Chapter 123 Sweeping the void with three daughters

Luo Xinxing’s big, bright red eyes blinked, staring at Baijiu, waiting for Baijiu’s answer.

Baijiu fell into silence.

She is really not good at answering this question!

She just continued, took off the wine gourd around her waist, and took a sip.

The answer to this question is of course no need to say!

My affection for Ling Ye may have been born as early as the beginning!

A very simple proof, the wine gourd in her hand, except for Ling Ye, she never gave it to anyone.

She will be very resistant to others!

This point, in fact, has long proved her affection for Ling Ye!

It’s just that at that time, she didn’t even notice it!

“Master, what are you drinking?”

At this time, Luo Xin asked curiously again.

“This is wine! Baijiu” replied.

“Wine? Is it delicious? I want to drink it too!” Luo Xin smiled.

“It’s not good, children can’t drink it!” Baijiu replied.

“Late, Master, do you like my father?” Luo Xin returned to the original question.

As soon as these words came out, Baijiu Liumei moved slightly again.

I thought she had diverted her attention, but she still asked?

“Xin’er, in fact, those who use swords do not necessarily have swords in their hands!”

Baijiu then tried to change the subject: “From having a sword to having no sword, this is a sublimation of a realm!”

“Huh! I see, just like you, Master?” Luo Xin nodded.

“Like your father!” Bai Jiu said lightly.

“Then Master, do you like my father?” Luo Xin returned to the question at the beginning.

Baijiu was speechless.

Is this little girl so focused?

Do you have to ask this question?

Baijiu didn’t want to lie, but he didn’t want to answer Luo Xin’s question either.

“Xin’er, there are many people who like your father!” Bai Jiu continued.

“I know, Aunt Xi has already said it! She also likes my father, and that sister Qingchan seems to like my father too!” Luo Xin said with a smile.

As soon as these words came out, Baijiu was stunned!

How did you know how to observe these things when you were young?

Still look so accurate?

Are you really only four or five years old?

“How did you see it?” Bai Jiu was a little curious.

She can’t understand this little girl?

Is this Ling Ye’s child? How incredible is it at such a young age?

“The way you look at Daddy Chao is the same as your mother!

Luo Xin smiled and replied, “So they must all like Daddy!”

Liquor is directly speechless.

This kid is really not easy!

Can this be seen?

“Then Master, do you also like my father?” Luo Xin then asked again.

Baijiu was a little helpless to be asked. Since you have seen it all, why do you have to answer me?

“This.. your father naturally knows! Baijiu” thought for a while, and directly threw the question to Ling Ye.

“Late, then I know!” Luo Xin asked again: “Then you won’t steal your father from your mother, right?”

“Don’t worry, no one can snatch your father! No one can rob your mother! Baijiu” said a very straightforward sentence.

Ling Ye will always be Luo Xin’s father!

As for wanting to grab Ling Ye with Luo You Leng, naturally there is no possibility!

They all knew that in Ling Ye’s eyes, Luo You Leng was already his woman!

“Oh, I see, hee hee!” Luo Xin nodded happily.

I’m just afraid that others and my mother will steal my father, and I’m not afraid of anything else!

Since even the master said that he couldn’t grab it, the other person definitely couldn’t grab it.

In the air behind, Luo You Leng and Xi Ji looked at Luo Xin and Bai Jiu below, and listened to their words.

“Hehe, as expected of your child!”

Xi Ji smiled charmingly: “If you grow up in the future, that’s okay?”

At such a young age, he was such a monster in every way.

Only Ling Ye and Luo Liu can produce such a genius, right?

“Speaking of which, Zhuge Qingchan’s relationship with the Demon Lord… Do you understand?” Xi Ji continued.

Luo You Leng nodded lightly.

She could naturally see what Zhuge Qingfeng was thinking about Ling Ye.

“That girl has been with the Demon Lord for five years, and she knows all about the Lord Demon Lord’s plan! Sigh..

Xi Ji sighed: “Speaking of which, I’m the outsider who is the most outsider!”

Luo You Leng gave birth to Ling Ye and knew that Ling Ye was still alive.

Baijiu guards the three thousand devil emperors for Ling Ye, and firmly believes that Ling Ye will come back!

Zhuge Qingmu acted with Ling Ye and stayed in the same place for five years!

what about her?

do not know anything!

Apart from the fact that Ling Ye took a Ding Haizhu from her, she knew nothing about Ling Ye!

“Outsiders? I’m afraid he doesn’t think so~”!” Luo You said coldly.

“Hey? What did the Lord Demon think?” Xi Ji was very curious.

“He knows your infatuation!”

Luo You Leng replied: “I also know that you are working hard with Ye Tian for him! He may not want to let you down!

“Haha, it’s quite strange to say this from your mouth!” Xi Ji said with a half-smiling smile, “If he really is like this, then I’m really flattered!”

“I don’t care about him! After all, you knew him much earlier than me!” Luo You coldly replied.

Indeed, she and Ling Ye only began to have relations five years ago.

