The War of Resistance

Chapter 1438: Capture the enemy

Latest website: "Unfortunately, it's true!" In the chaos of the night, bullets really hit the area where Shang Zhenying was located.

Listening to the gunfire, Shang Zhen knew that it was a continuous shot from a box cannon, the kind that spread out in a fan shape.

When Shang Zhen crawled forward again, he touched the hot and sticky blood wherever he stretched out his hand.

That was the blood of a soldier from his own battalion, the blood of a soldier from the 3rd Battalion of the 586th Regiment, 113th Division of the 51st Army of the Northeast Army.

Now that the blood has been touched, the soldier who was killed or injured can only be within a few meters of him, or even right next to him.

Hearing some kind of rustling sound, Shang Zhen subconsciously reached out to touch it, and then he actually touched the slightly warm body of one of his brothers and moved in this cool night.

"Are you okay? Where are you injured?" Shang Zhen asked in a low voice as he crawled forward again.

"I hurt my shoulder." The soldier answered, enduring the pain.

The injury was of course very painful, and Shang Zhen even heard the "clucking" sound of the soldier's lower teeth touching his upper teeth.

However, the pain in his upper teeth and his lower teeth was beyond the control of this soldier. All he could control now was to prevent himself from moaning.

There are always people in this world who will use their pitiful endurance to judge others by themselves, saying, "Oh, this is against common sense, and that is beyond the limits of the human body."

Such people always underestimate the lower limits of soldiers and their own lower limits.

If you underestimate soldiers, that's because as long as they don't die, soldiers will endure!

Those who underestimate themselves will abandon their superiors in an instant in order to survive, so that they can feel at ease. Male thieves and female prostitutes may even deceive their masters and destroy their ancestors!

When you get hurt, you scream "wow" and call "ambulance soldiers". Those are Western soldiers.

And among the Chinese soldiers nowadays, some were shot and fell to the ground. Even if they were not dead at the time, you have seen a few who would clinch their hands and scream. This is not a tolerable trait of the Chinese nation!

This is not just talk. In the images of the Anti-Japanese War left by later generations, the charging Chinese soldiers were shot and fell down. Some were killed directly, and some could still move a few times while lying there, but they did not wait until the large troops After everyone rushed forward, the stretcher team rushed over.

This is the endurance of the Chinese people!

"I, the battalion commander, am incompetent. I have brought trouble to my brothers. Just bear with me for a while." Shang Zhen said apologetically. He crawled to the side. He had to go around his injured soldier.

But he didn't expect that the soldier actually heard his voice and said weakly: "I don't have much ability, and I can't shoot a gun well. I just want to be patient and don't cause trouble to the battalion commander." .”

Shang Zhen paused for a moment, and suddenly he felt moved in his heart, what a good soldier!

Although one could tell from the other party's accent that this was not a soldier from the Northeast.

Shang Zhen walked around the injured soldier and crawled forward. When he paused, he heard a rustling sound behind him and on his left side. It was his soldiers following his orders. They are all expanding outward.

You must not fire back at this time. Shang Zhen hit too many people in the night battle.

If they fire back at the shooting site, then they will definitely start fighting with their own people, without exception!

The chaos under the night is still there, and there are still gunshots and explosions from time to time, but there is no sound in the area where Dudu Shangzhen's battalion is currently located, as if, no, not as if, but in such a dark night No one would think there would be an army here.

At this time, Shang Zhen heard some kind of sound coming from the front.

It was the sound of footsteps, rustling, not running.

Shang Zhen stared at the darkness where the sound came from. He seemed to see someone running there, and then he suddenly whispered: "Someone is coming, get ready to take action!"

Shang Zhen couldn't shout loudly at this time, as he was afraid of alerting the enemy on the opposite side.

But even though he spoke in a low voice now, his words spread among the soldiers like a gust of wind. They were passed from person to person, letting the children play drums and pass flowers.

Perhaps the discipline of Shang Zhen's team is really too strong. They didn't fire a single shot to counterattack here.

Perhaps those who attacked the Northeast Army really thought that there was no one here, and they were no longer afraid of making louder noises.

So after a while, the footsteps on the opposite side became louder, and then in the ears of Shang Zhen and others, the sound turned into a "plop", and then those people ran headlong into the camp where Shang Zhen and others were already. It is an expanded "circle".

The collision in the dark night happened like this.

Who knows which enemy's foot stepped on which soldier of Shang Zhen camp, and then in this originally silent area, a loud roar from the rough men from the Northeast suddenly burst out.

"F***!" With a foul word, the guy who stepped on someone was knocked to the ground by the person lying on the ground!

Then, the area became chaotic. Countless soldiers got up from the ground and put down all those who rushed over with weapons to the ground!

At this moment, shouts, the dull sound of gun butts, and even gunfire rang out, and then there was an explosion. It is unknown at least now how many people were killed and injured by this explosion.

"Pick the one with the white towel on his arm and chop it to death!" A hoarse voice condensed the experience of countless veterans fighting at night, but it seemed to be the guiding light of this battle!

When Shang Zhen and others went to fight at night in the Japanese camp, they would always tie a white towel on each person's arm to prevent injuries to their own people.

So what's wrong with this team that came to attack the Northeast Army? They also need to make signs in the dark that they will not accidentally hurt their own people.

So in today's China, no matter which group you belong to, if you want to identify each other's companions in the dark, what else can you do besides white towels?

When the chaotic sounds gradually disappeared and turned into the shouts of the Northeast Army soldiers, Shang Zhen, who was already on the outside, shouted loudly: "The muzzles of the guns on the outside are out, the bullets are loaded, anyone who dares to shoot at us will fight back immediately! "

And this is not the key to what he said, but the key is his subsequent yell: "Light the fire!"

Yes, it must be illuminated by fire after all, and before the light can be produced, full vigilance on the periphery is necessary.

A flashlight beam shone, and then a lighter lit the dry firewood.

Shang Zhen and the others camped out in the wild. Everyone was mortal, so they always had to get some hay to spread under their bodies when sleeping at night. Don't say anything like "the young man is very strong and only wants to sleep on the cool bed", UU reading www. That’s going to make you sick.

The light has brightened. What is it like under the bright light?

The soldiers of the third battalion piled them on top of each other and pinned some people down. When they got up, one of them used a light to dazzle one of their own, and then they were dragged up by the people next to them. It turned out that each one was still one of their own, and some got up one after another, and five or six people were behind them. But they are all soldiers of the third battalion.

When Shang Zhen saw the last person, that person was already dead. There was a twenty-gun box cannon beside him. The person was crushed to death.

However, looking at that guy's body shape, he is definitely Chinese. In other words, he is undoubtedly a traitor!

"Identify them one by one to see if there are any left alive. Don't let them blow themselves up and lure us in!" Shang Zhen ordered from the side again.

But at this moment, Shang Zhen suddenly heard fierce gunfire coming from the direction of the division headquarters in the distance!

"Leave him alive to ask for a confession, and follow me to the division headquarters to start a fire!" Shang Zhen no longer cared about interrogating the prisoners.

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