Chapter 141 Give yourself a heroic death

Above the abyss of the extreme world, one after another void figures turned into nothingness, and the black rain puppets were shaken and shattered!

Some of them vanished into ashes, and some were smashed into the abyss of the extreme world, torn away by the powerful gravitational force, and bitten into pieces!

One after another of light and shadow, on this chaotic battlefield, the aftermath spreads over hundreds of millions of miles!

That was the monstrous battle movement that broke out from countless powerhouses in the whole world!

The heavens tremble, and the world is terrified!

And this destructive battle, the final result, still makes those myriad creatures who are far from being able to participate in the war feel fortunate.

Obviously, under the condensed power of countless powerhouses in the heavens and the world, and under the joint efforts of countless forces, the Void Clan and the Black Rain Army are not rivals after all!

The heavens and the world still occupy a great advantage!

And once this kind of advantage emerges, the entire war will present a one-sided situation.

The Void Army and the Black Rain Army are getting smaller and smaller, and if they continue, they will definitely be killed by the heavens and the world!

Although the people of the heavens and the world have also lost a lot, it is inevitable that there will be casualties in the battle.

In contrast, such casualties are worth it!

Of all those who sacrificed, no one will regret dying on this battlefield today!

Because, they are all sacrifices for the heavens and the world, for their own world!


During the melee, Ye Tian and Po Yan’s fists collided suddenly, and another shock wave that destroyed the sky and the earth spread out along with the thunderous explosion!

The huge bodies of the two of them shot back a certain distance from each other.

“It seems that this time, you will lose completely!” Ye Tian said lightly.

On the opposite side, Po Yan at this time was unable to say a word.

His eyes swept across the entire battlefield!

Indeed, in the current situation, the Void Clan and the Black Rain Army are losing ground!

If this goes on, sooner or later the whole army will be wiped out!

Po Yan pondered, and glanced at the Lord of the Void at the center of the “May 23” battle!

There is no way to go on like this. If there is no other way, the entire Void family will really be the end of the day.

As long as the Lord of the Void dies, the entire Void family will really have no future!

“You are still thinking, can you escape into that void world?”

At this moment, Ye Tian spoke again: “You should be very clear about today’s battle situation! You don’t even have the ability to escape!”

On the opposite side, Po Yan’s eyes retracted and fell on Ye Tian!

Yes, how can they escape in front of such a vast army in the heavens and the world?

“Even if you can’t go, at least I can take you!” Po Yan then growled.


After saying that, the vast void flames around him rose into the sky, forming a thick column of fire!

Yes, now there is nowhere to run, no way back!

only one death!

Since you are going to die, you have to pull a few backs!

It was worth it to be able to pull Ye Tian away too!

bang bang..

The monstrous fire pillar rose into the sky, and then, at the top of the fire pillar, nine huge fireballs slowly formed!

Nine fireballs, like nine scorching suns, illuminated the entire polar abyss with that monstrous void flame!

“Nine Sun Flames Rotate!”

Po Yan let out a low roar, and the flame in his body poured out like a torrent.

It made his entire void body become transparent in the blink of an eye!

Obviously this move, for him, consumes a lot!

When the nine sun-like fireballs formed, they were suspended above Poyan’s head and slowly rotated.

“go with!

The next moment, Po Yan’s palm suddenly pointed!


The nine constantly rotating suns suddenly fell towards Ye Tian!

At this moment, it is like the end of the world, the flames of the void, cut through the sea of ​​​​stars of all worlds, with that monstrous flame, unstoppable!

Opposite, facing the nine rounds of scorching sun that roared at him, Ye Tian slowly spread his arms, frantically forming seals!

A secret method suddenly revolves in the body!

“Tian Shui transforms into Qing Yuan!”

With a low roar, Ye Tian’s figure, with the vast blue spiritual power of that day, greeted him head-on!

He slowly spread out his hands, but he didn’t dodge or defend?

Po Yan’s eyes narrowed slightly, what does Ye Tian want to do?

Immediately afterwards, in Po Yan’s shocked eyes, after his nine rounds of scorching sun hit Ye Tian, ​​a strange scene happened!

There are no earth-shattering explosions, and no shock waves that destroy the world!

I saw that nine rounds of scorching sun, like a stone sinking into the sea, was swallowed directly by Ye Tian’s body!

At this moment, Ye Tian’s thousand-zhang body seemed to be as soft as water.

Nine rounds of fierce sunset fell on him, directly submerging into his body!

That monstrous flame was swallowed up by Ye Tian!

“Boy! Are you courting death?” Po Yan roared.

Isn’t this kind of behavior the same as suicide?

Those nine rounds of scorching sun brought nearly all of his void power!

Ye Tian devoured it like this, and it would definitely explode!

