Chapter 118 Ye Tian has been eroded (seeking a monthly ticket at the beginning of the month)

As soon as Ling Ye said these words, Luo You Leng lowered his head.

I take the initiative?

How can I be proactive?

How could she possibly do such a thing?

“Since he’s dead, how about being honest?” Ling Ye smirked.

As soon as these words came out, Luo You Leng suddenly fell in love with Liu Mei.

What is good?

I’m good?

You mean, you turned me on?

What am I good at?

“I haven’t said to forgive you, don’t look like you have won a big victory!” Luo You Leng followed with Wei Wei’s nozzle.

Ling Ye’s current appearance, these words, these words!

Doesn’t it mean that she has been completely taken down?

Although I just behaved in front of Ling Ye, it is indeed like this!

Just now, I was like a little girl!

You hug him like that and cry?

Thinking about it, I regret it, why didn’t I hold back?

For five years, I have held back everything!

How much grievance I can support myself, but in the end I was defeated by Ling Ye’s gentleness!

“I can’t do it if you don’t forgive me?” Ling Ye then smiled softly: “If you don’t take the initiative, I will take the initiative!”

“You… Luo You Leng Mei raised her eyes to look at Ling Ye, and then lowered her head again.

I’m afraid he will actually kiss him!

Seeing her like this, Ling Ye immediately hugged her even tighter.

The meaning is very simple, if I don’t take the initiative, then I really have to act.

Aware of Ling Ye’s warning, Luo You Leng felt a little helpless,

After a moment of silence, she blushed and whispered, “Then close your eyes!”

“Luo You Leng, are you so childish?” Ling Ye looked at her.

You look like a little girl who doesn’t understand anything!

This does not match your status as the aloof Ziyun Palace Master!

Although it is true that she has no experience in this area…


Luo You coldly looked at Ling Ye, she also knew that she was indeed a little naive in front of Ling Ye!

It is completely different from the coldness that he used to be.

But she does, will be shy!

After all, she never took the initiative!

“The queen of goddesses, now she looks like a girl?” Ling Ye continued with a smile.

As soon as these words came out, Luo You Leng frowned slightly.

Asshole, in front of him, his image is completely ruined!

Forget it, destroy it, destroy it!

Anyway, when I cried just now, there was no reservation.

Immediately, she put her toes up slightly and blushed.

This made her feel more shy than when Ling Ye took the initiative.

After all, in her whole life, she never thought that she would take the initiative to a man!

But, at this point, it doesn’t matter anymore.

Luo You Leng looked at Ling Ye’s face that was close at hand, and finally, Ling Ye nodded.

Just for a moment, she hurriedly planned to end it!

But as soon as she let go, Ling Ye grabbed her again and slapped her hard,

Luo You Leng’s pretty face suddenly turned even redder, this bastard really isn’t a good thing,

At the door, Luo Xin’s big eyes blinked a few times.

Although this scene seems to be quite loving.

However, even as a daughter, she felt that her parents were somewhat flustered!

Maybe it’s only when the two of them are alone that they can be so sweet and greasy?

Of course they can’t do this in front of outsiders, right?

This kiss lasted for a long time!

After a long time, Luo You Leng broke free from Ling Ye’s embrace.

“There is no next time, there is absolutely no next time!”

She quickly backed away and turned around quickly.

On that beautiful face, there was a touch of rich mother red.

Just asshole!

I was just going to say it lightly!

So he was so over the top?

What the hell is this?

At that moment, she was always unable to think, and her whole body seemed to be completely numb.

She didn’t know how to describe the feeling, but she was just shy!

There was a smug smile on the corner of Ling Ye’s mouth.

Being able to make the most defiant beauty in the world show such an expression, he still felt a little sense of accomplishment.

“Xin’er, have you seen enough?”

Immediately afterwards, Ling Ye turned his head sideways and looked at Luo Xin with a small head sticking out at the door.

Of course, they knew from the beginning that Luo Xin was peeking.

It’s just… it doesn’t matter if you’re in the heart, just see it when you see it!

She may see it many times in the future.


Luo Xin also smiled and came in familiarly: “Dad, what were you and your mother doing just now? This kind of kiss is so strange~”!”

Ling Ye stretched out his hands to hold the little guy in his arms, and then said softly, “This kind of kiss is only possible between husband and wife, and no one else is allowed, understand?”

“Oh. Luo Xin nodded with a vague understanding, and continued: “The mother said that you are not husband and wife!”

Didn’t your mother and father say before that they were not husband and wife?

“I see, it was mother’s angry words!” Luo Xin then laughed and said, “Mother always likes to speak angry words and jokes with father!”

Luo You Leng also admitted before that many of the things he said to Ling Ye were just jokes.

“Hey, smart!” Ling Ye smiled and nodded.

Luo You Leng glanced back at Ling Ye, and then closed his eyes again!

Today is really, in front of him, a complete defeat!

I am afraid that I will not be able to pretend to be indifferent to him in the past!

Bastard, I’m a little impulsive today.

