The War of Resistance

Chapter 1495: You can’t watch some of the excitement!

In every era, everyone has their own circle. Thieves have their own circle of thieves, gangsters have their own circle of gangsters, and profane people have their own circle of promiscuous people.

In particular, China is a country that values ​​humaneness, so wouldn’t we often encounter the following situation in future generations?

"So and so is my big brother."

"So and so is my little brother"

"So-and-so is my childhood."

"Aren't you going somewhere inside? You can pick me up there so I can help you! Who is that kid inside, my cousin's second brother-in-law's aunt's family?"

Wait a minute, then, the bandits in Shandong also have a circle of Shandong bandits.

As one of the bandits, Yu Zengfu was wiped out by the Northeast Army. The ping-pong-pong-pong sound of gunfire was naturally known to the people around him. How could the news not spread?

Suddenly, the bandit circles in Shandong within hundreds of miles around were shaken.

Spies from various bandits came to the Baimagu area to find out.

It was only when they first appeared in the shooting range of Baima Gu that they received a warning shot from the mountain. When the spies asked the people around them, they found out that Baima Gu had been occupied by the Northeast Army and should have become the Northeast Army. ’s territory!

If you can't rely on the mountain, why bother asking?

The spies from all walks of life could only inquire about the news from the surrounding people, but before they could find out the reason, shocking news suddenly came out. A war broke out in Baiyunguan, and the Northeast Army and the Lunan Anti-Japanese Guerrilla of the Eighth Route Army fought. Got it!

There is Baima Gu in Yishui and Baiyun Temple on Baiyun Mountain.

Baimagu is Yu Zengfu, no, it is now the territory of the Northeast Army.

However, Baiyun Mountain, which is only more than ten miles away from Baimagu, is the territory of the Lunan Anti-Japanese Guerrilla Army (of course, it is called a guerrilla zone)

Don't ask the bandits why they knew it. Everyone was working in Shandong, so how could they not know?

In fact, from another perspective, bandits and anti-Japanese guerrillas are also in the same circle. Everyone has guns, and it is just a matter of which one has more guns and which one has less!

Arriving early is worse than arriving by chance. The spies of various bandits rushed to the Baiyun Mountain. We can't get blood all over us in other people's wars, but it's okay for us to stay away and watch the excitement, right?

You must know that they are all spies for bandits, and they are all very courageous.

Their profession is banditry, and their professional division of labor is that of spies.

The gunshots from Baiyun Temple rang out densely or sparsely. At this time, two people were hiding in a place only seven or eight hundred meters away from Baiyun Temple, secretly watching.

They have a good view here.

The front right is Baiyun Temple on Baiyun Mountain, the front left is the only way to attack Baiyun Temple, and behind them are acres of woods.

This location is close to where you can retreat and run, making it the best place to watch the excitement.

"Brother Li, why did the Northeastern Army start fighting with the anti-Japanese guerrillas?" A man lying under a tree root and looking forward asked the one next to him.

"Hey, brother, why don't you know anything?" Brother Li next to him asked.

"We are far away from each other, so we are not as well-informed about local news as you, Brother Li, are here." That brother replied.

It turned out that the two of them were spies, but they belonged to different gangs of bandits. According to Northeastern dialect, they were not from the same gang.

The relationship between bandits is also complicated, some have good relations, and some have enmity.

At this time, the relationship between the bandit gangs to which the two spies belonged was relatively good.

Why is the relationship good? The reason is that the two bandits are quite far apart. They each operate their own territory. Even if they harm the common people, they cannot harm the other's territory.

The banditry industry is the same as other business industries.

Since there is no competitive relationship between them, if one party comes to the other party's territory and has something to do, the other party will help, so the relationship is naturally good.

In the first two years. This is how these two spies met, and today they both came here to inquire about news and bumped into each other. Hey, coincidence is not a coincidence, it is fate!

"Have you heard? There is a girl in the guerrillas who is a big is quite exciting." Brother Li started to bluff while looking ahead.

"Of course I've heard of it, Baiyun Temple on Baiyun Mountain, there's a flower on Baiyun Temple!" The brother replied quickly.

"That woman is from the Northeast, did you know?" Brother Li continued.

"I really don't know about this." The brother replied hurriedly.

"I heard that there was a regiment commander of the Northeast Army who was that woman's best friend a few years ago. I heard that the woman was here, so I led my troops to find her.

But the guerrillas said that the woman was snatched away by Yu Zengfu and others.

Then do you think the Northeast District leader could spare Yu Zengfu? So they sent troops to kill Yu Zengfu! "The old man said with great interest.

Of course, he only heard about it.

Although he also felt that not all of this might be true, but there was no basis for it, so it seemed that it was probably sixty-seven percent true.

"Oh, so that's what happened. You said that Old Yu had nothing to do with the leader's wife, so why don't you commit suicide?" The brother suddenly realized.

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