The War of Resistance

Chapter 1444: How to get to know each other in the dark

Latest website: But just because one or two people had a Shandong accent, Li Qingfeng couldn't confirm that they were not from the Northeast Army.

Before the Chinese invaded Guandong, there were also indigenous people in the Northeast. Not to mention ethnic minorities, such as Mongolians, Manchus, Hezhes, etc. There were also some Han people, but those Han people were all interns before the Qing Dynasty. personnel.

After the Chinese invaded Guandong, a large number of Shandong people also entered the Northeast, so it was not uncommon for people in the Northeast Army to speak with Shandong accents.

Of course, people from Shandong who join the Northeastern Army are also called the Northeastern Army, so it is not enough to tell whether someone is from the Northeastern Army just by their accent.

Because of this, Qingfeng Li raised his hand and threw the grenade in his hand towards the place where the mud made the sound.

I hope it hits these people, Qingfeng Li thought with some anxiety, and then he reached out to touch his second grenade.

He only had two grenades in total.

The first grenade was thrown out by him before he pulled the string!

It wasn't that he forgot to pull the string, but he needed this unstringed grenade to confirm the other party's identity!

A moment later, he heard a shout of "ah" coming from the mud, and then heard someone shouting "Get down! Grenade!"

That was an authentic Shandong accent, and then there was a "gurgling" and "cracking" movement in the mud. That was when the other party reacted, and the footsteps of the person who was in front of him immediately stopped. .

After that, it was naturally quiet, everyone was trying to avoid the explosion of the grenade!

But how could there be an explosion? The grenade thrown by Qingfeng Li had no string at all!

Why did Qingfeng Li throw the grenade without pulling the string? Isn't that just to let the other party find out that a grenade fell from the sky, thus causing the other party to be surprised, so that he can listen to the other party's accent!

But then, Qingfeng Li's goal was achieved.

Because the grenade didn't go off, the group of people naturally started talking in various directions. This person said "Where did the grenade come from?", the other said "It turned out to be a stink bomb", and the other guy was almost confused. He was trying to defend himself. The big bruise on his head was not fake!

But no matter what those people said, they all had Shandong accents!

At this time, Li Qingfeng still had nothing to hesitate about. No matter what, there must be Northeasterners in the Northeastern Army. Why didn't he know that the 113th Division had some Shandong Battalion or Shandong Company?

He unscrewed the cap of the second grenade and pulled the string, and this time he threw it hard towards the muddy place, then he turned around and ran away!

The grenade he threw out this time had a string attached, and Qingfeng Li was running in front, and the explosions started coming from behind.

Who knew how many enemies could be killed by just such a grenade falling from the sky, and how many people's faces would be smeared by the mud stirred up by the air wave?

Qingfeng Li ran very fast. He was originally a very fast runner, but after he rushed forward another twenty or thirty meters, gunshots rang out from behind. Qingfeng Li felt a bullet "whooshing" from his side. "It flew over, and he instinctively pounced forward. This time he had to crawl back.

But what he didn't know was that he had actually escaped from hell.

After Li Tantou's group of bandits were bombed in the dark night, they shot at this end in disguise.

If you had the Eye of God, you would have seen that a bullet was originally heading towards Qingfeng Li, but a person appeared in the middle, and that person was the guy who walked out of the mud first.

The result was that the guy blocked the gun for Qingfeng Li and became an unjust murderer, while Qingfeng Li continued to crawl forward.

After a while, the fighting at this end of the village became more and more intense, just like inside the village.

The Northeastern Army outside the village not only shot at the enemies trying to rush out from the village entrance, but also shot at the enemies on their left.

At this time, they were surprised to find that another group of people appeared in the middle of the enemy and started shooting at the enemy on their left. It was Qingfeng Li and the others who finally joined the battle.

In the village, the Northeastern Army set fire to provide light to drive the bandits who entered the village towards this end.

It stands to reason that this melee will finally come to an end, but at this time, something unexpected by all the Northeastern Army happened again. There was a sudden "boom" and "boom" sound in the distance, and then There were mortar shells flying over with a sharp whistling sound.

But the explosion point of the shell was exactly where the Northeastern Army was outside the village, which was blocking the enemy from leaving the village!

The sound of the artillery made everyone in the Northeast Army shocked. The enemy actually had artillery, and they were still firing in the dark!

What is the operation of this enemy? Except for Shang Zhen who guessed that these enemies are the Li Tantou bandits, the rest of the Northeast Army is at a loss.

This was the first battle fought by the 113th Division of the 51st Army of the Northeastern Army after entering Shandong. Why did they fight so confusedly?

However, the mortars in the distance only fired a few shots outside the village, and then fired the shells into the village, which was already on fire. It must have been to rescue the bandits who were already facing a desperate situation.

Many people were confused, but Li Qingfeng was not confused. He looked into the distance and saw that artillery shells flying in the night sky had ballistic trajectories.

Li Qingfeng was trying to determine where the opponent had placed the mortar based on the trajectory of the artillery shells flying in the night sky.

In fact, he didn't have to look too far. How far could the two mortars that Zheng Huan was shouting at this time hit? After all, the range of mortars is limited, and the enemy moved the two mortars relatively close.

Li Qingfeng's visual inspection showed that the two cannons were no more than one kilometer away from the village.

"We're not going to fight anymore. Do you have the guts to follow me and kill those two cannons?" Qingfeng Li and his partner asked.

"Little brat, what are you afraid of?" a soldier in his class asked him.

"Then let's go!" Qingfeng Li said loudly.

So they stopped fighting with the enemy and all crawled towards the direction of the bombardment. After crawling a certain distance, they all stood up, bowed and ran towards the other end.

But as he was running, Qingfeng Li suddenly felt that something was wrong, because while he was running, he heard the same sound of running on the left.

"Stop! There's someone on the left!" Qingfeng Li said urgently.

As soon as he said this, the remaining few people in his class suddenly stopped and pointed their rifles to the left.

But almost at the same time, the people on the other side also noticed that there was movement on their end. They heard the "clatter" of the gun bolt, and the other side also pointed the gun over.

"Which part?" Questions came from both sides at the same time.

And with the same question, the two parties felt that they were their own people.

But then someone from the group opposite asked again: "Which guy is he from?"

This question made Li Qingfeng, a veteran, laugh out loud and reply: "Erdaogouzi, Dashilizi, Hanjiawazi, Weihushan, guess what!"

This time, he didn’t even have to use the correct password, so he said, “Fuck! You’re one of our own!”

Which haircut is equivalent to which hilltop you are from? This is a slang term that everyone in the Northeast knows, but outsiders may not know.

As for Erdaogouzi, Hanjiawazi and so on, UU Reading www.uukanshu. cmThose are all place names with Northeastern characteristics.

If you are not from the Northeast, how can you possibly know the two Northeastern characteristics above?

"Are you guys going to go?" Qingfeng Li, a veteran, asked.

"Make those two cannons from Gouri!" the other end replied.

"Then let's go together, we are also going to make those two cannons." The veteran on Qingfeng Li's side said.

So, join forces!

As expected, he is one of our own, and he is one of our own who has been a bearded man!

But this time, Qingfeng Li remained silent from beginning to end.

He couldn't say anything because he didn't have a Northeastern accent. If he said something, the other party would recognize that his accent was wrong and treat him as an enemy!

Then they don't have to unite their forces to unite their families, they will have to fight directly!

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