Chapter 145 As a mortal, you stand too high


That vast blood-colored sword energy shot up into the sky, tearing everything apart!

“Chopsticks! Why don’t you keep putting on the air?

Ling Ye’s figure, in the blink of an eye, was already in front of the Primordial Body.

The blood-colored giant sword in his hand suddenly slashed up!

That Primordial Body also suddenly appeared in his hand with a golden giant sword, blocking it with a sword!



The two swords collided, and there was a loud noise, and another shock wave that destroyed the sky and the earth. Above this extreme abyss, at the top of this star sea of ​​ten thousand realms, it suddenly erupted!

Originally everyone thought the battle was over, but now another big war broke out!

“The three palms just now, is your limit? Just – this little skill?”

Ling Ye’s eyes were cold, and the giant sword in his hand suddenly shook!


The shape of the Primordial Body was directly shocked and shot back!

This Primordial Body is indeed stronger than the normal peak of the extreme god realm!

But it’s nowhere near as strong!

Even, it is slightly weaker than the Half-Step Promise Realm!

In the middle of the peak of the extreme gods and the half-step infinite realm!

In the three sessions just now, he almost used all his strength.

And when these three palms were blocked, his pretense was over!

Ling Ye has the heart and soul in hand, and also has the supreme divine pillar in hand, and it is still possible to deal with the existence that is slightly beyond the extreme divine realm!

On the opposite side, after the Primordial Body stabilized his figure, he didn’t say a word.

Indeed, in the three sessions just now, and fixing Ling Ye and Luo You Leng at the same time, he has already exerted all his strength!

Originally, when the three palms fell, Ling Ye’s family of three should have killed two.

However, there are so many powerful people in the heavens and the world who are willing to stand in front of Ling Ye and Luo You Leng with all their might!

Because of the actions of many powerhouses, Ling Ye was delayed for a certain amount of time!

So now, Ling Ye has the opportunity to bring his heart and soul to fight him!

This was beyond his expectations!

I thought that even if someone cared about Ling Ye’s life and death, it wouldn’t have reached the level of dying for Ling Ye.

I never imagined that everyone would work so hard!

Even that Ye Tian had to work hard for Ling Ye, and was the first to rush in front!

Ling Ye’s charm… is beyond his expectations!

This is not only the power that dominates the heavens and the world, but also has the support of everyone invisible.

The hearts of all beings in the world are all in Ling Ye!

“I shouldn’t have kept you until now!

The Primordial Body said coldly.

People like Ling Ye really completely broke the balance of the void of all worlds and achieved a truly eternal master!

Whether it’s strength or people’s hearts! He got it all!

“If it weren’t for the pedantic Zuo Envoy who blocked it several times! You should have disappeared into the void of this world!” Hunyuanti then said coldly.

“It seems that you still have a lot of secrets that I don’t know! Today…[along with your life, stay together!”

Ling Ye’s blood-red eyes suddenly condensed!


The next moment, once again holding the blood-colored giant sword in his hand, he slashed forward!

Whoa whoa whoa!

Immediately, the blood-colored sword qi tore apart the sea of ​​​​stars of all worlds, and burst into countless miles above this extreme abyss!

Below, everyone quickly retreated a distance.

I really didn’t expect that Ling Ye, who had been so exhausted before, still has such fighting power now?

Ye Tian’s eyes were also fixed on Ling Ye who was fighting with the Primordial Body!

At this moment, he knew very well that he could never surpass Ling Ye!

It will never be possible to win against Ling Ye!

In the battle that Ling Ye agreed with herself, the ending could never be changed!


At this moment, in the crowd below, a blood-red shadow, with the pink-purple spiritual power all over his body, lifted his sword and shot up!

It’s Luo You Leng!

At this time, Luo You Leng’s beautiful face was also full of killing intent and anger!

The so-called Hunyuan body just now almost hurt Luo Xin, of course she is angry, and of course she won’t spare him!


Luo You coldly shadowed her body, and the rain of flowers suddenly erupted in the sky!

In the end, the pieces of spiritual power petals were instantly transformed into sharp sword energy!

