Chapter 111 Little Ancestor, you are killing me and waiting for you (seeking a monthly ticket)

The father is the invincible blood shadow demon master, the mother is the first beauty in the heavens and the world, and the daughter is born in the god emperor realm!

Such a family of three, looking at the heavens, can they find a second family?

Absolutely not!

This is really amazing!

The dean and teachers of Tianshu College all looked at Ling Ye’s family of three with shocked eyes.

No wonder I always feel that Luo Xin and Luo You Leng are a bit alike, with similar styles and temperaments!

No wonder Luo Xin’s eyes are noble blood red!

It was exactly as they thought, it was inherited from Ling Ye!

Also, if that’s the case, then the Blood Shadow Demon Lord should have no ill intentions when he came to Tianshu Academy, right?

Luo Xin has never suffered any harm in Tianshu Academy!

Darling, if Luo Xin ever suffered any harm in their college, today their Tianshu Academy, and even the entire Tianshu world, will definitely be finished!

Ling Ye will definitely make them not even ashes left!

Fortunately, they have always treated Luo Xin as a little ancestor.

Never treat her badly!

There’s even only special treatment for her!

In the entire Tianshu Academy, Luo Xin has always been the most special!

On the opposite side, Luo You Leng only let out a sigh of relief when she heard Luo Xin’s straightforward introduction.

All right, just say it, anyway, with Ling Ye here, she doesn’t have to worry about anything!

Although this not only announced the relationship between myself and Luo Xin, but also announced the relationship between myself and Ling Ye!

But it is not impossible.

Although I don’t want to be cheap like this Ling Ye, I have to admit that Ye is the man I have long recognized!

“What’s the matter with you? Why don’t you speak?”

At this time, Luo Xin asked curiously again.

Why is everyone in a daze?

This is my father and mother, but I have father and mother!

You don’t say anything to show it?

Are you stunned?

On the opposite side, Dean Tianshu and others jumped fiercely again!


May 1 “Zero” little ancestor, what do you want us to say?

What can we say now?

What dare we say?

Your father is the Demon Lord of Blood Shadow. If we don’t speak well, the whole academy will be wiped out.

“It sounds like my daughter is having a good time at your Tianshu Academy!”

Just then, Ling Ye spoke.

Ling Ye’s voice suddenly made the dean and teachers all very clever, and they all came back to their senses quickly.

“Yes! Lord Demon Lord, Young Palace Lord, she has always been the best and most outstanding child in our academy, and is our common protection object!”

The dean hurriedly lowered his head and said.

This is true!

This is not only about Luo Xin’s identity, but also about the reputation of their academy!

The students of the God Emperor Realm can’t find a few!

What’s more, a four-year-old God Emperor Realm?

Luo Xin’s strength has absolutely nothing to do with them.

It is their Tianshu Academy’s honor that Luo Xin can be named a student in their academy!

They have always treated her as a little ancestor.

Luo You Leng is also clear about this.

“Xin’er, do you want to play at Tianshu Academy in the future?” Ling Ye then asked Luo Xin.

“Of course! I know a lot of children!” Luo Xin nodded quickly.

Here, with peers playing with her, she can indeed find some fun!

Hearing Luo Xin’s words, Ling Ye nodded.

Also, of course Luo Xin also needs a complete childhood, although he can indeed give Luo Xin absolute protection, but other things must also be given to her.

Immediately afterwards, Ling Ye’s gaze was on Dean Chao and the others.

The dean and the others were silent at this time, like ministers waiting for the king to speak!

“If my daughter suffers any grievances or harm in your Tianshu Academy in the future, I will make your entire Tianshu world go to pieces! Understand?” Ling Ye then said lightly.

“Yes! Yes, yes! I understand! Lord Demon Lord, rest assured, the Young Palace Lord is a genius of all ages, and her strength, even if she is compared with the higher-ups of our academy, is only not weak!”

The dean nodded quickly: “It’s only her who hurts others, and no one else can hurt her! We will also do our best so that the young palace master will not suffer any grievances, nor any harm in any way!”

Unexpectedly, Luo Xin is still the daughter of the Blood Shadow Demon Lord. Now, they have to take great care of Luo Xin.

This is a serious little ancestor!

No one can ever be offended!

Ling Ye just nodded, and only in this way can he rest assured to let Luo Xin stay in this academy.

“Dad, why do the dean and the others seem to be afraid of you?” At this time, Luo Xin’s small hand grabbed Ling Ye’s big hand again and asked.

Although she is still young, it can be seen that in front of Ling Ye, the dean and others feel that they are submissive!

Opposite, the dean and others all laughed dryly!

Although they are usually the top leaders of Tianshu College, they are high-level existences in the eyes of all students!

But in front of Ling Ye, there is absolutely no high-ranking existence!

Ling Ye is the highest!

There’s nothing shameful about it, who isn’t like this in front of Ling Ye?

“Because, they also want to protect the good heart!” Ling Ye smiled lightly.

This sentence can be regarded as saving face for the dean and the others!

