Chapter 119 Liquor is not blind (seeking a monthly pass)

Medicine Immortals.

Among the heavens and the world, there is a relatively unique top power.

In the heavens and the world, the most spiritual medicine in the world is this medicine fairy.

Needless to say, what immortal herbs and immortal medicines are naturally, the most important thing is naturally the medicinal pills refined by people of this race!

For cultivators, medicinal pills will undoubtedly always be the best supplements.

And this Medicine Immortal Race, everyone, are all alchemists.

The Patriarch of the Medicine Immortal Clan is also known as the No. 1 Alchemy Master in the Heavens and Myriad Realms!

The existence of the peak of the extreme god realm.

This medicine patriarch is also one of the ten or so peaks of the extreme gods in the heavens and the world!

The entire Medicine Immortal Clan, with beautiful mountains and rivers, ancient trees in the sky, and among the mountains and rivers, all kinds of precious medicinal materials grow.

The clan of the Medicine Immortal Clan is uniquely endowed with abundant spiritual power, and it is a place dedicated to the growth of various high-level medicinal materials.

Therefore, the people of the Medicine Immortal Clan were located here, and slowly developed, becoming one of the most powerful forces in the heavens and the world.

This place, a piece of green mountains and green waters, surrounded by clouds and mists, the air is filled with the fragrance of fresh herbs, and under the sunlight, there is quite a serene beauty.

And the buildings of the Medicine Immortal Race are not like other big forces, they wish they were taller than the sky and bigger than the earth!

Here, you can’t see those splendid and huge buildings!

All that can be seen is that between the mountains and forests, and beside the rivers, there are hidden and quiet small courtyards.

Green mountains and green waters, pavilions, lofts, and fragrant birds and flowers are in line with the style of this medicinal family, a very natural and harmonious beauty.

At this moment, in the sky above the Medicine Immortal Clan, a pale red void twisted.

Then, Ling Ye hugged Luo Xin, followed Luo You Leng next to him, and appeared in the Medicine Immortal Clan.

The sudden arrival of Ling Ye immediately disturbed the entire tranquil Yaoxian clan.

The Medicine Immortal Clan, as the peak power of the Heavens and Myriad Realms, naturally prohibits outsiders from entering casually.

ah ah ah…

Suddenly, from between the mountains and forests, from the pavilions and pavilions, all the figures flew up.

In a blink of an eye, a group of people stood in front of Ling Ye and others.

Originally, the people of the Medicine Immortal Clan were a bit hostile at first, but when they saw that the person who came was Ling Ye, everyone was shocked!

“Blood Shadow Demon Lord? Lord Demon Lord?”

Everyone’s faces were full of doubts, and at the same time they were a little bit afraid, and the hostility also dissipated.

How could the Blood Shadow Demon Lord come to their Medicine Immortal Clan?

And with Luo You Leng?

Also, who is the little girl in her arms with big blood-red eyes like the Blood Shadow Demon Lord?

Why do they feel like a family of three?

The Medicine Immortal Clan has never fought against the outside world, and only concentrates on alchemy quietly!

Ling Ye came here, shouldn’t there be any malicious intent?

He doesn’t look malicious!

Even the image that used to be extremely cold in the eyes of everyone seems to have changed a little now?

Indeed, the change to 513 seems to be a lot softer?

It seems that what is in front of them now is not the blood shadow demon master who suppressed the heavens, but a very plain father!

wait, father?

In his arms… could it be his daughter?

Blood Shadow Demon Lord actually has a daughter?

with whom?

Luo You is cold?

Everyone was surprised and curious!

If so, that would be quite shocking!

Does the Blood Shadow Demon Lord have a child? Or a child with Luo Youlen, the most beautiful woman in the world?


At this moment, an old figure flew up from a hill below.

It was an old man with Tongyan Hefa, with a cane in his hand, and a medicine gourd hanging on the cane.


When they saw the old man, everyone hurriedly shouted.

This person is naturally the Patriarch of the Medicine Immortal Clan.

After he flew up, he hurriedly clasped his fists and bowed at Ling Ye: “Master Demon Lord came to my Medicine Immortal Clan, I don’t know why?”