To be completely won by a kiss from him?

Suddenly I feel so defeated and so unwilling..

“Xin’er, daddy will take you to find something to help you reach the extreme state as soon as possible?” Ling Ye then rubbed Luo Xin’s little face.

“Okay! Daddy, can I go out with Daddy and you after I reach the extreme god state? Is there any need to leave me alone at home in the future?” Luo Xin asked curiously.

As soon as these words came out, Ling Ye smiled and nodded immediately.

Although I really don’t want her to be exposed to those battle scenes, but… this kind of thing can only be managed for a while, not a single thing!

Besides, she was already in her teens or twenties when she reached the realm of extreme gods, and naturally she had already grown up by then.

“Then let’s go, I’m going to become a supernatural realm immediately!” Luo Xin said happily.

Ling Ye just smiled lightly.

Immediately? You are really cute. How about embarrassing your father and me?

Even if my father tried my best, I couldn’t do it!

However, it is still guaranteed that you will reach the state of extreme gods before you reach adulthood.

“Let’s go!”

Ling Ye then said to Luo You Leng, “Let’s find something together!”

Luo You Leng turned around, her face was still slightly rosy.

So shy and not wanting to be shy, looks even more intoxicating

She didn’t want to meet Ling Ye’s eyes at this moment.

After gradually calming down, she realized that she had been fooled by Ling Ye?

How could he be completely defeated by him so easily?

good failure..

Immediately afterwards, Ling Ye took Luo You Leng and Luo Xin and left Ziyun Immortal Realm to collect some things.

Both Baijiu and Xiji will take some time to recover, especially Baijiu!

After they fully recovered, he took them to clean up the Void Clan.

At that time, he will take Baijiu and others in charge of chasing and killing!

Jiang Yuan, Shura Kuang and the Demon Emperor army were responsible for blocking the retreat of the Void family.

One-time, empty the Void family!

On the other side, in an unremarkable world.

Here, a war is breaking out now.

It is the Void family that is invading this world!

The Void family, dozens of God Emperor realm powerhouses, together with a Void army attacked here.

In this world, there are only a handful of God Emperor realms that are the strongest, and in the end, of course, they all fall!

And Ye Ye, was originally hiding in this world.

But after the war broke out here, she had to flee.

With her own strength, she can’t save anyone, she can only protect herself!

After she escaped from this world, she immediately contacted Ye Tian: “Brother Tian, ​​the Void clan is now slaughtering all over the heavens and the world! However, after the Blood Shadow Demon Lord was quiet for a few days, it seemed that he had already shot, and there was another The two Void Kings are dead! It’s Black Moon and Han Sha!”

Ye Ziwei used the special way of contact between her and Ye Tian that she had established since childhood to communicate with Ye Tian.

Since this time, she has been wandering in the heavens and the world, always trying to protect herself.

He has also been in contact with Ye Tian secretly.

Every time she heard Ye Tian’s response, she would know that Ye Tian was still alive and alright!

Then she will be at ease!

But this time, after her voice passed, Ye Tian didn’t answer for a long time.

“Brother God?”

Immediately Ye Ziwei’s face suddenly changed: “Tian brother, you talk, you talk!”

However, still no response was received.

“Brother Tian!?” Ye Ziyi was immediately panicked: “Brother Tian, ​​how are you, brother Tian? You talk and tell me you’re fine, just say it!”

Ye Ziwei shouted, and the whole person was instantly desperate.

no respond!

No response at all!


Ye Ziwei almost fainted on the spot.

No response, what does it mean?

It means that Ye Tian may have had an accident!

It has been completely eroded by the rain, and is already dead!?

“No! No, you can’t do this, Brother Tian, ​​Brother Tian, ​​you answer me, can you answer me? Brother Tian…

Ye Ziwei burst into tears in an instant, kept contacting Ye Tian, ​​and kept talking to Ye Tian.

But still, I didn’t receive any response from Ye Tian!

“God brother!!!”

Ye Ye cried and roared alone.

If something happens to Ye Tian, ​​what’s the point of her living alone?

All her motivation to survive now is Ye Tian!

If Ye Tian was already dead, what would he do?

What to do next?


But at this moment, when Ye Ye Wei was completely desperate, Ye Tian’s voice suddenly came.

At this time, Ye Tian’s voice was unusually low and hoarse, as if something was restricting Ye Tian’s speech!

“Ziwei! You, you tell him, let him get ready! I don’t know, I don’t know how long I can hold on! You let him get ready!

Ye Tian’s hoarse voice continued.

“Brother Tian, ​​how are you doing?” Ye Ziwei asked quickly.

This sound is not right!

How can it become like this?

“His consciousness has invaded my body, I can’t suppress it!” Ye Tian’s voice came again.

When he heard this, Ye Zi’s heart sank again!

Ye Tian, ​​has his body been occupied by Yu Duanqian’s consciousness?

In other words, Ye Tian now has two consciousnesses in his body!

That’s why Ye Tian’s voice sounded so wrong!

