Chapter 117 Are You Satisfied Now? (Ask for a Monthly Pass)

The sudden kiss caused Luo You’s cold and pretty face to change suddenly, those beautiful eyes and pupils suddenly enlarged!

At this moment, she was completely messed up, unable to think about anything,

Before the quiet spiritual spring, Ling Ye followed Luo You Leng like this, and the two kissed each other.

Along with the petals falling from the sky, along with the unique fragrance of the Purple Cloud Immortal Realm,

The picture was beautiful

It’s a pity that Gou Ruyue and others who have thought about it countless times in their minds can’t see such a picture.

No one can see it!

Apart from.…

At the door outside, Luo Xin with a small head quietly stuck out.

She looked at this scene with some surprise, and those big blood-red and smart eyes blinked a few times.

A small head with a big question mark!

Can it still be so?

Mom and Dad, what is this?

Is this another kind of kiss that Aunt Xun said?

It feels so weird!

Ling Ye and Luo You Leng’s kiss, I don’t know how long it lasted…

After a long time, Ling Ye slowly raised his head, with a contented smile on his face: “Are you still stubborn?”

The implication is very simple, if you are still tough, I can make you soft,

At this moment, Luo You Leng’s whole body is numb!

On that beautiful face, there was a blush that had never been seen before.

She opened her red lips slightly, as if she had a thousand words to say, but she couldn’t utter a single word!

What are you doing? What is this for?

Ling Ye is really like this?

Isn’t he trying to make fun of himself?

Don’t you want to make fun of yourself?

how could this be?

Also, at the moment when Ling Ye lowered his head, he still raised his face, what is this?

Does this count as accommodating?

“Would you like to answer my question just now?” At this time, Ling Ye spoke again.

Luo You Leng raised his head, Mei Mei looked at Ling Ye who was close at hand.

Maybe he did expect something before, but he suddenly did this, of course he couldn’t accept it!

Now, how is she going to answer Ling Ye’s question?

How to speak?

She is completely at a loss!

“What about you? Are you my man again?” Luo You Leng then asked back stiffly.

Why do you want me to admit that I’m your woman?

And you?

“You want me to be your man?” Ling Ye’s mouth curled slightly.

As soon as the words “I” came out, Luo You Leng’s pretty face was stunned again.

Yeah, how can you ask such a question yourself?

I was indeed in front of Ling Ye today, a little silly!

His series of words and actions made him a little less calm?

“I am! I have never denied it!” Ling Ye continued with a smile.

There are children, there is no denying that!

“But you could still be someone else’s man!” Luo You Leng suddenly lowered his head and bit his red lips lightly.

Such an expression and tone, with that slight jealousy, made Ling Ye hug her even tighter!

“No, I promise!” Ling Ye then laughed softly.

“No? What is that? Lover?” Luo You Leng raised her head and looked at Ling Ye.

“The first position has been given to you, so you can’t ignore the rest?”

Ling Ye followed Luo You Leng and said, “You don’t need to care about my relationship with them, you just need to remember that you are the first! And no one can ever replace you!”

Hearing Ling Ye’s words, Luo You looked at him with beautiful eyes, and after a long time, she closed her eyes: “I also don’t allow anyone other than Xin’er to call you Daddy!”

“You mean, we don’t plan to have a few more?” Ling Ye smiled playfully.

“I” Luo You Leng blushed suddenly, how dare you say such a thing?

Why give birth to you?

“Anyway, you know what I mean! You let me take one step, and I let you take one step, and only this one step!” Luo You Leng continued.

She would never allow others to have children with Ling Ye.

If Ling Ye dares to take that step, she will definitely leave Ling Ye with her heart!

Ling Ye promises not to let Xin’er call others her mother, which is indeed a step!

Who is Ling Ye after all?

He is the Demon Lord of Blood Shadow, and whenever he said that he knew Baijiu and Xiji much earlier than her, she would be speechless!

So, she knew that Ling Ye was letting her.

So, she is also willing to take a step back!

But like Ling Ye, only one step aside!


Ling Ye smiled lightly, and then put Luo You Leng’s snow-white delicate chin on her palm again: “You are making me more and more satisfied!”

Sensible! All aspects add up, are so perfect.

