The War of Resistance

Chapter 1434: Attacked on the way

Latest website: The 51st Army set out from the Dabie Mountains. Without the train, they could only walk.

As a well-known song later sang, "Across the mountains, across the plains, across the rushing Yellow River and Yangtze River."

Although this march cannot pass through the Yellow River and the Yangtze River, there are rivers, such as the Huaihe River.

When Shang Zhen and others finally got on a boat to cross the Huai River, all of them were naturally filled with emotions.

The Huaihe River is no stranger to them. Last year, their 51st Army fought the Huaihe River Blockade here.

But now, the front line of the Huaihe River has been occupied by the Japanese army.

Therefore, the 51st Army could not blatantly cross the Huaihe River. Each unit of the 51st Army crossed the river separately, some crossing on the bridge and some wading through the shallow water.

However, Shang Zhen and his battalion managed to obtain several ferries.

Shang Zhen is now the battalion commander, and naturally he has more troops. In addition to the more than 100 people in the original guard company, there is still a little more than a company of troops.

Although a battalion is by no means full, it is still divided into three companies and the establishment is still there.

Of course, more than two hundred people crossing the river in a few boats couldn't go any faster. It was already dusk when Shang Zhen took the last group of people on the boat.

A ray of setting sun spread over the water, and Chen Hanwen, who was standing on the bow of the ship in the twinkling light of the water, spoke again.

But this time he said it himself, muttering to himself: "What is war? War is about killing people, war is about breaking up wives and children, war is about grabbing territory.

But after fighting for a long time and still not grabbing the land, I don’t know how many souls of Northeasterners there are under the water of the Huaihe River. Alas. "

"I'm talking about Xiucai, why are you so responsive? Shut your stinky mouth!" Mr. Wang was unhappy.

In last year's Huaihe River Blockade, the 51st Army lost many lives.

But it was worth it for them to die so many people. In the end, a Japanese army rushed in and was surrounded by the Chinese army in Taierzhuang. This was the great victory of Taierzhuang.

But now, the Huaihe River has fallen into the hands of the Japanese army again. This war is like thirty years in the east of the river and thirty years in the west of the river. It is simply a changing of the winds, one year at a time!

From September 18th to the present, China has lost Fengtian, lost Erbin, lost Changchun, lost Shanhaiguan, lost Peking, lost Tianjin, lost Shanghai, lost Nanjing, lost Xuzhou, lost Wuhan, and the Huaihe River, the place where the Japanese army was defeated, is now also lost. lost.

For these places, Mr. Wang still thinks of big places. If they pass through small places in the middle or small counties along the 18th line, there will be countless more.

People are nostalgic for old times. How could Mr. Wang not be angry when he heard Chen Hanwen talking about the souls of Northeastern officers and soldiers?

Wang Lao Mao scolded Chen Hanwen and turned his face away in anger. He was really too lazy to look at Chen Hanwen's sour expression.

But when Mr. Wang glanced at him, he saw a soldier huddled beside the boat. The soldier was standing facing the river, unbuttoning his belt.

So, do you still need to ask what this soldier is going to do?

"Don't pee, you **** hold it back!" Wang, who was angry, kept yelling.

That soldier was also a new recruit who joined later. In today's army, who is a soldier who is not afraid of becoming an official?

But the problem is, they have been marching, and it is already dusk now. Although it is not dark yet, it is getting close, so what's the point of peeing in the river?

The soldier who was about to urinate was frightened by Old Man Wang's voice. He quickly lifted up his pants. I don't know whether Old Man Wang was so frightened that he wet his pants pocket. Of course, he also Do not want to know.

All he knew was that, as Chen Hanwen had just said, there might be many souls of Northeastern officers and soldiers wandering in the Huaihe River with nowhere to return.

Then why do you, a bastard, pee in the river? Wouldn't that be just like peeing on someone's ancestral grave?

