Chapter 142 Is there still the existence of the infinite realm?

Boom boom boom!!!

Suddenly, all worlds trembled, the void burst, the sea of ​​stars rolled,

The blood-colored shock wave swept across the entire battlefield for countless miles!

Everyone couldn’t help but quickly back away!

But even if they retreated a long distance, some of them were relatively weak, and they still vomited blood from the shock, their faces were pale, and their qi and blood were stagnant!

What’s more, it was wiped out on the spot!

Both are the pinnacles of the extreme gods, but Ling Ye’s peaks, the Lord of the Void’s peaks, and Yu Duanqian’s peaks are all far above everyone else!

This is the final battle of the entire heavens and the world, the peak combat power of the moment!

boom boom

This devastating shock wave has been going on for a long time!

The entire polar abyss was blown apart by the shock at this moment, and it became even more ferocious and huge!

It seems that the whole world is torn apart!

The battle of the three almost destroyed everything above this extreme abyss!

No matter what the result is, from now on, not many people will be able to approach this extreme abyss, even if it is outside!

Under the gaze of the heavens and the world, under the gaze of Luo You Leng and others.

This shock wave that destroyed the sky and destroyed the earth slowly dissipated after a long time.

Then, the three Ling Ye inside were revealed.

Here, it’s Ling Ye, he 05 is still standing in the sky with a cold expression!

A pair of blood red deep eyes, looking at the opposite!

Opposite him, under the blood-colored giant pillar, is Yu Duanqian and the Lord of the Void!


At this moment, above the blood-colored giant pillar, cracks suddenly spread out!

Finally, with a snap, the whole thing shatters!

The Supreme Divine Pillar in all directions, merged into one, bursting out with that shocking power!

But at the same time, it is also destroyed!

Look at the four bodies of the Lord of the Void and Yu Duanqian under the broken Supreme Divine Pillar.

At this time, the Lord of the Void, the Void Light Eye, has long since dissipated, and above that body, one after another hideous cracks spread out!

Yu Duanqian’s four bodies, the black energy all over the body is also dissipated, like burnt charcoal, no more smoke and fire can be emitted!

“It seems that you do not have the ability to die heroically!”

At this moment, Ling Ye’s cold voice sounded slowly.

Then, he slowly raised his palm, and suddenly flicked!

shhhhhh. …

Five blood-colored beams burst out!

In the end, in the eyes of Yu Duanqian and the Lord of the Void, they burst through their eyebrows and their heads!

In the hideous and desperate eyes of the Lord of the Void and Yu Duanqian, they stared at Ling Ye with unwillingness to die!

However, at this time, they want to say something, but they can’t say it!

They still lost to Ling Ye!

Even if the two join forces, even if it is the peak of the five extreme gods.

But still lost to Ling Ye!

Ling Ye alone, with Bafang Supreme Divine Pillar, really killed five of them at the pinnacle of the extreme god realm!

This was originally impossible, but what Ling Ye did, it was often impossible!

The Lord of the Void and Yu Duanqian stared at Ling Ye with desperate eyes.

In the end, their bodies were all shattered!

The whole thing is blown away!


The body of the Lord of the Void turned into a spot of light in the sky and dissipated, leaving nothing behind!

The four bodies of the rain broken thousand, turned into black rain, poured down!

And in the place where his four bodies dissipated, there were four groups of black gas left behind!

That is the four bodies of Heaven Extermination!

It’s just that the four bodies of Heaven Extinguishing now no longer have the power of the Promise Realm.

Even under the torture of Ling Ye, even the power of the extreme gods is not possessed!

The entire heavens and the world are completely quiet at this moment!

But immediately after the silence, there was cheers, from countless corners of the heavens and the world, countless worlds, sounded at the same time!


The Demon Lord has won!

Lord Demon Lord really killed the other five peaks of the extreme god realm alone!

How powerful is this?

Today, everyone has witnessed with their own eyes that Ling Ye has once again achieved something that others cannot imagine!

In Ling Ye’s hands, the battle rules between the peaks of the extreme gods were completely broken!

It is said that if you want to kill a peak of the extreme gods, you must be prepared to sacrifice a peak of the extremes of gods!

But Ling Ye, was one against five, and finally won a big victory!

Sure enough, Lord Demon Lord is Lord Demon Lord after all!

Although the outcome of this battle was doomed from the beginning.

But everyone in the heavens and the world can’t help but be excited to see the Lord of the Demon Lord personally kill the Void Lord and Yu Duanqian, who are taking the lead by the other side!

Unbearable frenzy!

After all, Ling Ye has unknowingly become the ruler of the heavens and the world, and the representative of the heavens and the world!

All living beings belong to the heavens and the world, and of course they will be excited for Ling Ye.

Among the crowd, Ye Tian’s eyes were also directed towards Ling Ye.

In those eyes, there is a bit of admiration!

He really is an existence far above everyone!

As his opponent, I am indeed very honored!

Luo You’s cold eyes were all staring at Ling Ye, and then she smiled softly.

Fortunately, he really has that ability!

With the help of the Bafang Divine Pillar, one person can destroy Yu Duanqian and the Lord of the Void!

Just now, they couldn’t help but want to do it!

If Ling Ye really had any problems, they would never hesitate.

Fortunately, Ling Ye said that if he wanted to solve it himself, he could really solve it himself.

Sure enough, you should have 100% trust in him!

He says he can do it, he can do it!

He says what to do, what to do!

In the sky above the abyss of the extreme world, with the fall of the Lord of the Void and Yu Duanqian, Ling Ye also took a deep breath.

In such a battle, if it weren’t for the help of the Supreme Divine Pillar, it would be difficult for him to kill Yu Duanqian and the Lord of the Void!

And even with the help of the Supreme Divine Pillar, the consumption is naturally very huge.

However, the problem is not too big!

It takes a while to adjust the breath for a while, and it will naturally recover.

After letting out a sigh of relief, Ling Ye raised his palm and wanted to put away the four bodies of the day!

Everything is finally over!

From now on, the heavens and the world, 527 will be considered to be truly subsided!


But at this moment, when everyone thought the war was over!

But it is a strange sound, resounding through the heavens and the world!

Suddenly, the entire battlefield, and even the entire world, everyone suddenly raised their heads and looked at the top of the sea of ​​​​stars!

I saw that Myriad Realms Xinghai Zhi suddenly sent out a mysterious golden distortion!

The golden light instantly illuminated the entire polar abyss and illuminated the entire heavens and the world.

Then from there, a huge palm print descended from the sky!

Above this hallmark, there is a very strange power, a power that does not seem to belong to the heavens and the world, nor to the void world!

Not spiritual power, nor the power of the void.

It’s kind of like a fusion of the two!

And this palm print that suddenly appeared, fell from the sky, and the target seemed to be none other than Ling Ye!

When Ling Ye saw the Taoist seal, her eyes narrowed slightly.

Because from the palm print, he vaguely sensed a detached power!

This kind of power seems to vaguely give people a feeling of transcending the realm of extreme gods!

Endless realm?

Immediately Ling Ye frowned!

Not quite right!

I have already destroyed the source of the infinite, and it is impossible for any existence beyond the realm of the extreme gods to exist in the void of all worlds!

Now, why did this palm from the sky suddenly appear?

Is it possible that there is no limitless existence?

This class… where did it come from?

And the target is him,

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