Chapter 147 You can help me relax

“Is Zhuge Qingchan confident in sensing the existence of that first supreme artifact?”

Luo You Leng then asked.

That hybrid body is the realm of infinity!

Now, apart from the first supreme artifact, there is no way to reach that state!

“She naturally has her own way!” Ling Ye smiled lightly.

For Zhuge Qingmu, he can still trust him!

“Hey! We are the top experts in the heavens and the world. At the critical moment, the role of that little girl is not as great!” Xi Ji sighed softly.

It is true that at this critical moment, it is not them who can help Ling Ye!

It’s Zhuge Qingmu!

“Your role is enough! Every moment is a critical moment!” Ling Ye said lightly.

Luo You Leng, Bai Jiu, Xi Ji and others would not be who they are today if they didn’t exist.

So, they are very useful!

Everyone has their own role!

If it weren’t for Luo You Leng, Ling Ye would be dead now!

If it weren’t for Baijiu, the tomb of the Demon Emperor would fall into the hands of the Void family, and everything would not be like this!

As for Xiji, her Dinghaizhu, the supreme pillar she guards!

In short, without any of them, everything would not be what it is now!

So, everyone’s role is huge!

Every link counts!

Ling Ye will never ignore anyone’s efforts.

“So what can we do for Lord Demon Lord next?” Xi Ji asked.


Ling Ye smiled lightly, and then said, “Do your own thing!”

Next, there is only one Hunyuan Right Envoy left!

This is his business alone!

Except for Zhuge Qingmu, no one else can help.

All eyes are on Ling Ye!

Indeed, nowadays, no amount of people can help him.

I believe that he will definitely be able to deal with that Primordial Body!

Just like before, everyone believed that he could deal with the rain!

Others have no way, he will always have.

Anyway, “I am now the blood shadow demon army under the master of the devil!”

Jiang Yuan then said slowly: “It’s life or death, it’s all in your hands!”

Although what happened next, all of them were already powerless.

But no matter what the result is, everyone is on Ling Ye’s side!

Always follow 05 him!

What is the ruler, what is the leader?

It’s not just the suppression of all realms in terms of strength!

What’s more, everyone will always follow!

Follow his will, follow his life and death!

“This time… hard work for you!”

Ling Ye then said lightly.

In this battle, the Void Clan and the Black Rain Army of Yu Duanqian were wiped out!

Indeed, everyone worked so hard!

There are casualties.

“I didn’t expect that you could say such a thing?” Shura Kuang also smiled.

Ling Ye is this, caring about all of them?

That’s kind of a weird feeling!

Next, “Take care of yourself!” Ling Ye continued.

Next, there is a high probability that there is no such thing as Jiang Yuan and others.

So, everyone take a break for now!

Jiang Yuan and the others all nodded.

Well, for the next time, let’s cultivate for the time being!

If Ling Ye still needs them in the final battle, they are always waiting for you!

You can sacrifice your life for Ling Ye at any time!

“Idle is also idle, you have to do things earlier, right?” Shura Kuang is a person who can’t be idle at all.

“Brother, if you are in a hurry, I will take you to find a daughter-in-law!” Jiang Yuan suddenly grinned.

“That’s so boring!” Shura Kuang shook his head.

“That’s interesting, but you haven’t experienced that feeling!” Jiang Yuan said with a smile.

“I’m not interested!” Shura Kuang didn’t have that thought at all. After thinking about it, he said, “After destroying the Void Clan and Yu Duanqian, I’m a little bored!”

In the past, at least there were opponents, and there were opponents who could fight with all their might!

But now, no more!

Although there is still one Hunyuan body left, it is Ling Ye’s business, and the rest of the people can’t fight against it!

So, for someone like Shura Crazy, it’s really boring.

“If there is nothing wrong, help me find some materials! Use it to forge the Demon Emperor’s puppet!” Ling Ye waved his palm, and a scroll flew towards Shura.

On it, there are the materials needed to forge the Demon Emperor Puppet!

Three thousand devil emperors, after going through the battles before and after, have now directly lost more than half!

It is necessary to add some more!

“It’s easy to say! These things are not easy to find, and they can be regarded as giving me an errand!” Shura Kuang took the scroll and glanced at it, then laughed.

This can be considered a bit difficult, and it can let him pass the boring time!

“Idle is also idle, I’ll be with you!” Jiang Yuan also said.

He is also very busy!

It has been very idle since ancient times, and now it has returned to the previous state.

Gotta have some fun!

“I have a plan, the two of us seem to be able to learn from each other!” Shura’s wild eyes suddenly looked at the dollar.

Speaking of which, he has never fought Jiang Yuan before!

It is indeed a chance to find a chance to learn from each other!

“You really don’t like anything but fights?” Jiang Yuan shook his head helplessly, and continued: “Okay, let’s find a chance, let’s learn from each other! I also want to try it out, who is who you and I are? Lord Demon’s lieutenant!”