Then, blast towards the Primordial Body!

shhhhhh. …

The sky is full of sword energy, tearing everything apart, and the momentum is extremely terrifying!

In the face of Luo You Leng’s sword energy, the Primordial Body did not dare to neglect.

His combat power is only slightly stronger than the extreme god realm. Facing the peak of the extreme god realm like Luo You Leng, he still needs to face it!


After the sword qi burst into the sky, it bombarded the whole body of the Primordial Body! There was a bang!

The violent shock wave swept away again!

The mysterious golden wave of mixed vitality blocked all Luo You Leng’s sword energy!

But immediately after Luo You Leng, Ling Ye’s attack came again!

Under the joint attack of Ling Ye and Luo You Leng, the Primordial Body showed some signs of retreat!

When Ling Ye fought alone with others, he never needed help, but this time, he did not refuse Luo You Leng’s participation.

Because they wanted to kill this Primordial Body, not for anything else, but purely for Luo Xin!

This Primordial Body almost hurt Luo Xin, of course they don’t mind joining forces to kill each other!

Below, everyone is looking at the high sky, and the three auras collide like a streamer.

Ling Ye and Luo You Leng’s attacks were extremely arrogant every time, and they didn’t hold back at all!

With that murderous aura and anger, it forced that Hunyuan body to retreat!

Looking at such a scene, everyone knows very well that these two couples are very angry now!

After all, the so-called Hunyuan body actually wants to attack their daughter?

Of course they can’t forgive each other!

“Master Demon Lord has the heart and soul in hand, burns spiritual power, and the increase in combat power is slightly beyond the peak of the extreme god realm, which is almost equal to that of the primordial body!”

Jiang Yuan said slowly: This “battle, they should definitely win!”

“Even if they can’t win, if I join forces, I can’t let go of that Primordial Body today!” Bai Jiu said coldly.

“If there is no Lord Demon Lord, it’s really hard to say if we just join forces!”

Jiang Yuan said slowly: “That guy, after all, the real combat power surpasses the peak of the extreme god realm! It surpasses everyone!”

“What is the origin of this thing, don’t the seniors know it?” Ye Tian turned his eyes to Jiang Yuan.

“Of course I don’t know! We call it a hybrid body that combines spiritual power and void power!”

Jiang Yuan replied: “Back then, the Void Clan tried their best and failed to create this Primordial Body! I really don’t know where this guy came from!”

This hybrid body does not seem to originate from the Void family, but it does not seem to originate from the heavens and the world!

And this guy seems to have always existed, but he never showed up!

Where did he come from, I really can’t figure it out.

“What did he mention just now… make? What does that mean?”

Ye Tian continued: “Could it be that there are other Primordial Physiques!”

“It’s hard to say!” Jiang Yuan sighed: “One is incredible, if there are others, then it’s really… troublesome!”

If this Primordial Body is like the Void Clan, there is a race, then it is really the end of the Heavens and Myriad Realms.

The combat power of the Primordial Body is stronger than those who cultivate the spiritual power and the power of the void alone in the same realm!

If there really is such a bloodline, I really don’t know how to deal with it!

All eyes are fixed on the sky above.

This primordial body has always existed between the heavens and the world, but no one has ever noticed it!

Maybe there are really other hybrids!

Now it’s just a mixed body, and Ling Ye has already made every effort!

If there are other primordial bodies, if the primordial primordial body also has an army of a race, it is simply unimaginable!


At the top of the Xinghai of the Ten Thousand Realms, under the joint attack of Ling Ye and Luo Youlen, the Hunyuan body was retreating!

His strength is indeed at most on par with Ling Ye, who is now holding his heart and soul!

If you add another Luo You Leng, he will naturally be a little weaker!


After a frantic bombardment, the figure of the primordial body suddenly shot backwards.

Now Ling Ye has the heart and soul in hand, plus Luo Youleng, and Baijiu and others who can shoot at any time.

He knew that if he continued to fight, he would definitely not be an opponent!

So, stop here!

