Chapter 110 The strongest family of three in the heavens (seeking a monthly ticket)

“A family of three should look like a family of three!”

Ling Ye smiled lightly.

Looking at Ling Ye’s hand reaching out to him, Luo You Leng hesitated.

Do you really want to hold on?

Although these are what she has always expected.

However, she just didn’t want to admit it in front of Ling Ye!

I just don’t want to bypass Ling Ye casually!

Why forgive him?

What did he do to himself in the first place?

She will never forget what Ling Ye did to her back then!

That was a big hatred, the biggest hatred in her life!

The big revenge is not avenged, so I forgive it so easily Ling Ye, everything is cheap for him?

Where is it so good?

“You don’t want to?” Ling Ye looked at Luo You Leng.

“Why should I be willing?” Luo You Leng’s beautiful eyes also looked at him.

“Luo You Leng, I’ve been accommodating you, it’s too good to go!” Ling Ye continued.

For the sake of giving birth to a daughter for me, and also for the sake of giving you too much, I can do my best to give you everything!

I will do my best to make up for you!

But it doesn’t mean that I’m going to kneel and lick you in turn!

“Accommodate me? What are you accommodating me?” As soon as these words came out, Luo You Leng frowned slightly.

How dare you say such a thing?

Besides, have I passed?

Where have I been?

“Anyway, when I take the initiative, you’d better not be ignorant!” Ling Ye continued.

As soon as these words came out, Luo You Leng was even more unhappy.

You mean, I was wrong instead?

Does everything have to be your way?


“Dad, you can’t be cruel to your mother!” At this moment, Luo Xin, who was in his arms, spoke.

“You have to be gentle with your mother!”

She went on to say, “Dad, I’ll teach you, you say, “Miss, let’s go!” Isn’t that all right?”

The little guy’s words made Ling Ye and Luo You Leng almost burst out laughing.

You are really young and you know a lot?


what lady?

What is the relationship between the two of us, you don’t understand at all!

“I’m very gentle now!” Ling Ye then smiled and said coldly at Luo You.

“Be gentle!” Luo You gave him a cold look.

But then, he still raised his jade hand and placed it in Ling Ye’s palm.

Then, she turned her head away and added in a low voice, “For the sake of my heart!”

“You can say whatever you want!” Ling Ye smiled lightly.

Immediately, one hand held Luo Xin in his arms, and the other held Luo You Leng.

A family of three rushed towards Tianshu Realm.

Leaving behind a new look in all directions of Ziyun Immortal Realm.

Although, the relationship between the Palace Master and the Demon Master is still the same as before, a little complicated!

But with Luo Xin in the middle, they can show it very well!

Both of them were arrogant and didn’t want to bow their heads in front of each other, but Luo Xin became their bridge.

Or to put it another way, Luo Xin is the medium through which they can blatantly express their love to each other!

Their family of three can be so happy, right?

Ling Ye held Luo You Leng and Luo Xin, and rushed towards Tianshu Realm.

On the way, there was a faint smile on the corner of Ling Ye’s mouth.

The palm of the hand pinched Luo You Leng’s jade hand a little too honestly,

“What are you doing?” Luo You Leng glared at him sideways.

Although that look was a bit of a warning, it didn’t show any resistance and didn’t break free from Ling Ye.

“I didn’t have much time to appreciate you before, I seem to have missed a lot!” Ling Ye smiled wickedly.

Luo You Leng is perfect in all aspects, not to mention the appearance and temperament, even the pair of jade hands are slender and snow-white, as delicate as jade.

When you hold it in your hand, you can’t help but want to squeeze it.

As soon as these words came out, Luo You Leng immediately turned his head away!

It is said that a woman is the one who pleases herself, but she doesn’t care what other people look at her!

Only care, Ling Ye’s!

She doesn’t need the appreciation of others, what she needs most is undoubtedly Ling Ye’s.

Only Ling Ye’s is needed!

Because in her heart, there was only one Ling Ye!

She will also care about how Ling Ye sees her eyes!

Ling Ye can say that, she will indeed have some heart palpitations!

