Chapter 134 You are my man, can’t I be jealous?

Ling Ye did nothing after moving the eight supreme divine pillars to the abyss of the extreme world.

Instead wait!

Next time, when Yu Duanqian comes out again, he will release the Lord of the Void!

Then Yu Duanqian and the Void family will be completely eradicated at one time!

In this way, the heavens and the world will no longer be threatened!

Now, either, wait for Zhuge Qingchan to go out and find the first supreme artifact!

Or, if the rain is broken, the thousand will go out first, and Ling Ye will destroy the source of the infinite and sacrifice the future of the heavens and the world to eradicate the troubles!

In short, now, the heavens and the world have calmed down for the time being.

Although there will be a very small number of shrimp soldiers and crabs in the Void family scattered in the heavens and the world.

But those, Ling Ye directly handed over to Jiang Yuan and Shura Kuang to deal with.

Ling Ye himself, on the other hand, returned to the Ziyun Immortal Realm.

This time, I will accompany my woman and my daughter well.

With the peace and tranquility of the heavens and the world, a month passed slowly,

The world of Qiankun, the top of the broken hall.

Ye Tian stood there quietly.

He put his hands behind his back, looking at the entire universe, overlooking the glory of the entire universe.

In the past, this place was definitely one of the most dazzling pearls in the whole world!

But now, only a rubble remains.

One after another hideous void fissures made the whole world of Qiankun miserable.

Now thinking back to his life, recalling his past glory, recalling his previous powerlessness and despair, Ye Tian still can’t help but sigh!

His life is truly full of legends!

Although the ending is not a happy one, it is still wonderful!

At the beginning, walking out of a nameless place, an ordinary teenager, a cultivator full of enthusiasm!

After all the hard work and the blessings of heaven, step by step, I have reached the top of the world.

Although it is not the highest peak now, although the peak that he has reached is not the highest peak in the history of the heavens and the world!

However, the self five years ago was indeed standing at the top of the universe at that time!

He even killed Ling Ye, the blood shadow demon lord who he once thought was the tyrant ruler of the heavens and the world.

How glorious was it all in the past?

Looking at the heavens, who can match such achievements of the ages?

But looking back on it now, it’s so ridiculous!

He is not Ling Ye’s opponent at all, and he has never defeated Ling Ye at all.

Even the woman he once admired and pursued fell into Ling Ye’s hands!

How glorious I was back then, and how failed!

How high you flew back then, how badly you fell in the end!

Your own life, ups and downs!

I have gained almost everything, and now I have lost almost everything.

It is wonderful to look at your life from the perspective of a bystander!

A faint smile appeared on Ye Tian’s mouth.

Under that smile, there are endless vicissitudes!

Although my life ended like this, it was worth it.

At least, he once stood at the top!

At the very least, I have worked hard for countless times in my life!

At the very least, I can have a formidable and respectable opponent like Ling Ye!

All this is worth it.

“Brother God!”

At this moment, Ye Ziwei’s figure flew up.

Then, he gently hugged Ye Tian and gently leaned against his arms.

Ye Tian also stretched out his hand and hugged her gently.

There was a faint smile on the corner of Ye Ziwei’s mouth.

This month has been the quietest and happiest month for her over the years.

This month, she has been by Ye Tian’s side, without the burden of the Void family, without the burden of the heavens and the world, and without any enemies.

Only her and Ye Tian!

This month has been so peaceful.

This is the life she has always wanted.

Nothing else, as long as I can have Ye Tian by my side all the time!

After going through so much, Ye Ziwei has become a lot more sensible, and is no longer as unreasonable and childish as before.

She now fully understands all Ye Tian’s pain and the burden on her shoulders, and understands everything about Ye Tian!

Although she had the idea of ​​giving up Ye Tian before, but after going through all this, she still knew exactly what she wanted.

After all, it is Ye Tian! After all, it is my brother!

At this time, Ye Tian’s face also had a dull smile.

He gently followed Ye Ziwei, looked at the person in his arms, looked at his… childhood sweetheart!

The person he really admired the most in the past was Luo You Leng, the most beautiful person in the world!

But now that I think about it, it may just be my own yearning!

Your own yearning for the pursuit of perfection in life!

After all, between him and Luo Youleng, they can only be regarded as strangers, and there is no relationship at all.

For myself, the most important feelings, the most should give all the love, have always been by my side.

Before, I really ignored Ye Ziwei too much!

But now, he has let go of all he has for Luo You Leng, and only Ye Zisuo is in his heart.

These two months may be the last two months of my life!

Therefore, during this period of time, he has been accompanying Ye Ziwei, and will do everything for her that he can do for her.

Give her everything you can give her!

I have failed her too much in my life.

In the end, I only have two months to make up for it. Although it is not enough, I will do my best to love her and give her everything.

“Brother Tian, ​​is your injury okay?” Ye (afec) Ziwei leaned against Ye Tian’s arms and asked softly.

“It’s healed!” Ye Tian smiled softly.

