Chapter 133 Prepare to release the Lord of the Void

In the past, Xi Ji did not dare to touch Ling Ye at will.

But this time, she couldn’t help it!

For more than five years, she has been waiting for Ling Ye’s return, looking forward to seeing Ling Ye again.

When she saw Ling Ye appearing at the time of despair before, she already wished she could be planted in his arms and pour out her thoughts and joy!

But at that time, after all, it was in full view! Not suitable!

She really didn’t dare to offend Ling Ye like that.

Later, she never had the chance to be alone with Ling Ye, as long as Ling Ye was there, Luo You Leng was basically there.

Of course she can’t say something to Ling Ye and express something!

But now, I finally have the chance to be alone with Ling Ye.

In addition, when Ling Ye asked her this sentence, her tone became a little gentler.

So, she couldn’t hold back and hugged Ling Ye tightly!

Looking down at Xi Ji in her arms, at the corners of her red eyes with a few crystal scales, Ling Ye did not reject her.

He just said lightly: “You can be such a little woman too?”

As soon as these words came out, Xi Ji hugged Ling Ye even more: “I don’t know anything! About you, I didn’t know anything before!”

“Luo You Leng knows that you are still alive, Bai Jiu also knows that you will come back, and even Zhuge Qingfeng is still with you!

“And I don’t know anything! I have always been worried about Lord Demon Lord!”

Xi Ji sobbed softly.

Indeed, in the past five years, compared to other people, she was undoubtedly the most worried about Ling Ye.

After all, she didn’t know Ling Ye’s plan at all.

Luo You Leng and the others are of course worried about Ling Ye, but in contrast, they at least understand some of Ling Ye’s movements!

Therefore, he is the one who has no clue and is most worried about Ling Ye!

“Remember clearly in the future, if I don’t ask you to do something, you’d better not do it! Especially stupid things!”

Ling Ye put both hands on Xi Jixiang’s shoulders and asked her to stand up.

“People just want to avenge the Lord Demon Lord, and want to die with Lord Demon Lord!”

In Xi Ji’s seductive eyes, there was a bit of seductiveness again: “Is it possible that people don’t even have the qualifications to die for love?”

She was originally a very charming woman, but now, there is still a bit of pity in that allure.

It’s a bit overwhelming to look like this!

Seeing Xi Ji’s appearance, Ling Ye slowly raised her hand and gently wiped away the crystal teardrops that had not yet fallen from the corner of her eyes!

Xi Ji’s slender eyelashes fluttered slightly, Ling Ye’s intimate action made her heart beat faster.

He looked at Ling Ye in front of him and wanted to hug him again.

I can’t wait to go to the last step with Ling Ye at once!

And Luo You’s cold step!

However, she still held back after all, still holding a bit of awe for Ling Ye.

Can’t be too offensive!

If Ling Ye refuses, or is disgusted, then there may really be no chance in the future.

“I didn’t let you die in love, so don’t be stupid!” Ling Ye then said lightly.

Xi Ji twitched lightly, and then the corner of her mouth showed the same charming smile: “I know, in the future I will obediently obey all the instructions of Lord Demon Lord!”

“You are indeed very good at seducing people!” Ling Ye looked down at Xi Ji in front of him.

Seductive, pitiful, and very good!

Does she seem to have everything?

Xi Ji suddenly smiled seductively: “I only seduce Lord Demon Lord!”

“By the way, Lord Demon Lord just said… also?”

She then thought of something, and then asked: “Could it be that Luo You Leng can be a little girl like me?”

That is really strange, the number one beauty in the heavens and the world, the aloof Ziyun Palace Master, the goddess among queens, the queen among goddesses!

Will there be little women?

I really want to see what Luo You Leng will be like when she is a little girl

“It’s not surprising, who is not a little woman in front of the Demon Lord?” Xi Ji then whispered.

No matter how high Luo You Leng is, no matter how high she is, no matter how greedy Baijiu is!

In front of the Demon Lord, aren’t they all women after all?

It’s a little girl after all!

“You seem to be very interested in her?” Ling Ye looked at Ming Ji.

As soon as these words came out, Xiji’s eyebrows moved slightly, and then smiled: “The number one beauty in the heavens and the world, who is not interested in her? But… The little girl’s greatest interest is the Lord of Demons!”

What should she say to Luo Youlen’s words? She has never been disgusted!

A respectable opponent, an opponent that he really likes!

“You shouldn’t be too interested, she’s not like you~!” Ling Ye then said lightly.

This Xi Ji may be alluring to the limit, so she has some strange psychology.

But Luo You Leng is different, Luo You Leng will definitely not!

“Yes, yes! Don’t worry, Lord Demon, I won’t favor your first beautiful wife!” Xi Jiwei smiled.

Having said that, this time, when he held Ling Ye like this, he didn’t object at all?

And he’s doing such a gentle gesture to himself!

It seems that his position in his mind is still different!

In the past, even touching him had to look at his face!

Now it seems to really pull in a lot of distance at once!

