Chapter 146 The Demon Lord will never lose to anyone

bang bang…

The two vast hallmarks of profound gold are above the abyss of the extreme world, on the top of the sea of ​​​​stars in the ten thousand worlds!

Break the star sea, break the void, tear everything!

With that majestic power, in the end, under the gaze of everyone in the heavens, myriad worlds and the abyss of the extreme world, they suddenly collided together!


The two palms collided, and a monstrous sound suddenly erupted, as if several worlds collided!

The sound wave visible to the naked eye, with the shock wave that destroys the sky and destroys the earth, takes the abyss of the polar world as the center, and moves toward the entire heaven and the world, rippling away!

bang bang…

Under that shock wave, everything was shattered.

Luo You Leng and others couldn’t resist, but Ling Ye stood in front of them, holding his heart and soul, blocking most of the shock waves!

The heavens and the world are trembling wildly at this moment!

Under the shock wave that destroys the sky and destroys the earth, some worlds that are relatively close to the polar abyss collapsed at this moment!

Today, this extreme abyss and the surrounding world are devastated!

At the beginning, the heavens and the world fought against the Void Clan and the Black Rain Army, and later Ling Ye fought against the Primordial Body!

Now suddenly another hybrid body has appeared!

This time the battle before and after, although there is no participation in the realm of infinite, but it is far more magnificent than the realm of infinite!

The shock wave that destroyed the sky and the earth lasted for a long time before it slowly stopped!

Everyone’s eyes are staring straight ahead, staring at the center of the shock wave!

Then, the mysterious golden brilliance subsided little by little under everyone’s attention.

Revealed the scene there!

At this time, the shape of the Primordial Body had already been shot backwards for a certain distance, and his body had become a little more transparent now.

And standing opposite him, standing in front of Ling Ye and everyone else, there is a mysterious golden body!

It looks almost exactly the same as the primordial body on the opposite side!

Both are hybrids, they both have the same appearance!

At this moment, everyone is quiet, and the whole world is quiet.

Everyone’s eyes are staring at the two bodies of “May 27”!

Sure enough, there is indeed more than one hybrid body!

The strength of this hybrid body that has just appeared is almost equal to the previous one!

But the strange thing is that he seems to be doing it against the hybrid body on the opposite side?

What the hell is going on here?

Everyone was shocked, and at the same time, they were a little curious and confused!

Ling Ye’s gaze, at this time, was also looking at the hybrid body that had just appeared!

If the previous one was also related to the first supreme artifact, this one should be the same!

At this moment, the Hunyuan body suddenly turned around, and then, under everyone’s attention, directed at Ling Ye, he knelt down on one knee: “Hunyuan Zuo Shi! See Lord Demon Lord!”

This kneeling immediately made everyone look shocked and even more puzzled!

how so?

Not only does this guy want to help Ling Ye, but now he is kneeling on one knee for Ling Ye like a courtier?

What does this mean?

“Aah! Pedant things are only worthy of being slaves!”

At this time, the translucent body on the opposite side suddenly snorted coldly: “You and I were supposed to be the highest beings in the heavens and the world, but now, kneeling to others?”

The Hunyuan Zuo envoy who was kneeling in front of Ling Ye suddenly turned his head and said in a cold voice: “You and I have been ministers since the beginning of our birth, and it has always been you who rebelled against the Lord!”

“Extremely stupid!” On the opposite side, the Primordial Body snorted coldly again: “The unbalanced Void, the development has changed! You and I should be the master! Instead of being a slave forever!”

“It’s you who misinterpreted its wishes and violated its purpose! There’s no need to talk to me about your delusions!” The Primordial Body kneeling in front of Ling Ye replied.

The dialogue between these two primordial bodies made almost everyone at a loss to understand!

what are they talking about?

What exactly do these mean?

Immediately afterwards, the left messenger of Hunyuan turned to Ling Ye again, half-kneeling and said, “I and him are the two consciousnesses born from the self-birth of the beginning of the void of all worlds!”