For such a woman, it is completely right for her to put her first in her heart!

“I’m not for you! If it’s not for Xin’er, what’s your business with me?” Luo You Leng snorted softly.

“The mouth is still so hard?” Ling Ye suddenly smirked again.

“I… Luo You Leng didn’t dare to speak.

For fear that he would use that way to stop his mouth again!

Even though I actually wanted him to be like that.

But this kind of thing, after all, will be shy!

“You’re not going to let me go?” Luo You Leng continued.

Before she knew it, she also forgot to struggle, and Ling Ye also forgot to let go.

Ling Ye followed her like this, sticking tightly together..

Ling Ye smiled lightly, but still didn’t let go, but both hands were attached to Luo You Leng’s waist.

He then said softly: “We really should have a good private chat!”

Five years ago, until now, his relationship with Luo You Leng has always been complicated!

Although now, it has indeed become a family, a real and anonymous husband and wife.

But the communication between them has indeed been very little.

Didn’t talk well, didn’t get to know each other well.

“Five years ago, I was helpless, and I’m sorry about that!”

Ling Ye continued with a smile: “Now, I can be considered to take this responsibility, right? Can you forgive me?”

Back then, he came to Luo You Leng to deal with Ye Tian.

I didn’t expect it to develop to this extent in the end!

It was indeed something he had to do.

Indeed, he was wrong!

“Humph! If it wasn’t for Xin’er, who knows if you would take any responsibility!” Luo You Leng snorted softly.

She is also very clear about this, maybe if there was no Luo Xin, Ling Ye would not be like this to herself.

“You are wrong, even if you don’t have a heart, you are still mine!” Ling Ye smiled lightly.

Indeed, even without Luo Xin, in his heart, he has already determined that Luo You Leng can only be his own woman!

At the beginning… I really wanted to take her completely for myself!

However, without Luo Xin, his attitude might not be as gentle as it is now.

Without Luo Xin, I would probably treat her similar to Xi Ji and others, maybe a little bit special, but nothing special!

“I haven’t said I’m yours yet!” Luo You Leng glared at Ling Ye.

“You mean you want me to force you to say it?” Ling Ye smirked again.

“I didn’t forgive you anyway!” Luo You Leng quickly lowered his head.

Maybe there was a lesson from the previous lesson, every time she noticed that Ling Ye’s expression was not right, she would lower her head subconsciously, lest Ling Ye kiss again!

Just once, if you come again, I am afraid that he will really kill him!

“Tell me, what did you think at the beginning?” Ling Ye then asked curiously.

Don’t tell me you’re pregnant!

As long as you tell me, what about you?

What blood sun fruit, all other things, all problems, I will solve them all!

You don’t have to suffer so much!

As soon as Luo Xin was born, he had the strength of God Emperor Realm, and his talent was unprecedented.

One can imagine the hardships Luo You Leng endured!

“I didn’t think of anything!”

Luo You replied coldly, and the grievance in her heart poured out again.

Five years ago, she decided that she would bear everything alone!

I want to give birth to the child alone.

Indeed, she was wronged!

If Ling Ye helped herself, she might not have worked so hard.

But… at that time, how could she speak to Ling Ye?

How can I talk about this with Ling Ye?

“Why didn’t you tell me in the first place? If you did, I would prepare everything for you!” Ling Ye then said softly.

Even if he knew that he was about to fall, he would definitely arrange everything for Luo You Leng before he died!

“If I tell you, how will you fight that Ye Tian?”

Luo You Leng raised his head, those beautiful eyes that were moving, began to turn a little red.

This is also one of the main reasons why she chose to bear it alone in the first place.

At that time, Ling Ye was about to fight Ye Tianjue to the death. If she told Ling Ye about this, Ling Ye would definitely be confused.

Maybe it won’t be the way it is now!

Therefore, at that time, she did not tell Ling Ye for various reasons.

Seeing Luo You Leng’s moist eyes, Ling Ye raised her palm and gently stroked her pretty face: “Sorry! It’s all my fault!”

So in the beginning, she was also thinking for herself!

And myself, I don’t even know it!

Even at the beginning, her attitude towards her was somewhat indifferent.

I am really sorry for her.