“Brother Tian, ​​Ye Ziwei burst into tears.

In the end, did he still fail?

Did that Yu Duanqian take away his body in the end?

“Ziwei, don’t worry about me, let that Blood Shadow Demon Lord, get ready, get ready! Ah!!!

Ye Tian then let out a scream, and then the sound disappeared completely.

“Brother Tian? Brother Tian, ​​how are you? Brother Tian!”

Ye Ziwei’s face turned pale and asked quickly.

But never got any response!

“Brother Tian… Ye Ziwei is really desperate now.

Has Ye Tian really been completely eroded by Yu Duanqian?

What should I do? Ye Tian is really going to die at the hands of Yu Yu Duan Qian?

Ye Ziwei was alone, standing among the sea of ​​​​stars in the void, tears bursting like a dike.

This time, Ye Tianzhen doesn’t exist anymore!

My own brother, really no longer exists!

What should I do? What can I do now?

What are you still alive doing?

What’s the point of living by yourself?

I killed Brother Tian by myself, and I killed him by myself!

Ye Ziwei was crying and despairing, and her whole body was almost paralyzed.

The mournful cry, in this void of the sea of ​​stars, spreads out

She was crying in despair, and she didn’t know how long!

Then, her eyes suddenly narrowed: “” Yu Duanqian, it’s all you, it’s all you bastard! You will definitely pay the price, definitely! I must avenge Brother Tian!”

Ye Ziwei’s bloodshot eyes flashed a fierce light, and then, she left here!

Go to Ling Ye!

Only Ling Ye can deal with the rain and dryness.

Only Ling Ye can avenge Ye Tian!

On the other side, in that black rain space.

Under the dark rain, Ye Tian’s figure was suspended in mid-air.

At this time, a layer of black air was flowing inside and outside of his entire body.

That pair of eyes had already turned pitch-black, as if they had been covered with a layer of black ink, without the whites of their eyes.

At this time, inside Ye Tian’s body, two consciousnesses were torn apart frantically.

“Aawaa, original, the bloody magic master, now now there is only the strength of the peak of the best in the world?”

Yu Duanqian’s gloomy voice sounded: “If he only has the peak of the extreme god realm, I don’t need to destroy the four bodies at all, just use your body to leave here, and I can obliterate him!”

After he eroded Ye Tian’s body, he naturally read the memory in Ye Tian’s mind!

Seeing Ling Ye after the resurrection, only the strength of the peak of the extreme god realm!

Such Ling Ye, he is not afraid at all!

“You can’t use me to leave here!” Ye Tian’s hoarse voice also sounded.

Now, Yu Duanqian has eroded his body, and he is doing his best to resist the suppression of Yu Duanqian’s consciousness!

“Hehe, why bother? Give up the struggle! Isn’t he your enemy? Together, we can kill him. This time, we will definitely kill him!”

Yu Duanqian sneered: “Isn’t what you pursue in your life his status? Now the opportunity is in front of you!”

(Li Dehao)

“You couldn’t beat him back then, this time, I’ll help you!”

“The woman you’ve admired all your life, and he even took it away in the end, and gave birth to a child for him! Don’t you hate him more than anyone else?”

“Then give up the struggle, I will borrow your hand and avenge you!”

“I will take back the woman you love for you!”

“You will get everything you want in the end!”

Yu Duanqian’s words constantly impacted Ye Tian’s forbearance consciousness, wanting to break through Tian’s defense and completely erase Ye Tian’s consciousness!

But at this time, Ye Tian did not relax at all: “I hate him, but I also respect him!

Yes, he does hate Ling Ye, and Ling Ye is indeed his worst enemy!

However, he also respects Ling Ye as a person, respects a man like Ling Ye!

Respect for an opponent like Ling Ye!

As for Luo You Leng, this incident really made him grief-stricken, but You Leng was not his originally!

Ling Ye got it first, that’s Ling Ye’s, he just lost to Ling Ye, he has nothing to think about!

Now, he has completely given up on Luo You Leng, and now he has only one purpose, and that is to protect the heavens and the world!

Do your best to stop the rain from falling to the world!

“Aaaa, you also know that struggle is useless! Even if I just conscious, put you completely suppress, but the problem!” The rain is broken again.

“Time is opportunity!” Ye Tian’s somewhat hideous voice sounded.

Yes, right now, he is trying his best to stop the rain from breaking down!

The longer he holds on, the more opportunities the heavens and the world will have!

The more opportunities Ling Ye has!

“A villain like you can’t win against him! He will always be invincible!” Ye Tian then roared.

“Hehe, good! Then I’ll see, how long can you last!” Yu Duanqian sneered again.

Then, the majestic black qi madly eroded Ye Tian, ​​trying his best to squeeze Ye Tian’s consciousness out of his body!

“I will use my body… your soul!” Ye Tian did his best to resist Yu Duanqian’s suppression.

In the black rain, Ye Tian’s body was suspended there.

The two consciousnesses in the body are crazily intertwined and eroded crazily.

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