Is it because of the past five years and what he has done all the time that he finally let Ling Ye understand his heart?

So, so good!


Although it is not as good as Luo You Leng, it is not bad!

“I know that in the heart of the Demon Lord, maybe Luo You Leng has already taken the first place!”

Xi Ji then whispered: “Besides, you all already have children! So don’t worry, Lord Demon Lord, I will never affect the relationship between you, nor will it affect your family of three! But I will never affect Lord Demon Lord. changing!”

Everyone knows her affection for Ling Ye!

But in front of Luo You Leng, in front of Luo Xin, she knew what to do.

She will not be too direct with Ling Ye!

She will never have the kind of idea of ​​destroying other people’s feelings.

It will not have any impact on the Ling Ye family of three!

She would rather be one of Ling Ye’s..anything is fine anyway!

As long as you can maintain this affection, it is enough.

“What you said is like a little girl!” Ling Ye looked at Xi Ji.

As soon as these words came out, Xi Ji was slightly stunned: “She was originally a little girl!”

In front of others, she is the queen of the xi sea monster nest, the super powerhouse at the pinnacle of the extreme god realm!

But in front of Ling Ye, she would rather be a little girl.

A little girl who only makes Ling Ye happy!

“In the future… can you, don’t treat me as an outsider?”

Xi Ji raised her head, and in those charming and beautiful eyes, there was a bit of pleading, which was even more moving.

“I want to know everything about you, and I want to know about you just like Luo You Leng and the others!”

Xi Ji continued: “I promise, I will never cause you any trouble! I promise I will do my best to help you!”

“How much more do you think they know than you?” Ling Ye asked lightly.

Luo You Leng knew that he was still alive because Luo You Leng knew that he had two lives!

Baijiu is a muscle, she said she will come back, she will stick to it!

As for Zhuge Qingmaiden, because she has been following her, she really knows more!

However, no matter who they are, they don’t know everything!

It can only be said that one person knows part of it!

Anyway “…more than I know anyway!”

Xi Ji shouted: “Anyway… I want to be like them in the future! I want to know what Lord Demon Lord plans to do next!”


Ling Ye’s gaze turned to the huge and incomparable Supreme Divine Pillar, and said lightly: “Next, prepare to release the Lord of the Void! This time, Yu Duanqian and the Void family will be eradicated together!”

“Release the Lord of the Void?”

Xi Ji was suddenly shocked: “Release that… the Lord of the Void in the Realm of Promise?”

What’s the meaning?

That is the limitless realm!

If released, can Ling Ye deal with it?

Moreover, Ling Ye also said that the Void family and Yu Duanqian will be eradicated together?

So what he means is that the Lord of the Void and the Rain Duanqian add up?

That is the realm of the five infinity!

That kind of terrifying lineup is really unprecedented!

Ling Ye wants to deal with five Promise Realms at the same time?

How can this be?

Ling Ye is only half a step in the boundless realm now!

When the time comes to release the Lord of Void plus two thousand, even if he has reached the realm of infinity, it is impossible to deal with it, right?

“Look, it’s not that I don’t tell you a lot of things! Even if I told you, you would never have imagined it!” Ling Ye then said lightly.

“My words suddenly made Dexiji Liu’s eyebrows wrinkle: “That’s why you didn’t say it clearly! How can I think so much?”

Ling Ye smiled lightly and said no more!

Immediately afterwards, he slowly raised his palm!

Then, a palm slammed on this supreme divine pillar!


Suddenly, this supreme divine pillar, which could not be shaken at all, just shuddered!

Only at the peak of the three extreme gods can one move a supreme divine pillar!

But Ling Ye’s half-step limitless realm can be done by one person.


The next moment, Ling Ye is a gift from the palm of your hand!


Suddenly, in this forbidden area, the Supreme Divine Pillar, which had been sealed for an unknown number of years, just moved upward a little bit.

Then, he was taken out of this forbidden area by Ling Ye..

Outside, many banshees in the entire Minghai Demon Nest also noticed the sudden movement in the forbidden area.

next moment!


Just heard a bang!

Then I saw that a gigantic pitch-black pillar suddenly appeared from the deepest part of the sea, from the forbidden area!

Immediately, the entire Binhai trembled wildly, as if the sudden appearance of this supreme divine pillar had already set off a turbulent wave of hundreds of millions of feet!

All the banshees in the entire sea monster nest looked in shock at the supreme divine pillar that rushed out of the forbidden area!

“Is this the legendary Supreme Pillar?”

“I didn’t expect such a big guy to be hidden in the forbidden area of ​​our Xi Kraken’s Nest!”

“Yes! So big, so long, so thick.

All the banshees were stunned!

Then at the same time, I was a little curious, what is the Lord Demon trying to do?

Take out the Supreme Pillar?

bang bang…

The supreme divine pillar rising into the sky from the depths of Minghai makes the entire Minghai roll wildly!

“Master Demon, what do you need me to do next?”

After flying out of the forbidden area, Ming Ji asked Ling Ye.

