Chapter One Hundred and Thirty-fifth Black Rain in Ten Thousand Realms, All Heavens Are Silent


This powerful aura suddenly spread out from the black rain space, spreading throughout the heavens and the world!

Suddenly, the heavens and the world fell into darkness.

The entire heavens and myriad worlds were suddenly filled with black rain!

The black rain of Zhejiang and Zhejiang drips down in this world of ten thousand worlds!

It just wanted to be a layer of shadow, and at this moment, it shrouded everything!

The entire heavens and the world, various forces, countless creatures.

All at this moment, I felt this gloomy momentum!

At this moment, the entire heavens and the world are shrouded in the shadow of the rain!

The black rain of all worlds, the heavens are silent!

This black rain that fills the sky, this unprecedented aura, seems to be stronger than Ling Ye and Ye Tian back then!

Everyone’s hearts were filled with worry at this moment.

Unexpectedly, the rain came so quickly?

How to face such a person, the heavens and the world?

Blood Shadow Demon Lord, how to face it?

How can we face it?

The last time Yu Duanqian appeared with the help of Ye Tian’s body, everyone in the heavens and the world knew his existence and what kind of person he was!

Anyway, everyone in the heavens and the world is more hopeful than Yu Duanqian, and the ruler is Ling Ye!

However, with such a strong enemy, can Ling Ye still be able to stop him?

The Blood Shadow Demon Lord, who has always dominated the heavens and the world, is invincible, this time I am afraid that he has really encountered an enemy that he cannot deal with!

After all, it was Yu Duanqian who drove the four bodies of the sky, and it was a total of four Promise Realms!

And what about the Blood Shadow Demon Lord?

It’s only half a step to the limitless realm!

The gap between them is absolutely irresistible, right?

Now, how is the Lord Demon Lord?

Where should these heavens and myriad worlds go?

Who can stop the rain from breaking like this?

If Ling Ye can’t do it, of course others can’t do it!

Purple Cloud Immortal Realm.

The top of the ancient trees in the sea of ​​flowers.

Ling Ye and Luo You Leng’s lips loosened

Ziyun Immortal World is a relatively special independent world, plus Ling Ye’s shelter.

Therefore, it was not filled with the black rain!

When he noticed the aura of Yu Duanqian’s Promise Realm, Luo You Leng frowned tightly!

Ling Ye said “very soon”, so fast?

It’s not even two months, so the rain will come out?

Now, that rain has broken thousands of days and destroyed the four bodies, and has reached the realm of infinity!

Moreover, it is still the infinite realm of four in one!

So… but it’s really hard to deal with!

Luo You’s cold and beautiful eyes suddenly looked at Ling Ye.

When she felt Yu Duanqian’s aura, Ling Ye’s expression was always that cold and calm.

“It seems that Zhuge Qingfeng is a step behind!” Ling Ye then shook his head lightly.

In this way, the only thing left to sacrifice is the future of the heavens and the world!


At this moment, Baijiu and Luo Xin also flew up!

“What are you going to do? This guy… is stronger than Ye Tian back then!” Baijiu Meimu also looked at Ling Ye.

They didn’t expect that the rain would come so quickly?

So, what is Ling Ye going to do now?

Half a step in the boundless realm, what can I use to deal with Yu Duanqian?

“Strong? How strong can it be?” Ling Ye smiled faintly.

The Promise Realm of Rain Broken Thousand is indeed stronger than Ye Tian and him five years ago!

But, it’s not too strong!

To be honest, in ancient times, he and the Lord of the Void in their heyday were no less than Yu Duanqian, who just left the border now!

“Daddy! What happened?” Luo Xin also looked at Ling Ye curiously.

Although she doesn’t know what’s going on!

But she can naturally feel the gloomy aura that permeates the whole world.

“It’s nothing, Daddy is going out for a while again!” Ling Ye smiled lightly.

ah ah ah…

At this moment, the forty-nine immortal islands of Ziyun Immortal Realm, and thousands of goddesses, all came together!

One after another, the fragrance of flowers and shadows all flew out.

Luo You Leng had ordered them before, and they have been preparing!

Now, it’s time for the real battle!

This battle is for the Palace Master, the Demon Lord, and the entire world!

“Going out again? Father and mother, are you leaving me at home again?” Luo Xin pouted.

Suddenly I want to grow up quickly and become stronger as soon as possible!

That way you don’t have to be separated from your parents every time!

“Why are we willing to leave you at home? It’s not throwing you away, it’s letting you wait for us at home!

Luo You Leng flew over and pinched Luo Xin’s little face lightly: “Be at home, my father and I only go out this time! This is the last time!”

After this time, everything will end!

Although Luo Xin was not very happy, she still nodded obediently: “I will accompany you wherever you go from now on!”

“Definitely!” Luo You sneered.

Then, his eyes turned to Ling Ye again.

Since that Rain Duanqian came out before Zhuge Qingchan, then… do as Ling Ye wanted!

let us go!

