Chapter One Hundred and Twenty Five Just Be A Little Woman

The Void Light Eye is the core of the Void creature.

Now, Ling Ye has pinched one of his void light eyes, this feeling is a void!

Being pierced alive and being crushed, the pain in it, only the king beast can understand it!

As long as he is still alive, the Void Light Eye is still a part of him, and it is still an extremely important part!

A trace of damage will be infinitely expanded!

If the nine Void Light Eyes are squeezed out at the same time, the king beast will naturally die completely!

Above the sky, the king beast roared, and his big hands frantically beat his cracked head.

But that kind of pain, the kind of pain that is worse than death, is still spreading like crazy!

Ling Ye’s eyes were cold.

Although Luo You Leng is indeed a strong woman, looking at the sky at the pinnacle of the extreme god realm, apart from him, he is almost invincible!

However, it is only the peak of the extreme gods, and the rules of battle between the extremes of the gods are still difficult to break-!

He absolutely does not allow anyone to bring harm to Luo Youlen!

Therefore, when he heard the king beast saying that he wanted to kill Luo Youlen, he was of course somewhat angry!

Just think about it, how dare you say it in front of me?

Of course I can’t spare you!

After squeezing a void light eye, Ling Ye’s figure burst out towards the king beast again!

Opposite, the king beast endured the heart-piercing pain, and the power of the void rushed out, intending to resist.

However, his strength has been greatly reduced after being squeezed out by a Void Light Eye!

He is not Ling Ye’s opponent, let alone in this state?


Ling Ye’s fist slammed fiercely. Although the king beast tried his best to defend, it was still smashed by Ling Ye’s fist and all his defensive power was shattered!

Immediately after that, Ling Ye slammed it with another punch!

Kick, Kick, Kick!

Only one after another muffled sound could be heard resounding through the heavens and the earth, Ling Ye’s every punch carried that arrogant power!

Every punch hits the body of the king beast, and a deep fist mark appears, and around the fist mark, cracks spread out!

That sturdy body, in front of Ling Ye at this time, was like a pile of mud, to be ravaged at will!

Under the bombardment of one punch, Ling Ye’s palm was deeply clasped into the shoulder of the king beast, and under the burst of blood, one of his void light eyes was torn off alive!

Then, the blood energy eroded away again!


Another Void Light Eye was directly pinched!

That king beast, another piercing scream!

However, Ling Ye did not stop and continued to attack.

In the frantic bombardment against him, another Void Light Eye was snapped down alive.

And then smashed!

so back and forth

In fact, Ling Ye was able to kill the king beast completely, but he didn’t give the king beast any pleasure.

Instead, he deducted his Void Light Eyes one by one and destroyed them!

The torture that life is worse than death can only be experienced by the king beast.

The Void army in the rear is trembling all over!

The Void Light Eye is their core, and Ling Ye deducts them one by one and destroys them, which is even more life-threatening than dividing them!

The torture the king beast suffered was something they had never seen before!

Sure enough, as Ling Ye said, he took the hardest way to die!

The worst way to live is to die!

This king beast, it is estimated that they are the most tragic death of their Void family!

Luo You’s cold and beautiful eyes are also looking at all this, is Ling Ye being angry because of her?

His own position in his heart is really the first!

It really is the most important!

He really cared about himself.

To be so concerned by Ling Ye, Luo You’s heart is naturally very satisfied!

Then, she looked at the Void army!

Then the jade hand waved!


A burst of spiritual power shot out, directly killing the Void army, killing more than half!

“If you want revenge, what are you waiting for?”

Luo You’s cold beautiful eyes glanced at the people of Lingluo Sword Sect.

Everyone in the Lingluo Sword Sect also reacted like this!

Then they all hold the sword in their hands!

“Kill! Kill them all! Take revenge!”

Immediately, they all rushed forward!

All the female cultivators, with that monstrous murderous aura and fighting intent, entered the void army!

Luo You Leng left a part for them, that is, to let them avenge themselves!

Fight for yourself!

Let them remember Ling Ye’s teaching deeply!

The Void Army at this time has no fighting intentions, and its strength is greatly damaged, so it is no longer the opponent of the Lingluo Sword Sect.

Under the joint counterattack of many female cultivators of the Lingluo Sword Sect, the Void Army gradually disintegrated.

Above the sky, under the frantic torture of Ling Ye, the king beast became more and more ferocious, unable to survive, nor to die!

The void light eyes on his body were buckled down by Ling Ye alive and destroyed in front of him!

That kind of torture made him collapse to the limit!

But no matter how you collapse, there is nothing you can do!

In front of Ling Ye, he is powerless!

Half-step Promise Realm and Extreme God Realm peak, it sounds like only half a step away, but this half-step is a world of difference!

This can completely reach the point of rolling!