Father, “Mother, what are you talking about?” Luo Xin looked at Ling Ye with curious eyes.

Of course she didn’t understand what Ling Ye and Luo You Leng were saying!

He couldn’t even notice that Ling Ye was dishonest in holding Luo You Leng’s hand.

“Xin’er, is your mother beautiful?” Ling Ye asked with a smile.

“Of course! Mother is the most beautiful in the world!” Luo Xin nodded.

“Daddy thinks so too! In Daddy’s eyes, mother is the most perfect!” Ling Ye smiled.

These words made Luo You Leng’s heart beat faster, and there was an inexplicable shyness on that beautiful face!

In his heart, is he like this?

The most perfect?

Of course she is very happy to be able to get such an evaluation as Ling Ye!

“Dad, then why don’t you call your mother a wife? And your mother doesn’t call your father a husband!” Luo Xin then asked curiously.

The parents of other children call each other their husband and wife, so why are their parents different?

“That’s right! Do you want to change your name later?” Ling Ye smiled lightly and looked at Luo You Leng.

Why “?” Luo You coldly snorted.

“Look, I will let everyone in the heavens and the world know that you are my woman!”

Ling Ye continued: “As for what you said at the beginning, do you still need to face it now?”

Back then, Luo You Leng said that whoever killed Ling Ye and who won Ling Ye would marry her!

now what?

No one can beat Ling Ye!

Tell everyone directly that she is already Ling Ye’s woman!

Who would dare to have such thoughts on Luo You Leng?

Luo You Leng is her woman, so there is nothing wrong with being a husband and wife!

“I’m not your woman!” Luo You coldly snorted.

“No? Where isn’t it?” Ling Ye suddenly gave a bad smile.

Inside and out, where is not mine?

Body and mind are mine!

Seeing Ling Ye’s eyes and hearing Ling Ye’s words, Luo You Leng naturally knew what he meant!

Immediately, he pulled the jade hand back: “That’s just what you think!

“Could it be that there is something else you don’t belong to me? You say, what else do I not get?” Ling Ye smiled wickedly.

“You didn’t get anything!” Luo You Leng turned his head away.

“Then I’ll take it slowly!” Ling Ye held Luo You Leng’s jade hand again.

Luo You Leng tilted her head, deliberately not looking at Ling Ye!

When she said these words, of course she couldn’t look at Ling Ye!

Because she is afraid, afraid that she will be shy!

She didn’t want to look like that shy little woman in front of anyone!

However, her hand that was held by Ling Ye was not taken back.

It seems that holding hands is a habit for her!

Fully allowed!

Shouldn’t this be the case between normal lovers?

She then thought about it, and quickly changed the subject: “I want Xin’er to reach the state of extreme gods before adulthood! You think of a way!”

“Before becoming an adult? You are really going to give me problems!” Ling Ye frowned slightly.

“Is it difficult? You can reach the peak of the extreme god realm from the loss of your cultivation in five years! Let Xin’er reach the extreme god realm from the god emperor realm in more than ten years, can’t you do it?”

Luo You Leng turned around and stared at Ling Ye: “I don’t care anyway, you have to do it! This is your responsibility!”

“Aah, you ordered me to come?” Ling Ye smiled lightly.

“This is for Xin’er! You can do it for yourself, but not for Xin’er?” Luo You Leng looked at him.

Ling Ye just smiled, this is different!

He was forging the body of a puppet, and the materials that he was looking for were incomparable throughout the ages.

Even if he wants to re-forge a body of the extreme gods now, he will definitely not be able to do it within five years!

“I’ll think of a way, it’s not impossible for more than ten years!” But Ling Ye then nodded.

This is indeed his responsibility.

Luo You Leng had done too much for Luo Xin, and everything in the womb was prepared for Luo Xin.

If Luo Xin was born in the Divine Emperor Realm, it was true that she had spent some cultivation calamities in her mother’s womb!

She really paid a lot for Luo Xin!

Next, leave it to yourself!

Luo You Leng is responsible for letting Luo Xin reach the God Emperor Realm, then he is responsible for letting Luo Xin reach the Extreme God Realm, or even the Promise Realm!

