Chapter 122 Master, do you like my father too?

Here, is a pit.

Deep down, no bottom can be seen.

It is like a pair of eyes in this barren land, deep, like the night sky!

The diameter of the tiankeng is more than 100,000 zhang, standing directly above the tiankeng, and going down a little, you can’t even see the edge of the tiankeng!


At this moment, Ling Ye and Zhuge Qingfeng slowly appeared here.

Compared with this huge tiankeng, they are as small as dust.

“here it is..

Zhuge Qingchan looked around, looking at the deep and bottomless Tiankeng like a sea of ​​stars below.

“Broken Heaven God Pool?

Potian Shentan, this place, she has only heard of it and seen it in ancient books.

Didn’t expect such a place to exist?

Below this is actually not a tiankeng, but a pond!

According to rumors, this Shentan has the effect of washing the marrow and refining the bones.

Under this goddess, people’s talents can undergo earth-shaking changes.

But the process will be very painful!

Those who enter Shenping will experience the complete smashing and recasting of the entire body!

Every inch of meridian flesh and blood will be torn and sharpened extremely cruelly.

This process, compared to a thousand cuts, is even worse than death!

“Abandoned Lord, do you want me to recast myself here?” Zhuge Qingchan then understood.

This is what Ling Ye said, the torture she will endure is worse than death!

I didn’t expect it to be this Heaven-breaking Shentan?

“Since you also know about this Heaven-Breaking Divine Pool, then think about it carefully!”

Ling Ye looked at Zhuge Qingmu: “Only when you endure this process will you know how hard it is! You may even die in it!”

There are very few people who know the location of this Potian Shentan!

If you know anything, try it out!

Indeed, the talent and strength of those who can come out alive from this divine pool will undergo earth-shaking changes!

Whole person, reborn!

However, there are also many people who died inside!

Not everyone can bear that kind of torture that is worse than death!

“Master Demon Lord, I’m not afraid! I won’t let you down!” Zhuge Qingchan had a firm face.

Although she has also heard of the horror of this Heaven-breaking Shenping.

But…she’s not afraid!

For Ling Ye, no matter how much she pays, she is willing!

What if life is worse than death?

As long as you can reach the realm of gods, paying these 05 is worth it!

Although it is indeed life-threatening, she is also willing to try!

“You have done enough for me, and you have no obligation to bear this anymore!” Ling Ye looked at Zhuge Qingmu, her voice softened a bit.

Zhuge Qingmu helped him fix his rebirth, and for him, it was already a big help!

Although what he was going to do next, Zhuge Qingmaiden was indeed the most suitable.

But…if possible, if Zhuge Qingzhang is unwilling, he really can’t bear to watch Zhuge Qingmu suffer this.

“Master Demon Lord!”

Zhuge Qingji looked at Ling Ye, and continued: “I didn’t do anything for the Lord Demon at all, and the Void Formation of Ten Thousand Realms can be arranged even if it is Lord Demon Lord!

“Lord Demon Lord, I know I’m useless, I’m weak! It’s not like Palace Lord Ziyun and the others!”

“So I also want to become stronger, for Lord Demon Lord, and also for myself!

“So, I’m not afraid, really not afraid!”

“As long as I can help the Demon Lord, I can do anything!

When Zhuge Qingfeng said these words, he lowered his head slightly, with determination on his small face.

Also with a touch of crimson.

Saying this…is it like Ling Ye expressing her feelings?

It’s not very direct, but Ye can definitely understand it, right?

So shy, you actually really expressed your feelings?

How would the Demon Lord see himself?

As an inconspicuous little girl who came out of the Spirit Clan, how could she have such affection for the Demon Lord?

The Demon Lord won’t be angry, will he?

Hearing Zhuge Qingmu’s words and looking at Zhuge Qingchan’s expression, Ling Ye naturally knew exactly what she was thinking.

Immediately afterwards, Ling Ye raised his hand and put it lightly on her shoulder.

Ling Ye’s sudden movement made Zhuge Qingxiong’s body tremble slightly.

She raised her head and looked at Ling Ye who was close at hand in front of her.

It’s so strange, the current Demon Lord seems to be very gentle!

“I can’t bear to see you endure those tortures and dangers!

Ling Ye then said lightly: “Think clearly, the consequences may be really serious!”

“No, it’s fine, Lord Demon Lord, don’t worry, I will definitely survive!” Zhuge Qingmu never wavered.

Looking at Zhuge Qingfeng’s expression, Ling Ye has only one heart: “Since that’s the case… I’ll leave it to you to do it!”

“Hmm!” Zhuge Qingfeng nodded his head.

“No matter what, you have to live!”

Ling Ye continued: “If you can’t hold on, you can contact me in time, and I can find a way to help you stop this transformation! Remember, I won’t allow you to die here!”

Of course, he would never allow Zhuge Qingchan to really die here!

When forced, he will take action, even if it destroys the entire Shentan!

