Chapter 132 After the First World War, regardless of life or death, the grievances will be eliminated

Above the abyss of the extreme world, Ling Ye stopped there with Luo You Leng and the three of them, quietly watching the Void clan that kept swooping away.

“The abyss of the extreme world? It is rumored that this is a great rift in the heavens caused by the collision of all worlds!

Luo You coldly said: “Fleeing here, aren’t they a dead end?

“Escape to other places, they are also a dead end!”

Ling Ye sneered, and then, swooped down!


Behind him, all three of Luo You Leng followed!

This Void family has nowhere to escape now, and fleeing here, it is estimated that they are subconsciously seeking protection in times of despair.

The Lord of the Void is their only protection, but unfortunately, the Lord of the Void cannot protect them now!

Beneath the abyss of the extreme world, endless darkness, endless depths!

Here, it seems to be another world of heaven and earth, vast and boundless!

From the deepest part, there seems to be a dark force that is enough to shake the world.

Po Yan and Feather Blade, with the last Void army, go directly to the bottom!

Although they are the survivors of the Void Clan now, there are still a lot of them.

The number of billions is still barely achievable!

However, such a vast army of void has penetrated into this huge abyss.

The brilliance of the Void Light Eyes on the hundreds of millions of Void Army is just like an inconspicuous nebula in the Star Sea of ​​Ten Thousand Realms.

They continued to dive down, and finally, they came to the deepest part of the polar abyss!

Here, they see a seal!

One of the heavens and the world, the most powerful seal!

The blood-red pattern is pervading and countless miles away, like an ancient and coquettish huge flower blooming in the depths of this great rift in the heavens and the world!

Coquettish, ancient, majestic!

This super seal formation is divided into eight directions, eight directions, and eight core positions!

These eight core positions are the keyholes of this great formation!

The supreme pillar of all directions is the key!

As long as the Supreme Divine Pillars from all directions gather together, this vast seal that spans hundreds of millions of miles can be unlocked.

And above this ancient and powerful seal formation, there is also a layer of powerful void enchantment!

At the beginning, the Void family planned to break the void barrier, and then gathered six supreme gods to unlock some of the seals and release some of the power of the Void Lord!

But unfortunately, Ling Ye’s sudden resurrection blocked all the plans of their Void Clan!

Even after Ling Ye was resurrected, in a short period of time, there were only two Void Kings left in their Void Clan!



The figures of Po Yan and Yu Ren both stopped above the Void Formation above this vast formation!

In this extreme abyss, there is still a very strange force, this strange force will madly swallow the people who come here towards the bottom of the abyss!

But it is precisely because of the existence of this void enchantment that this powerful suction is isolated!

As soon as Poyan came here, Qianzhang Huoyan’s body clenched his huge fist and slammed into the void enchantment abruptly!


A heavy muffled sound rippling under this abyss!

The shock wave suddenly spread out!

However, this powerful punch, this punch containing the power of Poyan’s extreme god realm, slammed into this barrier, but this barrier was not shaken in the slightest!

“Damn it!

Po Yan and the others are all sullen!

This time, there is really no way out!


At this moment, Ling Ye, who was at the back, led Luo You Leng and the three to chase after them, and stopped above them.

“Dogs always don’t like being caged, but whenever they are threatened, they are desperate to have a cage to protect themselves!”

Ling Ye’s blood-red eyes looked down at Poyan and the others: “It’s a pity that the heavens and the world no longer have your cage!”

Below, Po Yan and the others all clenched their fists tightly.

So far, is there really only a dead end?

Yes, in the heavens and the world, there is no place for their Void family to hide!

Now that he was chased here by Ling Ye, and was killed by Ling Ye, of course there is nowhere to escape!

“Do you have to kill my Void Clan?”

Po Yan looked at Ling Ye above, and said solemnly: “This void of all worlds, without my Void family, don’t you think it will be a void?”

After all, the Heavens and Myriad Realms and the Void Clan were originally equal existences!

One of them disappears, maybe it really will be a vacancy, right?

Vacancy “So what? What is the significance of your existence to me, the heavens and the world?”

