The War of Resistance

Chapter 1437: Attacked again

Latest website: Shang Zhen fell asleep.

Not only did he fall asleep, he also dreamed.

In his sleep, his remaining consciousness was still reminding himself that he couldn't sleep too hard!

This is a vigilant habit developed by veterans over the years.

So in his sleep, he thought, it is said that Zhang Fei has leopard eyes open when he sleeps. If he doesn't have Zhang Fei's eyes, then he has to open one eye and close one eye while sleeping.

So in the dream, he really tried hard to open one eye and then close one eye.

But Shang Zhen still ignored his sleepiness. He didn't know whether he could turn a blind eye in his sleep.

After Shang Zhen and the others eliminated the Japanese army following them, they did not clean up the battlefield, but accelerated their evacuation.

It was already dark at that time. With Shang Zhen's combat experience, he certainly knew which side had fewer people and which side would have an advantage in the dark. Because few people have no scruples when it comes to fighting.

Although the firepower of their battalion was very fierce at that time, and all the box artillery and light machine guns were used, but who can guarantee that none of the Japanese troops attacked by them were caught?

He would never allow such a thing to happen.

The Japanese soldiers who were not killed in the darkness suddenly launched a surprise attack on their group.

So since most of the enemies have been destroyed, he immediately ordered to leave the battlefield

The direction they are traveling is northeast, which is the direction where their 113th Division headquarters is located.

Shang Zhen had had enough fighting guerrillas with his people outside. Now that he had found a large force, he didn't want to leave easily this time.

Sure enough, after they had marched a few miles, the sentry shouted in front of them.

After Shang Zhen and the others exchanged the passwords, they found out that the division headquarters was not far ahead. Of course, there were also the newly transferred guard companies from the division headquarters and some other troops.

The sentry said that the division headquarters was in the village ahead, but Shang Zhen did not go to Liu Chengyi.

There were twinkling stars in the sky and darkness on the ground. Although there was a team of thousands of people in this area, there was no light at all.

After all, we have entered the Japanese-occupied area now, so it is better to be careful. The division commander Liu Chengyi will definitely think of it.

Shang Zhen and the others came back late, so naturally they could only find a dry place to lie down on the ground.

After a day's march, the army fought another battle after dark. Everyone was already hungry, but Shang Zhen had no intention of letting the cooking team catch fire.

If you're hungry, just go hungry. The division headquarters is nearby, so don't make a fire and expose the division headquarters again.

However, Wang Lao Mao, who had joined the main force first, heard the sound and rushed over, bringing some food to the combatants.

Everyone took a random bite, and their hunger was still there, but they were no longer wet, so they tightened their belts and went to sleep first, hoping to eat until they were half full before tomorrow.

Under the starlight, countless Northeastern officers and soldiers were sleeping on the ground. Most people slept peacefully.

Just because there are their troops inside and security troops outside, in this day and age, it is difficult to get a good night's sleep with people protecting them both inside and outside.

But who cares what each of them dreams about?

As Chen Hanwen said, there are countless souls of the Northeast Army in the water of the Huaihe River.

So in the land of China, how many Northeasterners are unable to return to their hometown? If people are gone, they are gone. Who cares about the dreams they have?

But when he was sleeping until midnight, Shang suddenly woke up from his dream.

The moment he woke up, his hand had already touched the box gun hanging on his body, and before his consciousness could react, he had already opened the head of the gun.

At this time, Shang Zhen heard gunfire and explosions!

What are the qualities of a veteran? brave? witty? Or are you well-informed and experienced? And calmness is undoubtedly one of them.

After a moment of shock, Shang Zhen began to observe, but at this time, the officers and soldiers of his battalion were also awakened, and some recruits screamed and panicked, because bullets were actually shot into the camp of their battalion!

"Everyone get down. No one is allowed to shoot. I will shoot whoever shoots him!" Mr. Wang's hoarse voice became extremely abrupt.

Immediately afterwards, the veterans in the camps of the three companies started shouting to prevent the recruits from moving.

The veterans have too much combat experience. Attacking the enemy at night is their specialty, but now they are attacked at night. So if you think about it from their perspective, what is the most important thing when you are attacked at night?

Of course, you need to be calm. Unless the enemy points his gun at your head and into your chest, you must not panic because of the dark night. You must first understand the enemy's situation!

To use a company metaphor, leading troops is like building a house. The company commander is the pillar or beam, and the platoon leader and squad leader under him must all be veterans. That is the four beams and eight pillars of the house, and then there are those Ordinary soldiers.

The squad platoon leader is the backbone of the company. Only with them in a company can we fight tough battles. Otherwise, the five fingers are divided into short and long. It is unrealistic to require all soldiers to be the same as the backbone.

With the shouts of the veterans, Shang Zhen's camp quickly became quiet, and it was quiet here. Although the gunshots and explosions around them were still chaotic, at least they would not let their battalion become chaotic.

The new recruits had little combat experience. Since the veterans were not allowed to move even if they were waiting to die, they really stopped moving.

They looked at the "red line" of bullets jumping in the dark with some horror, fearing that they would accidentally suffer an unreasonable disaster.

But the veterans are not afraid. If the bullet really flies over, it has nothing to do with whether you are afraid of death or not, because the bullet does not care whether you are afraid of death or not. You will die when you die. It all depends on the individual.

In the eyes of the new recruits, the trajectory of the bullets was chaotic, but in the eyes of the veterans, some clues were quickly discerned.

There were not many enemies who came to attack the Northeastern Army, but they had obviously sneaked into the Northeastern Army's camp. Most of the bullets that were fired in a disorderly manner were the Northeastern Army's counterattack bullets, although the counterattack bullets were likely to hurt their own people.

Moreover, the enemy who attacked the Northeastern Army was unlikely to be the Japanese army, because the Japanese army did not have the tradition of night fighting at all.

So, where did the enemy come from for the sneak attack? Whether they are puppet soldiers or traitors, are there really such hard-core traitors who serve as death squads?

But who are these enemies? They ignored one thing before taking action, that is, the Northeastern Army was now very poor. Although the gunfire and explosions continued, the Northeastern Army did not produce a trace of light!

If flashlights can also be called electrical appliances, the Northeast Army is so poor that they no longer have any electrical appliances.

The Northeastern Army, once a rich second generation, now doesn't even have many flares. It's dark everywhere and they don't attack outside. So now besides the red line of bullet flight and the flash of explosion, what kind of light will there be?

"Anyone who can hear my voice, pass my order!" After a while, Shang Zhen, who had made up his mind, finally issued his first order of the night, "Everyone spread out, but stay away from each other. Don't make big moves either.

No matter who shoots at us, inside or outside, don't fight back. Whoever dies will accept his fate!

But if anyone makes a big move and rushes into our circle, knock him down directly but don't beat him to death! "

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