Under Ling Ye’s frenzied torture, the king beast wanted to die for a long time, but Ling Ye blocked all his escape routes!

Just don’t let him die so happily!

Just to make him die the hardest!

Xi Ji and Bai Jiu both came to Luo You Leng’s side.

“I envy you again, I don’t know if it’s me, will he lose his temper for me?” Xi Ji smiled and shook her head.

Ling Ye is obviously a little angry because of the words of the king beast!

He really cares about Luo You Leng!

If it was someone else, maybe Ling Ye wouldn’t be like this, right?

“You said, if it was us, would he be like this?” Xi Ji’s gaze, then looked at Bai Jiu Chao.

“I don’t care!” Bai Jiu just replied lightly.

Although she has already admitted her affection for Ling Ye in her heart.

But what if you admit it?

There are some things that can’t be hoped for!

Nothing is impossible!

Even if you get it…not everything!

only part of it!

Although some are already good.

Where is there so much that doesn’t matter? Can’t you just admit it directly?” Xi Ji smiled charmingly: “You two are quite alike!

Indeed, Bai Jiu and Luo You Leng are somewhat similar in temperament.

It’s all hard-mouthed, I don’t want to admit it!

“To be honest, I quite like you two!” Xi Ji continued with a strange smile.

As soon as these words came out, Luo You Leng and Bai Jiu looked at her at the same time.

“Just kidding!” Xi Ji quickly laughed.

“It’s not the first time you’ve made such a joke!” Luo You Leng looked at her and said.

Some jokes, if you make a joke once and make a few times, you can still reflect some of the psychology of the other party!

“Yes, it seems that it is indeed not the first time!”

Xi Ji smiled charmingly, and then said with a smile: “Those two… are you just a little girl and a man and a woman!”

Anyway…she did never have any disgust towards Luo You Leng and Baijiu.

Luo You Leng and Bai Jiu both looked away.

If so, we still hope you’re joking.

This woman is really worthy of being the king of banshees, so she is even psychologically demonic to the extreme?

Under the gaze of the three, and under Ling Ye’s frantic torment, the last void light eye of the king beast was finally torn down by Ling Ye!

Now, the entire body of the king beast has almost cracked.

It is like a piece of glass full of cracks that will be completely shattered at any time.

That void power flowed out from the cracks in his body like blood!

With his tormented and desperate eyes, he looked at the last void light in Ling Ye’s hand.

It’s over, when Ling Ye crushes the last Void Light Eye, he can finally die happily!

This torture of life is worse than death, and it can finally end!

After all, it’s better to die than to be tortured!

However, just when he thought so, when he thought he was finally going to end the pain.

The corners of Ling Ye’s mouth gently raised a strange arc!

When seeing the weird smile on Ling Ye’s face, the despairing heart of the beast king trembled again.

What else does he want to do?

Is it not over yet?

Don’t you want to kill yourself?

“If you can go…you can go!”

At this moment, a word suddenly came out of Ling Ye’s mouth.

As soon as these words came out, the king beast was shocked!


let him go?

how is this possible?

“You think your life and death are in your own hands? Then let’s go and see how long you can live!” Ling Ye sneered.

This last void light eye, he will keep it!

Save the life of the king beast!

It doesn’t matter whether he can live or not.

As soon as these words came out, the king beast immediately understood!

Ling Ye is.. don’t want him to end!

Don’t want to end his pain!

Obviously he could easily crush him to death, but Ling Ye didn’t do it!

Instead, take your last breath?

How cruel is this?

Right now, he has no strength and is just an empty shell!

If Ling Ye doesn’t kill him, he will definitely not live long.

At this time, the king beast wanted to scream and roar, but he had no strength!

He wants to let Ling Ye give him a good time, and let Ling Ye kill him!

However, he couldn’t make a sound, but the cracked body was so stunned in the air that he couldn’t do anything.

Then, under his desperate gaze that life is worse than death, Ling Ye turned around with his Void Light Eye.

After gently beckoning to leave, Ling Ye left here with Luo You Leng’s three daughters.

Leaving behind the Void Army and the Lingluo Sword Sect who are still in the melee, as well as the king beast that can’t move in mid-air!

Under the frantic battle of the Lingluo Sword Sect, all the Void Army was finally beheaded!

In the end, their gazes turned towards the king beast above the sky at the same time!

“He can’t seem to move! He’s out of combat!”

“Avenge my Lingluo Sword Sect! Kill him!”

“Break him to ashes!”

Immediately, everyone in the entire Lingluo Sword Sect flew up.

Everyone strikes at the same time!

In the desperate and hideous eyes of the king beast.

The entire Lingluo Sword Sect smashed his chaotic swords into pieces and shattered his bones!

And after the king beast was smashed to ashes, this battle finally stopped completely.

The entire Lingluo Sword Sect suffered heavy casualties.

