The War of Resistance

Chapter 1436: swift retribution

Latest website: Not long after the sun set, the sky slowly became dark.

At this time, two heads popped out from behind a mound and looked into the distance.

Now more than half an hour has passed since the battle just now. The smell of gunpowder smoke was no longer in the air, so it was as if nothing had happened.

But the two men who poked their heads out at this time knew that the national army they had attacked had already left, and there wasn't even a body on the river bank.

"I don't know which group we beat?" One of them said at this time.

"What happened? Do you regret it?" his companion asked.

"There is no turning back when you shoot a bow!" said the first person to speak.

Their proficiency in Chinese has already revealed their identities. It can be said that they are puppet soldiers or traitors, and they are also former members of the national army.

In this world, ants still live in vain, let alone humans?

In the beginning, they only became puppet soldiers because they were afraid of death. If they did not surrender and became puppet soldiers, they would be beaten to death by the Japanese.

But once they really surrender to the Japanese, they will naturally kill the anti-Japanese compatriots under the orders of the Japanese.

When they had the blood debt of their compatriots in their hands, they knew that they could no longer turn back, so they broke through and embarked on a path that would bring shame to their descendants.

"Why, it's not just a lifetime. One more day is just one more day. I think so much." The second man found a reason for himself to be a traitor, then he looked back and waved.

So, just a few dozen meters behind them, two more people got up, but this time they were much shorter. They were wearing khaki military uniforms. They were Japanese soldiers.

They were a small team composed of Japanese soldiers as the main force and traitors as the auxiliaries. There were only sixty or seventy people in total.

Originally, they got the news that Chinese troops were crossing the Huaihe River on a large scale and then inquired about the news.

But when they saw ships approaching from the south bank of the Huaihe River, the Japanese officer leading the team was accustomed to being arrogant, so he ordered his men to attack those ships.

In fact, their ambush was successful, although several of them died.

Now the Japanese squad leader is curious about where the Chinese troops came from to enter the Shandong Peninsula.

Since he wanted to find out the other party's situation, he would naturally follow him from a distance.

If their small Japanese army is the servant of the Japanese army, then the two traitors in front are the servants of their Japanese army.

The two people who spoke were at the front of a small group like theirs.

In fact, to the Japanese army, traitors were more like hunting dogs.

Although it is embarrassing, it can always detect a situation and let out a few "woof woof" sounds when encountering a situation.

As for the death of a hunting dog, there is no regret, since there are plenty of such hunting dogs anyway.

Seeing that the "hunting dogs" in front found nothing unusual, the two Japanese scouts reached the mound and stretched their necks to look forward. They immediately confirmed that the Chinese army had indeed retreated.

So the two Japanese soldiers turned around and waved back, and not far behind them, a khaki figure appeared. It was their entire team that came forward after getting the news.

Seeing that the Japanese army group was moving, the two traitors at the front picked up their guns and appeared on the mound and walked forward carefully.

In fact, the two of them were also very scared, so they walked very carefully.

But as the traitor said, there is no turning back when the bow is fired, and they can no longer turn back.

In the twilight, there are two tall traitors in the front, two Japanese scouts holding Type 38 rifles in the back, and dozens of Japanese soldiers behind them.

However, neither the Japanese army nor the puppet army serving as guides noticed that there were sharp eyes looking at them under the grass not far from them. There were also two people there, Shang Zhen and Li Qingfeng. .

It is early winter now, and although the grass and trees are not dry, the person lying in the grass is still conspicuous after all.

Shang Zhen, who had always been experienced in combat, naturally disguised both of them. They were lying in the grass covered with camouflage clothes made of rags, and they were covered with wormwood.

The only thing they exposed were their eyes under the one-piece hats. It was getting dark, and who would discover them, as long as the two lurkers were brave enough.

Shang Zhen and Li Qingfeng were just like the grass and trees on the shore now lifeless. They just watched the Japanese army passing by not far away from them, but did not make any move.

At this time, the two traitors walking at the front became more and more cautious. They were local talents who would serve as guides for the Japanese army.

They were born and raised here and were familiar with every plant and tree here. They did not believe that the unknown national army would march overnight.

Because the opposing army should not be locals. If they are not locals, where can they go if they are not familiar with the place?

Slowly, the two traitors walked into a sparse forest. The sparse trees did not mean that the trees were not tall. They were poplar trees that were decades old.

So when they are not paying attention, the two traitors will step on the fallen dry branches and make a "crack" sound.

When people first walk at night, they always worry about ghosts. But once people walk a lot at night, they no longer fear ghosts, because worrying is useless.

The two traitors didn't notice at all. The branches they stepped on made a lot of breaking noises, but it was the Chinese army who was preparing to ambush the Japanese army. They were worried that they would not be able to find the Japanese army after dark, so they deliberately placed more dead branches here. .

The visibility is decreasing, and now I can only see clearly a few dozen meters away.

"Why do you feel like there's someone there?" the traitor walking in the lead whispered.

"How can anyone not scare himself?" His companion comforted him.

"No, do you think it looks like someone is lying there?" The traitor who spoke first secretly pointed to his left front with his hand.

His movements were not big at all. He didn't dare to make big moves. He was afraid that if he made big moves, if someone was really hiding there, they would shoot him again!

"Where is it?" The second traitor stretched his neck and looked. At this glance, he was also startled. He felt that there seemed to be someone hiding behind the tree.

Just when he was about to confirm, the sound of big-toed shoes breaking thin branches came from behind again, and the Japanese army's brigade had also followed.

"If the two of us move closer together, I don't think we can see clearly." The traitor's companion said again.

Although they were afraid of death and became traitors, they were also afraid of the Japanese army behind them. They did not dare to make up the situation to fool the Japanese. When the Japanese found out that they had made a mistake in the military situation, they would definitely have a big mouth. son!

The two traitors inadvertently opened the gun heads of the cannons in their hands, raised the guns and walked towards where they thought there was someone.

But they had only taken two steps when they saw a flash of fire where the figure was lying. It was gunfire—the flash of the primer of a bullet escaping from the muzzle of the gun during shooting!

At this moment, the bodies of the two traitors felt as if they had been hit by a sledgehammer, and they fell down uncontrollably. UU Reading So that the shooter was so close to them that they simply ignored it. The sound of gunfire.

At this time, it was not just the two traitors who were ambushed. The Japanese troops who had walked into the woods were also ambushed by the superior Chinese troops.

In the darkening twilight, countless reddish projectiles suddenly appeared in this sparse forest, weaving a huge net, and those who entered the net fell down after being shot, without exception!

The attack came so suddenly and the firepower was so fierce that there was no time for the Japanese army to react.

In later contracts, there is a term called exemption clause, which is called "force majeure". Yes, it is called force majeure!

The Japanese troops who entered the woods now encountered force majeure. They were buried wherever the bullets flew. Even if the Japanese troops responded quickly, they only had time to push the gun bolt.

And this was the ambush that Shang Zhen and the others set for the Japanese army. Shang Zhen, who had been "left behind" by the Japanese army at this time, did not expect that this time he and Qingfeng Li did not even have a chance to miss it. .

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