The War of Resistance

Chapter 1453: camping place

Latest website: The mountains and fields were still so vast, and Xie Chengan, Liu He and his group were wandering on the road.

Of course they had reasons to be sleepy and tired. They didn't sleep all night yesterday, and today they were chased by puppet troops for most of the day and fought an ambush. They only ate at dusk, and now they walked out of the village again.

After all, people are not made of iron, and rhetoric is useless. When you are full, you will feel sleepy.

There is a saying that says, "Sleep is the best rest." I don't know if everyone has this experience. After returning from a field trip, people are particularly addicted to sleep.

"No, I'm too sleepy! I can even fall asleep if I walk like this." Some soldiers' heads were dripping with blood.

"It would have been better just to sleep in the village." Another soldier said.

"How serious are you?" objected the third soldier.

"How serious are you? I protect my family and my country and fight against the little devils and bandits. Is it too much to sleep on their kang all night?" The soldier who was refuted expressed his dissatisfaction.

"Pull it down, are you the old woman from the family you are interested in?" The person next to him started to talk nonsense.

If this were normal, men would definitely make others laugh if they made such a joke.

Only this time, the soldiers only grinned symbolically, and some of them simply went in the left ear and out the right ear. There was no way, they were too sleepy, and they had lost the mood to joke.

"We have to find a place to sleep." Xie Chengan, who also had hard-eyed eyes, muttered in a low voice. He also glanced at Liu He, Li Qingfeng and the others, but no one in the group looked at him.

Of course Xie Chengan also wanted his own people to live in the village, but as his soldiers said just now, his heart was not that big.

After all, they were stealing food from people's mouths and sleeping in other people's houses at night. He was also afraid of any accidents.

More than half an hour later, Xie Chengan and his group got into the woods, and some soldiers were holding random hay in their arms. They needed to catch up on their sleep.

"Hey, are you guys going to go?" At this time, one of Xie Chengan's soldiers asked. Xie Chengan heard the sound and looked over, and saw Liu He, Li Qingfeng and his squad going elsewhere.

"It's too close to the road, so I won't be able to sleep well." Qingfeng Li answered without looking back.

"Biele (lēi) and the others will be caught one by one!" Xie Chengan's soldiers looked at Qingfeng Li and the others and muttered dissatisfiedly. Then he lay down on the withered grass and closed his arms while holding his rifle. eyes.

"There will be four shifts of sentries tonight. No one is allowed to sleep while on duty!" Xie Chengan also ordered thoughtfully, looking at the backs of Qingfeng Li and others as they left.

It's not that he thinks Qingfeng Li and others will do anything detrimental to people like him, he just thinks that what Qingfeng Li says is reasonable. He is also worried that people like him will bully the people and cause a backlash from the people.

Qingfeng Li, Liu He and the others walked out of the woods and it started to get dark soon after.

Just before the march, the people in their class had already discussed that no matter how tired they were from walking, they really couldn't stay with Xie Chengan and the others.

Not to mention whether Xie Chengan and the others will get retribution for their behavior with the common people. Even these soldiers really look down on Xie Chengan and the common people.

Although everyone is from the Northeast Army and grew up from the same roots, different troops have different styles after all. They can be united sincerely when fighting, but when they are not fighting, they look a little unpleasant to each other.

"Ouch!" At this time, one of their soldiers suddenly shouted.

His shout startled the others who were already drowsy even though they were walking. At this time, they saw that the soldier had pulled his feet back from the tender grass in front of them.

It is winter now, the leaves have fallen and the grass has withered, but the grass here is tender and green. It turns out that there is a puddle in front of it, but the grass is denser and the sky is getting darker. The soldier suddenly I accidentally stepped in.

"What a **** bad luck." The soldier cursed.

It was early winter, and although it had not yet reached subzero, the water was already very cold. His shoes were already soaked with water as soon as he stepped out, and he would have to sleep in the open all night, which would really make him suffer.

"Where should we sleep?" A soldier asked at this time.

Yes, where to sleep?

When he came out just now, Li Qingfeng only took everyone here because he saw the terrain was high and there were some trees and shrubs in this direction, but he never expected that there was water at this end.

Just when another soldier looked back at the woods only three or four hundred meters away from them, Qingfeng Li walked sideways along the puddle in front of him.

"You're just wandering around!" When Liu He became dissatisfied with Qingfeng Li's behavior, Qingfeng Li, who was already dozens of meters away, shouted: "Come here, everyone, there is no water to get across here."

"A good horse never turns back to eat grass." A soldier muttered and ran away towards Qingfeng Li.

And his companion followed behind him: "Yes, those guys from the 111th Division are just trying to attract people."

So they went on their way.

Just a few minutes later, the soldiers of their squad followed Qingfeng Li and jumped across the puddle while stepping on the waterless area. Finally, the trees and shrubs on the high point in front of them covered their bodies. shape, that's why they finally chose it as the habitat of their class.

Li Qingfeng already wanted to part ways with Xie Chengan and the others.

Now he is an anti-Japanese fighter, but his thoughts are a hodgepodge.

He not only talked about the Taoist freedom and freedom, but also talked about the karma and retribution of the old fool. Of course, the most important thing was that he was influenced by Shang Zhen's philosophy of being close to the people. He always felt that people like Xie Chengan and others who were so cruel to the people would be afraid of the consequences. To suffer retribution, it would be better to avoid people like myself.

In the woods, Xie Chengan was already lying on the hay in the woods. At this time, there were footsteps. It was one of his soldiers who came over and reported to him: "Company Commander, they are two or three hundred meters ahead." Rested in a tree outside."

Xie Chengan subconsciously waved his hand, not knowing whether to express that he knew or was impatient, and then he fell asleep.

The night is very cold, UU reads a book www. There was a wind blowing, and when it passed through the relatively large forest, the leaves that had not fallen off made a "clatter" sound, and then pointed to the hills, and both the former and the latter had hugs. The anti-Japanese soldier who was sleeping with his gun subconsciously wrapped his clothes tighter.

A war has involved all Chinese people. During the day, they, the officers and soldiers of the Northeast Army, are also the pillars of the country. Like other Chinese officers and soldiers who never want to be slaves to the subjugation of the country, they also show the stubbornness of the Chinese people who are not willing to give in.

But now, in nature, they are more like a group of homeless children.

The wind was still blowing, but now it blew the window paper of a residential house hundreds of miles away, making a "butter" and "butter" sound.

At this time, someone in the equally dark room sighed silently on the big wooden bed. It was Shang Zhen.

Shang Zhen thought of Qingfeng Li. He did not expect that the 133rd Division would leave the next day after the attack. It would be difficult for Li Qingfeng to return to the 133rd Division this time after he disappeared!

(End of chapter)

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