Chapter 143: It’s for Ling Ye’s family of three


Immediately afterwards, Ling Ye reacted!

That’s not the limitless realm!

The source of infinite has been destroyed, and there is no such thing as a realm of infinite!

But… on the mysterious golden surging heaven seal, there is indeed a power that is slightly stronger than the peak of the extreme god realm!

That’s because, this is the result of the fusion of two forces!

That is the fusion of the spiritual power of the world and the power of the void!

In fact, it is also the pinnacle of the extreme god realm!

But because it is the power of fusion, it is more powerful than the other peaks of the extreme gods!


That monstrous palm, with the vast power of the mysterious golden color, opened the Myriad Realm Star Sea and slowly fell towards Ling Ye!

Under this vast palm, the entire myriad creatures are as small as ants.

At this time, everyone’s eyes were on the monstrous palm print!

“What is that? What a strange power!”

“This kind of power seems to be stronger than the peak of the extreme god realm!”

“What’s the matter? Who made this slap? Where did it come from?”

“This kind of weird power doesn’t feel like it belongs to the heavens and the world!

“The target of this palm is Lord Demon Lord?”

“How could this be? Apart from Yu Duangan and the Lord of the Void, is it possible that there are even more powerful enemies in this world?”

Everyone was sullen, and their brows were furrowed.

Looking up at the monstrous palm print that fell from the sky, feeling the strange and powerful power, everyone’s heart is slightly tight!

Where did this church come from?

Ling Ye looked up at the monstrous golden palm print, and immediately planned to dodge away!

But at this moment, he discovered that his body was actually fixed in place by a powerful force.

You can still move, but you can’t move!

Immediately, Ling Ye frowned even more!

This strange palm seems to have come specifically to destroy him?

At this time, Ling Ye has already consumed a lot!

If this palm falls, I am afraid it will really be a life-and-death situation!

Not far behind, Luo You Leng also noticed Ling Ye’s problem for the first time.

Immediately she wanted to fly over to help Ling Ye!

But at this moment, Luo You Leng also found out that her figure was fixed in place, unable to move away!

Immediately afterwards, on Luo You Leng’s side, at the top of the Star Sea of ​​Ten Thousand Realms, another mysterious golden distortion suddenly formed!

Then, another monstrous palm print, with that majestic power, descended from the sky!

In this second session, the target is Luo You Leng!

Luo You Leng immediately frowned.

What’s the matter? Also?

Where does this power come from?

There is absolutely no reason!

Ling Ye is the strongest existence in the heavens and the world, and there is no way anyone is stronger than him!

The Lord of the Void and Yu Duanqian both died in Ling Ye’s hands, why is a more powerful aura appearing now?

At this time, the entire abyss of the extreme world, the entire heavens and the world, everyone was shocked again!

“Also? What the hell is going on here? Where the hell did this come from?”

“This palm print is not only for Lord Demon Lord, but also for Madam Demon Lord!”

“What a terrifying power! If these two schools fall, I’m afraid Lord Demon Lord and the others… are more fortunate than fortune!”

“It feels like everyone is so insignificant in front of this power!”

“Then what is it? Is it possible that there is something in the heavens and the world that no one knows about?”

A large exclamation sounded above this extreme abyss, in the heavens and the world, constantly resounding!

Everyone has absolutely no idea what the hell is going on!

It seems that these two hallmarks are beyond everyone’s understanding!

It is a tyrannical force that no one has ever seen before!

Above the abyss of the extreme world, Ling Ye’s complexion suddenly sank after he noticed that another palm print appeared on Luo You Leng’s side!

At this moment, even he has no idea what the hell is going on!

In the heavens and the myriad worlds, there is no possibility that there is an existence beyond the extreme god realm!

But the power contained in these two palm prints is far stronger than the peak of the extreme god realm!

Although it is only a little stronger, it may be able to approach the half-step infinite realm!

But it is also beyond the realm of extreme gods!

In the face of such power, Ling Ye knew that neither he nor Luo You Leng could resist!

What exactly is this?

In Ling Ye’s mind, crazy thinking!

In the end, only one conclusion can be drawn!

If this myriad worlds are empty, there will be something beyond the realm of the gods!

That must be related to the first supreme artifact!

These two strange palm prints, these two palm prints that combine spiritual power and the power of the void, must be related to the first supreme artifact!