It is indeed difficult to go from the God Emperor Realm to the Extreme God Realm after more than ten years!

But, it’s not impossible!

“Also, in the past few days of your retreat, the Void family has been harming the small forces in the heavens and the world!” Luo You Leng continued.

“Well, next, I’ll clean them up!” Ling Ye’s eyes flashed cold.

“And the rain that you said, do you really… have a way to deal with it?” Luo You Leng then asked.

“Are you worried about me or questioning me?” Ling Ye looked back at Luo You Leng.

“I” Luo You Leng closed his eyes, and then whispered: “Now you only have one life, and it is difficult to reach the limitless realm again! How to deal with it?”

“I said if you can deal with it, you can deal with it! Don’t worry about it!”

Ling Ye smiled lightly: “You don’t necessarily have to reach the limitless realm to deal with him!”

Hearing Ling Ye’s words, Luo You Leng was still worried, but he still trusted Ling Ye!

Anyway, he is very capable, and he said so, so there should be no problem.

“Speaking of which, you still have two lives left!” Ling Ye then laughed wickedly.

“It’s none of your business?” Luo You Leng gave him a sharp look.

Would you mind talking about this?

A family of three, talking and laughing, rushed towards Tianshu World.

Tianshu World is named after Tianshu College.

Tianshu Academy is the largest academy in the heavens and the world. Not only the children of the Tianshu world will enter the Tianshu Academy, but the favored children from many places in the heavens and the world will also enter the Tianshu Academy.

But recently, since the last big action of the Void Clan, since Ling Ye’s resurrection, the Tianshu World has been on short vacation!

All students, big and small, go back to their homes.

After all, in the college, the college can’t protect so many people, and it can’t afford it at all if something goes wrong!

Originally, to enter Tianshu Academy, permission was required.

However, Ling Ye never abides by these rules!

He took Luo You Leng and Luo Xin directly, that is, through the void boundary of Tianshu Realm, and came to the inside of the academy.

Because the students are not here recently, the whole academy seems to be a bit deserted.

But this didn’t affect Luo Xin’s mood at all. Even if he couldn’t show off his parents to the children, he could show off to the teachers!

Besides, as long as I have my parents by my side, I am very happy, even if I can’t show it off, I am very happy.

Luo Xin’s little hand grabbed one of Ling Ye’s fingers and Luo You Leng’s jade hand on the other, and went directly to their children’s branch.

Daddy, “We used to play here, we still have a lot of classes, and the teacher taught us a lot of things!

“The teacher taught us how to cultivate, but those teachers are not as good as me! Hehe!”

“Dad, I know a lot of words! I’ll show it to you!

Luo Xin happily told Ling Ye this and that, while floating over, picking up a book from the bookshelf and floating over again.

“I know all the words on it, but the other children don’t even recognize it!”

She came to Ling Ye with the book in her arms and opened it: “If you don’t believe me, find some of the most difficult ones for me to try?”

0… ask for flowers…

Luo Xin’s childish behavior is childish to Ling Ye and Luo You Leng, but to her, it is very important!

That soft and glutinous father called out Ling Ye’s heart with a burst of warmth.

He is also very cooperative, Luo can do whatever he wants!

Childish? But meaningful!

It is very meaningful to make my daughter happy!

Luo Xin has never been accompanied by his father and mother at the same time!

So now, I can’t wait to share everything that happened in the academy with my parents.

Introduce this in a moment, and introduce that in a moment!

Say everything you can.

Ling Ye and Luo You Leng also cooperated with her patiently.

A family of three enjoying themselves.

And their arrival was finally discovered by the academy!

Someone broke into Tianshu Academy?

That’s amazing!

Immediately, the dean personally brought many senior officials and teachers of the college, all of them rushed here!

Breaking into Tianshu College without permission? Fortunately, there are no students now. If all the students are there, then it won’t be a big deal?

However, when they arrived, they saw the happy family of three in the academy.

“Palace Master Ziyun? Master of the Young Palace?

Luo Xin and Luo You Leng could see it at a glance.

But who was the man with his back to them?