But fortunately, Ling Ye’s timely shot, their Lingluo Sword Sect, was still preserved after all.

0… ask for flowers…

Looking at the Lingluo Sword Sect who survived the catastrophe, and the world in which the entire space was shattered, everyone was a little fortunate!

It is also very sad, after all, many people have died.

At the forefront, the sect master took a deep breath, and then said: “Master Demon Lord is right, everything is because we are too weak!”

“There are so many ways to become stronger in the world, but we haven’t walked out yet, yet we are still so weak! In times of crisis, what qualifications do you have to hope that others will lend a helping hand?

“From now on, we will work harder!”

We “will rebuild a brand new Ayara Sword Sect!”

“Everyone has seen it today. Everyone knows the relationship between the Ziyun Palace Master and the Demon Lord!”

“Therefore, I, the Lingluo Sword Sect, will also abolish the rule that prohibits private relationships between men and women! From now on, people’s hearts will be free, and their feelings will be free!”

“Everyone, immediately repair the space rift and rebuild the Lingluo Sword Sect!”

“Although our talent can’t be compared with the gods and goddesses of Ziyun Immortal Realm! But everything can be changed, as long as we work hard, even talent can be changed!”

“I believe that one day, we will reach the height of Ziyun Immortal Realm!!

The Sect Master’s voice resounded throughout the post-war ruins.

Everyone in the entire Lingluo Sword Sect took action immediately.

Start repairing the whole world and rebuild the Ayara Sword Sect!

Although Ling Ye said that he would not save them or help them!

But Ling Ye’s actual behavior is to help them!

They are now very grateful to Ling Ye.

another world.

Po Yan and the others watched the king beast die tragically just now.

They all looked heavy and said nothing!

The Void family has lost another Void King!

Now, in the entire Void family, there are only four Void Kings left, as well as several Void Kings who were born in the early stage of the Extreme God Realm recently!

More than four years ago, their Void Clan emerged from that Void World!

The ten pinnacles of the extreme gods and the ten kings of the void, although far less than the void clan in the ancient times, are still mighty, majestic, and air pressure!

In the past four years, in the heavens and the world, it can be said that they have walked sideways!

But, how long has it been since Ling Ye was resurrected?

The Void family has already killed six Void Kings before and after, and only four are left!

Now, it would not be an exaggeration to say that the rest of them are lingering!

Void family, the trend is gone!

It is absolutely impossible to return to the power of the ancient times!

It is impossible to even return to the state of being four years ago!

All of this is because of the Blood Shadow Demon Lord alone!

He is indeed the fear of the Void Clan, and he is indeed the doomsday of the Void Clan!

Their Void Clan really has no way to deal with the Blood Shadow Demon Lord!

At this time, Po Yan and the others even regretted that they had poured out of the void world in the first four years.

If they were obediently hiding inside, how could their Void Clan be reduced to such a level?

If you hide in it, you can at least survive and maintain your strength!

But now, after running away, there is no going back!

Back then, Ling Ye blocked them in the world of nothingness, and a throne traversed the void, making them the void family dare not step into the heavens and the world for half a step!

But now, Ling Ye has a large army guarding the depths of the void, leading the three peaks of the extreme gods alone, and sweeping the heavens!

They are a family of void, there is no escape!

There seems to be only one death waiting for them!

Only total annihilation!

In Ling Ye’s eyes, is it really like destroying a group of dogs to destroy their Void family?

Now they regret it, they regret running out of the void world four years ago!

I even regret that I invaded the heavens and the world in ancient times!

If there is no Blood Shadow Demon Lord, the heavens and the world are indeed nothing to be afraid of! No one or any force can compete with the Void Clan!

However, he was the only one who suppressed everything! Beyond everything!

“He won’t let any of us go next!”

Po Yan’s voice then sounded: “He will be in the heavens and the world, and keep clearing my Void family!”

Waiting, “Is the Void family really only perished?” The Void King Vice behind him also said in a deep voice.

Now, they absolutely cannot resurrect the Lord of the Void, and they absolutely cannot escape into that Void World!

It seems, really only have to wait to die!

“In the future… keep it secret! Try not to be found by him! All armies, be careful!”

Po Yan’s voice then spread to the minds of everyone in the Void Clan: “While improving strength, find a new shelter as soon as possible, such as the world of Qiankun Realm back then!

“If I can still find such a place, my Void family can avoid extinction for the time being!”

Everyone in the Void Clan nodded their heads.

Yes, there is still a chance!

How vast are the universes?

Maybe it’s possible to find a world like the second Qiankun world?

That is a world that can’t be broken even by half a step of the infinite realm!

If they can find such a place, they can have a new hiding place for the Void Clan!

The entire Void army took action again.

While constantly devouring the weak and small forces of all parties in the heavens and the world, they are also doing their best to find a new place to live.

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