The War of Resistance

Chapter 1452: I was deceived by Lao Deng!

Latest website: "Oh, I'm sleepy." A soldier yawned.

It's just that his yawn was only halfway through when Liu He next to him stretched out his hand to cover it.

"Haha?" The soldier's hand was covered by the rough hands of the Northeastern man. He felt bad and was unhappy.

"What, you go to someone else's kang and sleep again!" Liu He said to the soldier.

"Can you take care of this? Which village are you the security chief of?" The soldier was still unhappy.

But at this time Xie Chengan also said: "Stop talking nonsense and leave quickly!"

After Xie Chengan spoke, the soldier had nothing to say. He glared at Liu He and followed the others outside the village.

In fact, it's no wonder that he was unhappy. Didn't he just yawn? Then it was Liu He's turn to reach out to cover it?

The reason for this is that he is from Xie Chengan, they are from the 111th Division, and you, Liu He, are from the 113th Division, why do you care about me?

From Liu He's point of view, he is not stupid. Of course he knows that others will not be happy if he covers their mouths.

But he didn't regret what he did, so he looked at Qingfeng Li, who was also looking at him, and the two of them were speechless.

After Xie Cheng'an, Liu He, and Li Qingfeng defeated the puppet troops who were chasing them, they were hungry and sleepy. They had not had any rice or water all night, so they naturally had to find something to eat.

So they followed the smoke from the sky and found the village.

But what Liu He, Li Qingfeng and the others couldn't stand was that when Xie Chengan and the others arrived in the village, they opened their mouths and asked for food from the people.

What does it mean to want something to eat? You only want it if it’s not yours, right? So from another perspective, the food belongs to the people. If it is your business, the people have the right not to give it to you.

Just as the common man shook his head, Xie Chengan's men pointed their guns at them and said, "Do you have to let me grab it?"

People from other places would be frightened if they saw the way the Northeastern people danced, danced, danced and danced with their spears. What's more, the Northeastern soldiers had weapons in their hands that could really kill people. Where's the gun?

Under the threat of gunpoint, Xie Chengan and the others finally had a hearty and hot meal.

But people like Liu He, Li Qingfeng and others also had their meals, but deep down they had reservations about the actions of people like Xie Chengan.

You must know that their 113th Division, especially the battalion where Shang Zhen is now serving, does not have the habit of robbing ordinary people's things.

On the first day that the battalion commander Shang Zhen took office, he told the whole camp that no one was allowed to rob the people's things, and no one was allowed to harm other people's girls and wives. Especially if anyone did the latter thing, I would arrest him. He was killed immediately without any discussion!

However, Liu He also privately asked the veterans under Shang Zhen, saying, I believe you have never harmed women, but have you really not robbed people of their things? Why don't I believe it?

It is reasonable to say that Liu He doubted the order of the new battalion commander Shang Zhen. He had never heard of any army that would blatantly say that it could burn, kill and loot. They would all say that it was against military law, but Is it actually rare for things like this to harm ordinary people?

At that time, the veterans under Shang Zhen did not play coy with him. The answer to Liu He was that we did not steal the people's things, but they did when they were forced to buy them.

What is forced buying? It's nothing more than taking things from people's hands and then giving them money.

As for harming the eldest daughter and daughter-in-law of ordinary people, that is absolutely not the case. If anyone commits a crime, we can directly enforce military law without the battalion commander!

After listening to the veterans' explanations, Liu He realized that this was about the same.

But this time, this time I happened to be with the people of the 111th Division. The people of the 111th Division were called armed robbery. Not to mention giving money afterwards, they didn't even give a hair! Do you think he can get used to it?

And just now when the soldier yawned in front of the people, he noticed the way the people looked at them.

The look in his eyes couldn't be said to be filled with deep hatred like "I jumped into a well with your child in my arms", but it was definitely not that friendly either.

Then what kind of information are you leaking that people like you haven't slept all night? Why are you yawning? If you don't reach out and wipe your mouth, quickly apply oil on your feet - slip away!

So if the people reveal their news to the puppet troops, and the puppet troops hear the news and come over again, wouldn't it be another vicious battle? Therefore, it is business for the people in my class to return to their own camp as soon as possible.

It's just that Liu He was thinking about something, but something happened again.

"Hey, Lao Deng, what's the fastest way to Annan Town?" At this time, one of Xie Chengan's soldiers opened his mouth to ask an old man who was watching them.

As soon as the soldier asked this question, the faces of all the Northeastern soldiers became strange.

"Lao Deng" is a curse word used by Northeastern people. You can add one or two characters in the middle. It is a special term for scolding old people. No one can tell what it means exactly. It can be "old gangster" or "old man". "Pervert" and "old man" are not good words anyway.

When asking people about the way forward, even if you don't call them "Uncle", "Uncle" or "Second Uncle", even if you call them "Old Man", although it is rude, it is better than calling them "Lao Deng". Strong, right?

This soldier is probably bullying people by calling them that because they don't understand Northeastern dialect.

This situation is like a Chinese meeting a foreigner and opening his mouth and saying "Hey, you idiot!". The foreigner doesn't understand Chinese, but when he sees the Chinese shouting "Hello", he responds innocently. "Hello, Gudu Mao Ning", the principle is the same.

But at this time, when they saw the soldier talking to others in this way, they were also curious about the old man's reaction, so they watched with suppressed smiles.

The wrinkles on the old man's face were like furrows in the ground. His little eyes were narrowed. He saw a soldier talking to him, but he didn't have any overreaction because of that "Old Den". It looked like he was not. Understand what "Lao Deng" means.

On the contrary, he smiled and said with a smile on his face: "Sir, when you leave the village, you have to cross a mountain. After passing that mountain, you have to turn north. There is a river there, and there is a wooden tree on the river. Bridge, after crossing the bridge you will find the main road to Annan."

The old man said it was quite complicated and troublesome.

The soldier of the Northeast Army listened patiently to the old man's words, and then stared at the old man's face, which was already dusk and still stained with eye drops, and said: "Lao Deng, if you dare to lie to us, Be careful, I will come back and kill you!"

The soldier was not stupid either. He was also afraid that this harmless-looking old man would deceive his group again.

"How can it be possible? If I lie to the boss, my whole family will die!" The old man actually started to swear. UU Reading

Upon hearing that the old man had made such a poisonous oath, the Northeast Army soldier "hum" and looked at Xie Cheng'an.

Although Xie Chengan was expressionless, he felt that the old man had no need to lie to these anti-Japanese warriors. He waved his hand, and their team walked out of the village.

It's just that no one has eyes in the back of their head for a long time. As they walked away, the old man turned around and walked towards his ruined home with a cold "hum".

Otherwise, I know people, faces but not hearts.

Of course, this old man dared to swear that if he lied to the whole family, it was because he was originally an old and homeless man, and he was the only old bachelor in the whole family, so he was not afraid of swearing.

Do you really think this old man doesn’t know what “Lao Deng” means? The curse word "Laodeng" is not exclusive to Northeasterners. According to later research, there are 100 million people in China who use the word "Laodeng" to curse people!

(End of chapter)

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