Luo You Leng has endured a lot not only for Luo Xin, but also for him.

He really should put Luo You Leng first in his heart, no one else can ever replace him!

Feeling Ling Ye’s tenderness, Luo You Leng’s eyes became even more rosy.

Then, she raised her hands, hugged Ling Ye’s back, and put her face in his arms.

This time, she’s taking the initiative!

She admitted that she really needed Ling Ye’s tenderness, Ling Ye’s care, Ling Ye’s company, and everything from Ling Ye.

She is a strong woman, but she is only a woman after all, and her heart is still weak after all!

And the kiss from Ling Ye just now completely pulled the distance between them and opened her heart!

She leaned her face on Ling Ye’s chest, when she confessed all her inner thoughts and all her affection for Ling Ye with her actions..

She finally let go and cried!

“Of course it’s your fault, it’s all your fault!”

“You weren’t around when I was pregnant with Xin’er, and you weren’t around when Xin’er was born!”

“Every time Xin’er asks you, I don’t know how to answer her!!

“Watching Xin’er grow up day by day, I really hope that not only me, but also her father will grow up with her!”

“But you’re not here, you’ve never been here!”

“I’m really sad sometimes, I really don’t know how Xin’er will explain to her when she grows up!

“Ling Ye, you are a bastard, a big bastard!”

This time, Luo You Leng let go completely.

Crying and venting in Ling Ye’s arms!

In fact, for the past five years, she has wanted to vent her emotions for a long time!

But she couldn’t find anyone to vent at all.

Because except for Ling Ye, it is impossible for her to vent her emotions to others.

And now, in Ling Ye’s arms, she can vent all her grievances, all her hardships, and all cry!

Luo You Leng’s cry and choked voice made Ling Ye feel tender and tender.

He held Luo You Leng tightly in his arms, and in the future, he would never let Luo You Leng suffer any grievances again.

I will never owe her again!

I will do everything I can to make up for her and my heart.

“Mother, at this time, Luo Xin, who was hiding at the door, watched Luo You Leng cry like this, and her big eyes became a little wet.

Although she has seen her mother cry before, she has never lost control of her emotions like this!

Maybe the mother is only like this when she is in the arms of the father?

Although Luo Xin was still young, she understood many things.

She just hid at the door and didn’t come in.

She knew that her mother had not been with her father for five years, and she must be very lonely and sad inside.

And now, when Dad finally came back, of course Mom would do this, right?

Then don’t bother them.

Luo You Leng’s vent this time lasted for a long time before she slowly stopped.

She poured out all the love-hate emotions she had towards Ling Ye for the past five years!

This time, she completely opened her heart and let Ling Ye see her true thoughts!

After some talk, Luo You Leng sniffed lightly, raised his head, and looked at Ling Ye with rosy eyes: “Can you let me go?”

Now, in front of Ling Ye, she is no longer arrogant or cold.

Because of all the thoughts in her heart, now Ling Ye knows it!

Looking at Luo You Leng in her arms, Ling Ye just smiled lightly, then raised her hand and gently wiped away the tears on her face.

“I will make up for everything I owe you and Xiner!” He then said softly: “With me in the future, you will not suffer any more grievances and suffering!”

“If you can do it, let’s talk about it!” Luo You Leng gently stroked her red lips, and there was a bit of complaint in her tone.

“I promise!” Ling Ye smiled lightly.

Luo You coldly looked at Ling Ye in front of him, this time, she was real…no reservations!

This is a complete showdown!

“Are you satisfied now?” Luo You Leng said angrily.

Although I don’t want to lose to Ling Ye, I don’t want to be the first to reveal my heart!

But he still lost to Ling Ye after all.

It is you who expresses everything that is in your heart first.

Although, also got the same response from Ling Ye!

But, in the end, he still lost.

In the end, I still can’t beat him…

“To you.. I’ve always been satisfied!” Ling Ye smiled again.

Indeed, Luo You Leng is a woman who can truly satisfy him in all aspects!

This is absolutely impossible for anyone to achieve.

Hearing this, Luo You Leng glanced at Ling Ye and continued, “Let go of me!”

“I’m a little reluctant, what should I do?” Ling Ye hugged her tightly, with a smile on the corner of her mouth.