Ling Ye nodded lightly, and then waved his palm!

A huge blood-red space distortion appeared over Ziyun Immortal Realm.

“The Void Clan still has a lot of armies, and Yu Duanqian is in his hands, I guess there are still some means!”

Ling Ye then said lightly: “So this time, the whole army will attack!”

After saying that, he turned his head and smiled at Luo Xin, and he was the first to step into the twisted void.

Behind him, Luo You Leng ordered some people to accompany Luo Xin, and then he followed with all the strong men in the entire Ziyun Immortal Realm, together with Baijiu!

Today, in the entire Ziyun Immortal Realm, this great force standing at the peak of the heavens and the world, almost everyone is dispatched!

Thousands of goddesses, mighty!

On the other side, the world of Qiankun.

Because the entire universe is already broken, it is naturally unable to resist the black rain.

The black rain of Zhejiang and Zhejiang, dripping down from the sky, seems to infect the entire broken universe into pitch black color.

It made the whole universe dark and gloomy!

In the corner of the universe, Ye Tian and Ye Ziwei stood together.

“Black rain! It’s the rain! He came out?”

Ye Ziwei frowned: “This kind of aura is really the realm of infinite! The four realms of infinite!

Ye Tian nodded lightly, his expression flat.

They come, the security!

In the face of controllable things, do your best, in the face of uncontrollable things, face it calmly!

He has unknowingly cultivated this kind of xinxing.

He has absolutely no control over the rain breaking a thousand things!

It just depends on whether Ling Ye can control it!

He was completely unable to figure out how Ling Ye, who was half a step in the infinite realm, was going to face such a rain and dry up.

Anyway, he believed in Ling Ye.

“Let’s go! Let’s go to support!” Ye Tian then said lightly.

“Support? But how does Brother Tian support?” Ye Ziwei was confused.

Not to mention that Ling Ye is Ye Tian’s enemy, so Yu Duanqian is naturally his enemy!

As far as Ye Tian and her strengths are concerned, how can one support one from the extreme god realm and one from the god emperor realm?

Is the support useful?

“Just do your best!” Ye Tian said lightly: “Since I am a member of the heavens and the world, I should have this responsibility!”

“But eldest brother, the decisive battle between you and him is not over yet!” Ye Ziwei asked.

We promised to fight with Ling Ye in two months!

But it’s been two months now!

Appearing in front of Ling Ye now?

“Since the time hasn’t come, he won’t do anything to me!”

Ye Tian then said lightly: “Today’s battle, if he wins, then I will fight with him! If he loses the whole world, he will also lose, and we can’t escape death!”

So, of course, go for it!

This shot, not for anyone, but for the responsibility in his heart!

Born in all heavens and ten thousand realms, growing up in all heavens and ten thousand realms, then now that all heavens and ten thousand realms are in danger, he should take action.

Ye Ziwei looked at Ye Tian at this time, and then nodded lightly.

Doesn’t she know Ye Tian yet?

He is such a responsible and responsible man!

Since he’s going to shoot, let’s do it!

I will be with him to the end!

No matter what the outcome of this battle is!

Immediately afterwards, Ye Tian waved his palm.

Tear apart the space, take Ye Ziwei, and go to the polar abyss!

Creek Siren’s Nest.

This is a sea world, when the strong aura of the rain is dry, when the dark rain drips down from the sky!

The entire Ming Sea seems to be dyed pitch black!

At the bottom of the deep Xihai, Xiji immediately summoned all the banshees in the entire coastal area!

All those who can fight are basically summoned.

In the past month or so, the entire Minghai has also recovered a lot.

Those who can be resurrected are basically resurrected!

Although many people have lost their former strength.

But there are still many strong armies!

“Today’s battle, in the words of the Demon Lord, is the last battle!”

At the front, Xi Ji’s voice resounded throughout the entire Ming Sea.

“This is about the future of the entire heavens and the world! It is about the future of everyone!”

“But…you still have the right to choose not to participate in this war!

“If you want to participate in the war, follow me to the abyss of the extreme world! Those who do not want to participate in the war, stay here and guard the sea monster nest!”

Xi Ji’s voice resounded.

But all the banshees in the entire sea of ​​misunderstandings have a firm attitude!

“I am willing to fight with the Queen, and I am willing to follow the Lord of Demons!”

“Life and death are useless!

All the same, choose to participate in this final showdown!

This is not only about individuals, but also about the chaos of the entire universe!

Moreover, it is the Lord of Demons who takes the lead!

So, of course they have to participate!

Do your best for the whole world!

Looking at the entire boiling army of banshees, Xi Ji, who was at the forefront, nodded heavily.

“If that’s the case, let’s take action and fight with the Demon Lord!”

Immediately afterwards, Xi Ji gave an order and waved her jade hand!

A huge void fissure suddenly formed.

Then, he took everyone from the Seaside Demon Nest to the abyss of the extreme world.

An army of demon-burning and seductive banshees is equally powerful!