“That’s good! Then we still have time, and we can make some preparations! We can also improve our strength!” Ye Ye was continued.

“Yeah!” Ye Tian nodded lightly: “But those are not the most important things!

“Ah? What’s the most important thing?” Ye Ye was looking at him curiously.

“Being with you is the most important thing!” Ye Tian smiled softly.

As soon as these words came out, Ye Ziyi’s face suddenly turned slightly red, and he held Ye Tian’s hand a little tighter.

Ye Tian can say such words, of course he is happy!

But under this happiness, there is still a lot of regret.

What if it could go on like this forever?

“Brother Tian, ​​let’s work together, there must be a way!” Ye Zibei then whispered: “You don’t need to become stronger, you just need to be equal to him! Brother Tian, ​​you are only half a step away from him. !

“Half a step!” Ye Tian smiled lightly, and then said: “This half step stopped everyone in the heavens and the world!”

Half-step infinity is just half-step as simple as it sounds!

Looking at the top powerhouses in the heavens and the world, no one can take this half step!

“Then… it’s not impossible! Brother Tian, ​​you were able to reach the realm of infinity back then, let alone this half-step?”

Ye Ziwei shouted slightly.

Ye Tian just shook his head and said nothing.

At the beginning, it was because in this world of heaven and earth, a force that condensed the power of all worlds was discovered!

It is equivalent to these heavens and myriad worlds, and a fruit has been produced here before!

And he already ate that fruit!

Now, no more!

“Ziwei, if I can survive, where do you want to go?”

Ye Tian let go of Ye Ye Wei, and then gently pulled her hand.

The two of them sat at the top of the hall, looking at the whole broken universe in front of them.

“As long as I accompany Brother Tian, ​​I can go anywhere!” Ye Zi blushed.

Although, she also knows that this is the sweet talk before the end, but she will also cherish it.

Ye Tian had a smile on his face: “If I can survive, in the future, I will take you to the heavens. Lord, I will only accompany you to live an ordinary life!”

Ye Tian’s gentle words made Ye Ziwei’s face glow with happiness. She leaned her head on Ye Tian’s shoulder and smiled softly: “Brother Tian, ​​thank you!”

“Yes, I should thank you, thank you for your constant company!” Ye Tian continued: “From childhood to adulthood, you are actually my only one!”

“You too, you are my only one!” Ye Zi smiled.

Both brothers and sisters are smiling.

Laughing and laughing, but crying!

In Ye Ziwei’s eyes, the tears slipped down without warning!

Ye Tian’s eyes were also a little red at this time!

Ye Ziwei then turned around and buried her head in Ye Tian’s arms.

The voice choked up: “Brother Tian, ​​if only we hadn’t fought him back then!”

“If only we hadn’t stepped into the heavens and the world in the first place!!

“If only we could be together as carefree as we were when we were kids!”

“Brother Tian, ​​I’m so sad, I’m really sad! I’m sorry”

She knew that at this last moment, she should not cry, but should smile and accompany Ye Tian through this last time.

But she couldn’t help it!

Her head was buried in Ye Tian’s arms, her lips were trembling, and tears had already soaked Ye Tian’s clothes.

Ye Tian also slowly raised his hand and gently hugged Ye Ziwei into his arms.

Then, he took a deep breath and held back the tears that he wanted to cry but couldn’t cry!

“It doesn’t matter, Ziwei! We have enough in this lifetime! At least, I’m content with you!”

Ye Tian comforted softly: “I’m gone in the future, and you must live happily on your own!

“Brother God!”

This remark made Ye Ye burst into tears: “What will I do without you? What will I do when I am alone?”

It was really hard for her to imagine the feeling after losing Ye Tian.

How much does she wish she could continue like this with Ye Tian?

In the future, when Ye Tian died and was alone, what was the point?

How to be happy?

Ye Tian patted Ye Ziwei’s back lightly and comforted her softly: “It doesn’t matter, I won’t necessarily die! Don’t we still have a chance? We can still work hard together!”

Such words, though redundant.

But at this time, Ye Tian couldn’t find anything to say.

It can only be this way!

“Brother Tian, ​​can’t you both get along peacefully? Brother Tian, ​​if you admit defeat, you just admit defeat, okay? You don’t have to fight to the death, right?” Ye Ziwei continued to cry.

“I can’t admit defeat! This is respect for him!” Ye Tian whispered: “He gave me a chance. If I use his chance to admit defeat, I will only insult him!”

“But what should I do? What should I do?” Ye Ziwei couldn’t stop her tears.

“It’s okay, didn’t I say it? There is still a chance! I won’t necessarily lose!” Ye Tian continued to smile and comfort.

In this whole shattered universe, in this whole ruined heaven and earth alliance.

Ye Tian and Ye Ziwei were sitting at the top of the dilapidated hall.

Laugh, cry, cry, cry and laugh

Before the apocalypse, the winged birds do not want to fly by themselves!

Among them, they are trying their best to cover up the pain with sweetness, but it is difficult to make up for it!

It’s a pity!