“Hey! Then thank you all!” Luo Xin immediately said thanks to the dean and others.

“No no you’re welcome, this is what we should do, what we should do!”

The dean and the others waved their hands quickly, thank you?

Little Ancestor, you are making me wait!

Where can I bear your thanks?

At this moment, there was a sudden change in the entire Tianshu world!

The dean and others all frowned instantly, because they noticed that someone broke into the Tianshu world again!

“Is this the Void family?”

The dean’s face sank instantly, and he quickly ordered: “Everyone, prepare for battle!”

They can perceive that there are people from the Void family who have come to Tianshu World!

And they are two kings of the void! Two extreme gods are at their peak!

There is also a person in the early stage of the extreme god realm!

Ling Ye also raised his head. Of course, he also noticed the Void family who entered the Tianshu world at the first moment.

The two Void Kings, Han Sha and Heiyue, also brought some Void creatures from the God Emperor Realm and a person in the early stage of the Extreme God Realm!

Is that… mundane?

“Go back with your heart!”

Immediately, Ling Ye said to Luo You Leng.

“Dad, what happened?” Luo Xin asked quickly.

“It’s nothing, just a small matter, you go back first, and I’ll play with you after Daddy is done with it, okay?” Ling Ye said with a smile.

The next brutal picture is not easy for Luo Xin to see!

“Late…good! Then my mother and I will go back first!” Luo Xin nodded her head obediently.

Luo Leng then held Luo Xin’s little hand and said to Ling Ye, “Be careful!”

“It’s not your turn to worry about my affairs, just take care of your heart!” Ling Ye smiled lightly.

Luo You Leng glared at him immediately, caring for you with kindness and kindness, you still don’t appreciate it?

Immediately, she took Luo Xin with a faint twist all over her body, and went back to Ziyun Immortal Realm!

She knew that Ling Ye should clean up the Void Clan next!

And that Ren Fanchen, who betrayed Ling Ye back then, of course Ling Ye won’t let him go!

So next, it could be a killing!

Luo Xin was indeed inconvenient to see.

Following Luo You Leng and Luo Xin’s departure, Ling Ye’s gaze then turned to Dean Chao Tianshu.

Dean Tianshu immediately clasped his fist at Ling Ye: “Lord Demon Lord, two Void Kings have come to the other side, and Lord Demon Lord has also been asked to help!

He is also in the extreme god realm, but only in the early stage of the extreme god realm!

It is of course impossible to face the two Void Kings at the peak of the extreme god realm.

Since this time, the Void family has been raging in the heavens and the world!

Specially selected forces to start, as long as there are no forces that exist in the extreme god realm, they will dare to move.

This time, he must have set his sights on Tianshu Academy!

Fortunately, their Tianshu College sent all the students back long ago and they haven’t called them back yet!

Otherwise, today, I am afraid that the consequences are really unpredictable.

Also, Lord Demon is here, his daughter is a student of Tianshu College, he should be able to take action, right?

“This Void family should really be cleaned up completely!”

Ling Ye just said coldly, and then flew out.

Dean Tianshu and the others were instantly overjoyed, and then quickly followed.

As long as Ling Ye is there, no matter what kind of Void clan he is, there is absolutely nothing to fear.

At this time, outside, above the sky of Tianshu Realm, Heiyue and Han Sha led a few Void creatures behind them who had eight Void Light Eyes and almost opened the ninth Void Light Eye!

And Ren Fanchen!

This Tianshu Academy, looking at the heavens, is indeed powerful, and there are powerhouses in the extreme god realm.

But it’s not the strongest, the dean is only in the early stage of the extreme god realm!

Therefore, as long as the dean is swallowed, their Void family can give birth to a Void King Deputy!

Therefore, they are here today, bringing those Void Creatures who are at the peak of the God Emperor Realm to advance to the Void King Deputy!

And what about Ren Fanchen?

He originally planned to hide completely, but he accidentally encountered the army of the Void Clan!

In the face of the Void King at the peak of the Extreme God Realm, of course he was defeated, so he was forced to take refuge with the Void Clan!

In fact, he wanted to take refuge with the Void Clan a long time ago, but Ling Ye was resurrected, he knew that with Ling Ye there, the Void Clan had no future at all!

Therefore, he dismissed the idea of ​​taking refuge in the Void Clan, and just hoped that he could find a place to hide!

However, he was accidentally bumped into by the King of the Void. In order to save his life, he only pretended to take refuge in the Void family.

At this time, on the opposite side of them, the countless high-level powerhouses of Tianshu Academy and Tianshu World all flew out.

They all looked solemn and looked at Ren Fanchen and the others opposite.

Unexpectedly, the Void Clan took their Tianshu Realm as a target?

Fortunately, the students have all left, otherwise today, I am afraid that there will be serious casualties!

But now, there will be heavy casualties as well!

Maybe not. The entire Tianshu Academy and the entire Tianshu Academy will cease to exist!

After all, the other party has two Void Kings!

“Tianshu Academy, it looks really good!”

Han Sha smiled coldly: “Devouring this group of people, maybe a Void King will be born!”