“What the hell are you?”

Immediately, Ling Ye’s cold voice was directed towards the top of the Star Sea of ​​Ten Thousand Realms, asking questions!

The heavens and the world became quiet, and the abyss of the extreme world became quiet.

Everyone’s eyes were directed towards Ling Ye, and then towards the top of the sea of ​​​​stars!

What is he asking about?

Under everyone’s gaze, under Ling Ye’s blood-red eyes!

A chaotic voice, from the top of the world, from the top of the star sea, suddenly sounded!

“Your appearance, the combination of the two of you! It broke the balance of the void of the world! It violated the development of the void of the world!”

“Today.. when you are wiped out!”

That voice did not distinguish between men and women, with an indescribable power and majesty, resounding throughout the heavens and the world!

As soon as these words came out, everyone in the heavens and the world suddenly did not understand.

The appearance of Ling Ye, the combination of Ling Ye and Luo You Leng, broke the peace of the void of the world?

Violating the development of the void of all worlds?

What does this mean?

Could it be that there are really higher-order existences in the heavens and the world that no one can understand?

Because Ling Ye broke the so-called balance, so you want to erase Ling Ye?

Do you want to erase Luo You Leng as well?

Ling Ye frowned tightly at this time!

Others don’t quite understand, but he knows what this sentence means.

Indeed, according to the original development, he should have died five years ago!

His era should have ended five years ago!

But because of the combination of him and Luo You Leng, he had an extra life!

So, that changed everything!

And now the Void Clan has been wiped out!

Indeed, it completely broke the balance of the void of the world.

When this balance is broken, he becomes the eternal ruler of the heavens and the world!

This is the so-called violation of the development of the void of all worlds!

After all, if it weren’t for him, this void of all worlds would definitely be the dynamism of the past, the rise of heroes, and the replacement of the masters from generation to generation!

Everything is in constant rotation and continuous development!

And his appearance has achieved the only eternity!

Broke that supreme parity!

So, the so-called higher-level existence, will he be wiped out?

And he changed everything because of Luo You Leng’s sky-defying ability.

So, that existence, even Luo You Leng must be wiped out!

“”You didn’t dare to come out a moment ago, and now you dare to take the lead?”

However, Ling Ye said coldly, “Pretend?”

Regardless of whether it was a higher-level existence, as soon as it came, he threatened to erase him and Luo You Leng!

Of course not possible!

If this thing really has that ability, do you have to wait until now?

Wait until his vitality is severely damaged, until all the supreme divine pillars in all directions are destroyed, before he dares to take action?

Shooting yourself so high right from the start? Isn’t this pretending?

When he heard Ling Ye’s words, the voice suddenly roared: “Humph! You are invincible all your life, but you have also created such an arrogant character! I don’t know how high the sky is, and I really think I am the master of these heavens and myriad worlds. Is it?”

In the heavens and the world, everyone is silent at this time!

In front of that unknown existence, everyone felt as small as an ant.

But only Ling Ye dared not to take it seriously!

(Li Liaozhao) That kind of absolute invincibility, throughout the ages, only Ling Ye can see it.

“I want to see how tall and thick you can be!”

Ling Ye said coldly.

Say it, raise your palm!

His divine consciousness penetrated the void of all worlds and directly connected to the Ziyun Immortal Realm.

The unknown existence above is actually only the peak of the extreme gods, but because of the fusion of two powers, the strength is stronger than the peaks of the extremes!

If Ling Ye has Bafang Supreme Divine Pillar in his hand, he might be able to fight!

But now the Bafang Supreme Divine Pillar has been destroyed, so Ling Ye plans to use his heart and soul as a weapon to fight against it!

The soul once had the power to surpass the peak of the extreme god realm, and it was the strongest artifact under the supreme artifact!

Now, it can also possess the same power as the Supreme Divine Pillar in all directions!

However, just when Ling Ye was about to summon his heart and soul, something that made Ling Ye’s complexion sank suddenly happened.

Because he saw that Ziyun Immortal Realm also had a surging heaven seal, which shattered the void boundary of Ziyun Immortal Realm, and slowly fell towards Luo Xin in that Ziyun Immortal Realm.

Everyone followed Ling Ye and noticed the appearance of the third palm!

So.. this thing is for the Ling Ye family of three?

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