There is nothing to do without going to the Three Treasures Palace, people like Ling Ye will not come to his Yaoxian clan when they are idle and bored.

I’m afraid something is wrong?

But looking at this posture, it shouldn’t be malicious, right?

Ling Ye looked at the Yaoxian Patriarch on the opposite side, and was about to speak, but Luo You Leng spoke first!

“Patriarch Yao, we’re here… get a pill! It’s for my daughter to break through to the extreme god realm!” Luo You Leng said lightly.

The reason why she spoke first was mainly because Ling Ye opened her mouth, which is the kind of domineering and arrogant aura.

The opening must be “Give it? Don’t give it to kill you like this.

Since she is Ling Ye’s woman, since Ling Ye is the ruler of the heavens and the world!

Then, she will maintain Ling Ye’s image.

Not everything needs to be suppressed by force!

Etiquette and morality can also make people surrender!

Besides, in front of her daughter, it is better to be gentle.

After all, this Medicine Immortal Race is a hidden race that does not fight against all walks of life, so there is no need to be too arrogant to others!

Ling Ye just glanced at Luo You Leng, he naturally knew what Luo You Leng was thinking, so he didn’t say much!

Okay, she wants to be polite, so be polite.

When Luo You Leng said this, everyone was shocked!

Although they had already guessed it just now, they were still shocked when they heard Luo You Leng say it in person!

I didn’t expect it was really Luo You Leng’s daughter?

Who is the father of that child?

Must be the Demon Lord, right?

“A batch!

Ling Ye then corrected Luo You Leng’s words: “My daughter is now in the God Emperor Realm, and I need a complete batch of cultivation medicine pills to help her reach the Extreme God Realm!”

As soon as these words came out, everyone was shocked again!

Sure enough, it is!

Truly their child!

Blood Shadow Demon Lord and Ziyun Palace Lord actually have a daughter?

When did their relationship develop to this point?

Never noticed it before!

The ruler of all heavens and ten thousand realms, and the number one beauty of all heavens and ten thousand realms, have children?

And this kid… looks like four or five years old?

God Emperor Realm?

What kind of evildoer is this?

God Emperor Realm!

Putting the God Emperor Realm in their Medicine Immortal Clan, that is the strength of the top high-level people!

As expected of the children of the two of them, and only the children of the two of them, can they have such strength?

“Haha, first congratulations to the Demon Lord and the Ziyun Palace Lord!”

Yaoxian Patriarch first smiled coldly at Ling Ye and Luo You.

Didn’t expect them to have children?

Still a little princess with such an unprecedented talent!

Now that we have met, we must first say congratulations.

“Thank you, Chief Yao!”

Luo You Leng continued: “We know that refining a batch of medicinal pills that are enough to reach the extreme god realm is very valuable! Therefore, if the medicine patriarch has any needs, you can open it up! We are willing to exchange it at an equal value!”

Ling Ye suddenly glanced at Luo You Leng: “The way you negotiate terms with people still hasn’t changed!

Luo You Leng gave him a confused look!

Do you think everyone is as domineering as you are?

You are not negotiating conditions at all, you are directly asking for it and grabbing it if you don’t give it!

“Haha, since Lord Demon Lord and Palace Lord Ziyun are here in person, it is natural that the old man will not refuse!”

The Yaoxian Patriarch smiled lightly, and continued: “It’s just refining the elixir of the extreme gods. I’m afraid it will not take a year and a half!”

“Many thanks to the Yaoxian Patriarch!” Luo You Leng first thanked, and then said, “We are not in a hurry. When the Yaoxian Patriarch is finished refining, we will come to get it!”

“If that’s the case, then I’ll bother Lord Demon Lord, Palace Lord Ziyun and your little princess, and wait a little longer! The old man is willing to refine a batch of absolutely suitable medicinal pills for her!” The Yaoxian Patriarch continued with a smile.

“If Yaoxian Patriarch has any request, you can say it directly:” Luo You Leng continued.

The world’s number one alchemist refined a batch of elixir that can reach the extreme god realm!