But what about Hexi Ji and Baijiu?

I’ve known each other already!

You might already have feelings for it!

In that case, he really shouldn’t block the relationship between Ling Ye and them.

After all, he is strictly a latecomer!

“Ah, although we have known each other for a long time, do you know what image I was in the eyes of the Lord Demon Lord?” Xi Ji smiled bitterly.

“Image?” Luo You Leng was a little curious.

What other image can there be?

“You know, the banshees in our Xi Kraken’s Nest like to seduce men! I am the king of banshees!”

Xi Ji sighed and continued: “So… maybe I was not very clean in his eyes before!”

“Then he really saw the wrong person!” Luo You Leng replied immediately.

She is also a woman, so she can naturally see whether Xi Ji is clean or not!

Although Xi Ji was born to be a demon, she is definitely an infatuated woman.

She also understands Xi Ji’s kind of mentality… not as good as any man!

So, Xi Ji, like her, is absolutely clean!

Absolutely spotless!

“Hehe, I found out that you know me better than him all the time!”

Xi Ji suddenly smiled strangely: “Why don’t I just give up on him and come after you?”

As soon as these words came out, Luo You Leng frowned slightly, Mei Mei looked at Ming Ji.

“Hehe, the little girl is joking, don’t take it seriously!” Xi Ji quickly laughed.

Of course that’s impossible!

Just say it casually..

“You really like to joke!” Luo You Leng looked away.

Xi Ji just smiled, not smiling, her seductive eyes sneaked a glance at Luo You Leng’s profile.

I have to say that the number one beauty in the world is indeed very exciting.

Men’s hearts, women’s hearts too!

It is breathtakingly beautiful to look at.

At this moment, a blood-red distortion suddenly appeared above the sky, and Ling Ye’s figure appeared there.

“It’s said that your Ziyun Immortal Realm forbids men to enter, so he doesn’t need permission?” Xi Ji suddenly smiled: “Although there is no need for permission between your husband and wife!”

Luo You Leng also looked at her beautiful eyes, and then let out a light breath: “I can’t stop him either!

Who can limit Ling Ye’s actions?

He always went wherever he wanted to go!

If he could stop him, he wouldn’t have let him in before!

“Hehe, too!” Xi Ji smiled lightly.


Below, when Luo saw Xin Ling Ye coming back, he immediately flew up.

Come up for a hug!

Ling Ye also doted on Luo Xin in her arms.

“Dad, let me tell you something!

Luo Xin was in Ling Ye’s arms, so she leaned into Ling Ye’s ear first and said in a very subtle voice, “Tell you quietly, Master and Aunt Xi like you very much!

Luo Xin thought that others couldn’t hear her words, but she didn’t know that Baijiu and Xiji, who were at the peak of the extreme god realm, could hear them completely.

Xi Ji doesn’t care.

Baijiu directly retracted his gaze, not even daring to look at Ling Ye!

She never really admitted to Ling Ye after all!

Ling Ye also smiled lightly, then pretended to be surprised: “Really?”

“Yeah! They all said it, I can see that Daddy, can’t you see it?” Luo Xin looked at Ling Ye with big eyes.

“Well, I can’t tell!” Ling Ye shook his head: “It’s still smart!”

“Hehe!” Luo Xin smiled and continued: “Dad, Master and Aunt Xi are both so beautiful, you won’t run away with them, will you?”

The little guy is always amazing!

This time, not only Baijiu, but even Xi Ji was shocked!

Is your father still running away with us?

That would be so weird!

“What do you think?” Ling Ye pinched Luo Xin’s little nose.

“I don’t think so, my father is my mother’s, and I won’t run away with others!” Luo Xin said with a smile.

“Then you still ask? You are not allowed to talk about these things in the future, you know?” Ling Ye looked at Luo Xin and said.

“La la! I know, hehe!” Luo Xin nodded obediently.

The conversation between the father and daughter, Luo You Leng and the three of them could hear it clearly!

Nothing to think about either.

Everyone knows that in Ling Ye’s eyes, Luo You Leng is naturally the most important, and this cannot be changed.

Baijiu and Xiji admit it too!

Immediately afterwards, Ling Ye flew over with Luo Xin in his arms.

“If you’re ready, follow me to clean up the Void Clan!”

Ling Ye said lightly.

Next, he’ll start a big clean up!

Let these heavens and myriads of worlds be free from the void clan!

Luo You Leng nodded lightly, she is Ling Ye’s woman, what Ling Ye wants to do, of course she has to do her best to help.

“Waiting for Lord Demon Lord’s orders at any time!” Xi Ji also smiled charmingly.

Bai Jiu’s gaze below also looked at Ling Ye, and then said lightly: “This time, it’s not for friends, but for this world!”

Of course, it’s not entirely for the sake of the heavens and the world!

In fact, to put it bluntly, it is for Ling Ye.

Otherwise she might really not care about that!

Ling Ye just smiled lightly. Now that you’re ready, let’s start cleaning!

