Chapter One Hundred and Twenty-Four Lord Demon Lord Never Gives a Man a Fish

The Palace Master of Ziyun Immortal Palace, the Queen of the Sea Monster Nest, and the Sword God Baijiu!

Looking at the heavens and the world, these three women are the existences standing at the peak!

Not to mention strength, even that appearance and temperament are still in the top three!

The number one beauty in the world, Luo You Leng, the bewitching and seductive banshee king, and the snow-white Sword God Liquor!

No matter in any aspect, they are the three women who stand at the top of the heavens and the world!

Now, he is following behind Ling Ye and shooting together.

In the world, Ling Ye is the only one who can bring these three peerless women together?

Three aura burst through, directly severing the space, and severing the retreat of the king beast!

The king beast’s complexion suddenly sank!

These three women actually shot with the Blood Shadow Demon Lord?

This is the peak of the three extreme gods, led by a half-step infinite realm!

In front of such a lineup, the king beast knew that he would never be able to escape!

In fact, as long as he was killed by Ling Ye, he knew that he would not be able to escape.

Below, all the female cultivators of the Lingluo Sword Sect were also full of shock at this time!

Blood Shadow Lord?

Lord Demon?

He actually… appeared here?

And he also brought the master of Ziyun Palace, Sword God Baijiu and the Banshee King of the Sea Demon Nest?

Everyone, when they were shocked, felt fortunate again!

If the Demon Lord appears here, their Ayara Sword Sect will be saved!

“Master Demon Lord, save us… save our Lingluo Sword Sect!”

The Sect Master immediately knelt down.

Behind him, all the members of the Lingluo Sword Sect also knelt down.

Everyone knelt on the ground and asked Ling Ye for help!

“Lord Demon Lord, today their Void Clan has slaughtered nearly half of our Sword Sect, and asked Lord Demon Lord to decide for us!”

“Don’t let them go, not a single one!”

“Lord Demon Lord, kill all their Void Clan! Eliminate harm for the heavens and the world, and avenge us!”

Everyone is begging and begging.

But above the sky, Ling Ye’s expression was indifferent: “You are incapable of being destroyed, what have you to do with me?”

As soon as these words came out, everyone’s heart sank fiercely!

What’s the meaning?

Isn’t he going to help the Lingluo Sword Sect?

But they are all here, and they have already killed two Void creatures in the God Emperor realm just now!

Didn’t he come to rescue them from the Lingluo Sword Sect?

But why is he here?

“You are weak and incompetent, you can only be destroyed! Should I help you?” Ling Ye’s cold voice sounded again.

Everyone’s expressions suddenly changed, is he really so hard-hearted?

really don’t help?

Yes! He is the Blood Shadow Demon Lord, and he is not a bad person. How could he help others for no reason?

What if it is pitiful? What if the 517 is completely destroyed?

What does it have to do with Ling Ye?

Why should he care about their lives?

Hearing Ling Ye’s words, Luo You Leng sighed helplessly when he looked at the expressions of the many female cultivators in the Lingluo Sword Sect below.

She then said lightly: “Weakness is not a reason to ask others to protect you!

Of course she knows what Ling Ye’s temperament is.

It is impossible for Ling Ye to help anyone with such kindness.

He also doesn’t like others kneeling in front of him and begging him, on the contrary, the more he doesn’t want to pay attention!

“Stand up! Only when you become stronger can you truly protect yourself! Instead of relying on your own weakness to win the sympathy of others!” Luo You Leng continued.

Ling Ye always speaks with such an attitude, and as Ling Ye’s woman, she also means she wants to be a good helper.

Therefore, she just said a few words, lest these people not understand what Ling Ye means!

Although Ling Ye is indifferent, he is not a heartless person, but he is different from others!

Below, everyone in the Lingluo Sword Sect looked at each other in dismay, and didn’t seem to have reacted.

“Don’t you understand? Lord Demon Lord never gives people fish!”

At this time, Xi Ji also spoke: “Whether you want revenge, whatever you want, get up and fight yourself! Others have no obligation to help you!”

It is better to teach a man to fish than to give him a fish.

Some people always like to help the weak, but Ling Ye will never do such a thing!

He will make the weak stand up!

This is the Demon Lord!

He is definitely not a good person!

But he’s definitely a charismatic guy!

Hearing Xi Ji’s words, everyone in the Lingluo Sword Sect below reacted.

Is that what it meant?

Does the Lord Demon mean this?

Immediately, they all gritted their teeth, clenched the swords in their hands, dragged the wounded body, and stood up!

Lord Demon is right!

Why should the weak be protected by others?

Is being weak the reason why others should lend a helping hand to you?

If you are weak, who cares?

Do you always have to ask others to help you because you are weak?

This is not a reason!

Self-improvement is what they should do!

The entire Lingluo Sword Sect was originally dead.

Now, all the people of the sect are clenching the swords in their hands one by one!

One after another, icy and resolute eyes, looking at the Void army opposite!

It is because he is too weak that he will be attacked by this Void clan.

It’s all your own business!

It’s up to you to take revenge!

