The War of Resistance

Chapter 1443: confusion

Latest website: In this world, people with simple minds tend to simplify complex things, while people with complex minds tend to complicate simple things.

Wu Ziqi is the former, and Li Qingfeng is the latter.

Shang Zhen told his squad to block the outside of the village, and then Shang Zhen and the others set fire to the village. We have more soldiers in the Northeast and fewer enemies. As soon as the enemies see the light, they will run out of the village like mice who cannot see the light. Then they Just shoot at the enemy by firelight outside the village.

Wu Ziqi had a simple mind. He had heard someone coming out of the village before, so he naturally thought that the other person must be an enemy. If not an enemy, why would you run outside the village?

Qingfeng Li had complicated thoughts. He was seeing a fight starting in the village and on his right. He also wanted to join the fight, but it was dark now and he couldn't figure out which group was friendly and which was enemy.

Just when the soldiers in his squad said, "Let's do it too," he asked, "Who are you fighting? Do you see which group is the enemy and which group is our own?"

When the soldier thought about it, there was nothing wrong with Qingfeng Li's words.

There is no fire in the village. Who can guarantee that those who run out of the village at this time must be enemies. What if they are one of our own?

If they hit like this again, one of their own will be knocked down directly. That is not only "the relatives will suffer, the enemies will be quick", but if they hit the wrong person, they will have to live with guilt for the rest of their lives, and they will have to be killed. How many Japanese devils can it take to erase the sins in their hearts?

Therefore, bullets were now being fired at the other end of the village and the group on Qingfeng Li's right, but Qingfeng Li and the others just held back.

They wanted to take another look, what if Wu Ziqi was not killed in the battle between the enemy and the enemy and actually set a house or firewood pile on fire? If he could distinguish between the enemy and the enemy, he would naturally have a target to fire on.

To say that Qingfeng Li thought so was definitely not wrong, but the next development of the situation once again exceeded his expectations.

Just as they were trying to determine which group was theirs, they heard shouts coming from the direction of the mud they had come from before. Someone was coming from that side again!

The current situation is that Li Qingfeng and the others are more than 100 meters away from the group with more troops on the right and more than 100 meters away from the village, and yet there are people coming from the left. This means that there are three points outside the village and one in the village. Clicked.

Who is the enemy and who is the friend? How can we tell clearly in such a hurry?

But this is a night battle. As long as there is no light, the main thing is two words - confusion!

Qingfeng Li can now imagine that the group of people who came later must not have known that there was a piece of mud there and they were now stuck in it.

But if you get stuck, your marching speed will only slow down, and you will eventually come out.

If there is light, if the enemy is coming over there, they can take advantage of the opponent being trapped in the mud and being unable to move and shoot him.

But they can't see it now.

Their battalion knew that they were coming from a distance to reinforce the division headquarters, so who could guarantee that the group of people who came after them were not friendly forces? Are they also here to reinforce the division headquarters?

Wu Ziqi, you are on fire! Li Qingfeng felt particularly anxious when he heard the movement on the left.

But he didn't know that Wu Ziqi, who was already hanging out with the Li Tantou bandit, was complaining.

Of course he didn't forget to light a fire so that Qingfeng Li and the others on the other side could distinguish between ourselves and the enemy.

He had just taken out his lighter, and he didn't care that his lighter was a bronze one that was captured on the battlefield. When he hit it, there would be a loud "Bai'er" sound. If it was because of this "Bai'er" sound, If the enemy discovers that his identity is wrong, then beat him to death and he admits it!

But when he just took out the lighter, he felt a pain in the back of his hand amidst the messy gunfire. As soon as he let go, the lighter fell from his hand.

It turned out that bullets were fired into the alley from the opposite side. Although he was hiding in the blind spot of the shooting from the opposite side, he didn't know why he was carrying it like this. A bullet hit the stone wall diagonally opposite and turned into a bullet. It became a ricochet, but it passed through the back of his hand!

Wu Ziqi ignored the burning pain on the back of his hand. He was squatting on the ground and reached out to touch it. But at this moment, someone passed by him. Who in the dark sky would see him? He stumbled directly on his hand. Wu Ziqi was knocked to the ground immediately.

At this moment, Wu Ziqi couldn't care about anything else. He then reached out to touch the ground, but in his eagerness, where could he find the dropped lighter?

But at this time, Li Qingfeng outside the village had already taken action. If he couldn't wait for Wu Ziqi's fire, he couldn't just wait with the people in his class. Don't be like Wu Ziqi and let the two groups attack him again. People in this class are caught in the middle.

So Qingfeng Li asked the other soldiers to stay where they were, while he moved to the left alone.

He wanted to find out the identity of the people who came over while they were still in the mud.

Their current position was originally not that far away from the mud, so if it had been further away, he wouldn't have been able to hear any movement there.

Qingfeng Li leads a class, and as the class leader, he is just making up the numbers.

To be honest, he doesn't care about a class, but now that the situation forces him to fight alone, he has an idea.

He carried his rifle behind his back and held a grenade in his hand.

Qingfeng Li doesn't have a box gun now.

The reason was that he was interested in the twenty-ring box cannon, but he was too inexperienced and it was not his turn to get the twenty-ring box cannon, and he didn't want the ten-round box cannon that could only be fired in bursts.

So he can only use rifles, and his rifles are different from others. Others like to use Type 38 rifles, but he prefers to use Hanyang-made rifles.

As for the reason, it's because his marksmanship is really average, and he can use almost any gun. So in comparison, the Hanyang Creation, which is shorter than the 38-type rifle, has become his first choice. Who calls him short? .

Soon, Hu Qingfeng approached the mud gently. He lay on the ground and listened carefully when he heard someone walking towards him.

Qingfeng Li was not afraid, so he stepped aside. He still had to confirm the identity of the other party.

And just when that person was almost approaching him, he suddenly heard voices coming from Xini.

Although the voice was a bit low, he could still tell that the other party had a Shandong accent!

The voices of Shandong people are surprisingly loud, perhaps this is due to Shandong's folk customs.

There is a joke that people in Shandong don’t have the word whisper at all. That’s because when people in Shandong speak in whispers, regardless of gender, their voices sound like people from other provinces chatting normally!

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