“He is the ambassador for the right, and I am the ambassador for the left!”

“The purpose of the birth of the two of us is to observe the heavens and the world, and select a ruler! Always be his servant, assist him, and be his right-hand man!

“How can you make your self-consciousness stronger and distorted, rebelling against the purpose of the beginning of the void of all worlds!”

“Five years ago, he wanted to eradicate you, my body, I tried my best to stop him!”

Zuo Envoy’s voice spread out in this extreme abyss.

Suddenly, Ling Ye and everyone understood.

So, these two primordial bodies, the two primordial bodies that were supposed to be Ling Ye’s subordinates, were indeed born from the first supreme artifact?

The purpose of their birth is to assist the true ruler, and let this world become empty and develop forever!

Rather than maintaining the so-called balance!

But the right envoy, his consciousness was distorted, so the idea of ​​wanting to dominate everything by himself was born!

That’s why he took action and wanted to kill Ling Ye!

I also want to kill the Ling Ye family of three!

Because Ling Ye, has reached the point where he truly dominates the void of all worlds, the point where he can be their master!

The right envoy had planned to kill Ling Ye five years ago, but was blocked by the left envoy, and only now can a divine sense come to obliterate Ling Ye!

But, once again stopped by the left envoy!

Ling Ye’s gaze, looked at these two mixed elements, and looked at these two so-called mixed elements that should have become his left and right hands.

“Where is your body now?” Ling Ye then asked coldly.

If this is the case, then the body of this left and right messenger is the realm of infinity?

Only, temporarily under mutual suppression!

“In the field of dark nucleus! For countless years in the void of the world, he has already learned countless evil methods, and his strength is slightly better than me. I am afraid that I will not be able to suppress him sooner or later!”

Zuo Envoy knelt down and said: “So! His body will come to the void of all worlds, it is only a matter of time! Please also ask the Lord of Demons… to stop him!”

“As long as you find the first supreme artifact and the beginning of the void of all worlds, you will be able to create the boundless realm again!”

“That way, we can deal with him!

As soon as Zuo Shi’s words came out, Ling Ye’s eyes narrowed slightly: “Since you were born in the first supreme artifact, you don’t know what kind of existence it is? Where is it now?

“Lord Abandoned Lord, we and you were both born in the first supreme divine weapon! The difference is that we have been given a mission from the very beginning and are the most special existence!

Zuo Envoy replied: “But despite this, we, like you, cannot find the existence of the first supreme artifact!”

To be precise, their mission was fixed from the very beginning.

It is to become the left and right hand of the master of the void of all worlds!

Similar to half a puppet, a puppet with a death order!

However, the right envoy developed self-awareness, which violated his mission!

As soon as Zuo Shi said these words, Ling Ye immediately understood.

Therefore, these two primordial bodies, although they were born with primordial bodies, were born in the realm of infinity!

But in fact, like them, they can’t directly know where the first supreme artifact exists!

It is not possible to directly sense or contact the first supreme artifact.

“Master Demon Lord! Since he has betrayed himself and violated the meaning of his existence! Then it should be erased!”

Zuo Envoy continued: “I can’t suppress him forever! Please also ask the Lord of Demons, and be prepared before that!”

Ling Ye’s eyes turned to the right ambassador on the opposite side.

Then he said coldly: “He should indeed be wiped out!

“Aah! Erase? But how can you erase me?”

On the opposite side, the right envoy smiled coldly: “For countless years, you haven’t found the existence of the first supreme artifact, and what did you use to achieve the realm of infinity?”

“When my body completely suppresses this pedantic thing, then… what are you doing to stop me?”

“I shouldn’t have been a slave. In terms of strength, I am above all existences in the void of the world!”

“Why be someone else’s right-hand man? Instead of being in charge of everything yourself?”

The voice of the right envoy, in the abyss of the extreme world, in the sea of ​​​​stars in the ten thousand worlds, echoed open.