“I know, Lord Demon Lord, don’t worry!” Zhuge Qingfeng nodded again.

Ling Ye let out a sigh of relief, and then said, “The Great Void Formation of Ten Thousand Realms was arranged by you and me together! You and I know it best!”

“But if you want to drive or sense this great formation in the void of all worlds, you need at least the strength of the gods!”

“The Great Void Formation of Ten Thousand Realms covers everything! If you can sense this Great Formation, you can sense all the heavens and all worlds!”

“At that time, I need you, help me find the first supreme artifact!”

“Using this great formation in the void of all worlds, and utilizing the spiritual power of the heavens and the worlds to circulate! Maybe we can sense the existence of the first supreme artifact!”

The first supreme artifact is the beginning of the void of all worlds.

So, it must be that this Myriad Realms Void Array, if you drive it, can sense something special.

Zhuge Qingfeng’s brain is easy to use, and she also understands this great formation of the void of the world!

So, she is the most suitable candidate!

As for Ling Ye, why didn’t she come by herself?

He doesn’t have that much time!

Besides, Zhuge Qingfeng may really be more suitable than him!

After all, a talented girl like Zhuge Qingchan has a delicate mind, which Ling Ye is ashamed of.

This is Zhuge Qingmu’s talent!

It may be possible for others to do it, but it is definitely not as suitable as hers!

“The first supreme artifact? I understand!”

Zhuge Qingli nodded his head suddenly.

It turns out that the goal of Lord Mozu is that supreme divine weapon?

Indeed, if there is that first supreme artifact, it is omnipotent!

Ancient, modern and future, destroy everything and create everything in one thought!

With that first supreme artifact, dealing with Yuqian or something is naturally no problem at all!

“Don’t worry, Lord Demon, I will do my best to survive! I will also do my best to find the clues to the first supreme artifact!” Zhuge Qingchan continued.

This is indeed a major task!

Since Ling Ye entrusted such a task to herself, no doubt, she can also trust herself!

I am still the same as before, and I will never let him down!

Never let him down!

“In that case, let’s go!”

Ling Ye then said something lightly.

Then, he took Zhuge Qing and swooped down!

The figures of the two finally sank into the darkness like a sea of ​​stars.

Below, is a pool of black water.

The figures of the two fell into it, but they did not stir up a single drop, as if the stone was sinking into the sea!

After entering the pool, Zhuge Qingmaiden frowned slightly.

As soon as she entered, she was already able to perceive these strange pools of water around her, attacking her body!

Here, it seems that every trace of pool water has its own consciousness and is alive!

Ling Ye took Zhuge Qingmu and charged straight down!

Finally, to the bottom!

“As long as you start to run your spiritual power, this pool of water will erode!”

Ling Ye said lightly: “Before that, I’ll set up a big formation for you! It can ease your pain as much as possible!”

“Yes! Thank you Lord Demon Lord!” Zhuge Qingchan nodded.

“It has always been me who should say thank you!” Ling Ye smiled lightly, and then began to arrange a large formation.

The big formation he is going to arrange is not very huge, but it is a delicate job!

This great formation must be basically consistent with Zhuge Qingfeng’s spiritual power, so as to relieve Zhuge Qingmu’s pain.

Therefore, Ling Ye’s arrangement took a full half a day to complete!

At this time, blood-colored lines permeated the bottom of this pool of water.

The figure of Zhuge Qingfeng is in the center of this bloody formation!

Begin “Come on! It’s going to be a tough time!”

After arranging the big formation, Ling Ye said lightly.

“Mmmm!” Zhuge Qingmu nodded lightly, and then sat down with his legs crossed!

Then, the spiritual power starts to work!


At the moment when she was just running her spiritual power, the entire pool of water seemed to be activated in an instant, and all madly eroded towards her!

ah ah ah..

The mad flow of the pool water almost ripped her to pieces!

It was just the beginning, Zhuge Qingmaiden’s face suddenly turned pale, this feeling of being penetrated by a trace of pool water is indeed excruciatingly painful!

And this is just the beginning, more pain is yet to come!

“If you can’t hold it…call me anytime!” Ling Ye said lightly.

“I’m not, it’s okay! Lord Demon Lord, don’t worry!” Zhuge Qingfeng gritted his teeth, enduring the severe pain.

Next, “It’s up to you!” Ling Ye continued and turned around.

“It’s okay, I can do it! Lord Demon Lord, just don’t worry!” Zhuge Qingmu’s face was firm.

Ling Ye glanced back at her, and immediately flew up without staying any longer.

This tormenting process takes a lot of time.

Next, it’s all up to Zhuge Qingmu!

With Ling Ye’s departure, Zhuge Qingmu is the only one left here!

She gritted her silver teeth by herself, holding on to the unbearable pain.

Forcing the trace of pool water to penetrate the body and frantically wash away the pain of every inch of my meridians and every trace of flesh and blood!

Next, under this pool of water, her entire body will be shattered, and then recast!

