The War of Resistance

Chapter 1435: Not taking revenge is not a gentleman

Latest website: A broken boat that was about to fall apart drifted farther and farther downstream along the Huaihe River. There were several wooden planks that were about to be blown apart and several floating corpses in front and behind it.

The sun had already set, but it was not dark yet. It was visible to the naked eye that there was a person lying there on the broken boat and going with the boat.

And this is what Shang Zhen, who is now wet all over, can see.

Before landing, Shang Zhen had already checked it in person. The soldier had been killed in action and was a veteran of the Northeast Army.

There was one more dead soul of the Northeast Army in the Huaihe River. Somehow, an idea arose in the heart of Shang Zhen, a veteran who was used to seeing death and separation.

This idea was very strange, and he couldn't say it out loud. It would definitely be inappropriate to say it now. That is, Uncle Wang was right not to let the soldiers urinate into the Huaihe River. There were souls of Northeastern officers and soldiers in the river who had nowhere to return.

Now that the gunfire has subsided, there is a small high ground two to three hundred meters away from Shang Zhen and the others. There are several corpses lying on it, which belong to the enemy.

Just now Qiu Bo reported that he looked through binoculars and found that the enemies included both Japanese and puppet troops.

There are both reeds and woods two to three hundred meters behind the small highland. Most of the enemies are there. According to previous observations by veterans on the shore, the enemy's strength is only about a few dozen people.

But just these dozens of enemies caused a lot of casualties to Shang Zhen and the others.

The boat Shang Zhen was on was damaged by a Japanese grenade. Seventeen people failed to get ashore and return to the team. However, among the people who got ashore, there were about ten more injured. Some of the injured swam up by themselves and some were killed by their companions. Rescued.

"What a fool, why did the boat capsize in the gutter!" Seeing that Shang Zhen stopped moving again, Mr. Wang, who was lying next to Shang Zhen, began to curse again.

To say that raids and ambushes are what Shang Zhen and others are good at, but just now, they were intercepted in the middle by the Japanese army, and they suffered such heavy casualties in a five-minute battle.

Now that Shang Zhen is the battalion commander, he has more than 200 people under his command. If they had only one platoon before, they would have been wiped out by the Japanese army just now when the Japanese and Japanese soldiers made such a surprise attack. !

"This time I didn't do a good job and was attacked by the Japanese." Qiu Bo reflected on himself.

"I can't blame you. It's impossible for you not to send sentries over there. Our sentries didn't even fire a single shot. They must have been secretly killed by the little Japs." Shang Zhen shook his head and did not blame Qiu Bo. mean.

They were all veterans, and they were crossing the river. Qiu Bo and the others who came ashore first would naturally keep watch on the shore and even send sentries to both wings.

It's just that the sentry failed to warn in time. Shang Zhen and the others who were sitting on the last boat were attacked by the Japanese and puppet troops. This can only be because the sentry did not play its due role.

"Since there aren't many little Japs, I think we should catch up and kill these Japs to avenge our fallen brothers!" Ma Erhuzi suggested.

But just after he finished his suggestion, Mr. Wang, who was still cursing just now, said angrily to him: "Are you a veteran too?"

Now that they are no longer free persons, do they dare to take a battalion out and act without authorization without orders from above? Obviously impossible!

"Boy Shang, what do you think?" Wang Laomao asked Shang Zhen again after Ma Erhuzi finished training him.

Training a horse with two tigers is like training a horse with two tigers, but he, Old Man Wang, is also unwilling to accept it. Even if he has made up his mind to retire from the world, what can he do if he just suffered the loss of being mute?

It's like being farted in front of someone, sucking all the stench into your stomach but not being able to catch up and take revenge. This is not his old hat style!

Why didn't he want Shang Zhen to take the entire battalion out and wipe out the originally small group of Japanese and puppet troops?

"What's the point of asking me? I have no idea." Shang Zhen, who was still observing the front, simply ignored Mr. Wang's expectations.

We have been together for so many years, and Shang Zhen can figure out what his group wants to do even with the back of his head.

But just as Ma Erhuzi was trained by Mr. Wang, "Are you a veteran too?" Now that he has become a battalion commander, he can no longer make the decision and can only take one step at a time. Does it matter what he thinks?

Wang Lao Mao was unwilling to meet Shang Zhen. He wanted to scold Shang Zhen, but then he thought that Shang Zhen was now the battalion commander. Well, let it go. He could only endure it.

But at this moment, there were footsteps not far away. Shang Zhen and the others turned around and saw that it was the communications soldiers from the division running over.

That signal soldier is also an old man from the original 337th Brigade. Shang Zhen and the others all recognize him.

"Commander Shang." The correspondent was panting as he ran away, "Commander ordered you to act with caution. You must not let these little devils follow us.

Also, our division has already contacted the 111th Division. This is the territory of the 111th Division. At least there won't be too many little Japs here now. "

Of course Shang Zhen and the others knew about the 111th Division. The 51st Army they were in now had two divisions, the 113th and 114th, and another army in the Northeast Army, the 57th Army, had two divisions, the 111th and the 112th.

The 111th Division was stationed in Junan County, Shandong Province. When the 51st Army withdrew to the Dabie Mountains to rest, the division did not go back at all but insisted on fighting guerrillas behind enemy lines.

This is also one of the reasons why Yu Xiuzhong, now the commander of the 51st Army and the talker of the entire Northeast Army, became the guerrilla commander-in-chief of the Lusu region.

When the gunfire started here, Qiu Bo had already sent someone to report in the direction of the division headquarters, and now what the signal soldier brought back was naturally the latest order.

The signal soldier returned after delivering the order, and the eyes of all Wang Lao Mao and the others lit up.

"Listen, the teacher asked us to act behind the camera. What does it mean to act behind the camera? Doesn't that mean we have the final say? Then we have to kill the little devils and the devils who sneaked up on us!" Mr. Wang Mao stared at Shang Zhen and said eagerly.

Since there were orders from above, Mr. Wang didn't believe that Shang Zhen would let the group of enemies sneak attack on his camp go.

Sure enough, Shang Zhen turned around this time.

"Now that we have an order, we have to fight the little devils in front of us!" When Shang Zhen said this, the veterans were naturally happy. UU Reading

As the saying goes, **** it, the little devils dare to ambush us. Since we came out of the three eastern provinces, we have never heard an old lady moan like this!

But then Shang Zhen changed the topic and said: "But, Uncle Wang, don't go. You can take the people of the third company and the wounded to join the main force. The first and second companies will follow me to destroy the front." of Japanese devils.”

"What?" Mr. Wang stared.

But then Shang Zhen once again predicted Lao Mao Wang's reaction and said: "Aunt Wang and Su Yana also need someone to take care of them. You must take good care of them. They are all descendants of our Northeast Army!" "

Shang Zhen came up with a reason that Mr. Wang couldn't refuse.

Yes, of the two children in the belly, one has already taken shape and is just around the corner from being born, and the other has just begun to take shape, but no matter what, they are all descendants of the Northeast Army.

What do Chinese people live for? Of course it’s for the next generation, so what’s wrong with you Northeasterners?

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