Ling Ye’s voice was cold: “For me, the sky and the world, the Void family shouldn’t exist!”

A 05 alien race, an alien race that should have stayed in the world of nothingness, invaded the heavens and the world, and almost completely occupied the heavens and the world!

Are you saying this now?

Thinking of keeping your own void?

At the beginning, they never thought of keeping any lineage of the heavens and the world!

“As of now, my Void clan is very little left! If you have to spare people and forgive them, why do you have to kill them all?”

Po Yan then said solemnly: “From now on, my Void family can guarantee that they will no longer be enemies with anyone in the heavens and the world! There will be no more violations of the heavens and the world! Why not take a step back?”

“If you could think this way earlier, maybe I really wouldn’t mind saving a few of your lives!

Ling Ye smiled coldly, and then said, “It’s a pity it’s too late now!”

Always beg for mercy when you are desperate.

Always feel that begging for mercy can be written off?

Is it possible?

What’s the use of pretending to be pitiful now?

As soon as Ling Ye said these words, Poyan fell silent!

In fact, they are very clear that negotiating conditions with Ling Ye and begging for mercy with Ling Ye will not have any effect!

It is only at this time of despair that such stupid and impossible words are spoken!

All-out “fight…and let yourself die decently!”

Ling Ye then said lightly.

Looking at Ling Ye’s indifferent eyes, Po Yan and the others all knew!

There is no way out!

The only thing that can be done is to die at Ling Ye’s hands.

They have a total of two Void Kings and five Void Kings Deputy

It is the peak of two extreme gods and the early stage of five extreme gods.

There is a Void army behind which is not weak!

Although Ling Ye’s half-step Promise Realm brings three peaks of the extreme god realm, the four of them are far stronger than them!

But as of now, there is no way!

Po Yan and Yu Ren looked at each other, and then they both looked at Ling Ye at the same time.

“As long as my lord is still alive, my Void family…isn’t considered extinct!”

Immediately afterwards, they all roared and clenched their fists.

The power of the void in the whole body is madly circulating!

Yes, indeed they are the last Void army!

But even if they die, the Void Clan is not truly extinct!

For there is another Lord of the Void!

As long as the Lord of the Void is still there, the Void Clan will still have the opportunity to develop.

It’s just that they can’t see all that!


At this moment, Po Yan and Yu Ren, with the Void army behind them, the vast power of the Void suddenly erupted at the bottom of this extreme abyss!

Void rays of light, in the abyss of the extreme world, above the vast blood-colored seal formation, bloomed the final brilliance!


The next moment, Po Yan gave an order!

Finally, under the leadership of two Void Kings and five Void King Deputy!

The last Void Clan charged towards Ling Ye and the others.

If nothing else, this will be the last battle of the Void Clan!

After this battle, there will be no Void family in this world except the Lord of Void who is sealed below!

Above, Ling Ye waved his hand, and his heart and soul appeared in his hand, and then transformed into a black sword!

The material of this sword, this time it’s a broken air lock!

Behind him, Luo You Leng’s three women’s spiritual power suddenly erupted at this moment!

In the end, under the leadership of Ling Ye, they headed towards the last Void army together!


The four and the Void Army suddenly collided!

Although there are only four people, they are able to crush the Void family!

The final battle of the Void Clan erupted suddenly in this extreme abyss!

One is a half-step infinite realm, five are at the peak of the extreme god realm, five are in the early stage of the extreme god realm, and hundreds of millions of void troops!

The battle of such a lineup is of course enough to shock the heavens!

Originally, the abyss of the extreme world was in the barren land of the heavens and the world, and few people knew it!

No one will come to this dead place!

But now, the movement here has attracted everyone in the whole world.

All of a sudden, everyone’s eyes are looking towards this extreme abyss!

They saw at the bottom of the abyss, the blood-red ancient formation that spreads over hundreds of millions of miles!

I also saw Ling Ye and others who were in the scuffle.

Just now, Ling Ye and Luo You Leng’s three daughters set off after solving Yu Duanqian.

I didn’t expect that it was to hunt down the Void family?

Now, Po Yan and Yu Blade are the last Void Kings, right?

