Chapter 112 The Demon Lord and the Ziyun Palace Master are a perfect match [New Year’s Monthly Pass]

Ling Ye’s words made Ren Fanchen tremble even more.


He is Ling Ye, he is the Blood Shadow Demon Lord!

After betraying him, you still want to let him ignore the past?

Is it possible?

Of course not possible!

But… what else can Ren Fanchen do now except beg for mercy?

He continued to hold that last bit of luck: “Master Demon Lord, I know, I know my stupidity back then!”

“But please forgive me, Lord Demon Lord. With my strength, I can still serve Lord Demon Lord! Please continue to let me serve you!”

“I can still play a role! I can still go through fire and water, Lord Demon Lord!

Now, the only thing he can talk to Ling Ye about is his use value.

It is indeed impossible for Ling Ye to forgive his betrayal, but should he consider his role?

After all, he is also in the realm of extreme gods. Although it is in the early stage, he is also in the realm of extreme gods!

Can it still work?

Ling Ye should consider it, right?

Behind, everyone in Tianshujie said nothing, watching this scene!

Ren Fanchen, what can I say, the ability is naturally there!

Unfortunately, the nature of gamblers has not changed after all!

He always takes the path that is best for him!

So he betrayed Ling Ye at the beginning, followed Ye Tian, ​​and later followed the Void family, and planned to attack Tianshujie with the Void family!

This man has no loyalty in his heart!

Now in front of Lord Pang, he should pay the price!

The betrayal of Ling Ye at the beginning was the worst gambling loss in his life!

If he loses, he will lose everything!


Ling Ye smiled coldly and continued, “Prove me your role!”

After saying that, the rich blood-colored aura around his body circulated little by little.


Hearing Ling Ye’s words, Ren Fanchen’s heart sank again!

Of course he understood, Ling Ye meant…do it!

In this way to prove his role.

Isn’t this a direct sentence of his death?

Hands-on with Ling Ye?

How could he be Ling Ye’s opponent?

“I’ll give you a chance! If you can survive from me within one move, you can get out!” Ling Ye’s cold voice continued.

It is absolutely impossible to keep Ren Fanchen!

Ren Fanchen is indeed in the early stage of the extreme god realm, but for him, it is useless now!

His subordinates are not lacking in the extreme spirit realm now!

His new blood shadow demon army does not need such disloyal people as Ren Fanchen!

Hearing Ling Ye’s words, Ren Fanchen raised his head hard, stiffened his neck, and glanced at Ling Ye.

Ling Ye’s attitude is now very clear!

Or from the very beginning, he knew that Ling Ye’s attitude would never change.

one move?

Is it possible?


It could even be said to be zero!

He is only in the early stage of the extreme god realm, if it is in the later stage or at the peak, there may be a chance!

But in the beginning, this gap is not so big!

Ling Ye is now in a half-step infinite realm!


At this moment, Ling Ye’s icy voice resounded again with a somewhat commanding tone.

He disdains to kill a kneeling trash!

Hearing Ling Ye’s order, Ren Fanchen gritted his teeth.

Immediately afterwards, forcibly endured the fear of Ling Ye, and stood up!

One move, there may be no chance at all, but now he has no choice!

Only… fight!

His throat rolled fiercely, and cold sweat broke out on his head!

He never thought that one day he would fight against Ling Ye head-on!

And still alone!

He raised his head, looked at Ling Ye, and then clenched the three dice in his hand: “Lord Demon Lord! Offended!”

After saying that, his figure suddenly burst out!


At the same time, the three dice in his hand suddenly burst out!

The three dice suddenly skyrocketed at this time, spinning wildly!

In the end, like three meteorites, with the power of destroying the sky and destroying the earth, they blasted towards Ling Ye!

With this move, Ren Fanchen used all his strength and did not hold back!

bang bang…

Those three huge dice, almost covering the entire Heavenly Palace, smashed towards the seemingly insignificant Ling Ye!

And at the moment when Yin Zi smashed out, the space around Ren Fanchen suddenly distorted, intending to escape!

At this moment, he seemed to see an opportunity!

What Ling Ye says will naturally count. If she really does this trick and runs away, Ling Ye will no longer embarrass herself in the future!

Thinking like this, Ren Fanchen climbed up again with a fluke in his heart!

However, the reality of the next scene completely shattered his last glimmer of hope, his last fluke!

On the opposite side, after the three dice that covered the sky and the sun were smashed towards Ling Ye, Ling Ye was surrounded by the whole body, and the majestic blood burst out instantly!


With an explosion, a violent shock wave spread throughout the entire Tianshu world!

The entire Tianshu world is shaking!

The entire Heavenly Palace and the earth turned blood red at this moment!

Ren Fanchen’s three dice were instantly shattered!

next moment!


Ling Ye’s figure is already in front of Ren Fanchen!