“Hahaha! Good!” Shura laughed wildly.

Immediately afterwards, Ling Ye didn’t stay too much, and after putting away the four black qi of the four bodies of Tianxie.

Leave with everyone.

Ling Ye returned to Ziyun Immortal Realm with Luo You Leng, Baijiu and many goddesses from Ziyun Immortal Realm!

Xi Ji returns to Binhai with the banshee from Xi Kraken’s Nest!

On the other hand, Jiang Yuan and Shura Kuang are going to pass the time:

An era of war is over!

From now on, there will no longer be the existence of the Void family in this world.

The heavens and the world have indeed changed!

Everyone, don’t have to worry about the Void Clan!

The entire heavens and myriads of worlds were completely quiet.

But everyone knows that there will be a storm that can come at any time after the quiet!

That storm will define Ling Ye’s future!

Although the next thing seems to be only Ling Ye’s own business.

But everyone in the heavens and the world couldn’t help but care about Ling Ye.

Because of everything in the past five years, everyone has understood what kind of person Ling Ye is!

The countless years of history in the heavens and the world, Ling Ye’s actions, Ling Ye’s image of the king, has long been deeply imprinted in everyone’s hearts!

Before he knew it, he had become the only person in everyone’s mind who could dominate the heavens and the world!

The only one who can convince everyone!

Therefore, they all hope that Ling Ye can pass this final stage, defeat the so-called right envoy of Hunyuan, and dominate the void of the world!

Let this ten thousand worlds be empty and truly get eternal peace!

Purple Cloud Immortal Realm.

The palm of the right envoy of Hun Yuan destroyed the entire Ziyun Immortal Realm, leaving only the ancient tree of flowers and the fairy palace.

After Ling Ye and Luo You Leng came back, they once again recast the entire Ziyun Immortal Realm, which had been completely shattered.

Then, forty-nine immortal islands were built again!

Although the recast Ziyun Immortal Realm is far from being as perfect as before.

But it is still a beautiful scenery, full of aura, like a fairyland.

As long as it develops for a period of time, Ziyun Immortal Realm will naturally return to its original appearance.

A few days passed slowly.

Ling Ye’s injury, under the influence of Ziyun Xianlian, has completely recovered.

On a treetop of the ancient tree in the sea of ​​​​flowers, Ling Ye gently leaned there, feeling the tranquility of the entire Ziyun Immortal Realm, the fragrance of the sea of ​​​​flowers,

All in all, it is a rare quiet and leisurely.

Not far away, Luo Xin and Baijiu stood together.

Luo Xin stared at Ling Ye who was not far away, and then asked in a low voice, “Master, does Daddy have something on his mind?”

Although she is still young, she can still see it.

During the past few days, Ling Ye was really thinking about something!

“He has a lot of things on his mind!” Bai Jiu replied lightly.

The current Ling Ye seems to have pinned all her hopes on Zhuge Qingfeng.

In other words, he himself has nothing to do, right?

He is always invincible and always omnipotent!

This time, did it really hurt your brain?

“Then… what should I do?” Luo Xin then asked.

Baijiu let out a sigh of relief and continued, “It will pass! Don’t worry!”

Luo Xin only nodded obediently.

In fact, she didn’t want to see Ling Ye look so preoccupied.

No matter what is on your mind, I hope Daddy will end it soon!

At this moment, Luo You’s cold body slowly flew to Ling Ye’s side.

Then, sit gently next to him.

“Waiting like this?

A soft and pleasant voice sounded, causing Ling Ye to slowly open his eyes.

“Otherwise what do you think?” Ling Ye then smiled lightly.

“Then, when will the right ambassador of Hunyuan break through the suppression of the left messenger of Hunyuan?” Luo Youlen then asked.

“According to their situation! Then the right envoy not only has to break through the suppression of the left envoy, but also fuse and refine the entire left envoy!” Ling Ye said slowly: “If it takes time, it is estimated that it will not be long!”

As soon as these words came out, Luo You Leng frowned slightly.

Then what will be faced at that time, isn’t it the fusion of the two primordial bodies?

The fusion of Hunyuan Left Envoy and Hunyuan Right Envoy?

“Are you really sure?” Luo You Leng couldn’t help asking.

Ling Ye gave her hope to others like now, and just waited!

It really doesn’t look like his style!

Is it really impossible this time?

What if Zhuge Qingchan didn’t find the first supreme artifact?

What shall we do then?

“You are worried about me?” Ling Ye smiled lightly.

“Shouldn’t I be worried about you?” Luo You Leng glared at him.

The relationship between us has reached this level, is there any need to ask such words?

“I really can’t help you at all?” Luo You Leng then whispered.

The woman who is Ling Ye!

At this most critical moment, nothing can help Ling Ye, let Ling Ye rely on Zhuge Qingmu!

She was indeed a little embarrassed.

You are his virtuous inner helper, and you are his most effective helper!

“You should have helped!” Ling Ye smiled lightly: “If it wasn’t for you, how could I live to this day?”