That’s a lot of value!

If any conditions are needed for exchange, they will naturally try to meet them.

“Aah! This old man has no requirements. It is an honor for this old man to refine medicine pills for such a genius!”

The Yaoxian Patriarch smiled lightly, and then said: “It is also an honor for this old man to add another extreme god to the heavens and the world!”

With Luo Xin’s identity, he is naturally completely willing to make medicinal pills for her.

This is Ling Ye’s child. Ling Ye has come to the door in person, so naturally he will not be stupid enough to refuse.

Besides, they still respect Ling Ye!

If it wasn’t for Ling Ye, where would the heavens and the worlds exist today?

Although in the eyes of many people, Ling Ye was a tyrannical tyrant!

But since knowing everything about Ling Ye, their views on Ling Ye have long since changed.

In their eyes, Ling Ye is the pioneer of this era and the master of this era!

So, if he can help Ling Ye, he is willing to help for free!

“The Lord of Demons created this era of the heavens and the world! Without the Lord of the Demons, there would be no heavens and worlds today, and there would not even be heavens and worlds in the future!”

The Yaoxian Patriarch continued: “If the Lord Demon Lord needs to negotiate conditions for these needs, then the old man is really confused!”

Hearing the words of the Yaoxian Patriarch, Luo Youlen immediately thanked again: “Then thank the Yaoxian Patriarch again!

“Xin’er, say thank you!” She then said to Luo Xin.

This is not about high or low, this is the education of children!

With Ling Ye’s temperament, she may not teach these, but she will!

She didn’t want Luo Xin to be-(afec) an ignorant and uneducated child.

“Thank you, Grandpa!” Luo Xin immediately politely thanked the Yaoxian Patriarch.

“Hehe, you’re welcome, you’re welcome!” Yaoxian Patriarch laughed.

Everyone said thank you, what else is there to say?

Practice! Help her practice! Practice now!

All medicinal herbs are refined for her!

“I’m going to prepare the medicinal materials needed to refine the medicine pill. The refining time may be very long, but I will finish it as soon as possible! When the time comes, I will deliver it to the little princess!” The Medicine Immortal Patriarch continued.

“Thank you Yao Patriarch!” Luo You Leng thanked again.

“No need to be polite, this is what this old man should do!” Yaoxian Patriarch said with a smile.

Their Medicine Immortal Clan is still very grateful.

Drink water and think of the source!

If there is no Ling Ye, there are no heavens and ten thousand worlds, where would there be their Medicine Immortal Clan?

“Then we won’t bother!” Luo You Leng continued.

After saying that, he and Ling Ye left with Luo Xin.

“Daddy, this place is so beautiful!” Before leaving, Luo Xin and Ling Ye whispered.

Ziyun Immortal Realm is a real fairyland, it is the beauty of that kind of fairyland!

But here, it is a kind of natural beauty, and she likes it very much.

Like “..then let it stay!” Ling Ye smiled lightly.

As soon as these words came out, Yaoxian Patriarch and others naturally understood what he meant.

From now on, his Medicine Immortal Clan will belong to the Blood Shadow Demon Lord!

This is a powerful umbrella!

“Remember this favor!” Ling Ye then looked at Chao Yaoxian’s patriarch and others.

He is still very principled, even though the other party doesn’t want anything!

But the love is still there!

“These are things within our share, Lord Demon Lord don’t need to care!” Yaoxian Patriarch bowed slightly.

Immediately afterwards, Ling Ye didn’t say more and left with Luo You Leng and Luo Xin.

Go somewhere else and prepare something else for Luo Xin.

With the departure of Ling Ye’s family of three, everyone dared to speak!

“Oh my God, they actually have children?”

“Still such a lovely daughter?”

“Not to mention cute, but… God Emperor Realm? I have lived for thousands of years, and I have not yet reached the God Emperor Realm!”

“This gap hits me hard!”

“This family of three is simply perfect?

“Just now, Lord Demon Lord can say that I owe our Yao family a favor!”

“Puff puff, this is incredible! At a critical moment, this kind of favor is more useful than anything!”