Immediately after, Ling Ye accompanied Luo Xin for a while, then brought Luo You Leng, Bai Jiu and Xi Ji and started to act!

The retreat of the Void family was blocked by Jiang Yuan and Shura Kuang leading the army of two thousand deposed emperors!

And he led Luo You Leng’s three daughters to clean up the heavens and obliterate all the Void army!

Lingluo Sword Sect.

A sect with only female nuns.

Led by dozens of god emperor realm powerhouses, although it is not the peak of the world, it can be regarded as a big force.

Lingluo Sword Sect imitated Ziyun Immortal Realm!

Ziyun Immortal Realm is the example of Lingluo Sword Sect!

Therefore, their entire sect is similar to Ziyun Immortal Realm, and the rules are somewhat similar.

Of course, although their goal is Ziyun Immortal, compared with Ziyun Immortal Realm, it is still far away.

If the Ziyun Immortal Realm is the gathering place for the top goddesses and goddesses of the heavens and the world.

Then this Lingluo Sword Sect is a gathering place for second-rate talented women.

It is not bad to have dozens of God Emperor Realm!

However, today, this Lingluo Sword Sect has been utterly destroyed!

A Void army led by a Void King attacked the Lingluo Sword Sect today.

The entire Lingluo Sword Sect is now in ruins, with heavy casualties!

At this time, in the sect that was already in ruins,

All the female cultivators in the entire Lingluo Sword Sect were surrounded by the Void Army!

At the forefront of this Void army is a Void creature with a tall body like a sturdy giant ape.

On his shoulders, there are four Void Light Eyes on each side!

There’s one more on the forehead!

Nine Eyes, King of the Void!

His name is King Beast!

At this moment, the king beast raised that double fist and slammed it down on the ground!


Suddenly the sky and the earth collapsed, and the whole world seemed to collapse!

A huge void fissure divided the remaining survivors of the Lingluo Sword Sect into two parts.

“You, here! You, over there!”

The rude voice of the king beast sounded, and behind him, two eight-eyed void creatures flew up to the two sides of the Lingluo Sword Sect.

These two Void creatures have eight Void Light Eyes on their bodies, and the ninth Void Light Eye is about to open!

As long as they devour all the powerhouses of the Lingluo Sword Sect, they will be sure to open their nine eyes and reach the realm of extreme gods!

Today’s Void Clan is at the end of the battle. They know that Ling Ye has recovered the strength of the half-step Promise Realm, and they also know that Hei Yue and Han Sha are dead!

Now, there are only five Void Kings left in the Void Clan, and they are completely at a loss. Only in the heavens and the world, they are madly fighting and devouring them!

This is the only way they can think of, the only way they can do it!

On the opposite side, the numerous female cultivators of the Lingluo Sword Sect who were divided into two groups gritted their teeth when they looked at the two flying creatures from the void.

“Even if you die, don’t let them succeed!”

Immediately, the Sect Master of the Lingluo Sword Sect gave a low voice.

Immediately afterwards, everyone planned to blow themselves up directly!

But at this moment, the majestic power of the king beast’s extreme divine realm (Li Dehao) was suppressed!

Let all of them be directly unable to move!

“Want to die? Your power of life and death is not in your hands!” The king beast snorted coldly.

At this time, the two void creatures that were about to reach the extreme god realm were already flying up.

Then, their eight Void Light Eyes suddenly burst into dazzling light!

The female cultivator who enveloped the two sides of the Lingluo Sword Sect.

Suddenly, under the shroud of this void light, the spiritual power and life force of everyone’s bodies were devoured by madness!

The entire Lingluo Sword Sect, which has been reduced to ruins, is now even more screaming!

Everyone can’t survive, and they can’t die!

Only let the two void creatures continue to devour.

And under this crazy devouring, the ninth void light eyes of the two void creatures are also opening little by little.

Seeing that, two extreme gods are about to be born!

But at this moment, just when the entire Lingluo Sword Sect was about to die, when the two void creatures were about to open the ninth void light eye!

But it was an icy voice that suddenly sounded!

“The power of your life and death is not in your hands!”

This sudden sound made all the Void army led by the king beast suddenly tremble in their hearts!

This voice, they are naturally familiar!

Blood Shadow Demon Lord!

As soon as the voice fell, Ling Ye’s figure suddenly appeared above that high sky.

As soon as he came out, he waved his big hand, and two vast blood energy shrouded the two void creatures below that were about to reach the extreme god realm!

Then, I saw him pinching with his bare hands!


Those two void creatures were directly crushed by his bloody aura!

On the opposite side, the eyes of the king beast changed suddenly, and he wanted to escape without saying a word about the distortion of the space around him.

When the Blood Shadow Demon Lord came, of course he could only run away subconsciously!

“Ahh good!

But at this moment, at the same time, three breaths suddenly burst out, cutting off his retreat!

I saw behind Ling Ye, Luo You Leng, Xi Ji and Bai Jiu, slowly appearing..

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