“The battle criterion between the peaks of the extreme gods is that when the strength is equal, if you want to kill a peak of the gods, you must be prepared to sacrifice a peak of the gods!”

The chaotic voice of the Primordial Body sounded again: “It’s like the collision of several eggs! When a few eggs are added to hit another egg, you must be prepared to break at least one egg!

“And now, in the heavens and the myriad worlds, the strongest is only you and me, and half a step beyond the extreme god realm! Then such a battle criterion exists between you and me!

“So if you want to kill me, you have to be prepared to sacrifice yourself!”

“In other words, if I want to kill you, I must be prepared to sacrifice myself!

“And now, I can perish with you! Killing you, destroying your heart and soul, in this void of all worlds, no one will be able to stop me!

“At that time… I can also dominate the void of the world!”

His voice, at the top of the entire Myriad Realm Star Sea, suddenly reverberated!

When hearing this, everyone’s expressions sank slightly!

What’s the meaning?

Is he going to die with Ling Ye?

And after perishing together, will he still dominate the void of all worlds?

Is there a contradiction in these words? Since he is already dead, how can he still dominate everything?

“It seems that this is not your body?”

Ling Ye’s icy voice sounded again.

In fact, from this battle, he has been able to perceive it!

This one in front of me is not the body of this Primordial Body!

As soon as Ling Ye said this, everyone was shocked!

Isn’t this the body?

how is this possible?

Already have the power beyond the extreme god realm, is it not the body?

Then how strong will his body be?

Half-step infinite realm? Even infinite realm?

But it doesn’t make sense at all!

Since the source of Wuji has been destroyed, it is impossible for the half-step Wuji realm and the infinite realm to exist!

What exactly is going on?

“Aah! I have to admit that you are indeed the strongest overlord that has appeared in the universe since its existence!”

The Primordial Body smiled coldly: “Unfortunately, as a mortal, you are standing too high!”

“So, that first supreme artifact really has something to do with you?” Ling Ye said coldly.

If this is just the power of the clone, then the power of the main body is bound to be the limitless realm!

After destroying the source of infinite, it is true that there should be no existence of infinite realm in the void of all worlds!

But there is one exception!

That is the first supreme artifact ranked before the source of infinite!

The beginning of the void of all worlds, the first supreme artifact that is omnipotent!

Even if the Promise Source is destroyed, the supreme artifact that ranks first will naturally not be affected in any way.

“You guessed it right!

The Primordial Body sneered: “So are you desperate now? You, who have always been invincible, are probably the first to feel real despair, right?”

“In front of the first supreme artifact, everything is ants!”

“In this void of all worlds, everything, including you, including countless years of time and space, including the past and the future! It was born from the first supreme artifact!”

“So, how can you fight against it?”

The voice of the mixed body reverberated once again!

Let everyone be silent!

The heavens and the world are silent in an instant!

The first supreme artifact?

Is this Primordial Body really related to the First Supreme Divine Artifact?

Then, in front of such an existence, they are really ants!

At this moment, everyone felt that there was a shadow covering the void of all worlds, shrouding everyone in it.

0… ask for flowers…

Let everyone be powerless to resist!

Before the first supreme artifact, everything was ants!

They are the ants now!

Mosquitoes that can’t resist.

That first supreme artifact is an existence that truly transcends everything!

Omnipotent existence!

“Since everything in the void of the world is born from the first supreme artifact! Then its purpose is to procreate, not to perish!”

At this moment, Ling Ye’s indifferent voice sounded: “Your thoughts seem to be different from the first supreme artifact! You are indeed related to the first supreme artifact, but you cannot represent it!

Ling Ye’s voice suddenly brought everyone back to their senses.

Yes, since this void of all worlds was born from the first supreme divine weapon, what reason does it have to destroy everything?

Its existence is endless, not perish, but not rule!

That omnipotent first supreme artifact is not a shadow that covers everyone!

It’s the light that shines on everyone!

It is the source of all life!

This Primordial Body is completely contrary to the purpose of the First Supreme Divine Artifact!

“I can’t represent it! But, at least I can kill you! Dominate everything in the void of the world!”

