The War of Resistance

Chapter 1442: “An adventure with 2 goods”

Latest website: Li Qingfeng and the others were a little slow to reach the location designated by Shang Zhen. The reason was that they unfortunately ran into a piece of mud in the west of the village.

It's no wonder they arrived at the so-called "treasure land" for the first time. They walked around in the dark, but how could they know the terrain there?

In order to complete the task given by Shang Zhen, their class rushed too hard, and by the time they realized that they had entered the mud, they had already crashed in.

The night was too dark, and the house that Shang Zhen and others set on fire was a little far away from them, and they couldn't figure out how big the mud area was.

If they exit and go around again, it will take some time.

The battlefield is urgent. As the saying goes, if there are mountains of swords and seas of fire in front of you, you still have to rush forward. It depends on the speed of your troops.

It was just that they aimed to move forward in a straight line, but they never thought that the mud was getting deeper and deeper, from just above the feet at the beginning to knee-deep later.

As they walked further, the mud did not get deeper, but it successfully slowed down their progress. Even Li Qingfeng heard someone behind him who did not speak but was "knocking" with all his strength. He asked in a low voice. "What's wrong?" Wu Ziqi, the idiot who answered him, said, "My shoes are stuck in the mud!"

Who knew where the enemy was hiding in the darkness, and everyone did not dare to say a word. It took a lot of effort to get out of the mud, and finally arrived at the west side of the village.

And Wu Ziqi was undoubtedly the last one to arrive.

Wu Ziqi felt that now that they were blocking the enemy, they were not charging or escaping. There was no need for him to fight with bare feet! It's always about pulling the shoes out of the mud!

But Wu Ziqi was the last to arrive and refused to stop. He whispered to Qingfeng Li, "It's not an option for us to wait here. I think I should go over and order a house too!"

Shang Zhen sent people to light the houses from the other end of the village, and they went around.

There are battles and enemies in the village, and it's impossible to click on the house quickly.

So as soon as there is light at this end, they can see clearly when the enemy runs out of the village and the fire shines on them. Wouldn't it be better if the enemy can be driven into the mud they entered earlier?

Therefore, Wu Ziqi’s suggestion is not without merit.

If you want to go, just go. How can Qingfeng Li control Wu Ziqi, a useless person.

Wu Ziqi hunched his waist and tiptoed towards the house in front.

Wu Ziqi's somewhat ambivalent personality does not mean that he is careless in fighting. He was also afraid that in the past, enemies would actually come out and collide with him head-on.

But just when he was still thirty or forty meters away from the nearest dark house in front of him, he suddenly heard movement in front of him, and the movement was not small, but there was a "bang" sound. It was the sound of someone stepping on broken tiles, and then saying "Hey!"

Just this sound scared Wu Ziqi and he threw himself forward and fell down.

But then he heard someone behind him on his right suddenly shouting "Hit!" Then gunshots rang out, and there was even a light machine gun, and the bullets "swish" and "swish" from his gun. The top of the back of the head flew past!

This frightened Wu Ziqi and he quickly covered his head with his hands, but he also used his arms to protect his head and figured it out.

This is on the battlefield. It's useless to hold your head with your hands. Those are just your arms and hands. They are not the armor of an armored vehicle. Not to mention using your arms to protect it, even if you use your thighs to protect it, you can't deflect bullets!

So he hurriedly put away his hand, grabbed his rifle and crawled forward.

It was true that he was in front of the house, but he was also in open land!

And at this moment, he heard someone shouting from the opposite side. There were quite a few people listening to the sound. Then the gunfire also rang out, but it was the sound of a box cannon with "pop", "pop" and "pop". .

Damn it, I was caught between the enemy and myself.

But he only hesitated for a tenth of a second, and then climbed faster than before!

There should be enemies in front of him, but he has to move forward. Now he is in this embarrassing position, that is, even if he dies, he doesn't know which group he was killed by!

But while Wu Ziqi crawled "whoosh" and "whoosh", he thought again, that's not right, he came from the left front of the village, but now the gunfire came from the right front of the village, that is, behind and to the right of where he is now. A fight started.

Were the shooters our own guys, the little Taoist priest Li Qingfeng and the others? No, they just came over as a squad, and there were only eight people there. The ten-person staff was not full yet. How could they have the firepower on the right and behind them now? That bullet hit like water!

Of course, in the current situation, if he had doubts, it was just a thought. He had to keep climbing!

On the one hand, he had never thought that the distance of thirty to forty meters would be so long; on the other hand, he had never realized that he could climb so fast!

Finally, Wu Ziqi climbed to a corner of the house in front.

But at this moment, he felt that his elbow was a little hard. He climbed too fast, and before he could react, his body moved forward again, so his right elbow, which was pressed down by all his weight, fell down. Shen, and then there was a "gabeer" sound!

He actually broke a tile like the person who made the noise earlier.

The difference is that maybe that guy broke the tile with his foot, while Wu Ziqi broke it with his elbow.

The common point is that who knew there would be tiles scattered on the ground in this house, but anyway, the tiles were all broken and they made a sound loud enough for others to notice!

Wu Ziqi, who originally wanted to light the house on fire, failed, and now it is still dark.

Qingfeng Li, who was behind him on the left, and the group of people who were supposed to be his own on the right behind him, it was impossible to hear the sound of breaking tiles among the chaotic gunfire.

But now that I have entered the enemy's "camp", people must have heard it!

Because Wu Ziqi felt that someone was already asking "Who?" above his head, and not only did he ask, but then a hand touched his head!

Isn't this **** going to cut off his big head with his left hand and "click" with his right hand?

Fearful, nervous and unwilling to give up, Wu Ziqi replied with one word: "I!"

Wu Ziqi was so nervous that he had already grasped his rifle tightly and it was too late to fire. To fire, he had to move the bolt. He was already ready to hit this "surprisingly easy" guy in the ear with the **** of his gun.

But what Wu Ziqi didn't expect was that after hearing his answer, the man didn't do anything but said: "Climb in quickly!"

They neither stabbed him nor chopped him with a knife, but let him crawl in!

Climbing in is exactly what I want!

Wu Ziqi hurriedly crawled in, UU reading, and then a bullet hit the corner he had just crawled over with a "ding" sound!

What's going on here? Why didn't they do it to me? Moreover, the meaning in those words seemed to be that they regarded themselves as theirs.

For a moment, Wu Ziqi was confused.

Little did he know that the group of people who attacked the 113th Division were actually members of the Shandong bandit Li Tantou.

Of course, most Shandong bandits are from Shandong, and Shandong people naturally speak with a Shandong accent. When the bandit asked "Who", he was ready to take action, but Wu Ziqi was also from Shandong, so he replied "I"!

Shandongese people say that they say "an", while Northeastern people say that they say "I" or "we", and the pronunciation in their mother tongue is also different.

The bandit really mistook Wu Ziqi for his accomplice!

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