The War of Resistance

Chapter 1433: What does success depend on?

Latest website: "Will the entire national army fight guerrilla warfare? Or will our Northeastern Army fight guerrilla warfare?" On the third day of the march, Qiu Bo raised this question.

The expressions on the faces of the veterans were just fatigue from the march. In fact, they felt quite relaxed when talking about guerrilla warfare.

So Qian Chuan'er answered Qiu Bo's words and said: "I dare say that if we don't know how to fight guerrilla warfare, then the entire national army will not be able to fight."

Of course there is a reason for Qian Chuan'er to say this.

He and his gang don't like positional warfare at all. Whenever there is a positional warfare, you can't just run away if you can, but they will always find ways to avoid it.

The war between the enemy and ourselves has reached a fever pitch. The Japanese will not take a certain piece of strategic territory, and the Chinese army will never let it go. So the idiom "it depends on whether your spear is sharp or my shield is strong" came into being.

For this reason, both the enemy and ourselves will definitely pay heavy casualties, although such casualties often end with the defeat of the Chinese army.

This is how the so-called "flesh mill" came to be.

What Shang Zhen and the others have always tried to avoid is to enter such a "mill war" to prevent their small bodies from being ground into pulp by the huge millstone.

That's why they guerrilla behind the enemy, and at the expense of walking more and marching more, they create more unexpected attacks for the Japanese army, which can not only achieve results but also minimize the cost to their own side.

Of course, Shang Zhen's fighting method has some natural similarity with guerrilla warfare, so Qian Chuan'er said that fighting guerrilla warfare is originally the strength of people like them.

"Then what do you mean by guerrilla warfare? How can we fight guerrilla warfare?" Qiu Bo was not as optimistic as Qian Chuan'er imagined.

"Isn't this simple?" Qian Chuan'er replied. Then he rolled his eyes and said, "Ma Erhuzi, what do you tell Qiu Bo about guerrilla warfare?"

"That's when you see an advantage, shoot once, and then change places." Ma Erhuzi answered matter-of-factly.

"What else?" Qiu Bo asked.

"The little devils are powerful, so let's hide. We will hunt down the weak ones who act as independent gangs. Tomorrow we will kill three or five of them, and the day after tomorrow we will kill ten or eight of them. We will also beat them throughout the year." Damn it, isn't this how we've been here all these years?" Ma Erhuzi continued.

Ma Erhuzi felt that guerrilla warfare was really not a problem for his group, naturally because they had experienced it.

"Is there any more?" Qiu Bo asked.

"No more." Ma Erhuzi answered simply.

Qiu Bo shook his head, Ma Erhuzi's answer was too simple after all.

Qiu Bo turned his attention to Shang Zhen and Wang Laomao behind him. He still had to listen to these two officials on this matter. Their opinions were the authoritative ones.

Shang Zhen had been listening from behind, and now he saw everyone turning to look at him.

He knew he needed to say something after all, but when he opened his mouth, he suddenly realized something and hurriedly lowered his voice.

Shang Zhen's voice was really low, so low that only Mr. Wang, who was walking side by side with him, could hear him clearly.

Mr. Wang glanced at Shang Zhen in surprise. He didn't expect Shang Zhen to say such a thing, so he curled his lips and said, "Shit! Isn't it just that rabbits don't eat grass beside their nests?"

Shang Zhen couldn't help but laugh when he heard what Wang Lao Mao said, but Wang Lao Mao brought out his Dongbei Beard's philosophy again.

In fact, what Shang Zhen wanted to say just now was: "The relationship between the military and the people must be good, and we must have a good relationship with the common people."

But as soon as he spoke, he realized that these words were not something that an officer of the Northeastern Army could say. Of course, it could also be said that these words were definitely not something that an officer of the National Army could say.

Because certain words are destined to have political overtones, one must not say the words of that camp within one camp.

Shang Zhen didn't know why he suddenly came up with such a phrase. Maybe he learned it when he sent Leng Xiaozhi to northern Shaanxi a few years ago.

Shang Zhen reacted quickly, and just now he said what he wanted to say in a very low voice.

But others didn't hear it, but Mr. Wang heard it.

To be honest, there are always people with faith in this world, but what is faith? But it varies from person to person. What Wang Laomao believes in is just his beard philosophy.

As a result, the so-called "community-military fish-water relationship" came to Mr. Wang's mouth and became "rabbits don't eat grass beside their nests."

Well, no matter how you say it, from a certain perspective, these two principles are somewhat similar.

However, Shang Zhen looked at the soldiers who laughed after listening to Wang Laomao's words, but he finally felt that this Northeastern Beard's philosophy still had shortcomings. He thought for a while and said: "We people always hang out outside, and in the end we rely on Don’t you have to return to the army to have a place to take root?

I think the same principle applies to guerrilla warfare.

Uncle Wang is right. Rabbits don’t eat grass near their nests. But if we want to live a prosperous life somewhere, we can’t just stop eating grass near our nests. We can’t eat grasses far away either. !

When we fight against Japanese invaders and traitors, we must make a name for ourselves so that when people mention our team, they will think of us. We are different from other teams, so that people can help us.

It's not like when we sometimes go to a certain place, although we have never had any bad intentions towards the people, and we don't bully men or dominate women, the eyes of this Northeastern person immediately scare the people.

So in the end, the common people led the way for the Japanese and traitors, so how can we fight this war?

Besides, it turns out that regardless of whether it is our brigade or our army, after so many years of fighting, a lean camel is always bigger than a horse. But now, do you think we can still rely on it if we just rely on it?

Everyone wants to be prosperous, but prosperous and prosperous still have to rely on oneself.

But how long can you rely on yourself? In the end, we have to rely on the help of others, the help of the big team and the help of the common people.

Just like me, forget it, don't talk about me, just say Big Boss, he can hit, but if he can hit someone, his body is made of iron and he can crush a few nails, so doesn't he have to rely on everyone's help?

If you put it this way, it’s not right to rely solely on yourself to achieve prosperity.

I also know that what I said sounds quite contradictory, and I don’t quite understand it, but that’s the fact.

They are all grown up now, and they cannot do anything without thinking.

What do others say about a team like ours? It is said that "wisdom is most important in generals, and fools are most important in soldiers." It is said that soldiers should not think too much, just do what you are asked to do, and drink and eat meat as long as you survive.

But in fact this is not the case at all, UU Reading www. I hope that our people will take their lives seriously. Lives are not lost casually, but don’t take them too seriously. When the time comes, we can’t be afraid of death! "

Shang Zhen rarely talks so much to his own people, and he is not a talkative person.

However, there is an old Chinese saying that goes like this: "A thorough understanding of worldly matters is knowledge, and an understanding of human nature is an article."

If a person has experienced a lot, seen a lot, thought a lot, and studied properly, then isn’t what he says a good article that condenses his own wisdom in life?

It's just that Shang Zhen talked casually and didn't deliberately organize his words, so his words were more or less wordy and inconsistent.

But that didn't matter. What mattered was that Shang Zhen's words aroused the soldiers' thinking, and that was enough.

Shang Zhen hoped that each of his soldiers should be brave and learn to think for themselves, instead of treating his soldiers as tools of war who only knew how to carry out orders from above. On this point, he was better than the current ones. Most generals in the national army are much stronger!

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