The voice of the mixed body sounded again.

After he said that, the mysterious golden brilliance erupted again all over his body: “With the power of my avatar, I will be able to perish with you! At that time, the heavens and the myriad worlds will be without you, no soul! Who can stop me?”


As soon as the voice fell, the vast golden brilliance burst out like a liquid, instantly illuminating the entire polar abyss, illuminating the entire heavens and the world!

“All beings in the world! Now I can give you a choice! Anyone who kneels and submits will be guaranteed immortality!”

The voice of the primordial body then resounded throughout the heavens and the world: “His rule is also rule, and my rule is also rule! For you, it will not have any effect!

“Now! Listen to my orders!”


The voice of the Primordial Body, with its vast majesty, resounded from the abyss of the extreme world, filling the heavens and the world!

It’s like an order from the gods to mortals!

Under this thick voice, the entire heavens and myriad worlds trembled for it!

However, under his order, his order with endless majesty, no one responded.

Everyone in the abyss of the extreme world is standing in place, and no one chooses to surrender!

Their eyes were all directed towards Ling Ye above.

If there was no one before them, maybe they would really kneel!

But, now everyone knows that there is Ling Ye standing in front of everyone!

And the Demon Lord!

The devil is not dead, and the world will not fall!

All beings are immortal!

Ling Ye is still standing, it is impossible for them!

Everyone has a firm face, even in front of the Primordial Body, they are all ants!

But today, the living beings of all realms, the ants of all realms, are unyielding and unyielding!

Such a result made the voice of the Primordial Body even more gloomy: “Either die with him, or surrender to me! Kneel down to me!!!”

His voice once again carried that kind of sound wave, that kind of endless majesty, resounding through the heavens!

At this moment, it was as if the aftermath of his voice could be seen with the naked eye!

However, still the same, no one knelt down!

No one is willing to surrender to him!

“Once we were weak, so that we could only live on our knees! It was Lord Demon who taught us to stand up!”

In front of the Taixu Protoss, Yao Yao’s voice sounded: “From the moment I stood up, I already knew that my feet were not born to kneel!

These words sounded childish, but they seemed to carry an invisible force that made everyone firmer.

No one has succumbed to that primordial body!

Seeing the attitude of all beings, the Primordial Body seemed to be a little angry.

Ling Ye’s invisible influence is beyond his imagination!

“Okay! Very good! If that’s the case, then I will kill him, wash away the void of the world, and rebuild everything!”

The angry voice of the Primordial Body suddenly sounded.


After saying that, his palm suddenly slammed towards Ling Ye!

The mysterious golden surging heaven seal burst out in an instant, tearing everything apart, and the sea of ​​​​stars in all worlds trembled wildly!

This palm is even more terrifying than the previous three sessions!

Because this is a hall that condenses all his current strength, and burns all his strength!

With this palm, he and Ling Ye will perish together!

Opposite, beside Ling Ye, Luo You Leng held the sword in his hand, and his spiritual power burst out.

If Ling Ye were to die, the heavens and myriad worlds would really be over!

By then, everyone will die!

Therefore, she has to stand in front of Ling Ye! Do her best to keep Ling Ye alive!

As long as Ling Ye is still alive, there is a chance to deal with this guy!

Only Ling Ye can have a chance!

Below, Ye Tian and the others also all looked at each other, and then without saying a word, one after another spiritual power suddenly rose into the sky!

They are the same, want Ling Ye to live!

They are willing to die for Ling Ye!

Immediately, everyone was planning to rush forward! Planning to stand in front of Ling Ye!

But at this moment, when everyone was going to die for Ling Ye!

Behind Ling Ye, at the top of the sea of ​​stars, another huge distortion of the void suddenly erupted!

Then, from there, another mysterious golden heavenly seal blasted out!

This Profound Gold Palm Print also carries the vast power of Primordial Primordial!

After this palm appeared, it followed the hall of the primordial body and suddenly greeted it,

Suddenly, everyone was shocked again!


This palm, this power, is also a mixed body?

It’s just that it seems to be on Ling Ye’s side? Qian,

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