As long as this battle is over, the chaos in the sky and the world will be completely subsided!

The Void family that has ravaged the heavens and the world for more than four years has completely disappeared from the heavens and the world.

Everyone sighed, and sure enough, only the Blood Shadow Demon Lord has this ability!

That Ye Tian, ​​who fought with the Void Clan for more than four years, was exhausted and exhausted in the end, completely at a loss!

In the end, as soon as Ling Ye came out, how long did it take? All this can be brought to an end!

The Demon Lord is a waste Lord after all!

He should indeed be the ruler of the heavens and the world!

At this time, although everyone knew that Ling Ye would definitely win, they still prayed that this battle would end quickly!

In this way, the heavens and the world can be considered to be truly peaceful.

In the depths of the endless void, Shura Kuang and Jiang Yuan were also watching that scene.

“He really found the traces of Po Yan and others!” Jiang Yuan muttered.

“Unfortunately, they didn’t escape here! Do we need to take action now?” Shura Kuang asked slowly.

Since those are the last Void Clan, there is no need for them to stay here, right?

Do it now, and together with Ling Ye, completely wipe out the Void family!

“Forget it, his odds are 100% anyway!” Jiang Yuan shook his head: “Let’s continue to guard here, lest some small fish slip through the net!

Shura pondered wildly for a moment, then nodded.

Although he was a little itchy in the last battle, Jiang Yuan was right, let’s stay here!

Since Ling Ye didn’t let them shoot, there is no need to shoot!

On the other side, Ye Ziwei and Ye Tian naturally sensed the movement from the abyss of the polar world.

“Then the seal below is the Lord of the Void?” Ye Tian’s weak voice sounded.

But I didn’t expect that under the abyss of the extreme world, there is still such a huge seal!

Such a great seal formation formed by the power of all worlds and all directions, should be the Lord of the Void below, right?

“Brother Tian, ​​since this time, he and Luo You Leng and the others have been cleaning up the Void Clan! Po Yan and the others are already the last Void Army!” Ye Ziwei said to Ye Tian.

After all, Ye Tian was in the black rain space during this time, and he didn’t know what was going on outside!

“Is it?”

After Ye Tian heard this, a faint smile appeared on the corner of his mouth: “Sure enough, he can do it!”

Ling Ye has just been resurrected not long ago, has he almost completely cleaned up the entire Void family?

Sure enough, only Ling Ye can do it!

I don’t have that ability, I have fought against this Void Clan for more than four years, but I haven’t played a big role at all.

“In this way, the turmoil in the heavens and the world will end here!” Ye Tian then said with a faint smile.

This is the result that I have always wanted to see.

It was me who released the Void Clan at the beginning!

Now that I can see the end of all this, it is finally a matter of my own mind!

I knew that Ling Ye had this ability.

“Brother Tian, ​​where are we going next?” Ye Zi was then asked.

“Go back to the world of Qiankun!” Ye Tian said lightly.

“But the Heaven and Earth Alliance has been disbanded. Later, the Qiankun Realm was also attacked by the Void Clan, and there is nothing there now!”

Ye Ziwei replied.

Back then, the Heaven and Earth Alliance scattered without a bang, and there was no peak powerhouse in the extreme god realm, so it became the target of the Void Clan.

All the forces under the disintegrated Heaven and Earth Alliance have been attacked by the Void Clan!

In the end, there are countless casualties, which is terrible!

The former Heaven and Earth Alliance, and the various forces under the former Heaven and Earth Alliance, may not have many living people now.

“It doesn’t matter, just go there, I need to get ready to fight him in two months!” Ye Tian smiled bitterly.

When the Heaven and Earth Alliance disbanded, he knew the ending!

Without the powerhouse at the peak of the extreme god realm, it will not die in the hands of the Void family, but will die in the hands of Ling Ye sooner or later!

Anyway, there are no heaven and earth alliances in the heavens and the world.

But the world of Qiankun is still his home, a home!

“Brother Tian, ​​are you really going to fight him to the death?” Ye Ziwei looked at Ye Tian in her arms, and her eyes turned red again.