Sure enough, as soon as Po Yan’s voice fell, the nine rounds of scorching sun, within Ye Tian’s gigantic body, seemed to have begun to boil frantically.

This made Ye Tian’s original sky blue tall and translucent body, and some reds appeared inside!

Seems like it’s going to explode at any moment!

“Let’s see if you can put your life on the line with me!”

Ye Tian gave a cold drink.

The next moment, that thousand-zhang body, that body that was about to explode, suddenly shot towards Po Yan!

At this moment, Po Yan suddenly understood!

Ye Tian wanted to use his power, together with Ye Tian’s own power, to explode this spiritual body and obliterate him!

Immediately breaking the flame, he planned to dodge quickly and let Ye Tian explode by himself!

However, it’s too late!

Ye Tian’s figure was already in front of him in the blink of an eye.

Finally, he slammed into him fiercely!

Under Po Yan’s terrified gaze, Ye Tian’s 1000-foot-long spiritual body suddenly exploded in front of him, almost touching him!



Suddenly, a loud noise made everyone in the entire battlefield tremble, and the whole world was one!

The two forces of fiery red and sky blue swept across the entire polar abyss!

The shock wave that destroyed the sky and the earth destroyed the star sea of ​​all worlds, making bursts of roars!

People who are close to each other are shocked and shot back!

This was Ye Tian and Poyan’s full-strength blow, and it was the moment when all their rays of light bloomed.

The dazzling shock wave radiance illuminated the entire chaotic battlefield, and everyone’s eyes couldn’t help but look over!

Then, under their gaze, this earth-shattering explosion slowly ceased!

Ye Tian and Poyan at the center of the shock wave were exposed.

At this time, Ye Tian’s body has returned to normal size!

But it’s disheveled and pale! It’s like it’s reaching the limit!

On the opposite side, above Po Yan’s huge body, one after another visible cracks filled the whole body!

Even above the void light eyes on his chest, some large and small cracks appeared!

The next moment, one of the nine Void Light Eyes suddenly collapsed!


Immediately afterwards, the rest of the Void Light Eyes shattered in succession!

Po Yan’s eyes were hideous, and he stared at Ye Tian’s tiny body in front of him!

I lost myself!

The strongest Void King of the Void Clan, he was finally defeated by Ye Tian, ​​the strongest under the Demon Lord of the Heavens and Tens of Worlds!

“It seems that you can’t take me away!” Ye Tian’s pale face showed a smile.

As soon as he finished speaking, Po Yan’s 1000-zhang body suddenly collapsed!

In the end, it turned into a flame spot in the sky and dissipated away!

The strongest Void King of the Void Clan, the only Void King left in the Void Clan now!

So fall!

With the fall of Po Yan, Ye Tian finally spurted out a mouthful of blood.

With this move, Po Yan tried his best, and he, of course, almost reached his limit!

The almost fatal injury made Ye Tian dizzy, as if he was about to fall down!


At this moment, Ye Ziwei’s figure flew up immediately and supported Ye Tian.

“Patriarch Yao!” She then hurriedly shouted: “Hurry up, save Brother Tian!”


The Patriarch of the Medicine Immortal Clan also flew up immediately.

Then, with a wave of his palm, another most extreme healing medicinal pill flew to Ye Tian.

Ye Tian hurriedly took it, and then, he was almost conscious that he was about to fall asleep.

Many thanks, “Patriarch Yao!” Ye Tian immediately clasped his fists.

To have such an alchemist at the pinnacle of the extreme god realm is indeed invincible in battle!

“No need to thank you! This is everyone’s battle!” Yao Patriarch said lightly.

Then, fly away again!

It is specially responsible for delivering medicines to those who are seriously injured and dying!

Do your best to reduce casualties in the heavens and the world!

After Ye Tian calmed down a little, he clenched his fists again.

“Everyone is still fighting, Ziwei, stop and say goodbye!” Ye Tian then said, and then killed him again.

He used to be powerless in the face of the Void family!

And now, under the leadership of Ling Ye, he has gathered everyone in the heavens and the world, so of course he will do his best to do his best!

For the sake of the heavens and the world, and for the mistakes that I have made!

This time, we must truly end everything completely!

Ye Ziwei looked at Ye Tian who was rushing away, and she also gritted her silver teeth and followed!

The war continues!

With the fall of the two Void Kings, among the Void Clan and the Black Rain Army, the peak combat power is getting less and less!

The whole battle situation, more and more showing an overwhelming advantage!

The heavens and the world, keep advancing, keep joining forces to besiege!

In the blink of an eye, the Void Army and the Black Rain Army are all gone!

In this battle, victory is imminent!

And as the battle continued, more and more people could free up their hands.

Luo You Leng, Bai Jiu Xi Ji and the others have all stopped now!