If it wasn’t for Luo You Leng, he would have been dead for five years.

Luo You Leng not only helped him survive the disaster, but also gave birth to such a lovely daughter for him!

Her sacrifice is completely enough.

To have such a woman, Ling Ye is actually satisfied.

“But what’s the use of just living until now? I want you to live forever!” Luo You Leng said with a small nozzle.

What she wants is true eternity!

Ling Ye lives forever.

She can also live with Ling Ye, with a heart, forever!

This is what she wants.

Originally thought that after killing the Lord of the Void and Yu Duanqian, everything would be over!

Unexpectedly, another Hunyuan Right Envoy jumped out!

Seeing Luo You Leng’s expression, Ling Ye smiled lightly, leaned against the tree trunk, and stretched out a hand: “Come here!

“Why?” Luo You looked at him with cold and beautiful eyes.

But he still obediently came over, leaning on his hand, leaning on his arms.

“You can still help me now!” Ling Ye continued with a smile.

“What help you?” Luo You Leng asked quickly.

If she can play her role for Ling Ye, she can’t ask for it!

“You can help me relax!” The smile at the corner of Ling Ye’s mouth suddenly became strange.

As soon as these words came out, Luo You Leng frowned and asked in a low voice, “How do you want to relax?”

“What do you think?” Ling Ye followed Luo You Leng.

“I was in Ling Ye’s arms, Luo You Leng lowered his head slightly.

Of course she knew what Ling Ye wanted to do!

“The first time was also here!” Ling Ye continued with a wicked smile: “To be honest, at that time… you didn’t completely resist, did you?”

“I don’t, stop being self-righteous!” Luo You Leng frowned suddenly.

“You still haven’t admitted it yet?” Ling Ye jokingly smiled: “You were not much different from now!”

In Luo You Leng’s eyes, he was already the only one!

He has always known this!

“That’s what you think!” On Luo You Leng’s pretty face, the rare mother red gushed out again.

“You like to be tough! And I like to make you soft!” Ling Ye jokingly smiled, and then hugged her.

Then, wave your hand!


A blood-red enchantment enveloped and isolated that space.

Outside 527, Luo Xin and Bai Jiu, who were not far away, watched this scene.

“Master? What are father and mother doing? Why don’t you let us see?” Luo Xin was suddenly depressed: “What are they doing?”

Baijiu’s eyebrows are slightly wrinkled, so of course no one can see it.

“They can’t watch it anyway! Xin’er, remember it later, when your father and mother are alone, you’d better not watch it!” Bai Jiu then said slowly.

Then looked away.

She does not deny that she actually longs for those

But I’m afraid these are all out of reach!

At least when it’s cold, it’s absolutely impossible!

“I know, it’s called a two-person world! But I want to see it!” A strange smile suddenly appeared on Luo Xinxiao’s face.

Baijiu frowned slightly again.

You little bastard! Want to see?

Is that viewable?

Forget it, I can’t explain it to this little girl!

She will understand later…

A blood-red enchantment shrouded the tip of the ancient tree in the sea of ​​flowers.

The surrounding rain of flowers was reflected in a blood red.

Coquettish and beautiful.

Just like when Ling Ye first came here…

When they saw the blood-red barrier, Xun Ruyue and the others from Ziyun Immortal Realm couldn’t help but flew out.

Then look there.

I remember when Ling Ye came here for the first time, he also used a barrier to cover the entire sea of ​​flowers and ancient trees together with the fairy palace!

Then, their palace masters were among them.

It’s the same this time!

Xun Ruyue looked at each other immediately.

Then they all saw the same idea from their eyes!

Although, this idea is a bit strange, but I really want to see it!

It’s a pity that you can’t see it!

Well, at the very least, it means that the relationship between the Demon Lord and their Palace Lord is already very harmonious!

It’s also a joy!

Time, a little bit in the past.

In the blink of an eye, it’s half a month again.

Since this time, Ling Ye has been waiting.

Everyone has been waiting, waiting for a future of the heavens and the world, waiting for a future of Ling Ye!

And Ling Ye’s waiting, after half a month, finally ushered in the end.

In the Heaven-shattering Divine Pool, after a long period of tempering and tempering, Zhuge Qing finally succeeded in reaching the Divine Realm.

And she is also the first time, she began to sense the vast formation of the void of the world!

Then, try to find the existence of the first supreme artifact in this void of all worlds.

That omnipotent, indescribable existence!

However, everything is not as simple as she imagined.

Even the primordial body directly born from the first supreme artifact cannot sense the existence of the first supreme artifact, and neither can Zhuge Qingfeng.

After several attempts, Zhuge Qingmaid was fruitless!

However, she has found another way!

Then, with the help of this Myriad Realms Void Formation, she sensed some special clues!

When she noticed those clues, she flew out of the Heaven-shattering Divine Pool and rushed to the Ziyun Immortal Realm immediately.

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