As soon as these words came out, Ye Tian smiled bitterly, and then said lightly: “He will avenge his revenge, and he did not kill me this time, it is his mind! But he is right, there should be a war between me and him. !”

“But…but can’t you resolve this enmity?”

Ye Ziyi cried again: “Even if you have two months, you can’t be his opponent! By that time, Brother Tian, ​​you will still die!

“It doesn’t matter, I have already died with no regrets!” Ye Tian smiled lightly, then raised that weak hand and gently touched Ye Ye Wei’s face.

“Ziwei, my life is long enough!” He then said softly, “Don’t feel sorry for me, if I die, you have to live well in the future!”

Ye Ziwei grabbed Ye Tian’s hand and pressed her face tightly, tears slid down his palm.

“Brother Tian, ​​how can we change all this, we think of a way, there must be something else!” She continued crying.

“People always have to pay for what they do, and when they take the first step, they must go to the end!

Ye Tian said lightly: “It doesn’t matter, there are still two months, maybe I won’t necessarily lose?”

“Mmmm! Brother Tian, ​​let’s find a way to deal with him together! This time, neither of you will lose, and neither of you will die! It’s a draw!”

Ye Ziwei nodded quickly: “As long as you reach the half-step limitless realm within two months, Brother Tian, ​​you will have a chance to equalize with him!”

Although, it takes two months to recover from the injury and to reach the half-step limitless realm, the possibility is basically zero!

But Ye Ziwei still yearns for this last glimmer of hope!

She didn’t want Ling Ye and Ye Tian to be enemies anymore!

She really hoped that between Ling Ye and Ye Tian, ​​the grievances and grievances could be eliminated, and they would have nothing to do with each other in the future!

“Okay, let’s find a way together!” Ye Tian smiled bitterly.

This possibility is basically zero, but he still chose to keep Ye Ziwei’s last hope.

In these two months, he will do his best to prepare!

As for what the final result will be, he doesn’t care anymore.

If he loses, Ling Ye wants him to die, he will die with no regrets!

If I win, I won’t do anything to Ling Ye!

I just hope that after the first battle, regardless of life or death, the grievances will be eliminated!

Immediately afterwards, Ye Ziwei took Ye Tian, ​​who was seriously injured, to the world of Qiankun, which was already a ruin.

Beneath the extreme abyss.


The aftermath of the war swept across hundreds of millions of miles!

Ling Ye held the broken air sword that changed his heart and soul, and slashed at Poyan’s body one by one!

Po Yan is no match for Ling Ye, not to mention Ling Ye has such a sword in his hand!

Under Ling Ye’s attack, he struggled more and more, and in a very short period of time, he was already seriously injured!

The battle between Ling Ye and Poyan presents absolute pressure!

And Luo You Leng, at this time, is fighting Yu Blade.

The purple spiritual power bursts wildly, turning into petals all over the sky, and blasting towards the opposite feather blade!

The golden wings behind the feather blade on the opposite side also spread out abruptly, and the golden empty air blade that fills the sky also bursts upwards!

The petals and the void air blade bombarded together, bursting out of the sky!

Yu Ren’s strength is also slightly weaker than Luo You Leng’s.

The entire Void Clan, the former Baijiu and the singled out Black Moon, and the current Poyan, are considered the strongest existences!

Feather Blade ranks far behind Heiyue Poyan among the Void Kings, so naturally he is not Luo Youlen’s opponent!

The remaining five Void Kings and Void Army were handed over to Bai Jiu and Xi Ji to deal with.

Although there are only four people on Ling Ye’s side, they all have overwhelming advantages!

The Void Clan will be defeated very quickly!

But just then, the accident happened!


A crisp cracking sound suddenly sounded in this extreme abyss!

I saw that there was a crack above the void barrier below!

In this battle, after all, a half-step Promise Realm and five Extreme God Realm peaks and five Extreme God Realm early stages participated in the battle!

Under the battle of such a lineup, the Void Formation, of course, can’t support it!


Immediately after the first crack, dense cracks filled the entire enchantment in the blink of an eye!