On the other side, a small world.

Jiang Yuan and Shura Kuang, along with those younger brothers of Shura Kuang, clean up the remaining Void Desires here.

0 flowers

The Void family that is still scattered in the heavens and the world, the strongest have not even reached the God Emperor Realm.

At most, it is the realm of the gods or the realm of the gods. For Jiang Yuan and others, it is simply a piece of cake!

They directly cover the entire world with their divine sense, and they can directly shock those weak Void Desires to death with their divine sense!

At this time, in a city in this small world.

After solving the Void Desire here, the people in the entire city expressed their heartfelt thanks to the U.S. dollar and the others.

Then all kinds of gratitude, all kinds of guests.

Jiang Yuan, Shura Kuang and the others were also idle and bored, so they simply accepted everyone’s favor.

Sometimes, helping people is indeed a kind of thing that can make you happy.

At this time, in the open-air dam that survived the catastrophe, among the crowd, Jiang came to Yuan, a mature woman with an extremely plump figure.

“Beauty, are you dealing with someone?” Jiang Yuan asked as soon as he came.

“The object? And you?” The woman was suddenly surprised.

“That’s right! Me! Give me a baby!” Jiang Yuan smiled softly.

In the past month or so, they have also seen Luo Xin.

Others don’t know, Jiang Yuan is quite envious anyway.

So he came up with the idea of ​​finding a woman to have a baby.

I want to learn Ling Ye and start a family..

“But…I don’t want to have sex with you!”

The woman replied, “I don’t want to have children with you either!

“Hey, I’m the savior of your city, am I not the hero in your mind?” Jiang Yuan frowned suddenly.

“You? You didn’t do anything just now! They did it!” The woman’s gaze looked at Shura Kuang who was pouring wine in a big bowl not far away.

Then in his eyes, with a bit of obsession: “I want to have sex with him!”


“This… Is that because I don’t have to take action to know? Those were all shrimp soldiers and crab generals just now, so I left them to deal with it!”

Jiang Yuan hurriedly explained: “Also, he’s just a muscle! He doesn’t understand women! He doesn’t know what love is, and he doesn’t know what Lianxiangxiyu is!”

“I don’t want him to be sympathetic to me!”

The woman’s eyes were always on Shura Kuang: “This kind of man is only masculine!”

“My beauty, he knows nothing, do you know? He has no concept of love between men and women! He doesn’t understand anything! He is a fighter who only knows how to fight, and a rough guy!” Jiang Yuan continued.

“It’s okay, he doesn’t understand, I can teach him!” The woman looked at Shura Kuang’s tall and sturdy body, and at Shura Kuang’s manly scars.

She just loves it!


Jiang Yuan was immediately speechless, waved his hand and walked away: “Who is this?

Shura’s mad little brothers grinned at him: “This is a normal woman!”

“Is this normal? Isn’t this an aesthetic derived from biological instinct? Can’t it be a bit advanced?”

Jiang Yuan was helpless: “Am I not understanding women? Shouldn’t advanced creatures transcend their instincts?”

“You really don’t understand! Instinct aesthetics is also an aesthetic! Aesthetics beyond things are also an aesthetic! No matter which one it is, it is right!”

Asura’s mad little brother replied: “Listen to us, find a woman of the same level as you!

“Where are there so many! If there were any…

Jiang Yuan was about to say something, but at this moment, his complexion suddenly changed, and his brows furrowed tightly.

The Shura Kuang who was drinking also stood up abruptly and held the big sword in his hand!

Asura’s mad little brothers also have the same expression.

They all raised their heads, and then, when they saw the entire sky, it turned into pitch black!

Then, the dark rain and the wine fell down!

This black rain does not come from the clouds in the sky, but from outside the sky, covering the whole world!

And not only covers this small world, but also covers the entire heavens and the world!

Everyone in this small world was also shocked.

“It’s… rain? Black rain? It’s like ink!”

“And it also has a very strange and gloomy power! It’s a little breathless!”

“That’s still a powerful aura from outside the sky!”

“Out of the sky? What kind of existence is that?”

The entire city was filled with shocking and puzzled voices.

“It’s raining a thousand times! It’s coming so fast?”

In front of everyone, Jiang Yuan frowned.

“It’s only been over a month! Now, what are you doing against him?” Shura Kuang also said solemnly.

“I don’t know! I can’t think of any other way to deal with a guy of this level! Lord Demon Master should have a plan, right?”

Jiang Yuan said in a deep voice: “Anyway, if he can’t do anything about it, the heavens and the world… it will really be over!”

After speaking, Jiang Yuan directly waved his palm!


There is a space distortion ahead!

“Let’s go! No matter how powerful Yu Duanqian is, we only stand on the side of Lord Demon Lord! I believe he can deal with it!” Jiang Yuan said and walked in directly.

Afterwards, Shura Kuang also brought all his younger brothers, all of them to keep up!

All go to the polar abyss. thousand,

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