“Envoy to the Right! Although you and I are observers, we cannot directly see the future!”

At this time, the Zuo Envoy said again: “You must do your best to separate out a spiritual consciousness to erase the Lord Demon! Isn’t it just proof that you have no control over the future?”

“You are also afraid that the Lord of Demons can find the existence of the first supreme artifact!”

“You are also afraid that you will be destroyed by his hands!”

As soon as the left envoy said these words, the right envoy suddenly fell silent.

Although, he doesn’t want to admit it!

But in fact, that’s exactly what happened!

As observers, as Hunyuan bodies, they are the most special existences in the heavens and the world!

You can see everything in the entire universe!

However, only the future cannot be seen.

Or, only the future that cannot be clearly seen!

And according to the current situation, if it continues to develop, it is indeed possible that Ling Ye will find the existence of the first supreme artifact one day in the future!

This is also the reason why even if his body is suppressed now, he still tries his best to separate out a divine sense to obliterate Ling Ye!

“You’re talking too much nonsense!”

The next moment, the right envoy suddenly shouted!


Then, the power of Primordial Primordial in the whole body, once again madly burned up!

Then, blast towards the left!

He was indeed afraid that Ling Ye would reach the realm of infinity again!

Because Ling Ye of the Promise Realm, even if he is a Primordial Body, he would not dare to say that he must be an opponent!

If Ling Ye even got the omnipotent first supreme artifact, it would be even more unimaginable!

Therefore, he didn’t want Ling Ye to know more.

Therefore, even if he tried his best, he would die together with Zuo Shi’s divine sense!

“Lord Demon Lord, only the first supreme artifact can deal with him! Before that, please ask Lord Demon Lord to find the first supreme artifact!”

Looking at the right envoy who rushed over, the left envoy said the last word to Ling Ye, then turned around and rushed up!

Obviously, he also knew that the right ambassador didn’t want him to have too much communication with Ling Ye!

I don’t want to let Ling Ye know more!


Under everyone’s attention, the figure of the left ambassador and the right ambassador suddenly collided!


It was another loud noise, and another shock wave that swept the world!

Then, under this terrifying shock wave, the two bodies of consciousness of the left envoy and the right envoy were directly annihilated!

Although Zuo Envoy still wanted to say something more to Ling Ye, he also wanted to let Ling Ye know more, so as to help Ling Ye find the first supreme artifact!

But unfortunately, it’s too late!

In the center of the shock wave, his body dissipated little by little, and he wanted to say something, but he no longer had the strength.

“The history book in Zhuge Qingfeng’s hand was written by you?”

At this last moment, Ling Ye asked.

Zuo Shi’s slowly annihilating body finally gave Ling Ye an answer, no!

Then, it completely dissipates!


The divine consciousness of the two primordial bodies, the two divine consciousnesses that transcended the existence of the extreme divine realm, dissipated suddenly at the top of the star sea of ​​ten thousand realms!

Along with the shock wave that destroyed the sky and the earth, it dissipated away!

This shock wave has only stopped for a long time…

Then, everything is at peace!

The entire polar abyss, everything, is quiet.

Only the polar abyss that has been torn apart even more by the whole, and the ten thousand world star sea that has been shattered by the shock, marks the battle that has just been experienced here!

Everyone didn’t say a word at this time, and looked at Ling Ye at the front.

Looking at Ling Ye’s pensive expression.

Originally, everyone thought the battle should end here!

Everyone thinks that after killing the Lord of the Void and Yu Duanqian, the heavens and the world can be calmed down!

Unexpectedly, at this last moment, a more terrifying existence suddenly appeared!

The hybrid body of the infinite realm!

The hybrid body that was born directly from the first supreme artifact!

Like a bigger shadow, it once again enveloped the heavens and the world!

Now, the source of Promise has been destroyed, and neither Ling Ye nor anyone else can reach the realm of Promise!

As for the first supreme artifact, how likely is it that Ling Ye can find it, and others don’t even know about it!