Lord Demon Lord will definitely not let the Void army escape this time!

But when the Lord Demon said this, he was teaching them and allowing them to retain their dignity!

Then, (afec) clench your own sword and fight for it yourself!

On the opposite side, the king beast led the Void army behind him and stared at Ling Ye on the opposite side.

Of course he wouldn’t pay attention to this Lingluo Sword Sect.

But Ling Ye shot, he really had no way to escape.

Today, I am afraid it is really only the death of this!

Since he is going to die, he must die in a proper place, and he must also take away a peak of the extreme gods in the heavens and myriad worlds.

His gaze, then turned to Luo You Leng and the others!

These three are all at the peak of the extreme god realm. If you do your best, you may be able to fight to death for one of them.

Finally, his eyes locked on Luo You Leng!

The matter between Ling Ye and Luo You Leng has naturally spread in the heavens and the world in the past few days.

Luo You Leng is his woman, and they also have a daughter!

Then since you want to perish together, then kill Luo You Leng, this way, at least it will make Ling Ye feel the pain!

“Our life and death are not in our hands?

Immediately, the king beast sneered: “I’ll let you see if it’s in my hands!”

It’s really not what he said!

Now that Ling Ye is staring at him, he will only have one death as a result!

But to die, he still has a choice! At least one can choose to take away!

At least that’s how it seemed to him.


The nine void light eyes of the king beast suddenly burst into a burst of light, and the giant ape-like body suddenly shook!

Going to get started!

Behind Ling Ye, Luo You Leng’s three daughters also shot at the same time!

la la!

Three beautiful shadows swept out at the same time, surrounding the king beast!

Around Xi Ji, the sublime green spiritual energy rolled away like a liquid.

Then, directly lock the limbs of the king beast!

At this instant, Baijiu’s white sword energy suddenly burst out!

Overwhelmingly shot towards the king beast!

Luo You Leng is a jade hand seal, and a pink-purple lotus flower contains that monstrous spiritual power suddenly generated.

Under the entanglement of spiritual power like the green sea water, the king beast was temporarily fixed!

Immediately afterwards, the sky-filled sword energy of Baijiu shot up, penetrating him completely!

Finally, Luo You Leng’s pink-purple lotus flower suddenly appeared on him!


There was a sudden explosion, and a huge shock wave swept the entire Lingluo Sword Sect!

The entire world where the Lingluo Sword Sect is located suddenly burst into cracks one after another, and finally exploded with a bang!

The whole world, in the blink of an eye, was filled with the space fissure!

The three strongest women in the heavens and the worlds shot at the same time, this side of the world, of course, can’t support it!

Such a terrifying movement naturally shocked the whole world again!

All the worlds, everyone is the first time, the consciousness looks here.

In another world, Po Yan brought another Void army to wreak havoc on one side!

At this moment, his fiery red eyes suddenly looked in the direction of the Lingluo Sword Sect!

Then, his eyes suddenly sank!

“Blood Shadow Demon Lord. Another shot!” Po Yan said solemnly: “That king beast is stuck and dead!”

Today’s Ling Ye is a half-step boundless realm. As long as he is staring at him, he will definitely not be able to escape!

What’s more, Ling Ye has three peaks of the extreme god realm behind him!

The king beast is sure to die!

Their Void Clan will lose another Void King.

“The Blood Shadow Demon Lord, this time, I am afraid that he intends to completely eradicate my Void Clan!” Behind Po Yan, a Void creature who had just opened the ninth Void Eye said coldly.

During this period of time, their Void family, of course, reluctantly gave birth to a few extreme gods!

In the early stage of the Extreme God Realm, they were all Void Kings!

“I’ll wait, what should I do?” The Void King then asked.

Jiang Yuan and Shura Kuang’s hunting team and more than 2,000 demon emperors blocked the retreat of the void world!

And this Blood Shadow Demon Lord, with Luo You Leng’s three daughters, cleans up the Void Army of the heavens and the world!

Their Void Clan, now they really want to escape, they can’t escape, they can’t even fight!

That Blood Shadow Demon Lord is really the big nemesis of their Void Clan!

In the ancient times, they killed their Void Clan to the extent that they did not survive, and now, they want to completely wipe out their Void Clan!

Because of the existence of a blood shadow demon in these heavens and worlds, they have no place to live in the void family!

If there was no Blood Shadow Demon Lord, their Void Clan would have already unified the heavens and the world.

Po Yan’s face was sullen, and now, of course, he doesn’t know what to do at all!

Escape? Nowhere to run!

Battle? Not an opponent!

“Speed ​​up and try to cultivate as many extreme gods as possible! That way… we may still have room for a fight!” Po Yan then said solemnly.

This is the only way he can think of.

Although the Extreme God Realm is not Ling Ye’s opponent, but if there are enough people, they can still fight!

Now, they don’t want to be able to beat Ling Ye, because they know there is no chance!

They just want to be able to protect themselves!

Behind him, the Void King and the numerous Void army all nodded their heads.

Now, they all know that they are at the end of the road, and they can only do this.

On the other side, deep in the blood-red void.