“Isn’t that true? The Taixu Protoss is a good example. It is a favor of the Lord Demon Lord, and the Taixu Protoss was saved!”

Everyone was in a heated discussion.

The Yaoxian Patriarch gently stroked his beard with his palm and whispered: “Don’t worry, Lord Demon Lord, this old man will definitely refine the best medicine pill in the world for her!”

If you want to reach the realm of extreme gods, it is not the medicine that has the final say!

The medicine pill is just an auxiliary function.

However, with Luo Xin’s talent, this auxiliary role can definitely be brought into full play!

Therefore, he will refine the best medicine pill for Luo Xin!

Let Luo Xin reach the ultimate god realm!

Purple Cloud Immortal Realm.

Huahai Immortal Palace, above the Purple Cloud Immortal Lotus in the temple.

I don’t know how many days have passed.

At this time, Baijiu was already awake, and she sat quietly on the purple cloud fairy lotus.

The white jade hand held the wooden sword in his hand with a contemplative expression.

She found that there was something more in her heart.

Just at the moment when she was in a coma due to the duel with Hei Yue, her heart, the complicated feelings for Ling Ye, were completely unconcealed and filled out from the bottom of her heart.

Such feelings are not friends!

Only now did she realize that she had never regarded Ling Ye as a friend.

But… just like Na Luo You Leng’s affection,

The difference is that Luo You doesn’t admit it coldly, but admits it in his heart!

And she didn’t admit it with her mouth or heart!

It’s different from Xi Ji, Xi Ji admits it both with her mouth and heart.

Bai Jiu gently held the three-foot wooden sword in his hand, and his heart was now in chaos.

People like Baijiu, if their hearts are not chaotic, they will be chaotic. But like a mountain falling, like the sky falling apart!

She followed immediately, her jade hand gently exerting force!

The three-foot wooden sword in his hand suddenly shattered.

“What happened to you? Why did you destroy your own sword?”

At this moment, Xi Ji’s voice sounded.

Xi Ji had already fully recovered and had been looking at Baijiu, and she naturally noticed Baijiu’s strange expression.

Zhuge Qingchan was also beside him, also looking at Baijiu at this time.

“The sword heart has been destroyed, what’s the use of keeping it?”

The cold voice of Baijiu rang out.

The swordsmanship she pursued was originally heartless and ruthless!

It’s a pity, but before he knew it, he was already shaken by Ling Ye.

Before, there would be no one in her heart!

But now, there is a man, man!

Naturally, she couldn’t go on with this clear and lonely swordsmanship.

“What kind of swordsman? I really don’t understand people like you, there are so many of them!” Xi Ji shook her head.

Anyway, she can’t understand the people who use swords like Baijiu.

One by one, they all seem to have lost their emotions, so are they still human?

People should have feelings, they should admit their feelings!

Dare to love and hate!

Baijiu let out a sigh of relief, and then slowly raised his jade hand.

Then, under the gazes of Xi Ji and Zhuge Qingmu, she gently untied the black cloth covering her eyes.

Then, that pair of eyes, those eyes that had been tightly closed for an unknown number of years, slowly opened,

Both Xiji and Zhuge Qingmaiden looked at her and were shocked!

Baijiu’s eyes and slender eyelashes, like her hair, are snow-white and very beautiful.

This is definitely a pair of beautiful eyes that are enough to move the soul!

Even Ming Ji has to admit that such a pair of beautiful eyes, looking at the heavens, is definitely among the best, definitely the pinnacle!

“You…you’re not blind?”

Xi Ji’s surprised voice suddenly sounded.

On Zhuge Qingchan’s small face, there is also a touch of shock and surprise!

Sword God Baijiu, is he not blind?

She… so she has such beautiful eyes?

I really don’t understand her, she is so beautiful, why cover it up?

Why should everyone think she is blind?

They don’t know that when Baijiu practiced the sword wholeheartedly, for the sake of the sword, she blindfolded herself and created her own solitary sword heart!

And now, because of Ling Ye, her heart has long been messed up.

So, she destroyed her sword and opened her eyes!

From now on, she will no longer be a pure sword god!

but a woman

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