From this person, they can feel an invisible coercion, an invisible majesty!

feel a little familiar,

“Dean? How are you?” Luo Xin waved her little hand.

At this time, Ling Ye also turned around gently.

However, the moment when Ling Ye turned back, the moment when he saw Ling Ye’s face!

The moment when Ling Ye’s blood-red cold eyes turned towards them!

The dean and everyone else suddenly trembled in their hearts!

There was a flash of panic on everyone’s face, and even subconsciously retreated half a step toward the rear!


“Blood… Blood Shadow Demon Lord?”

“Lord Waster?”

How? How did he come here?

Still with Luo You Leng and Luo Xin?

What did he come to Tianshu Academy for?

This Blood Shadow Demon Lord, won’t hang around for no reason!

What does he want to do?

At this moment, the dean and all the high-level teachers’ heartbeats accelerated, with a look that was afraid of what Ling Ye would do to them.


At this moment, Luo Xin’s small hand suddenly pulled Ling Ye’s big hand, and then introduced: “That’s the dean, and the teachers!”

When this daddy shouted out, the dean and all the teachers all had their pupils suddenly dilated, and their eyes instantly widened!


What does Luo Xin call the Blood Shadow Demon Lord?




This blood shadow waste master, is Luo Xin’s father?

This Blood Shadow Demon Lord… has a daughter?

At this moment, their minds were chaotic and buzzing!

This sudden reality made them almost unable to think!

What the hell is this?

Luo Xin’s father turned out to be Ling Ye?

Is it really the Blood Shadow Demon Lord?

No wonder, no wonder she was so strong at such a young age!

No wonder she’s that kind of temperament!

No wonder her eyes are really the same as the Blood Shadow Demon Lord!

Is she really the daughter of the Blood Shadow Demon Lord?

Back then, the teachers at their academy also had such guesses!

Didn’t expect it to be so?

Is Luo Xin’s father really the Blood Shadow Demon Lord?

Doesn’t this mean that their Tianshu Academy actually accepted the daughter of the Blood Shadow Demon Lord as a student?


This made the dean and others instantly feel that Luo Xin’s identity, their academy can’t afford it!

“Dean? What are you doing?”

Luo Xin also noticed that their expressions were a bit strange, and immediately raised her chin, and then said proudly: “This is my father, the Blood Shadow Demon Lord, isn’t he amazing?”

The dean and others all twitched the corners of their mouths!


How awesome is this?

Thinking about it, they have always been curious about who’s daughter can be so strong!

Who knew, it turned out to be the Blood Shadow Demon Lord?

No wonder!

Except for the daughter of the Blood Shadow Demon Lord, whose child can be so strong?

“Also, my master is my mother, hehe!” Luo Xin then smiled.

Anyway, I’m here to show off my parents. If I can’t show off with the children, I’ll show off with the dean!

As soon as these words came out, Dean Tianshu and the others had another shock on their faces!

What a shocking reality is this?

Luo Xin’s mother is Luo You Leng, the master of Ziyun Immortal Palace?

Luo You Leng and Luo Xin are not actually a master-disciple relationship?

A direct mother-daughter relationship?


If Luo Xin’s mother is Luo You Leng, doesn’t that mean You Leng is Ling Ye’s woman?

This number one beauty in the heavens and the world is actually the woman of the Blood Shadow Demon Lord?

Luo Xin’s tender voice and the few words she said had an indescribable impact, which made the dean and teachers of Tianshu Academy all dumbfounded!

This kid… no wonder, no wonder so tough!

No wonder he is so arrogant!

No wonder there is such a detached temperament at such a young age!

So, is this her background?

How powerful is this!?

Father is the ruler of the heavens and the world, the invincible Blood Shadow Demon Lord!

The mother is the number one beauty in the heavens and the world, the palace master of Ziyun Immortal Palace, and the super powerhouse at the pinnacle of the extreme god realm!

With such an identity background, looking at the heavens, it is definitely the most powerful existence!

The strongest daughter in the heavens and the world!

Be nice!

Who would have thought that there would be such a relationship between Ling Ye and Luo You Leng?

And directly have a daughter?

This is the strongest family of three in the heavens! Qian,

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