“If the dean of the early stage of the extreme gods is also swallowed, two Void Kings will be born!”

“What are you waiting for?”

As soon as Han Sha’s words fell, the void creatures in the God Emperor realm behind them were planning to start killing them directly!

But at this moment, the dean of Tianshu College flew up with several high-level executives…

And in front of them is Ling Ye!

When seeing Ling Ye, Han Sha and Hei Yue’s eyes suddenly changed drastically!

The Void creatures in the God Emperor Realm behind them also instantly fixed their bodies!

Blood Shadow Lord?

how come?

How could he be here?

How could he be in Tianshu Academy?

Demon Lord “Sir?

Ren Fanchen’s complexion also changed in an instant.

What kind of luck do you have?

I didn’t mention the two Void Kings at first, but now I met Ling Ye directly?

Ren Fanchen’s heart sank for a while!


It’s completely over now!

Ling Ye will never let him go!

On the opposite side, when many powerhouses in the Tianshu world saw Ling Ye, they were all shocked!

Lord Demon?

Is he actually in Tianshu Academy?

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief when they were shocked!

If he is here, Tianshu Realm may be saved!

Although, they are also full of fear and awe of Ling Ye!

But compared with the Void Clan, it is not the same!

Ling Ye brings them a sense of security while giving them fear!

Because Ling Ye won’t do anything to others!

Tianshu Academy has always been an enemy of no one.

Therefore, Ling Ye will not treat their Tianshu Academy!

Ling Ye has his own principles!

As soon as Ling Ye came out, her blood-red eyes looked at Han Sha and Hei Yue opposite, and then said coldly, “You guys seem to be arrogant these days?”

On the opposite side, Heiyue and Han Sha both had sullen faces.

If the Blood Shadow Demon Lord is here, can they still attack Tianshu World?

Of course not possible!


Immediately, Han Sha and Hei Yue both distorted the space around them and retreated!


As soon as they acted, Ling Ye on the opposite side burst out!

That vast blood energy instantly blocked their retreat!

“Is this a half-step limitless realm?”

When they noticed the majestic aura emanating from Ling Ye’s body, both Hei Yue and Han Sha’s eyes changed dramatically!

In such a short period of time, he has reached the half-step limitless realm?

If so, what else do they use to fight Ling Ye?

“Stop him!”

Immediately, Hei Yue and Han Sha were both ordered, and those void creatures in the God Emperor realm rushed towards Ling Ye!

Ling Ye just squeezed the palm of his hand suddenly, and the blood energy instantly enveloped those void creatures!


With an explosion, those Void Creatures at the peak of the God Emperor Realm were instantly crushed!

It turned into a few balls of light and dissipated in this high sky!

However, in that instant, Hei Yue and Han Sha successfully left here.

Ling Ye didn’t catch up for the time being, if he wanted to chase, Hei Yue and Han Sha would naturally not be able to escape!

He is not in a hurry now, he will chase after him in a while, and no one can escape!

He just stared coldly at Ren Fanchen, who was stunned in the air.

“Big. Sir!”

When he noticed Ling Ye’s gaze, Ren Fanchen’s legs softened and he knelt down in the air.

At this time, his body trembled, and he was already sweating in the blink of an eye!

Now, he seems to have clearly felt that he is shrouded in death.

Ling 4.2 Ye’s eyes were announcing his death!

Ling Ye is still alive, and now, his strength has recovered to the half-step supreme state of the year.

The current Ling Ye is still the Ling Ye of the past!

The only difference is that there is no Ye Tian in the world to deal with the current Ling Ye.

The current Ling Ye is an invincible existence!

He is now full of fear and remorse!

If you didn’t choose to leave Ling Ye at the beginning, what would it be like now?

The last bet I made at the time was really a complete loss!

Why do you want to hold Ye Tian? How could you be so ignorant at the time?

Ling Ye has some means, he should have thought that Ling Ye could not lose to Ye Tian!

Too bad… it’s too late now.

Ling Ye just looked down at Ren Fanchen with a cold gaze, without saying a word.

Lord, “! Lord, back then, I was just a ghost for a while, Lord, I admit my mistake, I admit my mistake!”

Ren Fanchen knelt in front of Ling Ye, lowered his head, and his voice trembled: “I, I regretted it very much back then. When I saw the Lord’s fall, I wish I could die with you!”

“Master Demon! I am now… now willing to follow you forever!”

“Please give me a chance, I will do my best to give everything and my life for Lord Demon Lord!”

“In the future, I will swear allegiance to the Lord Demon Lord!”

“My stupid behavior back then, I hope Lord Demon Lord forgive me!”

Ren Fanchen was trembling while kneeling in the air, begging for mercy.

It sounds a little naive!

Facing his words, Ling Ye’s expression did not change at all.

He just sounded indifferently: “A dog I raised back then betrayed me, found a new owner, and bit me back with his new owner!”

“And now, the dog is back, wagging its tail at me, and saying a few stupid things to show loyalty!

“Do you think…I should forgive this dog for what he did and keep him around?”

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