Jiang Yuan, Shura Kuang and the others naturally sensed the movement from the Lingluo Sword Sect for the first time.

“Hey, do I think he doesn’t like the two of us very much?”

Dollar’s eyes narrowed slightly: “I took my wife and two lovers to hunt down the Void Clan, but let the two of us stay here? What about yesterday? Does this despise us?”

“This is an important task! When we have to, we may have to work hard! But Luo Youlen and the others are different!”

The scarred Shura replied in a savage voice: “They follow the Lord Demon, and they can help the Lord, but at the same time they are protected by Lord Guang, they are relatively safe!”

“Well… it’s not fair, we men are human too!” Jiang Yuan sighed.

“Just because he treats us as men, he makes us do more dangerous things!

Shura Kuang continued: “If we follow him and let three women guard here, you say, does he respect our men?”

“Aah, it makes sense!” Jiang Yuan smiled: “You seem to understand him more and more?”

“There is no need for a person like him, all his arrangements are reasonable!” Shura replied madly.

“Did he also look for you before the war with Ye Tian? What did he say then?” Jiang Yuan then asked curiously.

“He said he needed a lieutenant!” Shura replied madly: “He said I was qualified to follow him!”

“Hey… Lieutenant? Hey! At that time, he said he wanted me to be his subordinate! This feels… a little different!” Jiang Yuan suddenly narrowed his eyes.

“What’s the difference? Isn’t the lieutenant also a subordinate?”

Shura replied madly: “Even that Baijiu, he said he was a friend, wasn’t he actually a subordinate in disguise?”

“Hahaha! Yes! But that Baijiu is no longer a subordinate friend! It’s similar to a silent lover!”

“Whatever his relationship is, it’s a matter between them! Anyway…from now on, I will only fight with him!” said Shura madly.

Jiang Yuan grinned and wanted to say something, but in the end he only spit out: “Me too!”

Ayara Sword Sect!

bang bang…

After the shock wave that destroyed the sky and the earth rippled, it almost destroyed the entire world!

And in the center of the shock wave, the king beast added some injuries!

But for the first time, he stabilized the injury!

Then, his eyes suddenly locked on Luo You Leng!

At the moment when the shock wave just dissipated, his figure suddenly shot towards Luo You Leng!

On him, the nine Void Light Eyes burst out with incomparably dazzling brilliance at this moment!

He will explode all his power, and take Luo You Leng away with all his might.

“Hahahahaha! The woman who killed you can be regarded as revenge for my Void Clan!

The king beast laughed madly and kept approaching Luo You Leng!

Luo You Leng also frowned, and the pink and purple monstrous spiritual power all over his body rolled out!

After all, the other party is also in the realm of extreme gods. Even if she can’t kill her by self-destruction, I am afraid that she will be seriously injured!

So, of course she didn’t dare to neglect!


But at this moment, Ling Ye’s figure suddenly appeared in front of her!

Then, those palms suddenly buckled towards the huge head of the beast that rushed over!

It happened to be the dazzling void light on the forehead of the king beast!

Immediately afterwards, above Ling Ye’s five fingers, blood burst out, and then, the palm suddenly exerted force!


Ling Ye’s palm directly slammed into the huge head of the king beast!

Then grabbed the Void Light Eye and yanked it suddenly!

In the heart-piercing scream of the king beast, he directly tore the void light from his head!

Ling Ye’s arrogant move directly blocked the self-destruction of the king beast!

The king beast quickly stepped back, holding his mutilated head, and howling in mid-air!

Ling Ye’s bloody hand tightly clasped the void light eye in his hand!

Although this Void Light Eye has been ripped from the king beast’s head, it still maintains contact with the king beast!

In his hands, trembling madly!

It seems that he wants to fly back to the head of the king beast.

However, he was held tightly by Ling Ye, and no matter how he trembled, he couldn’t escape from Ling Ye’s clutches!

After depressing this Void Light Eye, Ling Ye turned his head slightly, his blood-red eyes looked at Luo You Leng, and smiled lightly: “I really wanted to say that it won’t cause you any harm?”

As soon as these words came out, Luo You’s cold and beautiful eyes suddenly gave him a look, and then replied: “I have never heard such words!”

“Really?” Ling Ye narrowed his eyes slightly.

Well, I really think I didn’t say that.

“Then say it now!” Ling Ye continued with a smile: “There is danger in the future, remember to hide behind me! I will not allow you to hurt me!”

Luo You coldly glanced at him, then withdrew her gaze.

Although this kind of talk is somewhat nauseous!

However, she still likes the feeling of being protected by Ling Ye.

After a slight smile, Ling Ye turned around and looked at the king beast on the opposite side with a cold gaze.

“Kill my woman?”

Ling Ye’s cold voice continued: “There are many ways to die, you have chosen the hardest one for yourself!”

After saying that, on his palm, the blood-colored aura suddenly eroded away towards the void light eye!

On the opposite side, the king beast hugged the painful head, and roared with a ferocious face: “No, no! Don’t!!!”

Ling Ye completely ignored his screams, but the blood-colored aura suddenly rolled, squeezing the void light eye completely,

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