wearing common people's clothes.

"Is the one on the right Lao Chen? Is there any news?" Qian Chuan'er said happily, and Shang Zhen's eyes also lit up.

(End of chapter)

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