At last…

A blast! The void barrier that enveloped the entire polar abyss suddenly collapsed at this moment!

The shattered barrier turned into countless light spots and slowly dissipated away!

And with the disappearance of the enchantment, the powerful suction that diffused from the deepest part of the abyss of the extreme world also diffused out instantly!


Suddenly, the entire polar abyss was shrouded in a powerful force field!

That powerful suction, like a monstrous black hole, instantly sucked everyone down!

The entire Void army, even together with Luo You Leng’s three daughters, couldn’t resist the powerful swallowing force, and were sucked and torn down at the same time!


But at this moment, Ling Ye’s figure hurriedly flew down, and the majestic blood-colored spiritual power suddenly wrapped Luo You Leng, Bai Jiu and Ming Ji, dragging them up!

The attraction of this extreme abyss, the peak of the extreme gods can’t resist!

Ling Ye, who is half a step in the limitless realm, can only be said to be reluctant to resist!

At this time, the war is not over yet, and everyone in the entire Void Clan has been sucked down!

Only Ling Ye led Luo You Leng and the three of them, standing in the air!

“It’s terrifying, the suction of this abyss! Can’t even hold the peak of the extreme god realm?” Xi Ji Liu frowned slightly.

“If it falls, I’m afraid the consequences will be unpredictable!”

Luo You Leng also said: “This Void family, now all fell, what will happen?”

Ling Ye’s gaze, at this time, was also looking at Po Yan and others who kept falling towards the bottom, and then spit out two words: “Half dead!”

Half-dead “?” Luo You looked at him with cold and beautiful eyes.

What’s the meaning?

“If it were someone else who fell, he would definitely die! The further down, the stronger the gravitational force, and the peak of the extreme god realm would be torn apart! But they are different!”

Ling Ye said slowly: “Under the seal, there is the Lord of the Void, and the power of the Lord of the Void can keep them half-dead! – Some are lucky… they can live!”

As soon as these words came out, the three of Luo You Leng still didn’t quite understand.

Their eyes were all looking at Po Yan and the others who kept screaming and falling down.

Some weak and weak void creatures were already wiped out on the way to fall!

And the powerful, keep falling!

Finally, it landed on the majestic blood-colored seal formation!


At that moment, when everyone in the Void Clan touched the bloody formation, it was like snowflakes falling into the scalding boiling water, and their bodies collapsed in an instant!

However, there is a very small part of it, the body is broken, but the Void Light Eye has successfully passed through the blood-colored formation!

And once you pass through the blood-colored array, below, there will be the power of the Lord of the Void!

That power will temporarily protect their Void Light Eyes!

This is half dead!

Some of them are dead, but some of them are alive!

The living part, as long as there is a chance, can come back to life again!

Of course, that chance is basically zero.

Because unless this big array is opened!

Otherwise, they will always be sealed under this great formation with the Lord of the Void!

The three of Luo You Leng watched this scene.

Seeing that the void creatures were completely destroyed, only a small part of them retained the void light eyes and fell into the seal formation.

In any case, “This Void Clan… it’s the end of it!”

Baijiu said lightly.

Although a few of them and the Void Lord survived, it was no different from being dead!

Anyway, it is impossible for them to escape from the seal.

From now on, the heavens and the myriad worlds will be considered as the extinction of the Void family!

The calamity of the Void Clan is over!

At this time, everyone in the entire heavens and the world is watching this scene helplessly.

Watching the Void army that keeps falling and disappearing above the bloody formation!

it’s over!

Although this way of ending seems a bit unhappy, it is over in the end!

From now on, there will be no Void family in the heavens and the world!

Although there are still some small shrimps and crabs scattered in some corners of the heavens and the world, those are no longer a problem.

Without the Void King, the Void Clan would be nothing at all!

For more than four years, the Void family has ravaged the heavens and the world, and the forces of all sizes have been affected.

And now, it’s finally over!

The heavens and the worlds can be considered to have calmed down!

There will be no more internal chaos for the sake of being king, and there will be no more slaughter of the living beings brought about by the slaughter of the Void Clan!

Ling Ye’s resurrection, in a very short period of time, ended the chaos that no one could quell over the past five years.

