The War of Resistance

Chapter 1451: Counterattack 1 attack

Latest website: There are hills everywhere, not really high, but the distance between hills is only one to two hundred meters, but this one is a bit close.

The puppet soldiers were tired from the constant uphill and downhill climbs, but they were born bandits and naturally had a lot of energy. They gritted their teeth and had to chase them all the way down. How else would they be called ruthless bandits?

Seeing that they had climbed another mountain, if the gentle **** of the hill in front was included, it was an open space of more than 200 meters.

It's just that the puppet soldiers didn't take it too seriously, and it's impossible for people to be on guard all the time.

What's more, during the chase, they saw from a distance that the opponent only had about forty or fifty people. So with their more than two hundred troops, could they still be afraid of the opponent?

Therefore, despite the urging of the puppet army officers, the puppet soldiers were also mentally slack due to the difference in physical strength and formed a long queue.

But just when the people in front of them reached the lowest point between the two mountains, the gunfire from the opposite mountain suddenly rang out fiercely. The sound of rifles was covered up by the dense short-point shooting of box cannons. Living.

No one can see the trajectory of the bullet flying in the air, but from the puppet soldiers who were directly knocked down by the bullet, they can see where the bullet was fired.

"On the mountainside!" the puppet army officer shouted.

The other party had ambushed them, but they were not hiding on the top of the hill as they thought, but on the mountainside on both sides.

At this distance, the puppet soldiers who were still alive and lying down could even see the opponent's figure shooting at them from box cannons on the shoulders of the mountainside on both sides!

Although the Northeastern Army is small in number, they still have basic combat qualities. The mountainsides they hide on both sides can at least be considered cross-fire.

"Get back! Get back!" the puppet army officer then shouted.

The opponent's firepower was too fierce, and they were determined to inflict heavy damage on them at all costs.

Only then did the puppet army officers realize that the other party was unlikely to have such powerful firepower. Those box cannons belonged to the group of people who were killed by the other party this morning.

The group of people who were wiped out were the elites of Li Tantou's puppet army. Otherwise, why would they have the right to use the 60-gun cannon?

Since they are elites, the twenty-ring box cannon they use most is of course.

Box cannons are not only the favorite of all armies, but bandits also like to use them.

You must know that Li Tantou's puppet army now numbers tens of thousands in Shandong. The weapons used by their elites are incomparable to that of the Northeastern Army, not to mention the Sangun Tubal Road in Shandong!

But what's the use of talking about this now?

These puppet troops are at a distance of about a hundred meters, and the opponent's box cannon with a wooden box added to it has a sufficient shooting range and extremely powerful firepower.

This is often the case in battles. Once the opportunity is lost and you want to regain it, you can only beat the drum again and start another battle. The puppet soldiers also hurriedly circled to the foot of both sides of the hill behind them.

Of course they won't go up the mountain, at least the mountain they just passed is not bare, but the few bushes on the hillside can only hide a few rabbits.

Just as the puppet troops were beaten back and retreated, the sound of artillery fire from the opposite box stopped, and the sound of rifles rang out again, and more than ten Japanese soldiers were knocked to the ground by rifles.

Seriously, the box cannons used by the Northeast Army on the opposite side were stolen from them, and the rifles were their own. In terms of firepower configuration, they had a complete set of both long and short guns.

What’s funny is that these puppet soldiers chased each other for several hours, but the battle ended in just over five minutes.

The Northeast Army's casualties on the opposite side were naturally invisible to the puppet soldiers. They had already hidden behind the hill. All they could see now was the hillside. More than thirty of their men had fallen, and several of them had fallen. He's still alive, but he's clearly seriously injured and struggling.

"Go up the hill and set up the machine gun, don't let them escape!" the puppet army officer shouted again.

This officer was not stupid. He immediately judged that the Northeastern troops in front were exhausted from their pursuit, otherwise he would never have fought back.

Then, the part of his men who are dead are also dead. Now that he has bitten the opponent, he will have to make up for it from the Northeastern Army in the following battles.

But just as the puppet troops were organizing an attack, the Northeastern Army's offensive methods were still not complete.

Suddenly, the puppet soldiers heard a "boom" from a cannon, and then there was a "boom" just a few dozen meters to their left. Dust and dust rose up, and the other party actually fired!

The puppet soldiers who heard the artillery fire from the Northeast Army instinctively lay down, while the puppet soldiers on the **** on the other side of the mountain were a little confused.

The puppet army is the puppet army. After all, Li Tantou's puppet army is not those who defected from the national army.

They were more gangsters, but they had no experience as soldiers and still lacked the most direct understanding of artillery. Although they heard the whistling sound caused by the artillery shells flying in the air, they did not understand where the artillery was. superior.

"The shells came from the right, right?" The puppet army officer was also a little confused. He pointed to his right and said hesitantly.

But they didn't know that on their right wing, the soldier named Lin Yaozu was quickly adjusting the wheel on the shooting cannon.

He shouted "Okay", and a soldier nearby who temporarily acted as the second gunner stuffed a shell into the barrel, and with a "boom", the shell was shot out again!

After adjustment, it was really different. This time, the second shell really hit the hillside where the puppet soldiers were hiding.

Although the bombing was not in the most densely populated areas, when the dust dispersed, several puppet soldiers lying on the ground could no longer get up.

This time the puppet troops were completely fooled. Only then did they remember that the Northeasterners had robbed them of their two mortars. UU reading

The worst thing is that they don't know how many shells are left in the two mortar cannons, because all their mortar shooters are dead. They were shot from behind by the Northeastern Army this morning.

By this time, the puppet army officer was also panicking, but fortunately he understood that he couldn't just escape by himself, he had to escape with everyone.

"Run! Disperse!" the puppet army officer shouted, "But don't run too far, keep an eye on those Northeastern Army people. This is our territory, and more of our people will come. !”

Once the puppet troops disperse, the effect of shelling will become smaller.

But that Lin Yaozu was already addicted, but he shouted again: "Refill the shells!"

But when he looked back at the soldier serving as the second artilleryman, he saw that although the soldier was holding a cannonball, Liu He had already reached out to stop him.

"The scare is enough, I still want to go back to the camp to do business!" Liu He said.

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