“Get ready for the final battle, there’s nothing for you to do at the moment!”

Ling Ye said lightly: “Take care of your Xihai first!”

“Yes! That little girl is waiting for the summons of the Demon Lord at any time!” Xi Ji smiled charmingly.

Immediately afterwards, Ling Ye didn’t stay any longer, and left the sea with this monstrous supreme divine pillar.


The movement of the Supreme Divine Pillar caused the entire Minghai Sea to keep rolling.

Today, a gigantic Supreme Divine Pillar, like a sea-fixing needle, flew out from this stream and sea,

After Ling Ye left, I don’t know how long it took, but the whole Minghai slowly regained its tranquility.

“‘”This queen, Lord Demon Lord, why did he take away this supreme pillar?”

Below, many banshees looked at Xi Ji curiously.

“He…his plan!” Xi Ji didn’t know how to answer.

Although Ling Ye said that he wanted to release the Lord of the Void, she really couldn’t imagine what Ling Ye was planning.

Xi Ji just had a faint smile on the corner of her charming mouth.

Anyway, no matter what, she believes in Ling Ye!

Now she is just like Baijiu and Luo Youleng!

No matter what Ling Ye is doing, always believe in Ling Ye!

Xi Ji was thinking at this moment, and the distance between herself and Ling Ye seemed to be a lot closer.

Can you be a little bolder next time?

Like getting him directly?

Give yourself directly to him?

Shouldn’t he refuse?

Hope not.

After Ling Ye left Binhai with Kanzhu, he came directly to the abyss of the extreme world.

Then, set this supreme divine pillar directly on one of the eight core positions of the seal formation!

The huge Supreme Divine Pillar, suspended above the core position, is supported by a powerful blood energy!

As long as Ling Ye’s mind moves, this supreme divine pillar can fall directly.

Immediately after, Ling Ye went to the ancient mirror of the residual fire again, and also brought Lizhu to the abyss of the extreme world!

Then there are the Qianzhu and Kunzhu of his Demon Emperor’s Tomb.

In the end, it was the four supreme divine pillars that the Void Clan found before!

Under the movement of Ling Ye, Qiankun Zhenxun, Kan Li Gen and Bafang Supreme Divine Pillar, all gathered!

Eight monstrous supreme divine pillars, suspended under the abyss of the extreme world, suspended above the eight core positions of the blood-colored seal formation!

When all the supreme divine pillars from all directions are gathered together, that supreme and vast majestic power also rises into the sky at this moment!


This supreme force directly rushed out of the entire abyss of the extreme world, causing the entire heavens and the world to vibrate for it!

Immediately, everyone’s eyes were directed towards the abyss of the extreme world!

They all saw the monstrous rays of light rising from the depths of the great fissure in the heavens!

Is that the power of the eight supreme divine pillars condensed?

How powerful is this?

This kind of power seems to be even heavier than when Ling Ye and (Li’s) Ye Tian reached the realm of infinity!

While shocked, everyone was curious, why did Ling Ye gather all the eight supreme divine pillars into the sealing place of the Lord of the Void?

What is he trying to do?

Could it be that he wants to release the Lord of the Void?

That is the limitless realm. Once released, Ling Ye and the whole world will be a dead end, right?

In the world of Qiankun, the entire heaven and earth alliance is in ruins.

In that hall, Ye Tian was sitting on that seat at this time!

As for Ye Ziwei, she found various magical medicines for healing and fed Ye Tian to take it.

At this time, Ye Tian was barely able to act.

At this moment, they also suddenly noticed that the majestic power that came from the abyss of the extreme world!

Immediately, they all penetrated the ten thousand worlds, and looked in the direction of the abyss of the extreme world!

“What is that?” Ye Ziwei had never seen the Supreme Divine Pillar after all, so she had no idea what this powerful force was all about.

“Supreme Divine Pillar! Eight Supreme Divine Pillar!” Ye Tian said solemnly.

Bafang Supreme Divine Pillar? That is Bafang Supreme Divine Pillar?”

Ye Ziwei was shocked, and then even more puzzled: “Why did he take the Bafang Supreme Divine Pillar to the abyss of the extreme world? Isn’t the Lord of the Void sealed underneath?”

Ling Ye, this is equivalent to extending the key to the front of the keyhole!

How could Ling Ye do such a dangerous thing?

Once the Lord of the Void is released, the current Ling Ye will definitely not be able to do it, right?

Ye Tian was also a little confused, he couldn’t understand Ling Ye’s behavior!

“What should he be planning?” Ye Tian then said lightly.

Anyway, people like Ling Ye will definitely not do stupid things!

There must be a reason for Ling Ye to do this!

It should be related to the Lord of the Void and Yu Duanqian.

Although I can’t understand what Ling Ye wants to buy!

But, I believe that Ling Ye is!

Anyway, Ye Tian now absolutely believes in Ling Ye!

He believed that Ling Ye, who suppressed the void, and Ling Ye, who ruled all worlds, was invincible forever!

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