“You Luo You Leng struggled lightly for a while, but Ling Ye didn’t mean to let go.

“What do you want?” She glared at Ling Ye again: “Can’t you bear to hold it all the time?”

“It’s not impossible!” Ling Ye nodded lightly.

“Aren’t you afraid that Xiji and the others will see?” Luo You Leng snorted softly.

“Why should I be afraid of who sees it?” Ling Ye smiled again.

Except for Luo You Leng, other women really don’t care about him at all!

He can let Luo You Leng, he can give Luo You Leng absolute tenderness and pampering!

Others can’t reach this level.

“Let go of me first, I have something to tell you!” Luo You Leng’s expression returned to normal.

As soon as these words came out, Ling Ye released her.

As soon as he released it, Luo You Leng glared at him fiercely!

In the future, I can’t just hug him casually, or I won’t let go.

Also, it is best not to have the opportunity to get along alone in the future, lest he go too far.

I haven’t forgiven him yet, how can I let him do whatever he wants?

“Void family, how are you going to deal with it?” Luo You Leng then asked in a serious tone.

“It’s my business!” Ling Ye replied.

“I want to know! I want to know all your plans!” Luo You coldly looked at Ling Ye with her beautiful eyes.

Now I have already told you everything, and of course I also want to know about you.

Seeing Luo You Leng’s expression, Ling Ye smiled and then nodded.

OK, it’s not impossible!

He didn’t tell Luo Youleng, in fact, he just didn’t want Luo Youleng to worry!

He didn’t even want Luo You Leng to be involved in anything dangerous!

But if Luo You Leng really wants to know, it is not impossible to say!

“Eradicate all Void Kings, all Void Army!” Ling Ye then said.

“What about the Lord of the Void?” Luo You Leng then asked.

“If it can be sealed, it’s best to keep him from coming out forever!” Ling Ye said lightly.

The Lord of the Void is the realm of infinity!

And it also condenses the infinite origin of the entire void world!

Sealing him is to suppress this scourge!

Second, it is to protect that Promise Source!

So if possible, he really hopes that the Lord of the Void can never be known by anyone.

Seal forever!

But… if we have to, we still have to eradicate that scourge completely!

“So what about the rain?

Luo You Leng then asked.

Void family, no problem.

The Lord of the Void, as long as there is no Supreme Divine Pillar in all directions, it is impossible to resurrect!

But Yu Duan is totally different, as long as he completely smelts the four bodies of Heaven Destruction, he will come to the heavens!

It’s only a matter of time!

When the time comes, how can Ling Ye deal with the four Promise Realms?

Ling Ye herself is not yet in the realm of infinite!

“You can’t guarantee that you will reach the Promise Realm before him, right? And even if you reach the Promise Realm, with one against four, you may not have a chance of winning!” Luo You Leng continued.

After all, it was the third supreme artifact.

Even if Ling Ye can reach the limitless realm by herself, she will definitely be difficult to deal with!

“I have my own way!” Ling Ye said lightly.

“What are you going to do? Can’t even tell me?” Luo You Leng glared at him.

We’ve all come to this point, what can’t we say?

“If I have to, I will let the heavens and myriads of worlds…the boundless realm!” Ling Ye then said lightly.

As soon as these words came out, Luo You Leng was immediately puzzled.

No more boundless realm?

What’s the meaning?

“If I can, I naturally don’t want to destroy the natural development of the whole world! But when I have to… I will make the whole world make some sacrifices!” Ling Ye then said lightly.

“You want to destroy the source of Wuji?” Luo You Leng guessed Ling Ye’s plan all of a sudden.

“As expected of my woman!” Ling Ye smiled lightly.

As long as the source of the infinite is destroyed, the heavens and the myriad worlds will exist in the boundless realm!

Heaven destroys the four bodies, and will no longer possess the power of the Promise Realm! Bafang Supreme Divine Pillar will no longer possess the repressive power of the Promise Realm!

At that time, the heavens and the world, and even the void world, the extreme god realm, will be the real peak!

In the void of all worlds, there is no higher realm!

Even the half-step infinite realm will no longer exist!