Although, the Lord of the Void is still under the seal!

Although, there is still a rain that may come to the heavens at any time!

However, the current heavens and worlds can be considered to have calmed down temporarily.

Sometimes, it’s better to be calm!

Above the abyss of the extreme world, Ling Ye’s gaze looked down at the huge blood-colored seal formation below.

After a while, he closed his eyes: “Let’s go!”

The matter of the Void family has been resolved for the time being!

It’s time to deal with other things!

The three of Luo You Leng followed Ling Ye and left the abyss of the extreme world together.

With the departure of the four of Ling Ye, this battle ended with the defeat of the Void Clan!

This is the end of the entire Void family!

From now on, the heavens and the myriad worlds will no longer be ruined by this Void Clan!

Ling Ye took Luo You Leng’s three daughters directly back to Ziyun Immortal Realm.

“Father, Mother!”

When he saw Ling Ye and Luo You Leng coming back, Luo Xin flew up immediately.

This time, Ling Ye left with Luo You Leng and the three of them, and the time was not short!

During this time, every day was like a year for Luo Xin.

She thinks about Ling Ye and Luo You Leng every day!

Are you even worried that your father and mother will not come back?

What should I do if my father and mother don’t come back?

Fortunately, they are finally back!

“Daddy, why did you guys go for so many days this time?” Luo Xin was hanging around Ling Ye’s neck.

“Because… we have very important things to do!” Ling Ye smiled lightly.

Every time he sees his daughter, a kind of gentleness that cannot be seen anywhere else appears on his face.

Immediately afterwards, Ling Ye’s palm slowly lifted up.

Suddenly, a small transparent square was suspended in the palm of his hand.

“This is a gift for Xin’er!” Ling Ye smiled softly.

“Gift? What is this?” Luo Xin’s two blood-red eyes blinked smartly.

“What do you think it is, what it is!” Ling Ye smiled.

Then, he gently placed the soul on Luo Xin’s little hand.

Luo Xin’s little hand is holding this cube, very curious!

next moment.


This small square, instantly in her hand, turned into a slender blood-colored jade sword!

“Huh? It will change!” Luo Xin held the sword in his hand, and his little face was suddenly full of surprises.

“It can become anything!” Ling Ye laughed: “It is called the soul, you can change it into anything you want! From now on, it will be your weapon!”

“So powerful? Then I’ll call it Soul Sword! Hee hee!”


Luo Xin’s face was full of joy, and then she pecked Ling Ye’s face: “Thank you, Daddy!”

Seeing such an action, Luo You Leng and the girls all shook their heads.

She’s really a daughter, who would dare to kiss Ling Ye’s face casually?

Luo You Leng did not dare to do it all.

Immediately after, Ling Ye handed Luo Xin to Luo You Leng.

Then he said to Xi Ji: “Follow me and take out the pillars of your sea monster’s nest!”

As soon as these words came out, Luo You Leng and the others’ expressions changed slightly!

This has just solved the Void family, and just came back, and is going to act again?

Luo You’s cold and beautiful eyes suddenly looked at Ling Ye and asked, “Then the rain will break… when will it come out?”

She can somewhat guess that Ling Ye is planning to start dealing with the rain!

In such a hurry? There must be a reason?

Ling Ye also looked at Luo You Leng, and then spit out two words: “Soon!”

Based on the power of Yu Duanqian’s divine sense, he can probably estimate the state of Yu Duanqian now!

Indeed, the annihilation of the sky and the four bodies in the rain is coming to an end!

Coming out soon!

So until then, he has to do all the preparations!

Of course, he was not afraid of the rain.

It’s just that the heavens and the world may need to pay some price!


Luo You coldly frowned, and then said, “What are you going to do?”

Really… Destroy the source of Promise?

“This time.. I will eradicate everything!

Ling Ye just said something lightly.

Yu Duanqian, and the Void family, this time he will uproot them!

“Then…you act carefully!” Luo You Leng then only nodded.

She knows almost all of Ling Ye’s plans:

Since Ling Ye has a plan, let Ling Ye do it!

She also fully believes in Ling Ye!