Although the big formation with Ling Ye relieves a certain amount of pain, it is still unbearable!

This process is long and exhausting!

But she will do her best to support it,

Purple Cloud Immortal Realm.

Before the sea of ​​flowers and ancient trees.

Luo You coldly bare her jade feet, and Ling Li and in the air, a blood-colored silk skirt, outlines her well-proportioned and perfect body.

Under the rain, the beauty is unbelievable!

She stood there quietly, her beautiful eyes looking at Luo Xin, who was learning swordsmanship with Baijiu in the middle of the sea of ​​flowers below.

Behind her, on the ancient branch, Xi Ji was like a lazy little wild cat, lying on her side on the branch, showing her enchanting figure without a doubt.

“It is said that one landscape supports one person, and after staying in your Ziyun Immortal Realm for a few days, I found that I was about to be infected!”

Xi Ji stretched out her jade hand, and on the snow-white wrist, the crystal scales glowed with waves.

She gently caught a petal, a strange smile hooked on the corner of her mouth.

She is the king of banshees, the number one enchantress in all realms.

It was originally at the bottom of the deep stream and sea, leading a group of banshees who were very good at seducing people.

But after staying in this wonderland for a few days, she found that she quite liked this bright wonderland.

Love the clean beauty of this wonderland!

I seem to have restrained a bit of seductiveness, and a little more, how should I say? Fairy breath?

However, even if she is a fairy, she is also a demon burning fairy!

An extremely alluring Banshee King, and the Ziyun Immortal Realm where this goddess gathered, were originally completely out of tune.

But now, she feels as if she has been infected a little bit, and she is very harmonious with such an environment!

“Hey! Although it seems impossible for me and the Lord of the Demons, but the Lord of the Demons can have a woman like you, I am convinced!!

Xi Ji then sighed softly.

If it were someone else, maybe she would really grab it in an upright manner!

But Luo You Leng’s words, she knew she couldn’t take it!

The number one beauty in the heavens and the world, the number one is the number one!

Others can never be compared.

I’m happy for him, and of course for you, to see you as a family!”

513 Xi Ji then propped up her body and floated to Luo You Leng’s side with a demonic figure, and continued: “To be honest, Luo You Leng, if your man is someone else or not, I may not be able to watch it!”

She admitted that Luo You Leng was the first goddess in the heavens and the world, the queen of goddesses, and the goddess of queens.

She admits Luo You Leng’s perfection!

Therefore, if Luo You Leng’s man was not Ling Ye but someone else, she might really not be able to watch it.

How should I say it? Although Luo You Leng is indeed his rival in love! He is still an invincible rival in love!

But she still hopes that Luo You Leng can find a suitable man!

In all the worlds, only Ling Ye and Luo You Leng are suitable!

Only Luo You Leng is suitable for Ling Ye!

The two of them are a perfect match!

It really should be a pair!

Therefore, when Luo You and Ling Ye are together, she has no objection and is convinced!

“I’m not a family with him yet!” Luo You Leng’s cold voice replied.

“What a difference? The kids are so old!”

Xi Ji smiled charmingly: “You are a family of three!”

“Phew. I know I can’t compete with you, and I admit that I’m not as good as you! But I still won’t give up!” Xi Ji then let out a light sigh of relief.

“You are not inferior to me!” Luo You coldly replied.

“Hehe, there is still a gap, I know very well!” Xi Ji smiled lightly.

This is not self-esteem, but a recognition of Luo You Leng!

It is recognized that the number one is Luo You Leng and not her!

Maybe apart from Luo You Leng, she has a chance to rank first!

The first and second gap is not very big, but there is still a gap.

“As for her, I don’t think she will give up either!” Xi Ji then smiled lightly, her seductive eyes looking at the liquor below.

Luo You’s cold eyes were also looking at Baijiu.

She naturally knows who Baijiu and Xiji are!

She also has no right to deny Xihai and Baijiu’s feelings for Ling Ye.

Ling Ye is right, she really can’t control this.

But she won’t lose to anyone!

Anyway.. she has indeed won everyone.

At this moment, below that, after some sword energy fluttered, Luo Xin put away her little hand.

The sword formed by the blood-colored breath on the small hand also converged.

“Master, I want a real sword!” She looked at Baijiu with wide eyes.

Now I just use my spiritual power to condense it into a sword, I feel uneasy!

A real sword is real!

“Let your daddy find it for you, he will know where to find the best sword! Baijiu” but replied lightly.

Indeed, Ling Ye knows more about the heavens and the world than she does.

Where to find the best sword, Ling Ye knows very well.

“Master, do you also like my father?” At this moment, Luo Xin suddenly asked in a low voice.

On that little face, there was a touch of curiosity and a strange smile.

When this question was asked, Baijiu frowned slightly!

Does this little girl really dare to ask anything?

It’s really going to be a problem, don’t you?

Baijiu never lies, but, for this kind of question, can we not lie?

How to answer this question?

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