The rest, handed over to the various forces, can be easily solved, not enough!

Their eyes, at this time, turned to Ling Ye, with a bit of worry in their beautiful eyes!

Now, the most difficult to tell the winner is there!

Under the gazes of everyone, at the very center of the melee, eight ten thousand zhang divine pillars swept across, smashing the opposite Void Lord and Yu Duanqian.

Although Ling Ye is one against five, but by virtue of the Supreme Pillar of Eight Directions, by virtue of Ling Ye’s terrifying fighting ability!

With one against five, they were evenly leveled.

At this time, Yu Duanqian’s four bodies and the Lord of the Void all had solemn expressions on their faces!

Because they have seen the defeat of the entire army, they have already seen the end of this war!

Even if they join forces to kill Ling Ye, then, all the powerhouses in the heavens and the world will definitely kill them!

This battle… the overall situation is set!

“Bring out all your abilities, you can give yourself a heroic way to die!”

Ling Ye sneered while driving the Bafang Supreme Pillar….



Suddenly, the Supreme Divine Pillar snatched it with its arrogant and domineering power, causing the bodies of the Lord of the Void and Yu Duanqian to shoot back a distance!

Their eyes, glanced at the entire battlefield, and glanced at the army that was already running out!

He also glanced at Luo You Leng and the others, who were staring at him from a distance and could attack at any time.

Then, in their eyes, there was a look of defeat!

Although this battle is not over yet, in fact, they all know that they have lost!

The eyes of both of them are full of unwillingness!

In the end, he still failed to dominate the heavens and the world!

In the end, I still couldn’t stand above Ling Ye!

Both of them looked at Ling Ye, with a choice in their eyes.

Since today’s war is bound to be defeated, since everything ends here!

Then…to make their lifelong rivals pay the price!

“Killing you is the most heroic way to die!”

The Lord of the Void roared, and then!

A void trembled, and behind him, the nine Void Light Eyes that were floating in the air slowly escaped!

Finally, in his whole body, keep zooming, keep zooming!

Then, a gigantic void seal suddenly condensed!

“Void, every day curse seal!”


Accompanied by a low roar from the Lord of the Void, the stream of light in the sky suddenly burst out!

In the blink of an eye, the entire battlefield filled!

Everyone can feel the monstrous power contained in the seal.

Yu Qian also shot at the same time, and the black energy around him burst out crazily!

bang bang…

That monstrous black air poured out like a torrent, rushing straight into the sea of ​​​​stars!

“Four bodies are sacrificed to the destruction of heaven and earth!”


With Yu Duanqian’s low roar, his four bodies suddenly skyrocketed wildly!

In the blink of an eye, it turned into a huge black body of four thousand feet!

Above that divine body, with that monstrous black energy, it is like a hell Shura!

“Since the two of us are going to lose today! You can’t even think of winning!

Immediately afterwards, the Lord of the Void and Yu Duanqian both roared lowly.

Then, with the Great Heavenly Curse Seal and the Four Elephants Divine Body, he suddenly slammed towards Ling Ye!

They knew that they would definitely lose 4.2, but if they could kill Ling Ye before they died, then for them, it would be a death without regrets!

This is their last wish!

On the opposite side, Ling Ye just smiled coldly and spread his arms!


Immediately, the Supreme Protoss from all directions suddenly landed in front of him and lined up neatly!

Immediately afterwards, Ling Ye’s arms suddenly folded together: “Ning!”


Immediately, the Supreme Divine Pillars in all directions collided in pairs!

Then it suddenly merged together!

Eight, became four!

Immediately afterwards, the four roots are in twos again!


Four became two!

The two are fused again!


There was another loud noise, and the supreme divine pillar in all directions was completely merged into a giant pillar of ten thousand feet!

It is like a pillar supporting the entire heavens and the world!

On the originally pitch-black Supreme Divine Pillar, blood-red lines suddenly formed!

On the blood-colored lines, there is an indescribable majesty and power!

This is a fusion of the power that erupted from the Bafang Supreme Shrine!

At the same time, it also incorporates all the power of Ling Ye!

When the Eight Supreme Divine Pillars merged into one, Ling Ye suddenly waved his palm!

“go with!”


Immediately, the blood-colored black column suddenly smashed towards the Yu Duanqian and the Lord of the Void!

Under the gaze of everyone in the entire polar abyss!

Under the gaze of countless creatures in the heavens and the world.

Ling Ye’s monstrous blood column, with its arrogant and domineering power, smashed into the void curse mark of the Void Lord and Yu Duanqian’s four huge bodies!


Immediately, a shock wave that made the heavens paint, accompanied by the shocking noise, came from the abyss of the extreme world, from the center of this chaotic battlefield!

It exploded suddenly!

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