The War of Resistance

Chapter 1439: Open fire to save lives

Latest website: A torch is held high, and under the illumination of the torch, there are figures of soldiers advancing with guns.

This situation sounds exciting!

But when Shang Zhen and the others actually ran toward the division headquarters with flashlights and burning branches, Wang Lao Mao, who stayed behind to guard the prisoners, suddenly felt something was wrong!

"Isn't this Mr. Shang just messing around?" Mr. Wang suddenly muttered.

"The battalion commander did that to attract the attention of the enemy in the dark so as to ensure the safety of the division." A soldier next to him explained for Shang Zhen.

Everyone can think of Shang Zhen's purpose of moving forward with fire.

It was pitch black in the night, and if there were torches and flashlights to illuminate the soldiers' progress, they would naturally attract fire from the enemy in the dark.

In this case, Shang Zhen and the others would certainly have to endure a lot of sacrifices, but they would also ensure the safety of the division as much as possible.

Which is more important than the safety of the soldiers or the division headquarters or the division commander? Do you even need to ask?

As the saying goes, the three armies cannot seize the commander, and the ordinary man cannot seize the ambition. Division Commander Liu Chengyi is the commander of their 113th Division!

What the soldier said seemed reasonable, but who would have thought that Mr. Wang would just angrily curse: "You know nothing!"

An ordinary soldier can understand Shang Zhen's intention, how could Mr. Wang not think of it?

But from Mr. Wang’s point of view, is it definitely right for you, Shang Zhen, to do this?

You are fighting with open fire to protect the division commander. Although you will attract the enemy's firepower in the darkness, doesn't the direction you are heading in prove that the place you are heading to is the most important place of the 113th Division? Do you really think the enemies in the dark are all that stupid?

So Mr. Wang looked at Shang Zhen and the others leaving under the fire and immediately ordered: "First platoon leader, take your people and run to the division headquarters with firewood or something, and light the fire wherever you go." . You must light the fire a lot."

In Wang Laomao's subconscious mind, since you, Mr. Shang, have been in the first grade of junior high school, let me be the fifteenth grader!

Since you have lit up the torch, then I will light up the surroundings. I really don’t believe it. Will the enemies who come to attack us have more people than our 113th Division?

Under the firelight, Shang Zhen led the people still forward, and at this time he also realized that there was something wrong with his decision-making.

However, he did not realize like Mr. Wang that rushing to the division headquarters with two companies would expose the division's position.

However, he felt that it was too obvious that the two companies combined, with nearly 200 people running away, would not lead to an ambush from the Japanese army in the dark?

So, "Separate the fire head, the two companies should not take the same route! If there is still fire, then divide it again!" Shang Zhen ordered loudly.

The Northeastern Army is really too poor. The so-called "fire head" is just for convenience. Now, apart from a flashlight, what Shang Zhen and the others use to illuminate are dry branches that are lit in the hands of soldiers.

The incident happened so suddenly that they had no time to find branches, let alone torches. The only flashlight they were using now was one that Shang Zhen and the others had captured from the Japanese army.

And in the current situation, even if there are too many flashlights, they may not be able to be used.

The Northeastern Army doesn't do this. Other troops will no longer think that the flashlights of their group are Japanese devils, right?

What's more, the flashlight also has shortcomings. This toy flashlight is very bright in front but cannot illuminate the back. It is the so-called "darkness under the lamp".

Then your flashlight is shining brightly, but it is unlikely that the people on the other side can see who is holding the flashlight behind you.

Not to mention the lit branches, after all, they are not torches soaked in grease. If you hold it in your hand and run fast, the branches will be easily extinguished if the wind blows.

But now in China, let alone the Northeast Army, isn’t the entire Chinese army like this?

If the conditions are not met, then you can’t go? Then you won’t fight the Japanese devils? If we only talk about conditions, then don't fight the Japanese devils, then just be slaves to the subjugation of the country!

"Block the battalion commander, don't let the battalion commander get to the front!" At this time, Ma Erhuzi's voice sounded.

After saying this, Shang Zhen felt a dark shadow flash before his eyes, and Ma Erhuzi's figure really ran in front of him.

When Ma Erhuzi said this, soldiers followed and rushed in front of Shang Zhen.

At least in Ma Erhuzi's view, Shang Zhen's identity is different now, he is the battalion commander.

How could the battalion commander run to the front and under the firelight so that he could see what was really clear in the darkness?

Shang Zhen hesitated for a moment but did not rush forward after all.

Yes, he is the battalion commander now. At least now he is leading the troops to defend the division headquarters. He really shouldn't rush to the front. He has to stay alive to protect the division commander Liu Chengyi.

In fact, deep down, Shang Zhen agreed with Liu Chengyi.

When it comes to consciousness, the leader of a division cannot be attacked and killed by the enemy.

If we talk about personal relationships and character, Liu Chengyi is a good person. Not only is he devoted to public affairs, at least he has never made it difficult for Shang Zhen and his brothers.

"Don't just stare at the front, look behind, to the left and to the left, who knows where a grenade will fly!" Qian Chuan'er, who was running in the team, yelled.

While they were talking, they had already run some distance away. At this moment, a voice came from the front: "Which part?"

"From the 586th regiment!" When Qian Chuan'er replied, suddenly Li Qingfeng shouted, "Be careful here!"

Shang Zhen in the team turned around when he heard the sound. At the same time, he pointed the box cannon in his hand. Just when he saw a dark round shadow in the fire, it was directly smashed away by Qingfeng Li with the rifle in his hand. go out.

That's a grenade!

"Bah bang bang" "bang bang bang", the box cannon in Shang Zhen's hand went off, and what he shot was a dark earthen bag forty meters away.

To be honest, Shang Zhen didn't see anyone, but the shot had to be fired.

And with the sound of Shang Zhen's gunfire, the guns of his soldiers also fired. God knows whether they hit the enemy there, and then there was another sound of "lying down", and then grenades flew from their end. In the past, it was a tiger pillar.

"Go quickly, don't be obsessed with fighting!" Shang Zhen shouted again.

So they ignored the dark mound and ran towards the division headquarters again. UU read www.uukanwh. com

But as soon as they left, the sentry who had been shouting there shouted: "Be careful, the fighting is fierce in front, our people seem to be blocked!"

"What's blocked?" Qian Chuan'er asked as he ran.

"I can't tell clearly, but be careful!" the sentry replied.

Isn't that what night fighting is like? Although there may not be many enemies, everything is messed up. It's thanks to Shang Zhen and the others that they have experience in night fighting. Otherwise, his battalion will definitely be disrupted by others.

Which group is this? It’s not that the Japanese devils are still fighting against the national army like death squads.

Shang Zhen was thinking in his mind, and suddenly three words jumped into his mind, that was - Li Tantou!

Isn't this group of people a death squad sent by Li Tantou's group, the largest bandit in Shandong?

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