Ling Ye smiled lightly, and then said to Luo Xin: “Dad wants to go out for a while, and come back in a while, will my mother stay with you?”

“You just came back and you want to go out again?” Luo Xin was obviously not very happy.

“Soon, not a day!” Ling Ye continued with a smile.

“Alright then!” Luo Xin nodded happily: “Then my mother, mother and master are waiting for you at home!”

As soon as these words came out, Baijiu moved his eyebrows slightly in the back.

Why don’t you and your mother wait for him?

Why do you want to add me?

You are a family of three, and I am not your family!


Ling Ye rubbed Luo Xin’s little head, and then looked at Luo You Leng.

Immediately, he took Xi Ji and rushed to the sea monster’s nest!

creek sea.

After this period of recondensation, a brand new stream and sea has basically been formed.

As long as there is a certain amount of time, it can become the original sea monster nest again.

Ling Ye came back with Xi Ji, and all the banshees in the entire seaside demon nest immediately came out to greet them.

“Lord Queen, Lord Demon Lord?”

They seem to be very curious, why Ling Ye is still here with their queen?

During this “time, how did your Xihai recover?” Ling Ye asked them as soon as he came.

“This…although Minghai was basically destroyed, but fortunately at that time, the Lord of Demons kept the remnants of most people, and now everyone is resurrected!”

Several banshees replied: “As long as everyone is still there, Xihai… it will still be the same Xihai!”

Ling Ye nodded lightly, that’s fine!

“Lord Demon Lord actually cares about my situation in Ming Hai, I’m really flattered!” Xi Ji smiled charmingly.

How could the former Ling Ye care about others?

I guess.. I really have a bit of a status in Ling Ye’s heart, right?

That’s why he cares about Ming Hai, right?

Ling Ye didn’t say anything more, just flew directly towards the forbidden area of ​​Xihai!

“You guys continue!”

After Xi Ji said to the banshees, she followed.

Many banshees in the entire Minghai were very curious at this time.

How do you feel… The relationship between the Queen and the Demon Lord seems to have changed a lot compared to before?

In the past, their queen was somewhat reserved and unfamiliar in front of the Demon Lord.

But now, she seems to be very familiar with Ling Ye…?

I don’t know what their relationship is now though!

But they are also very eager to have a good relationship between their queen and Ling Ye.

It’s a good thing in every way,

Ling Ye and Xi Ji directly entered the forbidden space by the sea.

Then, came before the huge supreme pillar.

“If I hadn’t put the pillar here, you Binhai wouldn’t have endured such hardships!” Ling Ye said lightly.

“Hehe, the existence of our Xihai Banshee must be before the divine pillar! This is not the fault of the Demon Lord!”

Xiji smiled charmingly and said, “I can only say that if our ancestors in Xihai hadn’t chosen this place as their clan, they would not have endured such hardships!”

Ling Ye also smiled lightly, then turned around and looked at Xi Ji.

At this moment, his tone suddenly changed a bit; “You fought with that Ye Tian five years ago?”

As soon as these words came out, Xi Ji’s expression suddenly became positive!

Her seductive eyes looked at Ling Ye in front of her.

In this dark forbidden area, there was silence, only the two of them, looking at each other!

And this look at each other lasted for a few seconds.

Xi Ji suddenly summoned up her courage and hugged Ling Ye’s arms!

Her charming eyes were slightly red at this moment!

She knew that doing so without permission might offend Ling Ye.

However, she has wanted to do this for a long time, since she saw Ling Ye resurrected before, she has wanted to do this!

But at that time, in front of outsiders, especially in front of Luo You Leng, she couldn’t!

She always knew that no matter what she did, she couldn’t destroy the relationship between Ling Ye and Luo You Leng!

Now, with only two people, she has such courage!

“Lord Abandoned Lord, forgive my offense!”

Xi Ji hugged Ling Ye tightly, leaning her face on his chest, and the slightly trembling voice sounded: “But I’m really, really glad you can come back! I’m glad you’re still alive!”

This emotion, she has been holding back these days!

Now when she is alone with Ling Ye, she dares to release it!

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