On the other side, Ziyun Immortal Realm.

Towering flowers and ancient trees, a fairyland.

Under the rain of flowers, Baijiu was under the ancient tree, teaching Luo Xin how to practice swords.

Baijiu’s love for Luo Xin is of course no problem!

And Luo Xin, also quite likes his master who is very interesting even though he has few words!

The two masters and apprentices are also incomparably good fortune.

At this time, at the top of this towering ancient tree in the sea of ​​flowers, Ling Ye stood there with her eyes tightly closed.

It seems to be feeling something.

He is feeling the great flow of spiritual power in the vast void of the world, and then, looking for the source of the infinite!

After all this time, he finally sensed the existence of that infinite source!

This infinite source pervades the heavens and the world, everywhere!

Under this kind of induction, he can condense the whole of this infinite source at any time.

Now, the last moment has come!

Whether or not to destroy the source of the infinite so that the heavens and the world can no longer be infinite, depends on Zhuge Qingchan and Yu Duangan, who will exit first.

At this moment, Luo You Leng’s love image flew up from below.

“What are you doing?” Her beautiful eyes looked at Ling Ye curiously.

Ling Ye opened her eyes and pulled her over directly.

During this time, the relationship between them has naturally become familiar a lot.

Ling Ye is becoming more and more casual towards Luo You!

And Luo You Leng is also more and more accustomed to this kind of Ling Ye!

At the same time, I like Ling Ye more and more.

After all, that’s what she’s always wanted.

This will make her feel like Ling Ye can’t put it down!

Ling Ye is indeed in love with her.

“Close your eyes!” Ling Ye said lightly while holding Luo You Leng’s jade hand.

“Close your eyes?” Although Luo You Leng didn’t know what Ling Ye was doing, she still closed her eyes obediently.

Then, the two held hands and communicated with each other!

Under the guidance of Ling Ye, Luo You Leng also felt the existence of the Great Void Formation!

I felt the majestic formation covering the entire heavens and the world, the grandeur of the great flow of spiritual power!

Naturally, he also felt the existence of that infinite source.

“This source of infinite, there is no threat, there is no power but it is an indispensable introduction! Only the existence of this introduction can make the existence of the infinite realm born in the heavens and the world!

Ling Ye said lightly.

Luo You Leng nodded lightly: “Then do you really want to destroy the source of Wuji?”

“Let’s see if Zhuge Qingchan can find the first supreme artifact!” Ling Ye replied.

“Do you trust her? Is she really just your military advisor?” Luo You Leng asked suddenly.

As soon as these words came out, Ling Ye opened his eyes.

Then he pulled Luo Liu Leng over and hugged him tightly: “So you are so jealous? Will you even eat Xin’er’s jealousy in the future?”

“I.” Luo You Leng pouted suddenly.

“You are my man, can’t I be jealous?” She then replied.

“Admit that I’m your man?” Ling Ye’s mouth curled into a wicked smile.

As soon as these words came out, Luo You Leng came back to his senses, and then quickly replied: “Slip of the tongue!”

“Slip of the tongue? Then I have to take care of your mouth, lest you always make a slip of the tongue!”

Ling Ye suddenly gave a bad smile.

Then, before Luo You Leng could react, he had already printed it on her red lips.

At the top of this sea of ​​flowers and ancient trees, the two embraced and kissed

It stands to reason that no one else can see this scene.

But the baijiu below couldn’t help but looked up and glanced at it unconsciously.

Then she immediately closed her eyes, quickly took off the wine gourd from her waist, and took a sigh!

Can’t stand it, can’t stand it!

Just can’t stand this!

Can’t you two just hide for a while?


At this moment, Luo Xin also suddenly smiled strangely.

“Xin’er, don’t look at it!” Bai Jiu hurriedly stopped.

“It’s nothing, I’ve seen it before!” Luo Xin replied with a smile.

As soon as these words came out, Bai Jiu was stunned.

So, they’ve done this before?

But it’s normal to think about it, the children are so old!

What have you done before that shouldn’t be?

“Master, do you think

“I didn’t think of anything! Xin’er, don’t make wild guesses!”

Luo Xin was going to say something outrageous, but Bai Jiu interrupted immediately.

This little girl is quite smart, but she doesn’t know how to save face for her elders.

“Hee hee! Good! I won’t say anymore!” Luo Xin naturally knew Bai Jiu’s thoughts, so he stopped his mouth.

At this moment, when Ling Ye and Luo You on the top of the ancient tree kissed each other coldly, when Bai Jiu saw a restlessness in his heart below.

Suddenly, a strange movement suddenly spread throughout the heavens and the world!

Immediately afterwards, the entire heavens and myriad worlds instantly became pitch-dark and dim!

A majestic aura instantly enveloped the world!

This kind of majestic aura, five years ago, everyone in the heavens and the world also felt it in Ling Ye Ye Tian!

That is the limitless realm!

And the owner of this monstrous and gloomy aura today is neither Ling Ye nor Ye Tian!

It’s raining a thousand times!

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