"Who made Old Uncle Wang angry again? The battalion commander asked me to come out and take a look." Qian Chuan'er squeezed out of the boat canopy.

But Bai Zhan, who had just seen Mr. Wang getting angry, winked at Qian Chuan'er, and he also squeezed into the canopy of the boat.

After a while, Bai Zhan began to murmur in a low voice in the boat canopy. He was talking about why Mr. Wang was angry.

Shang Zhen, who was sitting in the canopy of the boat, couldn't help but shake his head after hearing this. He had nothing to do every day. If he had fought with the little devil, there wouldn't be such bad things!

Just as Shang Zhen was thinking about this, he heard gunshots suddenly coming from the north bank of the Huaihe River.

Shang Zhen instinctively stood up and got out of the boat canopy. When he poked his head out of the boat canopy, the gunfire on the north bank became intense.

"Stretch out your arms and row quickly!" Shang Zhen said urgently.

Now their boat has passed the middle of the river, and they will reach the other side in a few dozen meters.

And now he doesn't know where this enemy comes from.

The enemy is a general term, it can be the Japanese army or the puppet army.

However, Shang Zhen guessed that what he encountered this time should be the Japanese army.

Although the puppet troops are hateful, they may not have the courage to launch an attack on the national army.

Now that most of his battalion has crossed the river, Qiu Bo is commanding at the other end. How can they block the Japanese army, and how can they not prevent their last group of boats from being intercepted by the Japanese army in the river.

What worries Shang Zhen now is not his own battalion, but a few kilometers to their right, where there is a pontoon bridge, which is where the 113th Division's troops are crossing the river.

In terms of time, the division headquarters should have passed there. If he could not stop the enemy who appeared, it would probably pose a threat to the division headquarters. This is absolutely not allowed.

Under Shang Zhen's urgent order, the soldiers rowed boats wherever they could reach the water. But where did they get the oars in their hands? They simply turned their rifles upside down and used the butts as paddles to paddle hard.

But at this moment, the sound of light machine gun shooting suddenly rang out from somewhere on the other side. Almost at the same time, not only could one see bullets making a series of splashes on the water , and then a bullet really hit the boat where Shang Zhen was!

How could a wooden boat be able to stop bullets? From the sound of "Puff, Puff, Puff", not only the soldiers on the boat were shot, but the river water shot in like arrows from the bullet-pierced hull!

"Ignore the casualties, row quickly!" Shang Zhen shouted.

Now they are on the water, and there are many people on the boat, so they cannot fight back to the shore. They can only hope that their own people on the shore will protect them. Then they will only have the opportunity to deploy their troops after rushing to the shore.

Now, they are the lambs to be slaughtered!

At this time, when Shang Zhen looked at the shore again, he saw a figure flashing around him. It must be Qiu Bo and the others who discovered the enemy's firepower shooting towards the river. The firepower point that had just fired at them was directly suppressed. .

Everyone rowed, and although more water entered the cabin, the speed of the boat was also faster, and they were only more than 40 meters away from the river bank.

Shang Zhen estimated that if he walked twenty or thirty meters further, he would reach shallow water where people could jump off the boat. UU Reading

But at this moment, among the chaotic gunshots on the shore, there was a sudden "boom", followed immediately by the scream of a grenade piercing the air.

"Jump off the boat!" Shang Zhen shouted and he instinctively rushed out of the boat canopy.

What is the instinct of a veteran? That is, the reaction of the movements even exceeds one's own consciousness!

When he heard the scream, he first made a move to rush out, and then shouted "jump out of the boat".

It's just that there were a lot of people on the boat, so it wasn't that Shang Zhen would be able to jump into the river if he wanted to. He knocked a soldier who was rowing at the edge of the boat directly into the river, and he fell on the deck of the boat. superior.

And at this moment, he heard a "boom" and a grenade exploded directly on the ship.

For some reason, Shang Zhen suddenly felt like the end of the world!

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