At that time, even if the rain broke out, it was only the peak of the four extreme gods in 513, so there was nothing to be afraid of!

Of course, he didn’t want to use this method unless he had to.

After all, he does have to consider the future of the entire world.

Although he is the blood shadow demon master, although he dominates the heavens, although the weak eat the strong!

But, after all, he still cares about the heavens and the world!

“Then how can you find the source of Wuji?” Luo You Leng then asked.

The origin of the infinite, is divided into two parts, one is born and the other is dead!

The infinite origin of the void world was suppressed in the extreme abyss along with the master of the void.

But where is the infinite source of the heavens and the world, can Ling Ye find it?

“I have my own way!” Ling Ye smiled lightly.

As soon as these words came out, Luo You Leng frowned slightly: “Can you not treat me as an outsider?”

With all that said, what else can’t be said?

While saying that I’m your woman, you don’t let me know anything mysteriously at the same time!

what is this?

Am I your woman or an outsider?

Looking at Luo You Leng’s expression, Ling Ye then smiled: “Okay, I’ll tell you everything you want to know!”

“Then, how do you find the source of Wuji?” Luo You Leng asked.

In fact, she has no other intentions. If she can help Ling Ye, she will do her best to help Ling Ye.

Even if Ling Ye doesn’t need herself, she still wants to know all the situation and see how good Ling Ye’s chances are!

Ling Ye is his own man, so of course he has to worry about everything about him!

“Five years ago, we moved and destroyed all the worlds, and arranged a great formation in the void of all worlds. This great formation covers the entire world! It can sense almost everything in the world!”

Ling Ye went on to say: “Back then, I also relied on the Myriad Realms Void Formation to make myself reborn!

“Myriad Realms Void Formation?” Luo You Leng suddenly recalled: “So that’s why you wanted to move Ziyun Immortal Realm in the first place?”

Is this why Ling Ye and Zhuge Qingmu wanted to destroy all worlds and move all worlds around?

Myriad Realms Void Array?

Can Ling Ye be reborn?

No wonder he has reached the pinnacle of the extreme god realm in just five years!


Ling Ye nodded: “So by virtue of this Great Void Formation of Myriad Realms, I can sense the existence of the infinite source, condense and destroy it! Of course, this is a last resort!”

If there is another way to deal with the rain, he will try to use other ways!

“Of course there is another way, that is to find the first supreme artifact!” Ling Ye continued.

“How to find it?” Luo You Leng asked quickly.

“How much do I know?” Ling Ye shook his head.

As long as there is that first supreme divine weapon, everything can be destroyed and everything can be created in a single thought!

Dealing with Yu Duanqian is naturally no problem!

It is a pity that the first supreme artifact, the beginning of the void of all worlds, is elusive and has no clues!

What kind of existence is that, even he doesn’t know!

Luo You Leng then let out a sigh of relief: “Anyway, as long as you guarantee that you can win and that you will not have an accident!

If something really happened to Ling Ye, she and Luo Xin might really be heartbroken!

Therefore, no matter what the future of this world is, it doesn’t matter if the source of Wuji is destroyed!

Now, she only needs her man, as long as her daughter’s father can be safe and sound.

“Hehe, don’t worry, I won’t let anyone get a chance to climb on my head again!” Ling Ye smiled lightly.

Back then, I was indeed kind to this world, and considering the future development, I did not destroy the source of Promise!

But this time, if the time comes, he will never hesitate!

“You are also my woman now. What you said at the beginning, I will always stand at the highest point, so that the world will never be able to talk about the ship!” Ling Ye continued.

Luo You Leng once said that whoever wins and kills him will marry whoever she is!

Even when I hear it now, it still feels a little weird!

Who would have thought that Luo You Leng would directly become his woman in the end?

“I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have said that!” Luo You Leng looked at Ling Ye with apologetic eyes.

Indeed, he was so stupid back then, how could he say such a thing?

“Is there no sincerity in the apology?” Ling Ye’s mouth curled slightly again.

As soon as these words came out, Luo You’s brows straightened slightly: “What kind of sincerity do you want?”

Ling Ye smiled lightly, and suddenly hugged her into his arms again, and said lightly, “I’ve already taken the initiative, now it’s your turn!”

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