Those blood-red eyes looked at Ren Fanchen with cold eyes.

“Looks like you haven’t been able to prove yourself!”

Ling Ye’s indifferent voice sounded, and the next moment, he punched him: “You lost the bet in that game!”

At this moment, Ren Fanchen was shrouded in death and despair!

Facing Ling Ye’s punch, he could only subconsciously roll out all his spiritual power and block it head-on!


The next moment, there was another earth-shattering loud noise!

A blood-colored shock wave suddenly rippled through the Tianshu world once again!

Ling Ye’s majestic punch shattered all of Ren Fanchen’s defenses, and also shattered all the hopes in his heart.

At this moment, Ren Fanchen could clearly feel that his spiritual power was instantly shattered in front of Ling Ye’s irresistible majestic power!

You can also feel that every inch of meridians and cells in your body are all bursting at this moment!

His hideous eyes, with the last despair, looked at Ling Ye’s indifferent face in front of him!

it’s over!

everything is over!

He is a gambler, he has never lost in his life, only… he lost to Ling Ye!

Five years ago, he bet on the wrong object, and he lost everything, including his life!

At this last moment, Ren Fanchen looked at Ling Ye’s expression with his last eyes, and looked at Ling Ye without hesitation!

Look at Ling Ye’s eyes like a king who scorns the world!

Why were you so stupid in the first place?

Why did you choose to betray Ling Ye?

Ling Ye.. is an invincible king!

I should have always followed him, and I should never have any doubts about him!

Unfortunately, I made the wrong choice in the first place!

Betrayed the invincible king of all ages, betrayed the ruler of the heavens and worlds!

The end is, lose all!


The next moment, with a bang, Ren Fanchen’s entire body was completely blown away!

Under Ling Ye’s punch, he turned into a blood mist and completely dissipated.

Body dead, soul dead!

Nothing is left!

A powerhouse in the extreme god realm died like this at the hands of Ling Ye!

With Ren Fanchen’s ashes disappearing, the blood-colored shock wave that filled the entire Tianshu world also slowly dissipated.

Everything calms down!

Dean Tianshu and everyone else watched this scene helplessly!

This is the strength of the Lord of Demons, and in the wave of his hand, there is nothing left of the extreme divine realm!

One punch can kill the initial stage of the extreme god realm!

Everyone is fortunate, fortunate that their Tianshu World, their Tianshu Academy, has never been an enemy of the Blood Shadow Demon Lord.

Otherwise, this is the end!

Dean Tianshu is also in the early stage of the extreme god realm. If this offends Ling Ye, isn’t it the same fate as Ren Fanchen?

He was blown to death with one punch, and the extreme god realm, which could not be found in all the heavens, was so fragile in front of Ling Ye!

In the future, you have to take good care of the little princess Luo Xin of Mistress Mistress. If Luo Xin suffers any harm in the academy, the academy is really in danger!

Alas! It is an honor for their college to have such a talented student as Luo Xin!

But Luo Xin’s background really made them feel a lot of pressure!

After Ling Ye killed Ren Fanchen, he raised his hand.

Immediately, blood qi burst out, filling the entire Tianshu world!

The void boundary of the entire Tianshu world was instantly reinforced!

After all, this is the Tianshu Academy that my daughter likes, of course, no one can break in casually.

Now with his reinforcement, basically no one can enter the Tianshu world without permission!

When they noticed the entire reinforced void boundary, Dean Tianshu and others hurriedly bowed to Ling Ye with fists: “Thank you, Lord Demon!”

This is the void boundary reinforced by the Half-step Promise Realm. If you want to break in, you must at least have the same strength as Ling Ye.

Looking at the heavens, who can have the strength of Ling Ye?

Now, their Tianshu Realm is really a safe place!

This is the asylum from the Demon Lord!

Ling Ye didn’t say much, just glanced at Dean Tianshu and others, and then disappeared!

Next, he will clean up the Void family one by one!

With Ling Ye’s departure, Dean Tianshu and others, the pressure in their hearts disappeared.

Although they knew that Ling Ye had no ill will towards Tianshu Realm, they would still be cautious in front of Ling Ye!

The kind who dare not speak loudly.

“This time, the students can all come back!”

Dean Tianshu then exhaled.

Everyone nodded.

I used to be afraid of what would happen to the students in Tianshu College, but now, it’s different!

With Ling Ye’s reinforcement, this place is safer than other places.

This feeling of being protected…

Fuck! It’s so comfortable!

This is the sense of security from the Demon Lord!

In the future, this Tianshu Academy will be covered by the Demon Lord, who would dare to mess around?

“By the way, I didn’t expect that Palace Master Ziyun and Lord Demon Master would have such a relationship? They have children?”

“I have already had such a guess, but I dare not say it.”