At this moment, everyone was silent, staring at Ling Ye!

Next, how will Ling Ye face it?

At this moment, Ling Ye turned around and faced everyone.

Then, he said lightly: “You seem to be more worried than me?”

As soon as these words came out, everyone immediately closed their eyes.

Can this be worried?

After all, this is related to the future of the entire heavens and the world!

Now, Ling Ye has long been the ruler of all realms in the eyes of all of them, and of course they want to stand on Ling Ye’s side.

It’s just that if there is still the existence of the infinite realm, then I really don’t know what to do!

The first supreme artifact is the only chance!

But how slim is this chance?

Next, “It’s my business! You look like you have nothing to do with me?” Ling Ye continued.

As soon as these words came out, everyone was helpless.


After all, the Lord of the Demons is the Lord of the Demons, and this temperament is still the same!

“If I don’t have that ability, why not let him be the master of this void? That’s his ability!”

Ling Ye then said lightly.

As soon as these words came out, Ye Tian’s eyes suddenly looked over.

Five years ago, why not?

Ling Ye’s thoughts have never changed!

Whoever has the ability, whoever is on!

Don’t blame yourself, don’t blame others!

“Let’s go! Do what you need to do!” Ling Ye then said lightly.

All eyes were on him, and then they shook their heads helplessly.

Then, the forces of all parties left one after another!

“If Lord Demon Lord needs it, I will wait for orders at any time!”

“As long as the Lord Demon gives an order, I will wait through fire and water!”

“I have always believed that Lord Demon Lord will never lose to anyone! Even if it’s that kind of Primordial Body!”

Everyone left before and after, and the voices echoed away.

In the blink of an eye, the entire polar abyss became much empty.

At this time, Ye Tian and Ye Ziwei had not left.

Ye Tian looked at Ling Ye, and then slowly said: “I know that the hatred between you and me is not over yet. Before that, my life can be handed over to you!”

“I, like them, always believe that you will not lose to anyone!”

Ye Tian’s eyes met Ling Ye’s.

4.2 Those eyes turned out to be more trusting in Ling Ye than self-confidence!

He has indeed developed an absolute trust in Ling Ye just like everyone else!

Ling Ye didn’t say much, there is indeed a grudge between him and Ye Tian that needs to be dealt with!

But now is not the time!

Now there are more important things to do!

“I am also waiting for the call at any time:” Ye Tian said finally.

Then, with Ye Ziwei, they left here together.

Suddenly, in the abyss of the extreme world, only Ling Ye was left with the people under his command.

The heart and soul in Ling Ye’s hands were put away, and the blood-red lines on the body’s skin also subsided instantly!

And with the disappearance of this state, the exhaustion and tiredness also surged up in an instant, causing Ling Ye’s complexion to change slightly.

At this time, Luo You Leng quickly grabbed his palm from the side and supported him!

Although Xi Ji and Bai Jiu wanted to stretch out their hands, they consciously put away their jade hands when they saw Luo You Leng.

Although they have affection for Ling Ye, Luo You Leng and Ling Ye both know and neither object!

But they still know that compared with Luo You Leng, they are still different!

So, if Luo You is cold, they’d better calm down a bit.

At this time, a smile appeared on the corner of Ling Ye’s mouth: “Why do you look like a disaster is imminent?”

“You can still laugh?” Luo You’s cold and beautiful eyes looked at Ling Ye, with countless concerns in her eyes.

“It’s just a hybrid body! What about the boundless realm?”

Ling Ye then smiled lightly: “Do you really think that I can’t solve him?”

As soon as these words came out, everyone’s eyes were on Ling Ye.

Looking at Ling Ye’s expression, those unshakable eyes!

At this moment, even though Ling Ye has consumed a lot, even though Ling Ye is no longer in his prime!

But Ling Ye’s eyes still gave them an endless sense of security!

Since he still said that, since he still had this expression!

That means everything is absolutely fine!

He can definitely handle it!

Everyone can always trust him..

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