“Me too, I think Palace Master Ziyun and Young Palace Master are not masters and students, but mother and daughter! But I don’t dare to say,

As the saying goes, “Why do you say that you are a master and a disciple?”

“Isn’t this nonsense? In order to protect the young palace lord, I sigh! Think about how many people would have to hunt and kill her if the young palace lord’s identity was revealed?”

“Yes! But now that the Lord Demon is back, they are all safe. Whether it is the Void family or others, it is absolutely impossible to hurt their mother and daughter!”

“I said at the beginning that the young palace master may be the child of the devil master? The eyes are the same!”

“No wonder she was born so strong, her parents are so strong, of course she is strong!

“Speaking of which, the number one beauty in the heavens, Palace Master Ziyun, is only worthy of the Lord Demon Lord!”

“She also said that before, and now I think, isn’t this nonsense? Who can win Lord Demon Lord? It’s impossible for anyone!”

Ziyun: “The palace lord probably fell in love with Lord Demon Lord from the very beginning.”

“If you don’t tell me, I don’t think that the Demon Lord and the Ziyun Palace Lord… are a perfect match!”

Everyone was in a heated discussion.

Today’s sudden arrival of Ling Ye, and the exposure of Luo Xin’s identity, have had a huge impact on them!

This family of three is absolutely amazing!

The father, mother and daughter are all impeccable.

On the other side, the void world of the void family.

Part of the Void Army is gathered here at this time!

Black Moon and Sai Sha have just returned!

At this point they were all sullen.

“Half a step in the boundless realm, he has reached the strength of the year! Now, what about my Void family?”

Cold kill said coldly.

If you want to kill the peak of the extreme gods, you can definitely do it!

And the price paid is not as desperate as the battle between the peaks of the extreme gods!

Such a Blood Shadow Demon Lord is completely indistinguishable from the Blood Shadow Demon Lord who chased their Void Clan to the Void World!

Why is he so powerful? He has reached the half-step limitless realm in just a few days?

In this way, their Void Clan is really coming to the end!

“Recall Poyan and the others, and recall all the air troops outside, we need to think of a way in the future! Otherwise, there will be a dead end!” Hei Yue also said coldly.

In the past few days, they have been devouring the creatures of all realms, constantly trying to find ways to cultivate the powerhouses of the extreme gods.

But, now this 510 method is no longer feasible!

Because Ling Ye has reached the half-step limitless realm, he will never give them any chance for the Void Clan.

“Do you have a future?”

At this moment, a cold voice suddenly sounded.

This voice suddenly made the eyes of Hei Yue and Han Sha suddenly change!

The Void army that came out of this Void World also trembled fiercely!

Then, not far in front of them, a blood-red space distortion slowly formed!

Then, a figure slowly appeared!

Ling Ye!

When they saw Ling Ye, both Hei Yue and Han Sha suddenly retreated and took the initiative to distance themselves!

The Void army behind them also all retreated!

“If you all hid in that cage, maybe your Void Clan could survive!

Ling Ye’s cold voice continued: “Unfortunately, you didn’t take the chance!”

Opposite, Hei Yue and Han Sha looked at each other.

I didn’t expect him to come so quickly, and he went after him directly?

It seems that this time, he really does not intend to let them go!

Immediately, both of them gave an order: “Kill!”

Behind him, all the Void army rushed up!

They were afraid of Ling Ye, but they had to obey the orders of the Void King, which the Void Clan absolutely cannot change!

The strong can command the weak!


All of a sudden, all the Void army swarmed towards Ling Ye!

And Heiyue and Han Sha, turned around and fled!

Facing the swarming Void army, Ling Ye just raised his hand!


The vast blood energy in the whole body smashed away in an instant!

Just the swaying of this momentum has already shaken part of the Void army to ashes!

Then he suddenly clenched his palm!


Blood energy instantly enveloped the entire army, and then


With an explosion, the entire army was instantly killed!

Under that powerful blood, all of them vanished into ashes!

After destroying this void army with a wave of hands, Ling Ye’s eyes glanced at the void world.

In the depths, there are four supreme divine pillars standing!

Those are the four supreme divine pillars that the Void Clan reluctantly found in the past few years!

He didn’t do anything for the time being, but after taking a look, he chased after Han Sha and Hei Yue.

Now, let’s clean up this Void Clan first!

In the void, Black Moon and Han Sha fled forward at full speed!

In the back, Ling Ye immediately caught up!

Both of them were a little flustered at this time.

This time, did Ling Ye really stop killing them?

what to do?

Escape? Where can you escape?

If Ling Ye had already died, how could there be a place for them in the heavens and the world?

The two were completely at a loss at this time!

Although he is running away, he doesn’t know where to go!

I was able to escape to this void world before, but where else can I escape now?

Except for the void world in the deepest void!

Immediately, both of them subconsciously fled towards the void world at full speed.

They have nowhere else to go except there!

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